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Super Mario RPG Mafia: Hilt lynched, Town wins!


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
At this point though if UTDZ doesn't shape up his line of thought tho, it goes without saying that a claim would help us all in the end in case Pado doesn't come back before the end of toDay.

See, I'm looking at it this way; we either wait it out, get Pado to claim (if at all), and lynch him (if his claim is not enough to believe he is town)...

Or, get Zac to claim now, and make our last minute decision tonight so the rest of town can move on over to the Zac wagon or stay on the Pado wagon.

*sigh* at this point, the possibility of Pado coming back is null, so if you all think it's better to get UTDZ to claim now and make our wagon-choice based on that, it's cool with me.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Outside of inactivity, do you have any other reasons why you think I'm scummy / should be lynched? Or are just wanting me to claim cause it's easy?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I think picking hilt was worse than others you could have just suggested. Raziek switched out - he was extremely inactive. Tin Man has been extremely inactive, he switched in.

I know what hilt thinks about players, and also he has made good points/posts/cases against people as well.

The likes of Rajam think keeping Tin alive is a good idea.
Bardull is giving "raziek" a honey moon period.
You're likely the most inactive (day 1 + 2) person out of anyone else.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I love it when people try to play the hypocrisy card.

First of all, I held off on giving you any heat for only one reason. You promised content. You come back and give minimum content. Now the heat comes. I try to, when I do post, make my posts worth something.

You came in saying you did a reread and had concluded that Tin Man was scum, and that you would say why the next day. Two or three days later you return, point out one post that Zigsta made, and expect that to be enough? An accusation full of wifom, at that.

Point out my inactivity if you'd like, but even in your few moments of activity you have given little content, done little scum hunting, made promises you barely kept, and done whatever you could to get by. This has gone on for two days. I would rather it didn't repeat any more.

Vote: UTDZac


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
5 people are not even voting with less than 24 hours for deadline and minimum progress toDay...

Zac, Tin Man, Hilt, Krystedez: What the #$% are you waiting for?? where's your vote?

Zac: useless, inactive, and scummy as a consequence. good lynch toDay.
Tin Man: useless but town. At least do something and vote
Hilt: Why aren't you voting? You've said nothing also regarding my town reads on Krys and Tin Man. I have asked you twice, and this is the third time, to tell me if my read on Tin Man town is accurate or not, based on what I posted before
Krys: Stop being so undecisive and just put a vote

BarDulL: you also aren't voting. How's the re-read? If you had to put a vote now, who would you go against? do you feel confident enough to put a vote or would you prefer to avoid that commitment? Do you have a town read on me? Because you are my strongest town read and I would like to know if you would join me with your vote

Pierce why so inactive? Do you still consider Hilt scum, or was that vote for inactivity?

Will put my reads on a scale meter:

Tin Man
Sorry I definitely did fall inactive. Hectic times, but today is my last final, then onto free time. Omni, you have the right to be mad at me.

I think Rajam is townish based on his play toDay, but I'm surprised that no one called out his list which doesn't clearly explain his tells, since mine got so much heat.

The way Rajam seems to change his mind a lot suggests to me that he's townish. I feel his scum game would be more confident and focused.

ok after reading D1 a little more + recent events, I don't think Pierce is scum either, so drop him off my scum list. My highest 2 scumpicks, Shaya and Padô, are willing to lynch him. Could be a bus, but with T-block already dead and being so close to deadline, these votes are highly likely with the intention of lynching Pierce more than anything; also Pierce not doing anything so close to deadline only makes him more close to get dead, and I believe scum would've already told him to do something.

As I said, there's also D1, with this interaction:



Why would T-block make Pierce speculate with that question knowing RR wasn't scum?
I think, that if Pierce is T-block's scummate, he would've "parroted" that answer a lot more, but instead Pierce threw a simple statement, not wishy-washy on the slightest, and not "throwing garbage" or something similar to either RR or Padô


Omni what do you think of this?
What T-block's question (in 382, quoted above) makes you think about Padô?
More on Padô:






T-blocks being defensive on Padô. He even took the time to look where Raziek called him scum
ok, read up to 60, and i feel really good about rajam. t-block's earlier attempt to continue pushing for a rajam lynch after rajam claimed seals the deal for me, so yea i'm content with holding hands with you rajam.

pierce is looking better in my book, but get more active plz (since apparently you are getting voted for inactivity.)
Nice. LOL @ me being inactive finally persuading you that I'm town, but I suppose it's for the better. Since we're both thinking the other to be town now, let's find scum. Very quality post that is making you lean way more townie for me.

