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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007

Carl: Oh my God, Carl....How good were those matches? Seriously? I am so glad, despite finishing 4th, that I got to be part of those! Also, ALLEY-OOP!

Kirk: Sorry to be so john-worthy, man... I do believe that if you have ever lost a 2-0 lead to lose 3-2, you would understand. GGs as usual, though. No joonz overall! Oh, and I hope we actually play each other in singles next time! Also, you need to do remedial math, sir.

Goose: ....We didn't play in tourney. Well, our friendlies later kinda sorta made up for it. Oh, and do take care of that trippy rearview of yours, will ya?

Bunbun: We finally played! That first match really had me scared, dud....Zelda lightning kicks kill Samus. I'm sorry it didn't turn out like you hoped it would, though...Oh, well, now you know, right?

Craig: Dude, stop turning into a beast in brackets! Our last stock finishes are too good! Oh, and looking forawrd to hooking up again for the 6th!

Alan: GGs, bud. Also, cool sh*t when we played at the frat later. Sheik set-ups to knee are ridiculous!

Draco: Man, I was looking forward to a rematch in brackets! Your Link is too beast!

Doggalina and co: Thanks to you guys for coming over! Really glad you enjoyed your experience here! SHOW UP ON THE 6TH! ALL OF YOU!

Voorhese80240841935: Dude, we didn't play in tourney this time....It feels weird. I was looking forward to it. Oh, well, we'll have other chances.

George: You should not have gottent hat haircut. You have lost the all rights to be called "GEORGE!" henceforth.

Sir Kibble: Da Yosh! Also, please do respond when I wave to you from across the room. It's embarrassing to call your name about 10 times and wave to you and still not get a response.

DEX: Thanks for coming through again with the recording set-up, dude! Start playing with us more if you wanna work on all that stuff we were telling you about!

Hipy: Crazy-a** driver....You drive like your namesake. GGs, now that we finally played again without Goose getting in the way. That stupid bird.

Awesome, awesome tourney, fellas! The people that are here over Thanksgiving, SMASH WITH ME!

Mr H

Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
Craig: Dude, stop turning into a beast in brackets! Our last stock finishes are too good! Oh, and looking forawrd to hooking up again for the 6th!
dude im so inconsistent, but im sure i've said enough johns already lol
dec the 6th i hope every one knows wat is going to be in the sky

Awesome, awesome tourney, fellas! The people that are here over Thanksgiving, SMASH WITH ME!
il be in town wed thurs fri and maybe sat and sun :O


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2004
Saint John, IN

Doubles Final Results
1: Andrew is Bad at Melee... (BunBun + Kirkq) ($66.00)
2: PC Chris + Wes (NJzFinest + 'Fro) ($33.00)
3: KTF MagicNs (Kso4351 + Goosefactor) ($11.00)

4: Cucking Funts (Voorhese + DracoFox)
5: Beatsick (Rox-it + Lavos)
5: *****slap (Doggalina + Krup)
7: Team Low-tier (SirKibble + Anub)
7: ? (Cash + Jeck)

Doubles Pools Results: 11 teams total

1: KTF MagicNs (Kso4351 + Goosefactor)
1: PC Chris + Wes (NJzFinest + 'Fro)
3: Andrew is Bad at Melee... (BunBun + Kirkq)
3: Cucking Funts (Voorhese + DracoFox)
5: *****slap (Doggalina + Krup)
5: Team Low-tier (SirKibble + Anub)
7: Beatsick (Rox-it + Lavos)
7: ? (Cash + Jeck)
9: RedSweatShirts (Hot Pocket + Steve)
9: Turkey Fetish (Iamthemicrowave + CNN)
11: Juice (TGO + GMM)

Singles Final Results
1: Kirkq ($66.00)
2: NJzFinest ($33.00)
3: Goosefactor ($11.00)

4: 'Fro
5: KSO
5: Dracofox
7: BunBun
7: Hippy
9: Mr H
9: Doggalina
9: Jason_voorhese(numbers)
9: Krup
13: KASH
13: iamthemicrowave
13: Sir Kibble
13: Rexsolis

Singles Pools Results: 22 players total

1: NJzFinest
1: Kirkq
1: Goosefactor
1: Dracofox
5: KSO
5: BunBun
5: Jason_voorhese(numbers)
5: 'Fro
9: Rexsolis
9: iamthemicrowave
9: Hippy
9: Mr H
13: KASH
13: Sir Kibble
13: Doggalina
13: Krup
17: DEX
17: Redsweatshirtguy
17: IMP
17: Anubis
21: Jeckena
21: ATP

SSBO XXIII was a great way to end the year's low-entry SSBOs. I am happy to say that we set new attendance records for both singles and doubles; I hope to see this kind of interest continue on into next year as we start the semester off with SSBO XXIV.

With that said, I look forward to seeing everybody at Part Deux on December 6. It has garnered a good amount of interest from players outside of the usual Purdue crew, so I highly suggest attending Part Deux if you've missed out on some SSBOs or want to get a shot at other regional players like Tink, Jiano, and Big C.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
How did I get 9th if I lost all of my bracket matches? Did I have a bye or something?
most likely something like that happened - also if you were matched up with iamthemicrowave in bracket sometime you probably got a free win from that because he had to leave the tournament after his match with me 0_o


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
I'm gonna limit this to a short recap from this weekend cause I'm like extremely tired (stupid 7:30's [I can get away with that excuse this time, right Anthony? :p]).

Good **** in singles, Carl and Kirk. Heh, for once your guys' matches didn't take like 52676 hours.

