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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Sakurai said he'd only add in Miis if it was a casual game.
Sakurai never said that. Also, Miis are literally all but confirmed. You can deny it all you want, but the evidence says otherwise:
1. The E3 rumor is probably legit.
2. The Find Mii stage.
3. The Miis are the most well known Nintendo characters left (and the only S-tier Nintendo characters not playable in a Smash Bros. game yet) seals the deal.
Edit: Also, the only practically guaranteed characters for Brawl (in the pre-Brawl days) were Pit, Meta Knight, Wario, Diddy Kong, King Dedede, and Olimar.
I'dd add Lucario and Sonic (the latter after Snake was confirmed at least). Also, was some little iffiness on Meta Knight and Pit before the reveal trailer, but not a ton.
I still can't forgive how they ruined Ninja Gaiden's fast-reaction based platformey gameplay.
The 1st remake game I liked and I gave them a pass. The 2nd one I kinda give them a pass. The 3rd=??? Burn that heretic AT THE STAKE!!!
I just don't like it when so many games try to be Devil May Cry. :(
More like a poor man's poor wanna be Devil May Cry.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
Sakurai never said that. Also, Miis are literally all but confirmed. You can deny it all you want, but the evidence says otherwise:
1. The E3 rumor is probably legit.
2. The Find Mii stage.
3. The Miis are the most well known Nintendo characters left (and the only S-tier Nintendo characters not playable in a Smash Bros. game yet) seals the deal.

1. What E3 Rumor? Elaborate this more please, not everyone knows every rumour
2. I guess that meant that Villager was playable in Brawl then because of the Smashville stage.
3. They're not a character, they're an online avatar for yourself like many other things.

I couldn't find the interview in which Sakurai said he wouldn't add miis, because I just keep getting the Palutena leak for some reason, stupid Google, but I found this http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/wii/wiiparty/0/1


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
1. What E3 Rumor? Elaborate this more please, not everyone knows every rumour
2. I guess that meant that Villager was playable in Brawl then because of the Smashville stage.
3. They're not a character, they're an online avatar for yourself like many other things.

I couldn't find the interview in which Sakurai said he wouldn't add miis, because I just keep getting the Palutena leak for some reason, stupid Google, but I found this http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/wii/wiiparty/0/1
I think this is referring to the rumor with Little Mac, Pacman and Mii supposed to be shown. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Deleted member

Think about the timeframe prior to Brawl's "finalization" on the roster (July 2005). Now think of today.

There's a huge difference in how Miis were handled back then compared to now. With that in mind, Sakurai's viewpoints on them could have easily changed to reflect what's true today as opposed to back then.

On another note, wasn't there that one "leak" that said we'd get Sandbag tomorrow?

If it hadn't been discredited already, smells like we got another leak discrediting coming soon....:p


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Text or an image?

"Last week, Gematsu was tipped off about Nintendo’s E3 character reveals for Super Smash Bros. But since we were unable to confirm the validity of our source, we refrained from posting the information. Of the six characters we were told would be revealed, three have been confirmed: Mega Man, Animal Crossing Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer. The three left remaining are Little Mac, Pac-Man, and your Mii."

Source: http://gematsu.com/2013/06/wii-fit-trainer-joins-super-smash-bros

Is this the rumor you're referring to?


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri

"Last week, Gematsu was tipped off about Nintendo’s E3 character reveals for Super Smash Bros. But since we were unable to confirm the validity of our source, we refrained from posting the information. Of the six characters we were told would be revealed, three have been confirmed: Mega Man, Animal Crossing Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer. The three left remaining are Little Mac, Pac-Man, and your Mii."

Source: http://gematsu.com/2013/06/wii-fit-trainer-joins-super-smash-bros
Someones guess counts as a leak?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2014
Sakurai's Closet

"Last week, Gematsu was tipped off about Nintendo’s E3 character reveals for Super Smash Bros. But since we were unable to confirm the validity of our source, we refrained from posting the information. Of the six characters we were told would be revealed, three have been confirmed: Mega Man, Animal Crossing Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer. The three left remaining are Little Mac, Pac-Man, and your Mii."

Source: http://gematsu.com/2013/06/wii-fit-trainer-joins-super-smash-bros
The thing that makes that leak still credible was that it included Wii Fit Trainer. Who could've guessed she would be playable?

Deleted member

The thing that makes that leak still credible was that it inckuded Wii Fit Trainer. Who could've gussed she would be playable?
Not just Wii Fit Trainer, the fact he literally "guessed" half of those characters.
And the fact Villager was one of them, after what Sakurai said in regards to Animal Crossing characters in Brawl.

Wii Fit Trainer was already a hard sale; combining Villager and even Mega Man (not to say he was hard to believe as well, but to correctly "guess" him ALONG with the other two)? That's more than coincidence. At least how I see it.

Deleted member

There's a difference between winning the lottery and correctly "guessing" two bizarre characters on top of a sketchy third one (at least how I saw Mega Man). Let alone mere hours before it happens.

It's clear he had legit information. However, the only thing we don't know is if said legit info was just Villager/Mega Man/Wii Fit Trainer, or if Little Mac/Pac-Man/Mii is also legit, but not when they would be revealed.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
There's a difference between winning the lottery and correctly "guessing" two bizarre characters on top of a sketchy third one (at least how I saw Mega Man). Let alone mere hours before it happens.