I can agree to this. Doesn't seem like something scum would do to their partner. I do not, however, understand your reasoning for finding Tin Man as town. Could you lay down a summary for it? As little he's done during the duration of the game, I would be completely fine lyching him during the early game. He hasn't, and most likely won't, do anything that will give a town or scum read, and if that's the case, I would rather not allow him to live on into the endgame.

As for your opinion on Krystedez, I can see where you're coming from. While Krys' play has bothered me, I don't think lynching him is the best option. Pierce's play I don't like. He has been in a sense, like me, a shadow. Pierce, question. Am I the play? You've left your vote on me for the entirety of the day, and haven't really... done much with it. Was it merely a pressure vote? Pushing me to be more active? Well, if that's the case, and you don't think I should be lynched, who do you want the play to be? If it's not the case, and you do want me dead today, start convincing town.

I'm going to be honest. With the lack of actual activity we've seen, I'm not having much of any strong scum reads. I can say that Tin Man and Pierce are two who's lynch I would be fine with at the moment, based on what else I've said in this post. Haven't gotten around to my Shaya reread, but I haven't forgotten. Still have some more double checking to do before I give a final opinion.
No, you are not the play Hilt. I'm fine with Tin Man, but I'd prefer Pado.

I'm for killing Zac then. Two days in a row of little activity with little excuse. Pado is a headache but at least has "posts" to make your head hurt with.

Vote: .

Zac ninja posted.
I'm going to wait to hear this (half an hour).

I've been pretty screwed over by migraines for the past few days/close to a week now, my thoughts are jumbled.
A somewhat random flavour question to those who are quite experienced in Super Mario RPG (if there are any around; and are willing, it's not too important - I haven't played Super Mario RPG). What characters in this game do you think would be a serial killer or a vigilante?
I think Johnny or Jinx would be a vigilante, and Croco for an SK. Why do you ask?

Well I'm probably going to sleep soon. And I doubt I'll be up for the deadline.

Vote: UTDZac
If you catch this, I think Pado is going to be the play of toDay, based on time restrictions.

Vote: Pado


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Outside of inactivity, do you have any other reasons why you think I'm scummy / should be lynched? Or are just wanting me to claim cause it's easy?
You've been doing nothing and stalling the Days. Just claim and we'll see if you're worth a lynch or not

Note: I'm going to Paul McCartney's concert today and I'll stay around until like 13:30 ~ 14:00 chilean time (I think it's NY time - 1 hour), can't stay longer than that. I'd like a lynch coming before that if possible


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
I'm fine with a UTD claim, but there's no where close to enough time to get a Zac claim, analyze, and then lynch an alternative if necessary. We should just lynch Pado at this point, for time sake.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile

I made this salvo because I was bringing back T-Blocks side into play once again (which was forgotten during the rest of the Day), IIRC I was the only one who suspected he could be Mafia at the start of the game because of that incident with RR, it wasn't as I expected (RR and T-Block scummates) but he was scum.

I didn't do it on RRs side because he was already with the spotlights at him so It wouldn't be necessary to say all the **** he done could be dismissed because it actually couldn't because he died later on.


At first I suspected T-Block of being scum because with his interaction with RR at the start of the game, he seemed a little bit unsure about voting RR and at the same time told people to lynch him, maybe he was just scum trying to make himself look town by FoS'ing someone clearly scummy.
But then, as the game proceeded he start to look more safer then usual just following Town's options, doing a little bit of scumhunting and asking good questions to some players. I was starting to go from scum read to leaning town.

As for Chibo, IMO he was null, he didn't contribute too much but he did a really good job at answering a lot of questions about himself and whom he was suspecting off like he does often on other games, nothing special at all, btw I can't get precise reads on Chibo TBH I never could I believe other people have seen me saying this.

After re-reading a few things I gotta agree with you Rajam, Shaya hardly interacted with T-Block and this could make him a suspect but, I still can't understand why you wanted name claims right now. I'm not against it but I don't feel we need something like this right now, we are just at the start of Day2 there's a lot to happen yet.

I'm voting Shaya because I feel Rajam has the best play so far, it's the only one, at least for me, which is a confirmed townie and brought up good points by remembering us that he was the one which pressured RR and Chibo quite enough to worth a vote.

