Well considering they've previously had a pretty anti-subsidiary mentality and always expressed how they like independence, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was already going through the efforts to making them second-party. Or Kamiya is just placating them. Would be nice though, maybe it would convince Nintendo to finally let them work on an existing IP...What manner of phuckery is this...
Platinum Games? A possible second Party???
Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/29/platinum-games-expresses-desire-for-wonderful-101-sequel
Oh and good luck with that W101 sequel. A game with average reviews and a likely worldwide flop? That screams sequel, like most of Platinum's games.
Welcome ^_^Hello family, I've been a lurker for years and just now decided to post for the first time.
I love smash, I love you. Amen.