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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA

Mr H

Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
jay is too good he is definitely going to win it
we had the best combo in the game happen in teams at VG a CC'd D''smash to a rest

King Of Be@st

Smash Cadet
Feb 17, 2010
Purdue/ (From Indianpolis)
yo i would play in a brawl tournament. we should try to get one organized
Well, don't hold your breath. There hasn't been a Brawl tourny in the history of the club. If you wanted to arrange something for the off-weekends, instead, I know a few of our crew would show up.
Hey im just looking for more people people that plays brawl and if you know them can you direct me to them.....


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2007
West Lafaytte, IN
how does everyone pay for college??? sooo much money *sad face*

in other news, i want to come back to the tournaments. small chance i will be there this sat. i'll be rusty like no other....


Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2004
Kouts/West Lafayette, Indiana
I can't make it this weekend, huge amounts of johns the rest of this week and next. Regarding brawl, NJzF1n35t and I are probably the best in the area. We haven't really played for a year or so. If you want to see how good you are come find us, I'm probably not going to go out of my way to play because I'm lazy.

There hasn't been a Brawl tourny in the history of the club.
Incorrect. There was one.

how does everyone pay for college??? sooo much money
Tons of loans.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Unless something comes up, I'm officially coming this sat.

I'll probably do the challenge thing.

I'll also probably be up for dubs, and likely singles, but I definitely want to get lots of friendlies this weekend, I've got an... experiment... I'm working on.

See you guys then, have a good one.

King Of Be@st

Smash Cadet
Feb 17, 2010
Purdue/ (From Indianpolis)
I can't make it this weekend, huge amounts of johns the rest of this week and next. Regarding brawl, NJzF1n35t and I are probably the best in the area. We haven't really played for a year or so. If you want to see how good you are come find us, I'm probably not going to go out of my way to play because I'm lazy.

Incorrect. There was one.

Tons of loans.
I dont think your the best in this area. The best in this area is probably Krystedez he is arguably the best in Indiana. He has won the last 2 Indiana tournament before VG Bootcamp. He lost to M2k In that tournament. When and where do you want to play cause I will come and play along with my friends.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I can't make it this weekend, huge amounts of johns the rest of this week and next. Regarding brawl, NJzF1n35t and I are probably the best in the area. We haven't really played for a year or so. If you want to see how good you are come find us, I'm probably not going to go out of my way to play because I'm lazy.
Eh, during my semester in New Jersey, all I did was play Brawl with the smashers there and got immensely better, especially after Apex. I played some Brawl on and off since then while in Purdue, playing with Jayford. However, I think my Falco is still pretty good... and that being said...
I dont think your the best in this area. The best in this area is probably Krystedez he is arguably the best in Indiana. He has won the last 2 Indiana tournament before VG Bootcamp. He lost to M2k In that tournament. When and where do you want to play cause I will come and play along with my friends.
... I'm pretty sure I'm still good enough to beat Krystedez or anyone else in the state. I really want to play him nonetheless.

Then again, Kirk is a really smart player who barely even plays Melee, I'm sure he's still good at Brawl. The problem is, King of Beast, the competition in Indiana is very lacking. Winning tournaments here doesn't exactly impress any East Coast players lol.

By the way, did you know that Krystedez is in Purdue? :) He lives in Purdue village.

Let's have a Brawl smash fest soon. Well, if you want to play me, can't be too soon since I'm going to IU this weekend for a bboy competition ("breakdance"). Still, the brawl players should really really stop hiding themselves lol.

If we can get a decent Brawl community here, we can host our own biweeklies, let's do it :)

King Of Be@st

Smash Cadet
Feb 17, 2010
Purdue/ (From Indianpolis)
Eh, during my semester in New Jersey, all I did was play Brawl with the smashers there and got immensely better, especially after Apex. I played some Brawl on and off since then while in Purdue, playing with Jayford. However, I think my Falco is still pretty good... and that being said...

... I'm pretty sure I'm still good enough to beat Krystedez or anyone else in the state. I really want to play him nonetheless.

Then again, Kirk is a really smart player who barely even plays Melee, I'm sure he's still good at Brawl. The problem is, King of Beast, the competition in Indiana is very lacking. Winning tournaments here doesn't exactly impress any East Coast players lol.

By the way, did you know that Krystedez is in Purdue? :) He lives in Purdue village.

Let's have a Brawl smash fest soon. Well, if you want to play me, can't be too soon since I'm going to IU this weekend for a bboy competition ("breakdance"). Still, the brawl players should really really stop hiding themselves lol.

If we can get a decent Brawl community here, we can host our own biweeklies, let's do it :)
Ok....With that said....I dont think You can beat Vid, Ed, Or Me......but this is interesting if you can play b4 you leave to IU that will be great....Im a send you a friend request.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
Josh and Lance need to play challenge match to figure out who is 21 and who is 22 before people below can challenge them(Corey, namely).

See everyone on Saturday! Matt do you know if you're coming??

No smash at my crib tonight, I got lots of homework to do :(.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
King Of [email said:
Be@st]Ok....With[/email] that said....I dont think You can beat Vid, Ed, Or Me......but this is interesting if you can play b4 you leave to IU that will be great....Im a send you a friend request.
Sigh, you asked for it.

I'll money match all of you :) any amount. You can't decline <3

You guys can't beat Jayford or Kirkq , so let's have a crew battle moneymatch as well.

Us 3 vs you 3 and 1v1 me vs each? If you can find more people, we can add Lance and Hippy.

If I can finish my physics homework quickly, we can play tonight prolly. My number is 908-229-4029. Just send a txt so I know who to call/txt later on.

Prepare to get rocked :)


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
My Kirby and Metaknight went pretty even when I played with them today. All my other characters got ***** lol. They both were pretty knowledgeable about the game and had good tech skill. They were some fun matches. I think a 3v3 crew battle would be fun :D. Call me if you guys play tonight.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
Sigh, you asked for it.

I'll money match all of you :) any amount. You can't decline <3

You guys can't beat Jayford or Kirkq , so let's have a crew battle moneymatch as well.

Us 3 vs you 3 and 1v1 me vs each? If you can find more people, we can add Lance and Hippy.

If I can finish my physics homework quickly, we can play tonight prolly. My number is 908-229-4029. Just send a txt so I know who to call/txt later on.

Prepare to get rocked :)
worst post ever imo
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