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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
come dec. 6th, there better be like 20 beers waitin for me.

im not ognna be 20 yet but the other way i was figurin it, it woulda been like 41 being yrs months and days. but, yes someone contribute to my delinquency.


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
So Draco was born the same day Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix was released? Happy b-day, Dragon-fox-man! Can't buy you the beers, though..... This 'Fro is a minor.
Give me the money and I will see what I can do after some Hooka tonight.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
hey kirk, if japn comes on the 6th we will both play u in megaman battle network 3, also i think i found a char that im going to use to counterpick fox & falco


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2008
Spacies counter is obviously Peach. Oh, you missed an lcancel-shine? That's a free 50% dsmash for me, then. Plus, peach is really easy to play, so it's believable that he picked her up so quickly.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Counter = one sided matchup or best character to use.
Peach has a slight advantage on Falco and gets ***** by Fox, definitely not a space animal counter.
Also, why try to l-cancel into a shine when you have lasers and grab combos? lol.

Marth is the overall best character to use against space animals.
He's even against Fox (unless the Fox plays flawlessly, then it's slight advantage Fox) and has the best advantage over Falco then any other character in the game.
The only other characters that can stand up to Fox would be Sheik, Falco, and (according to M2K) Donkey Kong.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Counter = one sided matchup or best character to use.
Peach has a slight advantage on Falco and gets ***** by Fox, definitely not a space animal counter.
Also, why try to l-cancel into a shine when you have lasers and grab combos? lol.

Marth is the overall best character to use against space animals.
He's even against Fox (unless the Fox plays flawlessly, then it's slight advantage Fox) and has the best advantage over Falco then any other character in the game.
The only other characters that can stand up to Fox would be Sheik, Falco, and (according to M2K) Donkey Kong.
flawless foxes are pretty much hard as hell to beat

also, do you have time to play smash over break? my flight back is sunday morning


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Spacies counter...hmmm...perhaps it's Falcon?

Counter = one sided matchup or best character to use.
Peach has a slight advantage on Falco and gets ***** by Fox, definitely not a space animal counter.
Also, why try to l-cancel into a shine when you have lasers and grab combos? lol.

Marth is the overall best character to use against space animals.
He's even against Fox (unless the Fox plays flawlessly, then it's slight advantage Fox) and has the best advantage over Falco then any other character in the game.
The only other characters that can stand up to Fox would be Sheik, Falco, and (according to M2K) Donkey Kong.
Agreed with Carl.

Falcon maybe able to combo space animals pretty badly,
but gets shiit ***** back at the same time.

but err... sheik can gimp space animals often, but often gets 0 to death combo.

In my opinion, Samus is not a bad choice for space animals.
gets some hard time against falco's laser
get biitched by shine by fox when grappling,

yet, other than those two, samus is pretty solid, i think.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
flawless foxes are pretty much hard as hell to beat
You would know- you play against mine all the time :p

also, do you have time to play smash over break? my flight back is sunday morning
lol, you must be having fun over there. Your poor family's seen you for the first time in what? Since Spring Break? And you're already making plans for when you come back.

Falcon maybe able to combo space animals pretty badly,
but gets shiit ***** back at the same time.
Heh, my suggestion was a joke. Both spacies and Sheik are all horrible matchups for my Falcon, and for good reason.

It just occurred to me: LOL @ us posting on Thanksgiving. We almost have lives.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004

also, do you have time to play smash over break? my flight back is sunday morning
Hmm, maybe, maybe. More focused at bboying and girls at the moment haha.
Agreed with Carl.

Falcon maybe able to combo space animals pretty badly,
but gets shiit ***** back at the same time.
Every character can combo space animals pretty badly :(
yet, other than those two, samus is pretty solid, i think.
Heh, I think only Fox players who don't know the matchup too well struggle against Samus. Fox is definitely one of Samus' worst matchups. Again, this only depends on how well the Fox is played. Falco on the other hand, definitely not that bad for Samus. I'd say it's even, but popular opinion would probably say slightly advantage Falco (which I can see).