Also, good **** in teams Andrew and Kirk. I was surprised by your guys' teamwork. Andrew: after teaming with you the other week and after watching/playing you this weekend, I must say that you're a pretty solid teams partner. Kirk: you're just a 2v1 guru :p. That battle on Corneria (I dunno how many times you guys played it, but it was the second to last one) was pretty epic. Only you and Carl can pull **** like that off against eachother, lol.

Awesome pre-Thanksgiving feast that I had at the frat, Alan. And thanks for sneaking up some extra biscuits :p.

Sorry for the whole Taco Bell ordeal, what with it making us late to the tourney, and for it being the culprit behind my flatulent tendencies that day....

'Fro, is that stuff on your head real?

F'n George and his F'n haircut. You better not leave early next time, you nubcake.

Jay, I know it's hard, but don't be mad at Kirk for not trading you clay (brick for noobs). True, the trade might've helped him, but it would've put his ultimate plan in jeopardy. You understand :p.

Everyone else who was at the tourney Saturday: Thanks for showing up! We had a grea turnout. It's always fun playing you, Hippy. And it was fun playing you, Doggalina and your posse. I was telling everyone that it was pretty cool of your dad (I'm just assuming he was. Sorry if i am incorrect) to drive you guys all the way down there and to stay there that long to let you play both doubles and singles. That's a pretty cool guy. Heh, HOWEVER, how come I didn't get a piece of the Panera Bread action? :(

Anyway, I'm outtie.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA

Attention all SSBO attenders!

Our current "big" tournament (SSBO [face]: part duex) is too fancy of a name to remember (johns).

Our next "big" tournament is going to be called "Joonz and Balloonz" or "JAB"

So next semester will be the grand opening of what we all hope to be a continuously running midwest melee tournament, JAB 1.

And the next one will be called JAB 2.

But the third one will be called Gentleman.

That is all.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Attention all SSBO attenders!

Our current "big" tournament (SSBO [face]: part duex) is too fancy of a name to remember (johns).

Our next "big" tournament is going to be called "Joonz and Balloonz" or "JAB"

So next semester will be the grand opening of what we all hope to be a continuously running midwest melee tournament, JAB 1.

And the next one will be called JAB 2.

But the third one will be called Gentleman.

That is all.
LOL. F'n Hot Pocket


Oh no you didn't just post the same minute I did.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I was talking to my ssb64 buddy from back home about the Dec 6th tournament:

wonsang (10:23:32 PM): so who's coming
wonsang (10:23:33 PM): that's famous
Mr Chinkinator (10:23:53 PM): jiano
Mr Chinkinator (10:23:56 PM): cosmo
Mr Chinkinator (10:23:59 PM): tink
Mr Chinkinator (10:24:03 PM): big C
Mr Chinkinator (10:24:06 PM): RaynEX
Mr Chinkinator (10:24:20 PM): maybe pkmvodka

wonsang (10:24:26 PM): my money's on jiano
Mr Chinkinator (10:24:31 PM): and maybe forward
wonsang (10:24:34 PM): nevermind
wonsang (10:24:35 PM): forward
Mr Chinkinator (10:24:36 PM): LOL
Mr Chinkinator (10:24:38 PM): yea

wonsang (10:24:38 PM): because he's cooler
wonsang (10:24:43 PM): and he plays Hugo


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
Attention all SSBO attenders!

Our current "big" tournament (SSBO [face]: part duex) is too fancy of a name to remember (johns).

Our next "big" tournament is going to be called "Joonz and Balloonz" or "JAB"

So next semester will be the grand opening of what we all hope to be a continuously running midwest melee tournament, JAB 1.

And the next one will be called JAB 2.

But the third one will be called Gentleman.

That is all.

If the 3rd one is really called Gentleman everyone should have to ware suits and speak in a gentlemanly manner. So if I lose to someone I could be like excellent game good sir. You have bested me once again. Then afterwards we could all drink champaign and participate in manly activities. It would be the classiest Smash Bros tournament ever.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
If the 3rd one is really called Gentleman everyone should have to ware suits and speak in a gentlemanly manner. So if I lose to someone I could be like excellent game good sir. You have bested me once again. Then afterwards we could all drink champaign and participate in manly activities. It would be the classiest Smash Bros tournament ever.



Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
shinedex are the vids up yet?

nvm found them, also u put kirk and bunbun vs fro and carl u put me and draco fox vs them


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2008
So, the vids may take a bit longer to upload thanks to not having a blazing fast purdue internetz and lack of motivation due to the holiday season [/johns].

nvm found them, also u put kirk and bunbun vs fro and carl u put me and draco fox vs them
Also, what does this even say? Punctuation FTW?


Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2004
Kouts/West Lafayette, Indiana
I'm excited to see NJ vs. Kirk. Steve (redsweatshirtguy) called NJ to go all the way earlier in the tourney, and he was almost right.
Those matches are far more disappointing than the usual matches between NJ and I. Had he played his Fox and Marth the matches would have been far closer.

EDIT1: The teams matches were some of the most ridiculous things I've played in such a long time.

EDIT2: 500th post. Pretty soon I'll have as many posts as those brawl pros.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2008
Yeah, I was kinda disappointed, too. Especially the end of the last match. Most. Anticlimactic. Finish. Ever.

On a side note, I started uploading all the rest of the vids. They should be up by morning.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Craig// more nairs and bairs.

and turnip destorys samus's bomb recovery, but you should not save him...

Fro// this is not really and easy match up for samus in fact, but you did well..

and, against peach, bombs would help a lot 'on' the stage.
because it makes a little wall for a turnip or low float.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Fro vs KSO (Fox) was funny.

Alan died by missiles at 92-108% all 4 stocks.

L2 Recover + DI lolz


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
So Draco was born the same day Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix was released? Happy b-day, Dragon-fox-man! Can't buy you the beers, though..... This 'Fro is a minor.
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