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Super Mario RPG Mafia: Hilt lynched, Town wins!


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Omni do you think players should say and/or explain their town reads? I've seen diverse responses to this issue and I'd like to hear your stance
sure! why not?

@T-Block: have your thoughts on RR changed since yesterday? don't get quiet on me.

im getting the feel of who's going to be useful and useless this game already.

i'm not understanding Rajam at all. greatest troll of all? i don't know why he's playing the way he's playing but i can't think of a role restriction that would force him to act ******** yet he can follow up with very normal steady posts like his question towards me.

dude rajam u can die dude unless u wanna stop playing around. i am a huge fan of off'ing off useless players Day 1 even if the scent of scum is only faint. having your kind of play right now in the end game = major do not want.

more votes on Rajam people

@RR: huh i read pado's post and didn't get any huge scum reads from it. what are you referring to specifically? also totally not a fan of you AtE'ing or whatever it is you did by saying something to the extent that you always come off as scummy even according to OS. i mean that's fine and all but are you using that as justification for your play today?

@shaya: the courtesy lynch is just me being afraid to keep you alive past Day 1 if you moved into coast/not posting mode. also, i'm not letting RR continue any commotion. his quick finger pointing back to the person who put pressure on him is something he does alot as town in games i've been with him. but it doesn't automatically make him town since OMGUS'ing is never pro-town. if it wasn't for Rajam at the moment my vote would be on him


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
@Pierce: Fair enough. As long as I know when and where to pay attention to meta.

I'm currently semi-deprived of that luxury/experience, since I don't see any of the games you guys have played in before. I could look at the way we all played in BBRM aside from Omni, T-Block, and Rajam, and somewhat you (Pierce), and Shaya, since those of you were either replaced in or were not in BBRM altogther.

I'd like to see what Hilt's opinion is of the current situation. I want to ask him a question, but I'll let him catch up. Gotta finish up the rest of my studying anyways.
Shouldn't it be Red Ryu instead of T-block?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I suppose what you say is true, and his decision to post such a list seems outside what he has done in the past as town. I would agree there is some merit in your thoughts of pierce = scum.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
uh i think i vaguely remember Pierce posting "scum lists" in Chrono Trigger. i know for certain that i usually post them but i don't use scum/town/idk categories. mine is moreso along the line of who can die and who can live.

what's unsettling right now for me with Pierce is his quick and early general broad overview of everything followed into not much anything at all. not gonna really crack down on him cuz he has me listed as town (yay) but normally Pierce is much more aggressive and 1 on 1ish with his scumhunting.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!

Rajam just kinda obviously stated something along the lines of "RR, LOOK AT ME!!!!!".
Now to be perfectly honest, I'd be willing to lynch Rajam for just that. He's pretty much just claimed a role that involves affiliation of some sort, and his play has been pretty shoddy (even though I am liking him more now he's "stopped trolling"). He's breadcrumbing **** like crazy, especially with remarks such as 'kupo'. His play is pretty darn obvious, he's wanting attention.

Do people feel he is proper wagon worthy? (I guess there kinda is a wagon right now... but if we're going to push to L-2 on anyone and then demand a claim... it seems like Rajam is the obvious choice...)


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
not gonna really crack down on him cuz he has me listed as town (yay) but normally Pierce is much more aggressive and 1 on 1ish with his scumhunting.
This is why I dislike these lists.

It's easy to win Town points by simply saying you think they're Town.

Takes no effort, it's unsupported, and gets pressure off of yourself.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
@Shaya ninja: I'd like to see if his play improves some, we shouldn't be too hasty about reading into RVS "breadcrumbing".

At this point, I'd agree with a wagon on Red Ryu or Rajam, with a side of Pierce if he doesn't explain himself and his reasoning behind the list.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Quote Edit: "I'd like to see if his play improves some, but we shouldn't be too hasty about reading into RVS "breadcrumbing".


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
@raziek: i was half-way kidding about Pierce putting me on his town list and me not wanting to throw the axe on him. as you saw i have a very clear dislike for his play right now despite me being on his good side. tho i don't completely agree with you in regards to list. i won't directly explain why but im sure you can put pieces together to understand the benefits that can be gained as well. especially in the long run.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
oh and yeah Shaya. rajam wagon is so in right now. if we can't get enough content out of him then we'd at least aim for a claim.