Vote: Shaya
Shaya, this is why I think both you and Padô can't be mafia. This was early D2, and there's always the chance of a bus due to how early the vote was, nonetheless with T-bock dead and the game being 13 players which suggest no more than 3 mafia guys, I think the chance of a bus is unlikely.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

hm. so are we looking at Pado or UTD? lol @ us lynching UTD for the same reasons why i wanted him dead yesterDay. told ya so.

what happened to Shaya? did his wagon suddenly drop for the day? i kinda want him dead because im having a hard time reading him, but since Rajam put some flame under his *** today he's been having really good content minus the whole 'Rajam/Omni being scum buddies' fling

if its going to be Zac or Pado jesus that's a tough decision. i still want Rajam dead but i cant understand why nobdoy wants to get on board even with my arguments. speaking of which

@Rajam: why the heck did u want to hold my hand anyway? was there something specifically that changed your mind?

i like UTD dying over Pado

hmmm i saaaaaay

first one to claim lives *boohoobwabwa*

but no serious we're short on time. im mad Raziek is gone. Zigsta/Tin Man has been ghost to me in regards to just reading into him. Pierce is making me uncomfortable with his low aggression. Shaya is still scary and can always, always die.


Vote: Pado


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
LMAO, I know this was directed at Rajam, but the deadline is in less than 4 hours, and it's the middle of a weekday, where everyone is at work or school.

At this point, anyone distracting from the only viable wagon is looking scummy to me.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
why do i get the feeling that you're going to kill me when u say that



Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile

hm. so are we looking at Pado or UTD? lol @ us lynching UTD for the same reasons why i wanted him dead yesterDay. told ya so.

what happened to Shaya? did his wagon suddenly drop for the day? i kinda want him dead because im having a hard time reading him, but since Rajam put some flame under his *** today he's been having really good content minus the whole 'Rajam/Omni being scum buddies' fling

if its going to be Zac or Pado jesus that's a tough decision. i still want Rajam dead but i cant understand why nobdoy wants to get on board even with my arguments. speaking of which

@Rajam: why the heck did u want to hold my hand anyway? was there something specifically that changed your mind?

i like UTD dying over Pado

hmmm i saaaaaay

first one to claim lives *boohoobwabwa*

but no serious we're short on time. im mad Raziek is gone. Zigsta/Tin Man has been ghost to me in regards to just reading into him. Pierce is making me uncomfortable with his low aggression. Shaya is still scary and can always, always die.


Vote: Pado
I don't think you're mafia. If you're scum, you are indy. With T-block flip I've been focused all Day finding his conections and I want to lynch his possible scummates. Indies can go later

I agree :troll: (<- the troll face is for whoever claims second)

Why, if you said Zac over Padô, and you were saying Zac since D1, you now vote Padô? I'm not telling you to change your vote at all, because honestly I like more Padô lynch than Zac (though I'm 100% comfortable with Zac's lynch as well), but I'm looking for clarification


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
cuz i havent found Zac scummy at all. ive only been on his tail (Day 1 that is) because of inactivity to make him post more.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Pado - Rajam, BarDull, Tin Man, Pierce7D, Omni,
Pierce - Pado
UTD Zac - Krystedez, Hilt, Shaya

Not voting: UTDZac,

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Wednesday, May 11th, at 3:00 p.m.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Alright. I'll vote now and get it over with I guess. Don't want to miss it.

Vote: Pado

Pado, if you DO come on before OS does the lynch scene/before Twilight is over, you may as well reveal everything as much as you can. I can't be bothered to watch this topic for another hour waiting for you.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Pado - Rajam, BarDull, Tin Man, Pierce7D, Omni, Krystedez
Pierce - Pado
UTD Zac - Hilt, Shaya

Not voting: UTDZac,

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Pado (Peach, Town Princess) has been killed!

Night 2 begins!

There will now be two Night phases back to back!

Send me your Night actions ASAP for Night 2. I will then post the results and you will send in your results for Night 3. Then play will resume as normal.

The faster you send in your Night actions, the faster this can go on.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@Mod, Why was there no Twilight Phase as described in Voting and Lynching: Rule 5?
There was. It was about 8 minutes long. It started when Krys hammered, ended when I posted the lynch scene.

The "twilight" phase isn't of a set time limit (minimum or maximum) and is merely the definition of the length of time inbetween the hammer and the lynch scene where no voting or actions can take place, but other game rules still apply.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Night 2 Ends!

Rajam (Toadofsky, Town Musician) has been killed during the Night!

Night 3 begins!

Do not post. It is Night 3. Posting will more than likely result in your modkill

Night actions are due by Monday, May 16th, at 3:00 p.m. EST


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I couldn't decide on a picture.
Night 3 Ends!

Krystedez (Bowser, Town Distractor) has been killed during the Night!

Day 4 begins!

With 7 alive it takes 4 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Wednesday, May 25th at 3:00 p.m. EST

Not voting:
BarDull, UTDZac, Tin Man, Omni, Pierce, Hilt, Shaya
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