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Street Fighter IV *Super, AE and Ver.2012*


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
So right now I'm forcing myself to learn a starter character for the gamestop tourney. I usually play Cammy, with a little Rose and Fei Long, but there are no unlockables allowed there. I'm looking at picking up Abel, anyone else here using him?

And how does everyone like the Fightpad that has it. I'm terrible with sticks, always been better on pad, I have one ordered and I'm hoping its useful. Too bad you can't use that at the gamestop tourney either. So lame.


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
i main cammy ken Sagat...

ima use Ken or Sagat at the tourney most likely Sagat

im gonna Ex Tiger uppercut people into ultras all day


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2008
How are you guys already so good at this? It's only been out for like a day. Does anyone main Sheng Long? He looks interesting.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Still working on unlocking the characters...just Gouken and Seth left. I'm guessing Seth will be Banned Tier if he retains his single player mode abilities (immune to grab escapes, and can hit you out of armor frames on focus attacks). Plus he has pretty well all the best specials with Zangief's grabs.

So far Sakura, Abel, Zangief, and Sagat seem really good. Dan is strangely decent. Dhalsim feels like fail tier (like worse than Brawl Falcon fail). Ryu and Ken are both pretty good of course, though I think Ryu is the better of the two this time around. It's all just first impressions though; time will tell.

Either way, I'm maining Akuma, and probably subbing Abel and Sakura.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2008
Florida bwoyyyy
Still working on unlocking the characters...just Gouken and Seth left. I'm guessing Seth will be Banned Tier if he retains his single player mode abilities (immune to grab escapes, and can hit you out of armor frames on focus attacks). Plus he has pretty well all the best specials with Zangief's grabs.

So far Sakura, Abel, Zangief, and Sagat seem really good. Dan is strangely decent. Dhalsim feels like fail tier (like worse than Brawl Falcon fail). Ryu and Ken are both pretty good of course, though I think Ryu is the better of the two this time around. It's all just first impressions though; time will tell.

Either way, I'm maining Akuma, and probably subbing Abel and Sakura.
dhalsim isnt bad at all

a dhalsim player won nationals in japan

and ryu is much better than ken. he is 2nd best in da game, zangief bein 3rd and sagat is 1st.

and regular seth isnt broken.


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
i still say cammy has potential! even though shes pretty dissapointing to most i hope i can become one of the few good cammy players that will appear


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
My cousin got a hold of this game a long bit back before the release date, so I've been playing this game for quite some time already, rofl. My PS3 is at my brother's house since I'm rarely home to play it, so they already bought SF:IV for it and have been playing it themselves.

Most of the time, we head over to my cousins house to play this game, since must of us old retired junkies are there to play it now, because of the mad hype for this game.

A few notes on my opinion playing the new heads, Fei is super fast, command throw is pretty sweet, but he doesn't feel strong meaning a contender for Top, he's just solid. I kept getting stuffed out at times whenever I tried to do command grab, and Fei can't really dish out solid damage in comparison to other characters. Rekka's are nice, his flying kick I swear is only safe at like max range which is annoying, and outside of these and his normals, he doesn't shine a whole lot.

His FA is GOLD, and can lead to Ultra's...however almost everyone else who's better then Fei can do this, so it really isn't an advantage. Fei can't seem to land his Ultra very effectively in SF:IV at least, thus far, nobody has found a way to do so, outside of FA and like deep jump in fierce. Ultra's play a strong role in SF:IV and not being able to land it consistently will hinder a character.

Cammy imo doesn't fair as well as Fei, because Fei still has solid rushdown options, Rekka's and the fact that he has 1050/1050 stamina and stun helps him out great. Hooligan strong can be seen from one mile away, and can be easily punished on reaction, almost forcing me to stop using it, however it does have it's uses, just that the grab for it is much smaller or different. Canon Spike seems really unsafe and punishable and her DP is unsafe as well. She can't deal really good damage, and the her biggest asset is that her Ultra takes off a hefty amount of damage, however I found it puzzling at times to try and have it consistently hit when juggled into.

Her Ultra hits low too, which is a positive if you catch opponents off guard, however outside of that, I feel Cammy isn't all that great. Unless someone can come show me that Cammy is better then what I'm feeling she is.

Gouken on the other hand feels strong, when I first saw Back throw into Ultra all those weeks back, I was saying to myself "That looks way good!". Sadly...I was correct, Gouken's ShinShoryuken Ultra has got to be one of the most damage Ultra's in the entire game. He's got solid ways to set it up too, and more importantly, the Back Throw into Ultra.