@rajam: btw, what was the point of you asking me some of the questions you asked me? i feel like you've been kinda throwing out questions but haven't really been following up with them making me think you're only asking for the sake of asking.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
People really didn't get red flags from his post?


About the RR Vs. T-Block incident. Well, I can't believe Red Ryu said the stuff he said. Honestly, it's pretty bad, BY THE WAY, because of it being so bad I suspect he done it on purpose so maybe other scummates could try FoS'ing him to make him look like Town. I wouldn't assume he did it on purpose if he was a newbie which he isn't...

In addition to all this, I don't like justifying votes with previous games/plays for many reasons...

1st - We are on a different game with different people with different roles there is no correlation between this games and other games, all you can take from other games is PERSONAL experience about how other people play and as said PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

2nd - It's just too easy to do it. You can say someone is playing like this and you have to read a whole other mafia game, which I doubt hard someone has done it before, to figure something out and, finally, voting for that reason you figured. Honestly, seems like the perfect move for scum mates to fake a town alignment. The "previous game/play" reasoning is weak and easily dismissible.

This is on RR side.


Now T-Blocks side:

Maybe he saw how unfortunate RR's post was and just pressured to get some information outta him. Scum team saw someone pressured RR before they did and they just didn't pressure longer so the wagon would get stronger. This would put us back again on 0% progress.

He's his scum mate trying to look like town. Since he used the "previous games/plays" justification too this is still a viable supposition. But still can't be confirmed, I believe nothing can be confirmed so early in this game. Remember that all this is EASILY dismissible, I'm pretty much bringing this back to life lol.

End of T-blocks side.


Overview of the incident.

I don't like the votes justification, they are bad, I don't like lynching people because of previous plays it's just too inaccurate. I'd rather analyze this more later on.



I believe we should just focus on Rajam throwing away votes like this. I just hate when people start throwing away votes without any reasoning AND using the RVS as justification is no more acceptable since we all reached a consensus that it should end when things started to happen.

FoS: Rajam

And waiting for a good answer on: why are you doing this Rajam?


Ninja'd by many people LOL
A lot of assumptions right here, seriously thinking I'm scum is one thing, but me with T-Block as a scummate is absolutely idiotic.

Meta is a very valid thing to bring up, you consider it because it can help with certain traits if you see patterns. I saw a clear pattern in T-Block opening very similar to ho he did in another game, where as in others games where he flipped town he did no such thing.

Meta is legit to bring up.

Wow, seriously? This makes me think even more you said all the stuff before on purpose. Come on RR, why are you telling other people to FoS you? Was that your intention all the time?
Is he seriously understanding why I asked that, he could have easily put two and two by simply reading the game.

He's not trying to scum hunt, he's trying to paint a target with poor reasoning.

Town or scum doesn't matter, we're better off with him dead.

Scum picks, Pado, T-Block, Rajam.

Any of them can die.

@Raziek: Well sometimes, you gotta do what ya gotta do, and in this case I gotta.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i got the read that Pado was reaching-for-straws-trying-desperately-to-give-me-a-detailed-answer-kinda-new-player townie. his reads are way too farfetch'd for me to believe that scum would approve of that posting content and he does appear to be trying. moreso what i can say for Rajam at the moment.

@Chibo: what are your thoughts on pierce


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Let Omni and T-block defend themselves. You're wasting a chance to create more pressure

FoS: Pado

The RVS non-sense is fun. fun fun fun friday fun
( breadcrumbing a c-claim to RR here btw

I'm also trying to evolve into the ultimate trollish style who shall reign in mafia games forever and ever aleluia lalalala * musical note *

No one claimed Smithy. I think someone is lying. Making some progress here
lol @ "persist". RVS lasted 2 pages, a couple of hours, and like 8 or less posts for me. Also, look at the first statement in my #221. RVS too good for trolling
The second post I quoted is #221 btw.