Samus is basically a worse version of Peach. They both do well and bad in the same exact matchups except a few Mid/Low Tier matchups.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Ahhh, the family's on their way over! Bryan, you BETTER be gettin' over here soon to bail me out. You know what happens when Grandma gets here and starts drinking her Bailey's.... The plan is to just camp in John's room to avoid everyone and to play video games. Heh, my "getting things ready for everyone to come over" simply involved hiding the good gamecube controllers from our bratty cousins and only keeping out the crappy Mad Catz ones for them to play with. LOL


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Every character can combo space animals pretty badly :(

Heh, I think only Fox players who don't know the matchup too well struggle against Samus. Fox is definitely one of Samus' worst matchups. Again, this only depends on how well the Fox is played. Falco on the other hand, definitely not that bad for Samus. I'd say it's even, but popular opinion would probably say slightly advantage Falco (which I can see).

Samus is basically a worse version of Peach. They both do well and bad in the same exact matchups except a few Mid/Low Tier matchups.
Space animals have to have something bad.. =P
loooonnnnnggggg stun, that's what it is.

but umm...
if you don't know the match up, you will get hard time, no matter what.
unless the skill difference is ridiculously big.

my friend keeps on beating me with pikachu and y link. -_-;
sometimes, with his upB link.

and,, i beat him with ness all the time =P
no one plays ness. lol

i 4 stocked his falcon with ness (including 2 glitches in one match) >_>
and he lost words for a while. lol

as a samus player, i'd say
fox : samus = 65 : 35, but has chance of 55:45

falco : samus = 55 : 45, but it can be 60 : 40 or the other way around, depending on the different situations.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
lol ur all wrong about my counterpick.... i could give u hint but u would get it
If it's none of the aforementioned characters, the only true guesses I would have left are ICs and Puff, both of which have their flaws agains Fox (ICs get shine-split, and Jiggs gets up-killed). Whatever, it's not something for me to be worried about anyway.

Thanksgiving, Googers? Ah, you lucky people celebrating occasions with your families here. I haven't celebrated anything with my family in two years going on three now...:(

I'll live, though. I've got Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix! (Which is pretty good onine from what I've played so far! See me there! PS3 handle is kadhim14)

EDIT: My take on Spacies vs. Samus:

Fox 65:35 Samus. It's pretty bad, but not to the 70:30 that is Sheik vs. Samus. Samus can stifle Fox's pressure a bit, and she can edgegaurd him pretty well. On of her main weaknesses in this match-up is that Fox's vertical killing ability nullifies her recovery and survival ability. That's aside from Fox's speed and ability to get to any part of the stage at any time.

Falco: 60:40 Samus. This isn't as bas. Up-b out of sheild is really good agains Falco, and Samus's edgegaurding is twice as effective due to Falco's terrible recovery. Unlike the Fox match-up, Samus can afford to trade hits, because in most cases her hits will ba aimed to get Falco offstage. The biggest problem is Falco's lasers, which hinder Samus's ablity to spam missiles, and give Falco good stage control and a great camping option.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
If it's none of the aforementioned characters, the only true guesses I would have left are ICs and Puff, both of which have their flaws agains Fox (ICs get shine-split, and Jiggs gets up-killed). Whatever, it's not something for me to be worried about anyway.

neither of them, i havent been able to test HIM on a player yet, so im not so sure, but i might secondary HIM anyways, he is right there with ganon on tier list, a little lower than ganon but yah..... thats the hint that should give it away, but heres another anyways.... i spam ganons up air.... this char has basicly same up air but smaller, and a lot faster


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I want to say DK, but I already mentioned him.

Voorhese picked up Doc.

He can actually be rather solid against space animals. CGs and edgeguarding, too good.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Fox 65:35 Samus. It's pretty bad, but not to the 70:30 that is Sheik vs. Samus. Samus can stifle Fox's pressure a bit, and she can edgegaurd him pretty well. On of her main weaknesses in this match-up is that Fox's vertical killing ability nullifies her recovery and survival ability. That's aside from Fox's speed and ability to get to any part of the stage at any time.