At close range, if Gouken has Ultra your forced into a guessing game, not to mention your panicking because you don't know if he'll try to combo or back throw setup Ultra you. It really changes your gameplan when facing him, however, taking on my buddies who were utilizing Gouken, I noticed that they had trouble getting in on me whenever I was spacing well with Ryu using my hadouken's and mixing it up with Ex-Hadou's. Ryu has a strong footsie game in here too so that only helped more.

However, at this point, I think Gouken is the best of the bunch, remember here, I've only played the game for like less then a week to play, so obviously all of this may change, and will most likely change weeks down the road. I'll talk about the other guys later, however I need to get back to sleep, I'm tired.

Oh yeah, whenever I get back to my cousins place, or to my bro's crib, I'll get online over there and post their namertag's on here, so if any peeps want to play against me, you can, I want to see if online will still piss me off with lag spikes or what not :mad: .


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Her DP was real safe on block in SF2, I hope they didn't nerf that. They made all of her spin punches pass thru fireballs iirc so that's a plus. I hope they fixed her extremely unsafe Cannon Spike :(

Heart Break Kid

Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2006
Yea I got this too. I havent had much time to play it so I've only unlocked a few characters but seems fine for the short time I've played it. As for mains Im feeling Sakura/Chun Li right now. I wanna try out Rose but gotta unlock her lol.

Props on maining Vega though lol I heard hes really bad in this one.

Best of luck to all of you in your gamestop tournies. F*ckin **** at em haha


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Gouken on the other hand feels strong, when I first saw Back throw into Ultra all those weeks back, I was saying to myself "That looks way good!". Sadly...I was correct, Gouken's ShinShoryuken Ultra has got to be one of the most damage Ultra's in the entire game. He's got solid ways to set it up too, and more importantly, the Back Throw into Ultra.
From what I've seen, it actually deals as much as Raging Demon, if not more.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2006
Im definately gonna become an SF4 player

I always liked SF3 but I could never get good at it (still play alot though)

Gouken/Gouki main ftw


Smash Apprentice
Aug 7, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I've been playing for three days straight now, and I've got to admit... The game handles a lot better than I'd expected it to with the 360 standard pad. It's far from ideal, but unlike HD Remix, it's not completely unplayable without a stick. I can only guess it has something to do with IV's sense of timing. I can't claim to be great at counting frames and stuff like that, but it definately feels like some serious tweaking has been done, widening the window of opportunity for most specials by a huge margin. Using the 360's pad, I can perform every character's special, Super and Ultra. That's definately a step up.

Anyway, I've got a couple of questions for the more experienced players here:

1. I'm stuck on Sagat's second Hard challenge. It's three crouching low kicks, followed immediately by a fierce Tiger Uppercut. I have trouble landing the three kicks in the first place, and when I do, Dan never fails to block the uppercut. I think I'm supposed to cancel that last low kick straight into the uppercut, but I never input the command fast enough. Am I doing something wrong here, or is it just a matter of practice?

2. Who would you rather fight: Seth on the highest difficulty, with only one round in which to win, or Taboo in Intense mode, with only two characters and one stock each in which to win?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
played cammmy a lot on HDR but i felt so gayed out, so i moved to Boxer.

CK- lets play next time there's a tournament in NoVa.

**** smash, SFIV is better


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
To the one asking about the Hard Trails, it's not how fast you input the command but the timing on them. Sometimes you have to stall for just the perfect amount before inputing the final command. I did all of them with Zangeif, it can be frustrating but if you keep at it you will eventually get it down.
You should try Chun-Li's final Hard Trail. I lawls at focus canceling a focus cancel.

I was wondering which title's are you guys favorites. So far I really like my 'Nude and Rude' one.


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
I think Cammy has some potential, she just doesn't play like she used to. I played her in HDR and had to completely changed the way I played. Her DP not being safe on block anymore takes away her old main tool, and her hooligan isn't very reliable anymore. However, I love her dashing speed, especially that crazy backdash, and I like her focus to. I find myself doing a much more mix-up and poking based game with her. Her mix-up game has really been improved.

A question to the Abel players, does he have any decent anti-airs? I decided to pick him up for the gamestop tourney, having always been a Cammy/Sakura player, and I'm getting pretty tired of having people jump in on me without a good option.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Have you been playing Abel much? He has that anti-air grab which is pretty good if done right. His ex-drop kick smacks people out of the air quickly too. Also his roll...come on. You can roll away from ANYTHING! Which includes ariel rushes. If you play him enough to get used to him, he can be very very good and the air won't stand in your way.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
that roll is too gay.
and about that anti air throw, i thought that was the computer cheating and grabbing me during my inital jump frames :laugh: but since he really has an AA grab thats too good.