Bait's been set.
I bite

Vote: Rajam
FoS: Red Ryu


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Right now, I want to know why Red Ryu is still posing as Rebecca Black. Seems extremely fishy to me, especially considering it's an Overswarm game. I don't know him VERY well, but it doesn't seem like his style to me.

I also want to know what's up with Rajam. He's had more than enough experience of being under fire to bring such negative attention to himself deliberately.

Raziek, the reason I made a full claim list is because I realize that in addition to finding ties between other people, creating ties from myself can help others later if I'm lynched. Also, it provokes more discussion on different players, and helps me personally to keep track of things. I don't really see how making my opinions of people known is a powerful scum tool, especially on Day 1, when nothing is strong enough to take major action or make plays anyway.

When I get off work today, I'll head into a more deeper investigation.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Raziek, the reason I made a full claim list is because I realize that in addition to finding ties between other people, creating ties from myself can help others later if I'm lynched. Also, it provokes more discussion on different players, and helps me personally to keep track of things. I don't really see how making my opinions of people known is a powerful scum tool, especially on Day 1, when nothing is strong enough to take major action or make plays anyway.

When I get off work today, I'll head into a more deeper investigation.
Alright, I can understand making ties, but here's my problem with this.

Like you said, it's too early to take action or make major plays. However, that only applies as Town.

Scum can easily look at your list and find out an easy wagon to push, simply by looking at the people you marked as scum, and making a case on one. Obviously that's not foolproof, since someone might draw that connection, but that's where the WIFOM comes in.

It gives Town an insight into your opinions, but like I said, it also paints easy targets for scum to push mislynches.

That's my main beef with it, but thank you for justifying why you posted it, at least.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
Yup, it's just me being me.

Or something.
It's just a game and it's for fun, that is why I play how I play.
Vote: Pado

I'm perfectly fine with this.
Is this they way you are playing? Is this the way you usually play? I can understand now why you said you are a top scum pick, check below.

Yeah, I know Omni, It's mostly since, every game I go into people want to kill me all the time and I'm usually a top scum pick since I'm pretty bad at mafia and look scummy as all hell.

Why else does scum let me live til end game all the time?

This is what OS and others have said about me. I can't look like obvious town, never could.

Fun Fun Fun Fun: UTD Pado
If you post like this on everygame of course you are going to be picked as top scum. You can't be mafia because you look scummy and you can't look as obv town because you never could? WHAT? You are bad in both ways?

Thinking that way , IIRC, you said that if people lynch me, town would just kill bad town/obv scum, win-win right? Well, you just told everyone on this post that you fit exactly on that statement.

Pado, I don't like where your going with this.

How are we gonna have a fun fun fun fun day on Friday with my friends?

And if you knew how me and Omni interacted in past games you would understand it more. Scumni and my lol comments at him are referenced to him, lol.

Man everyone wants to kill me today. :awesome:
Once again vague and at the same time really strange. I can't understand your posts. You just throw away something serious and then go back justifying with previous games or making fun of something.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
To further address what Omni said about me, I'm usually really aggressive when I catch a whiff of something scummy. Right now, that whiff is Rajam and Red Ryu, and I definitely do plan on building strong cases on both of them, but their play is almost TOO scummy, as if there's something critical I'm missing, and I'm trying to determine it.

I'm just honestly not ready to believe that these players are legitimately that bad at being scum. Maybe a little too much self-induced WIFOM, but this is an Overswarm game, so I'm trying to find what I feel is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Also, I like to collect data, lists, and quantify things and organize things, because one thing I've learned is that numbers don't lie. I largely attribute my success in CT Mafia (if you can call it that -_-) to the fact that since I was inexperienced and didn't know how to make proper reads, I just stayed organized and looked at the facts on paper. I'm building a lot of facts now.

