Smash Journeyman
@KenboCalrissian Ftilt works but only when you can catch him out of dash, or when he's in a techchase position. Like, chasing after jab2 (which will often force a knockdown), you can jab again or ftilt. Or utilt, which is probably just better in every way... hadn't considered that.
EDIT: yeah, ftilt can be DI'd behind Ivysaur absurdly easily (literally the other person just has to hold the direction), and you can be grabbed for hitting people with it. It was very infuriating when the patch had just come out and I was used to using ftilt all the time.
Yeah ftilt isn't god status anymore but it's still decent. I use it during ledgeplay a fair amount, and waveland-->ftilt is surprisingly useful. It has as much or more range than dtilt, and it's fast enough that your opponent probably won't think to DI in. Or you'll just catch him DDing or something which is just as good.
Against Yoshi, you just want to bair once you get him offstage, rinse and repeat until he's too low to egg/airdodge. Drift around so you'll be in his path if he eggs, then shift to cover down b to the ledge after he crosses a certain threshold (sorry, hard to explicitly describe). If you do this correctly, you can bair both moves on reaction. If he is going low instead of high, he will either try to sweetspot (rare), or wait for you to hit him so he can armor through and nair or something. Fair him as he rises, if possible.
Footstool him whenever possible.
Dair is also very good, as it will knock him out of 2nd jump armor even at mid%.
ZSS is very frustrating to edgeguard. You'll want to cut off her down b movement options with seed bomb. Try and scout a preemptive divekick if she's way above you. At normal heights above the stage, she will either attempt to down b toward center stage, or stall until she can tether safely. Both are hard to punish. If you can get the read, it's actually pretty easy to vine whip her as she uses her down b jump... just learn how far the max distance goes and be ready. If she doesn't look to be in a position to jump over you, just grab the ledge. ZSS's laggy ledgehop is VERY easy to punish (nair is guaranteed, uair is very easy).
Neutral game vs ZSS is hard but doable. Her projectile can invalidate any attempt to approach if she's content shooting minimum charged shots. Most stages have enough room that you can stay out of range, where you can throw a leaf. Since neither projectile interacts with each other, you can then chase your leaf with WD OoS or by jumping over the blaster. In this way, you can force her to give up stage control and push her to the ledge, or to retreat to platforms. She can't really cross you up so long as you're mindful with how you place seed bombs in neutral, and unless you run into bair or dsmash she's going to have a pretty hard time killing you.
EDIT: yeah, ftilt can be DI'd behind Ivysaur absurdly easily (literally the other person just has to hold the direction), and you can be grabbed for hitting people with it. It was very infuriating when the patch had just come out and I was used to using ftilt all the time.


Footstool him whenever possible.
Dair is also very good, as it will knock him out of 2nd jump armor even at mid%.
ZSS is very frustrating to edgeguard. You'll want to cut off her down b movement options with seed bomb. Try and scout a preemptive divekick if she's way above you. At normal heights above the stage, she will either attempt to down b toward center stage, or stall until she can tether safely. Both are hard to punish. If you can get the read, it's actually pretty easy to vine whip her as she uses her down b jump... just learn how far the max distance goes and be ready. If she doesn't look to be in a position to jump over you, just grab the ledge. ZSS's laggy ledgehop is VERY easy to punish (nair is guaranteed, uair is very easy).
Neutral game vs ZSS is hard but doable. Her projectile can invalidate any attempt to approach if she's content shooting minimum charged shots. Most stages have enough room that you can stay out of range, where you can throw a leaf. Since neither projectile interacts with each other, you can then chase your leaf with WD OoS or by jumping over the blaster. In this way, you can force her to give up stage control and push her to the ledge, or to retreat to platforms. She can't really cross you up so long as you're mindful with how you place seed bombs in neutral, and unless you run into bair or dsmash she's going to have a pretty hard time killing you.
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