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
So I noticed that Final Round (some SRK tournament) is banning Gouken and Seth. Anyone know why? I figure it's just a precautionary measure just in case they're broken but I'm not sure.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
That roll is amazing...unless you're on the receiving end of its invincible fury. I really love eggin' on my pal by spamming it when I pick Abel. And yes, his f,d,df punch is an anti air grab.

Gouken is extremely powerful and just oozes with anti-air attacks. I think he's pretty broken. Seth I find to be tricky to play with, but still pretty much broken seeing as how he can teleport into a Zangief super grab with no lag whatsoever.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
abel's anti-air options are somewhat limited though. my friend plays him and i feel very safe jumping in on him.

but a very good option is his crouching fierce punch -> ultra if you have it. his lack of a dp hurts but roll is pretty godly.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Perhaps your friend isn't as Abel oriented as he should be. I seem to swap anything that likes to jump into is place as Abel. If you practice Abel to be a good anti-air, I think he should be good at it. Maybe do his hard trials. They always show you killer moves. His crouchcing fierce is pretty deadly. I can see why they gave it to Seth.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
yeah he's more of a 360 throw character. so he needs get used to him, but abel can be really tricky. his mixups are sooooo good.

then you get headbutt->ultra and it's over :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Yeah, those mixups are beast and a half. Because of those alone I would really want to pick him for the tournys, but I do much prefer Zangiefs god-like priority with his grabs and EX-moves. His ultra is also next to unescapable if you know when to pull it out.


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
Have you been playing Abel much? He has that anti-air grab which is pretty good if done right. His ex-drop kick smacks people out of the air quickly too. Also his roll...come on. You can roll away from ANYTHING! Which includes ariel rushes. If you play him enough to get used to him, he can be very very good and the air won't stand in your way.
The roll and ex-kick are decent options, but the air grab is pretty lame, and doesn't work as well as I'd like. He has some options sure, but no real dedicated good anti-air. Speaking of ex-kick, what's the best way to use your meter with Abel? I love his super, but I assume he has better ways to make use of his meter.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
I rarely use supers with any character. I always invest that meter into EX moves for quick escapes or combos. I honestly think you can get alot more out of them that way and rely on your Ultra if you get hurt enough to use it.

Also as Abel, if you can read your opponents jumps, it becomes easy to roll the right distance and counter air grab or his semi-circle grab them before or at the time they land respectively. This requires real precise timeing though. I suggest hitting training hard. He's really good but all his best moves are at a really high level compared to regular tactics.


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
I rarely use supers with any character. I always invest that meter into EX moves for quick escapes or combos. I honestly think you can get alot more out of them that way and rely on your Ultra if you get hurt enough to use it.

Also as Abel, if you can read your opponents jumps, it becomes easy to roll the right distance and counter air grab or his semi-circle grab them before or at the time they land respectively. This requires real precise timeing though. I suggest hitting training hard. He's really good but all his best moves are at a really high level compared to regular tactics.
Thanks, I don't use supers much either, I just like Abel's in casual games cause it's so fun to watch. I just haven't been playing him long enough to know which move ex versions are worth using his meter up on. I used to play Geif in HDR along with Cammy, and I have always loved characters with a strong mix-up game, so I'm trying to learn Abel now. I'll be on XBL later looking for some matches.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Abel seems to be a massive threat to any player once you get him down. Keep at it and find out how to effectivly use EX commands to suit you. It really depends on how you want to play him overall on which ones you'll use. His EX roll is not to be underestimated, like El Fuerte's EX run. It cracks me up how many times people will be thrown off by those.

I won't be on XBL till later on tonight, but anyone who wants to play some rounds with me is free to send me a friend request if you want so I'll see you on later.
XBL = Insanetyphoon

I kinda want to play Zangief in the tourny but I need to play against more people to see how I fair with him first. Still not sure who I'll be as of yet, but I still have two days.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Yeah, my freind said the same thing when I was playing him last night. It's almost unreal how hard and fast Zangief can hit. I'm just abit hesitant at how the others will do. But what have I got to lose? I'll start useing only the Geif-meister till the tourny. Let's see how far he can take me.

Has anyone been able to pull off the Level 5 Hard Trials for any of the charactes? Those can be a massive pain. I'm having trouble with Seth's level 4 I think it was. Crouch heavy into Ex pull into Crouch heavy into EX pull into Crouch heavy into Ultra.
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