Lastly, I'm actually better at determining what I think based off of my analysis of external interrogation and interaction, than my own direct interactions. That seems silly, but this has only gotten stronger since I've been reading a lot of Mafia and playing little. That isn't at all to imply that I won't be doing a significant amount of drilling of my own, as I'm sure everyone will see today.

tl;dr, I'm coming Omni, just hold on a sec.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
that's what i like to hear.

and i agree with your 2nd statement 100%


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
Once again vague and at the same time really strange. I can't understand your posts. You just throw away something serious and then go back justifying with previous games or making fun of something.
And, about that post I commented, it just look a lot like Rajam's posts. You guys say something serious then go back hiding on the funny-rebecca-friday-funfunfun stuff, this is kind of a stupid parallel but I can't see any reason for doing this since the RVS phase is pretty much over (at least for me). This kind of posts just **** up the town's reads since everything starts to get so confusing.

Rajam is getting his posts a little better but the funny stuff is still there I wonder why right now, why are you guys overextending this? IMO this is bad for town it just makes us confused, if town agree with me (that all this rebecca-stuff is bad for us) could you guys please stop with all this bull****? If not, why are you guys still wanting to make town confused?


just in case...


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@Zigsta: Hmm...when did he say it was his first mafia game? So you think it's unlikely that Red Ryu and I are both scum... any reasoning for that? What is it about his play that makes you think he's not putting pressure on a scummate to gain distance?

Also, what's your prior mafia experience?
Oops, I misread that.

This is my first time.

Ignores the meat of my post. Not gonna jump on him for it, but it should be noted.

RR continues to be distracting. Yesterday, my read on RR was null - I considered his accusations to be dumbtown instead of scummy, based on what I saw in Pokemon mafia. However, he was always completely serious in Pokemon mafia, and these recent posts seem out of character... I have never seen him as scum. It's possible he is using humour as a defense mechanism, in order to cover up how he deals with pressure. Leaning slightly scum at the moment for me.

Raziek is on my radar now, but it's more of a gut feeling from the way he comes down hard on RR and Rajam for their antics. Could just be his style, but the only town game I've seen him play is DNM, and he was absent for a decent amount of it. It's a little weird that he goes so in-depth about not liking Pierce's list. I think the list is fine - we want to see players' stances.

More to come.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
I'm fine with Pierce's building up a list but I'm do not agree with people throwing random lists at random times, I mean, once you are doing it give us a good reason why you are doing it.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
How can you make a list with so many no-nulls this early?
This list is indeed too early and probably will only biase your oppinion and several players' oppinion later. Please don't put these reads in stone

The T-block/Raziek/Red Ryu/Omni interaction was interesting and helped in moving us out of RVS, but nothing more. At least for me, all that was a whole null

Pierce, which do you think are truly sympthoms of scumminess? like, do you think flavor-talking is scummy?

Not liking Pierce so far. Following on votes seemed like fake-contribution to me. That list this early will probably misguide you and us if you commit to it too much, with so much null-ness so far.
Since the list seems like a hot topic, I don't mind going into it deeper.

It's UNUSUAL for me to have this many reads on players despite the fact that it's this early in the game. Although I'm not going to start blasting off about every minor detail and insist I'm sure people are scum, I have a tremendous reason to raise my eyebrows at everything that's happened so far. That being said, I feel it's a little EARLY in the game for people to be acting this strange without some unforseen reason. The obvious scum tactic would be to just act normal, because it's day 1 and they're automatically and naturally hidden. There's no flip to go off of, nothing, just stuff we start building.

So why is it that Red Ryu and Rajam are acting so weird? Posing as Rebecca Black is weird, and furthermore, SEEMS like something OS would put into his game (he's fond of posting restrictions) so I'm trying to determine if that's WIFOM on my behalf, or if my suspicions are justified. Red Ryu is an intelligent individual. I've never been scum, but if I were scum, I would not think, "Hmm, let me start acting like Rebecca Black! That will totally draw attention away from me, and make people think I am Town!" It just doesn't add up.

Rajam is just a bundle of inconsistency. He first votes randomly, and even posts gibberish, then he says he's finally leaving RVS (well after the rest of town decided to do so), and claims it was all in good fun. Then he contradicts even that by saying he was using it as a strategy. At this point, I just don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

T-Block is simply acting like a standard townie to me. Omni and Raziek are both action like good townies. Furthermore, they're buddying (which I suspect is going to give me hell later if one of them flips, and I pray they're both town). Obviously, this isn't a tell, because scums whole job is to act like a standard townie, and that's really easy to do on day one, especially if you have obnoxiously obvious targets.

