Now that I look at your posts, it amazes me that I didn't lose my DS or the two SSB games I brought with me o_O
Same for my Wii, my laptop, the video projector a friend lended for the tourney (the one for the finals), my sensor bar, my sleeping bag, my bottles of juice in the fridge and my phone that I had left on the main desk when I was doing my interviews and stuff.
On the last day though, someone stole my sleeping bag and my boxers (??!) around 7AM, I found them in the other venue 2 hours later, against a wall.
Also, the remotes of 2 of my TVs moved to the other venue and were found on the ground, under power sockets. I have no idea what the guys who've done this had in mind.
I was glad to be here and felt bad about the late of the tournament...Also was disappointed for the Melee finals. The Brawl finals were crazy, so the logic would say the Melee finals would be even more exciting, though it didn't happen.
But well, Melee brackets were already crazy as hell (:
That was too bad for some players though, lots planned to stay only one day, and couldn't attend everything they wanted to because of the late (Glutonny, Bjay, Gorn...I think there are others)
Also I was so glad to have met lots of players I knew from the internet and to see some players Ive already met at ESA3 or other tourneys I attended.
Unfortunately didn't manage my time very well so haven't done lot of freeplay :/ wish'd I could have faced some people.
For people who don't know who I am, I am the dude who was at the main desk almost all the time and the one who did the interviews, that's why I couldn't twitt that often, I apology for that.
Also, very bad news about the interview of lots of Brawl players. My laptop crashed in the middle of their videos, making the video freeze. However, if I play the videos under VLC, the sound continues. It does that with most of the first videos I recorded using Photobooth, while the ones I recorded with Quicktime have no problem at all.
So right now I have the interviews of :
Melee :
-Amsah, Adam
-Baxon, Agony
-Strawhat Dahean, K12, Overtriforce
-Joanna Dark
-Kriz, Tonberry
-Zgetto, Faab
Player who attended both games :
-Charby, Kaos
-Leon (aka Nassim)
Brawl :
-Gregs, Aqua
-Kira, Calzorz
-Rydle, Neji, Miquel0123
-Sosuk (who answered all my questions with 3 words)
-Zudenka, Kudemo
-Zulu, Jujux
Crashing videos :
-Cenel, Rebaz. It was one of the funniest ):
-Gaki (aka Moreno), BoxMode (aka Boku). It crashes in the middle of the first question...>_>
-Izaw. Last 4 questions are missing
-Mr. R, istudying. Crashes in the middle, and more than that, the sound unsynchs...
-Marcbri, Greward. Just crashes in the middle of the video.
So next time I'll afford or try to ask someone for his camera. Unskilled even proposed me to help me, I should have accepted...That sucks.
Anyway, for those who I interviewed, contact me with your mail adress or anything I could send the videos too so that you can give me a txt/rtf/doc file in which you write the translation of what you said. Or at least of someone whos not gonna be lazy to do it
Also, about videos of matches, as said, stay tuned on AJP_Anton's FTP for Melee vids. He didn't record any Brawl, so unfortunately, Leon's WoP&3stock against skippo and Zudenka's Yoshi 2stocking Gregs' Falco on Jungle Japes were lost.
Myself and Charby are currently recording the replays that players have left on my/his Wii, and Unskilled has recorded Melee simple finals, Brawl simple finals and Brawl doubles Grand Finale with his camera. All this will appear on SmashTournoi @ Youtube.
I guess I said all I had in mind for now, apart from thanking players to have come, and thanking porc/Salepâte/Slhoka a lot for the tournament and their efforts, and especially their involvement in Brawl as they actually don't care much about that game.
Also, this tournament makes it clear : Dutchies rock. Even when they're not playing.