His EX Head Stomp is money.
His EX Scissor Kick supposedly goes thru projectiles (I went thru Ryu's ultra but sometimes miss a regular fireball, wth)
Psycho Crusher from my experiences is hardly useful. It can cross up on wakeup though.
EX Psycho Crusher is, wierd.
Devil's Reverse is hella smooth. Confuses the hell out of people since there are three directions you can go after you reach your peak.
s.Forward and s.Roundhouse are amazing. So much range on it. Just like Sagat, Dic's s.Roundhouse beats Lariat.
Bison can only combo his Ultra off of a double j.Strong.
As for Anti-Air, he has s.Roundhouse, s.Fierce, c.Fierce, and EX Head Stomp.
His Focus Attack has little range.
He loses to rushdown so keep constant pressure on the opponent by good use of block strings and safe poking.
Thanks an overview of him from the few days I've been playing him.