Mafia normally isn't this . . . easy. Do I have a good scumdar? Maybe, I have an OKAY one, I think. However, to me, the paths seem too obvious, and I feel like making the obvious votes on day one is just walking into a trap.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I see Krystedez being dragged into flavour talk again, partly instigated by RR -_- Then he AtE's to defend it.

Oh right, Pado's post... I will probably label it as dumbtown judging from previous games, but that was a terrible post. To see the interaction between RR and me and immediately jump to the conclusion that we are scummates is...dubious. To be honest, I don't have much of a problem with the conclusion itself (dumbtown, as I said), but I am getting the feeling he is reaching for something to contribute, so he brings up a possibility that no one has really mentioned, without much regard to plausibility, and turns it into an "Aha!" moment.

Rajam, I didn't mind as much... he was not nearly as distracting as RR, and now he seems to be playing seriously. However:

Shouldn't it be Red Ryu instead of T-block?
This post follows directly after Omni's post where he mentions Rajam a lot, saying he is perfectly fine with this lynch. Rajam ignores all that, and instead goes IIoA. Why does it matter that Krystedez said the wrong name? Rajam hasn't posted since then.

Frick this game moves fast.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
you completely misread what i said.

i am telling you to seek clarification. what i was referring to was RR's town-tell. what you were referring to was some non-existent scumtell that you believed i had on RR.

it's unimportant and pretty useless to banter on it but i want you to see that you're misreading what's actually being said.

@shaya: ill answer your stuff tomorrow. sleepy sleepy
RR? I was talking about what you said about Shaya

Why are you obsessed with Boywer right here? Or so sure he is in this game?
If he was do you think he would reveal that fact?

What about that "super secret" boss in SMRPG, that is a FF-esque character? He was made specifically by Square for that game I believe. I could be wrong. I know he doesn't say Kupo. But... an underling might...

*shrugs* I don't know much about those creatures tho, and whether or not they'd serve some fantasy entity in a mario game... It's a possibility though.
Why did you bold underling?

I'm voting Rajam. -_-
@MOD I really don't want to talk against the game mod or anything, but last game I played you hosted OS literally 95% of the vote counts you made were wrong. This is EXTREMELY hurtful to players.

what's unsettling right now for me with Pierce is his quick and early general broad overview of everything followed into not much anything at all. not gonna really crack down on him cuz he has me listed as town (yay) but normally Pierce is much more aggressive and 1 on 1ish with his scumhunting.
Not much anything? This is the second day of the game.

@Chibo: what are your thoughts on pierce
Nothing I don't like really yet. Though on the flip side nothing screams wow town to me. I was ok with the list, and one reason for that was him pointing out me being town. I'm actually semi-serious about this actually. Everyone knows they can make an easy lynch out of me, but for the group of people who can read me legit and have caught onto my style (Pierce being one of them who I've seen predict my role in most games I'm in that he's read or been in, Poke Mafia being the most recent), them actually continuing said reads on me and not going for an easy lynch looks more town than scum to me.


I'm incredibly confused by Rajam. His excuse for some things being RVS and some not I feel like I don't know what is what. Afaik there is still no explanation for any of the votes he did, I don't know what questions are legit, and he's using it to mask up any action that people don't seem to like. Seems pretty scummy (since it's misleading town), or at the least AWFUL town play that I don't want to deal with. Currently my top lynch choice of the day.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@RR: I see you actually have me listed as a scum pick. What is your meta based on? The only game I have played with you is Pokemon mafia.

@Omni: It's just a gut feeling on Raziek. I am paying attention to him though, and now I think it's weird that he is on Pierce for this list. The pressure seemed to pick up after Rajam said he had the same feeling too. Why are you buddying Raziek?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
For the record, these series of posts are made as I read through the thread.