Falco: 60:40 Samus. This isn't as bas. Up-b out of sheild is really good agains Falco, and Samus's edgegaurding is twice as effective due to Falco's terrible recovery. Unlike the Fox match-up, Samus can afford to trade hits, because in most cases her hits will ba aimed to get Falco offstage. The biggest problem is Falco's lasers, which hinder Samus's ablity to spam missiles, and give Falco good stage control and a great camping option.
man, you do not know. lol
sheik is meant to be destroying samus, but the theory is not really easy to pull out.
unless that sheik player is beast like KDJ or M2K or PC or some other beasts,
i'd say 60:40 maximum for sheik vs samus.

for fox, umm, samus is pretty heavy, so you can survive up to aroudn 110% on FD.
and to not get her recovery nullified, you should DI like motha fawka.

against fox, speed and shine are two biggest problems.

for falco, 60:40 is about right, but why is said 55:45 is..
as you have mentioned as well, falco's recovery is pretty fawked up.
i was playing samus vs falco with my friend, and i killed in 5 seconds on one stock, from 0%.

and umm...
i'd refuse to trade so many hits with falco. eventually it will turn negative.

falco's Dair = 12%, samus' upB = total 13% but, first hit = 1 or 2%, sometimes, 0.5% (which shows as 0%)

so... if you keep on trading hits,
you will end up like 80% while falco is less than 20%.

I'm not sure what you're talking about.
I do not know what YOU are talking about.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Samus stuff
Fox can kill her at 110% all right...But Samus can survive longer than that againt many other characters, including Marth.

As for Falco, here's the trading philosophy. It's not just about the up-b. Generally, Samus lives to higher percentages than most, if not all, the cast. Falco, on the other hand, doesn't except with really good DI and recovery mix-up. Falco can be killed at much lower percentages than Samus, so the damage in and of itself is not an issue.

As for Sheik, you don't even need to be of that level. At close levels, the Samus player has to watch out for so much more than the Sheik player. Sheik stops Samus from using her missiles with her speed and her needles, and she can gimp Samus with needles and back airs.

Also, in general, match-ups are meant to be evaluated at (roughly) equal skill. Statements such as "If this happens" or " If that situation is exploited every time" should not be taken into account when giving the general match-ups score. Looking at the results of the Samus vs. Sheik match-up over the years, as well as Sheik's inherent advantages in the match-up, 70:30 is just about right.

Vorheese, Doc? ....Heh. That'll be interesting to watch.

Also, Kirk, I don't know what I was talking about either. I guess I saw it in a dream or something. On Stadium. In a set decider agianst you. Weird. :dizzy:


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
I want to say DK, but I already mentioned him.

Voorhese picked up Doc.

He can actually be rather solid against space animals. CGs and edgeguarding, too good.
good job!!!! yah i did pick up doc, and thats why cg and edguard are amazing, and also up air = almost as good as ganons, hes like a mini ganondorf =)


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
As for Sheik, you don't even need to be of that level. At close levels, the Samus player has to watch out for so much more than the Sheik player. Sheik stops Samus from using her missiles with her speed and her needles, and she can gimp Samus with needles and back airs.
you 2 and 3 stocked me.
and that would be because i don't have that d*mn skills
plus you are better than me by a lot. O_o

Also, in general, match-ups are meant to be evaluated at (roughly) equal skill. Statements such as "If this happens" or " If that situation is exploited every time" should not be taken into account when giving the general match-ups score. Looking at the results of the Samus vs. Sheik match-up over the years, as well as Sheik's inherent advantages in the match-up, 70:30 is just about right.
personal skill is before the ability of the characters.
so yeah...

we should stop this before something ridiculous happen again like last time (banned stage things)


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
lolz or 92 that one time you forgot to DI 0_o

You sure it was one time? I die a lot from DIing into the u-smash rathr than away, which causes a lot of early deaths. Unless I see the u-smash coming, I'm probably dying early.

Also, Vorheese, give credit to Carl for making the first guess. On another note, It's not a bad idea, either, if you've ever read CKit's Fox guide.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
I think it had styles.

I remember being wood type because the tornado thing did like 200 damage to a stationary foe.

IIRC, it was one of the best in the series. It had about a million optional bosses after the main story was done and most of them were freaking impossible.
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