Yes, Yoshi can drop through platforms while shielding too.
Ah, okay. Thanks
a lot explanation are too long and too detailed imo
you used a lot of Terms I've never heard and a lot of terms that are totally wrong.
shield daze
shield blast
Idk what else to call the daze you're in after a shield break. Lol. Never heard a term for it actually. Also I originally had "Shield Blast" as "Shield Jump" because that's what I've heard it called. rPSI told me to change it, and I had no idea what to call it, so I just pulled that out of my ***.
shield jump (It's mainly called Jump OoS) and lol
"Cancelling your shield into a jump by tapping up on the analogue stick."
I hope you see the mistake you did here.
I'm sure we can reach a compromise on the name. I'm thinking of putting Jump OoS as the main name and in parenthesis Shield Jump. Yeah? Also, I don't.
Please enlighten me.
Shield Tilting is called Shield Angling actually. "to angle the shield"
All the same to me.
Shield Pushback is the used word
Again, never really heard it, I've heard Shield Push more, but I'll add Pushback in parenthesis.
Pummel is also called "Grab Attack"
and don't always say "Z". Grab is it's own order.
I'm not understanding you.
"struggle inputs"
while I know what the sense of this term is, I don't really like it because I'm not struggeling while doing it xDD
Yes, but you're struggling to free yourself.
It's actually called "Grab Release" parted in "Ground Release" and "Air Release".
if Yoshi Ground releases his opponent it's called "ground break" because you need to break out in orde to this happen.
Again, not quite catching your drift.
and whats with that "Blanked term" ?
People will use DI just as a very general term when talking about, well, DI'ing a hit. They don't always mean regular DI. So seeing how it's used, I made it a point to note that out.
SDI (Smash Directional Influence) [
Universal] - Tapping directions on the analogue stick while in hitlag to move a short distance in the tapped direction. A variation of this is TDI, Tap Directional Influence, which is done with the C-Stick.
this hurts, TDI doesn't exist and the actually use of the term TDI was of some random guy that tries to explain DI overall and he uses it do describes Smash DI done with Controlstick.
but pls forget the term overall, it's just "Smash DI".
I see no problem with the inclusion of it. I didn't even add it underneath, just gave it a small mention within the definition. I want to get other members' thoughts on this before I take it out/w/e.
ASDI (Automatic Smash Directional Influence) [
Universal] - Holding or tapping a direction on the analogue stick on the last frame of a multi-hit move's hitlag, to be translated in a similar fashion to that of Smash Directional Influence, although only half the distance.
ASDI occures on the first frame of knockback, not the last frame of hitlag and works with every move.
where did you get that "half distance" from? Is that just guessing?
Okay, well, I'll take your word for it. My knowledge on general DI is sub-par. So could you elaborate on what differentiates ASDI from just standard DI? On the "half-distance" thing, it's just one of those bits of data that you hear floating around. I just put it in there for good measure.
ADI (Aerial Directional Influence) [
Universal] -
See: Drifting[/indent]
pls drop this term ._.
ADI has been discussed before in the IRC. It seems it really is used a bit, so I see no harm in that little section.
Momentum Cancel/Momentum Cancelling [
Universal] - An action or series of actions that serve to cancel or reduce knockback. All characters have some method to cancel or reduce knockback. The most common are aerials, fastfalling, a second jump, and
air dodging.
Air dodge after the aerial have no effect on momentum canceling.
See Kinzer's quote.
like I said, a lot of explanation aren't really awesome (too long and stuff) but it's nice that you gave us a guideline. We could work on that ^-^
I would rather like that you use more actions than specific stuff like..
"You do a pummel by pressing A or Z"
"You do a pummel by doing "Attack" while grabbing"
or something like that.
I don't know what I should think about the use of "offensive collision". In such explanations it just sounds weird..
All of that is just for, you know, officialness.