After reading Shaya's post about the breadcrumbing, I wouldn't mind seeing a claim from Rajam. Name claim before role claim in this game imo. Deciding whether to lynch him can come afterwards... I don't think this is mafia play from him, but it is confusing and I want it cleared up.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Raziek is on my radar now, but it's more of a gut feeling from the way he comes down hard on RR and Rajam for their antics. Could just be his style, but the only town game I've seen him play is DNM, and he was absent for a decent amount of it. It's a little weird that he goes so in-depth about not liking Pierce's list. I think the list is fine - we want to see players' stances.

More to come.
The only Town game you've seen me play is DNM?

T-Block, are you serious? Not only was I SCUM in DNM, we were BOTH in BBR Mafia (I was Town), and I was active as hell! You can see equally similar play in my performance as Town in Path of Radiance Mafia, if you tread into DGames.

I was only absent from Death Note because of Exams and Christmas, lol. That ate the entire month range of November 25thish to January, practically.
Big Explanation of the List
Thank you, this is more along the lines of what I was looking for. :)

I agree with your explanations.
Nothing I don't like really yet. Though on the flip side nothing screams wow town to me. I was ok with the list, and one reason for that was him pointing out me being town. I'm actually semi-serious about this actually. Everyone knows they can make an easy lynch out of me, but for the group of people who can read me legit and have caught onto my style (Pierce being one of them who I've seen predict my role in most games I'm in that he's read or been in, Poke Mafia being the most recent), them actually continuing said reads on me and not going for an easy lynch looks more town than scum to me.
Again with the confirmation bias. I understand your reasoning, but don't let it blind you to possible intent BEHIND the list.

I'm ok with Pierce's reasoning now that he's explained it, I just don't like unsupported lists.

Pierce: Could you elaborate on your Town Chibo read, and your Scum Krystedez read, please?

They were the only two non-nulls that you didn't explain, and I'd like to know what makes you feel that way about them.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Oh, that was my bad Raziek. I actually did mean to type BBR, and it was me that wasn't there because I was a background role lol. The overall sentiment still stands though.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Underling, someone that probably serves that optional crystal boss monster. I highlighted it just for emphasis, maybe thinking he is an underling to another character like that, and the only ones that could possibly say kupo are moogles, and they known for their menial and joint objectives with the player or in-game npcs/services. However, all of this is speculation and argueably useless flavor talk, but it might help to know what the heck he is breadcrumbing like a mad bat-mole here. No known character in RPG is actually moogle. So I digress.

I'd like to think that he was just being random. Like I do sometimes, putting :awesome: faces or joking around. Or maybe he said kupo, because he may very well be Culex himself. He may very well be scum or seperate-faction-aligned, because Culex did not have a passion to destroy anyone or anything, but simply to do a certain Dark Mage's bidding: conquering their world. HOWEVER...
"Thank you, brave knight. I will treasure this memento of my journey here. Perhaps in another time, another game, we may have been enemies... Let us part as comrades in arms."
Speculation speculation speculation. I'm done.


I agree with Pierce on the walking into a trap thing, I mean, it's looking again way too obvious who the lynch targets are, and there are good ways of detecting a lynch target. We just haven't found the right method yet. Obviously my speculation is easier to type than simply looking at each and every post with a fine-tooth comb, but I will probably end up doing that tonight as a way to release stress from how horrible I'm going to do my test in about an hour, so... hah...hahahaa... :cry: So prepare yourselves.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh, that was my bad Raziek. I actually did mean to type BBR, and it was me that wasn't there because I was a background role lol. The overall sentiment still stands though.
I've been heavily active in every other game since (all as Town), and the sentiment still stands?

Care explaining? :urg:


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I've only played two games with you. You were scum in one, town in the other. In the game you were town, I didn't have much chance to interact with you. So, I have a gut feeling to watch out for you, but I don't have much exposure to your town play, so it's not much more than that.

Still not sure of what to make of how you're approaching these lists though. You are null atm to me.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I've only played two games with you. You were scum in one, town in the other. In the game you were town, I didn't have much chance to interact with you. So, I have a gut feeling to watch out for you, but I don't have much exposure to your town play, so it's not much more than that.

Still not sure of what to make of how you're approaching these lists though. You are null atm to me.
Alright, fair enough.
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