It's clear he had legit information. However, the only thing we don't know is if said legit info was just Villager/Mega Man/Wii Fit Trainer, or if Little Mac/Pac-Man/Mii is also legit, but not when they would be revealed.
So if I just randomly guessed 3 characters and they all turned out to be revealed, would I have legit information? No, because I guessed.

Is there anything else by this person? Did he claim to have information? Because that one post alone wouldn't convince me he knew anything.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Think about the timeframe prior to Brawl's "finalization" on the roster (July 2005). Now think of today.

There's a huge difference in how Miis were handled back then compared to now. With that in mind, Sakurai's viewpoints on them could have easily changed to reflect what's true today as opposed to back then.

On another note, wasn't there that one "leak" that said we'd get Sandbag tomorrow?

If it hadn't been discredited already, smells like we got another leak discrediting coming soon....:p
If Ultra HD Sandbag is not the next veteran reveal I will refuse to buy the games.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2014
Sakurai's Closet
So if I just randomly guessed 3 characters and they all turned out to be revealed, would I have legit information? No, because I guessed.

Is there anything else by this person? Did he claim to have information? Because that one post alone wouldn't convince me he knew anything
I get your point, but c'mon. This was in no way a coincidence or lucky guess.

Deleted member

So if I just randomly guessed 3 characters and they all turned out to be revealed, would I have legit information? No, because I guessed.

Is there anything else by this person? Did he claim to have information? Because that one post alone wouldn't convince me he knew anything.
It appears you're missing the big picture.

He didn't just randomly "guess" the characters. Why do you think I kept putting that in quotes?
He had received a tip from an anonymous source weeks prior (established leaker Caw Evolution verifies this is accurate) and, not believing it, posted the list on NeoGaf as his set of "predictions" as a joke. When half ended up being true, he then made the article.

If Ultra HD Sandbag is not the next veteran reveal I will refuse to buy the games.
I guess you're not buying the games then, since Sandbag would be listed as a "Newcomer". :troll:


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
It appears you're missing the big picture.

He didn't just randomly "guess" the characters. Why do you think I kept putting that in quotes?
He had received a tip from an anonymous source weeks prior (established leaker Caw Evolution verifies this is accurate) and, not believing it, posted the list on NeoGaf as his set of "predictions" as a joke. When half ended up being true, he then made the article.

Any link to this "anonymous source" ?

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Just reread the Sandbag on January 31 rumor. It states that Wario will be revealed March 21 "three days before Mario Kart 8 release."

Mario Kart 8 has been confirmed for a May release sooooooooooooooo...

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Did we get any leaks about specific character release dates? I know that one dude said something about Dedede and Diddy Kong. Which most of us could have guessed ourselves. But I haven't heard much else when it came to the likes of that.

Just reread the Sandbag on January 31 rumor. It states that Wario will be revealed March 21 "three days before Mario Kart 8 release."

Mario Kart 8 has been confirmed for a May release sooooooooooooooo...
Heh. Well that fell flat rather quick, didn't it.

Miles Pierre

Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2005
Any link to this "anonymous source" ?
Reposting this for you:
I reactivated my account from 6+ years ago just for this.

Because so many people on Smashboards seem a bit ignorant or confused as to what happened I will clarify the events surrounding the E3 leaker.

1. This post was made by Salromano before e3:

2. Sal Romano is an editor on a site called Gematsu. After the E3 reveals he posted this article, here is an excerpt:

That is what happened. The only question is was he lying about being tipped off -- or if the person who tipped them off was a fake. If he was tipped off, they weren't guesses at all. Instead of posting possibly fake rumors on what I'm sure Sal would like to be a legitimate place for gaming news, he opted to post them on Neogaf as a "guess".

You can find his twitter here: https://twitter.com/SalRomano

Anyway I hope that clears up confusion. Kind of frustrating as a lurker seeing people go round and round on this when all it took was a google search of the E3 leaker's Neogaf username.

Deleted member

Just reread the Sandbag on January 31 rumor. It states that Wario will be revealed March 21 "three days before Mario Kart 8 release."

Mario Kart 8 has been confirmed for a May release sooooooooooooooo...
Well, that settles that. Ironically, this is the 2nd "leak" that was discredited within 2 days prior to the first date that would make or break it.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
Still sounds like one big coincidence to me, supposedly this anonymous said that Mii, Pacman and Little mac would be shown at the reveal as well, and WFT wasn't in the reveal, she was shown after.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Still sounds like one big coincidence to me, supposedly this anonymous said that Mii, Pacman and Little mac would be shown at the reveal as well, and WFT wasn't in the reveal, she was shown after.
He just said they'd be shown at E3, not necessarily the initial reveal trailer.

Deleted member

Still sounds like one big coincidence to me, supposedly this anonymous said that Mii, Pacman and Little mac would be shown at the reveal as well, and WFT wasn't in the reveal, she was shown after.
It was said that they'd be revealed at E3.
It did not say they would all be revealed at the same time.

Miles Pierre

Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2005
Still sounds like one big coincidence to me, supposedly this anonymous said that Mii, Pacman and Little mac would be shown at the reveal as well, and WFT wasn't in the reveal, she was shown after.
Gaf doesn't take too kindly to liars. If he said that he was leaked that information then I'm inclined to believe him. You don't have people on Gaf lying about things like you do here on SmashBoards or Gamefaqs. Mods will perma ban you really quick for that crap. Not to mention he has been a member for a long time, and you need to have a paid email address to even register and you still might not get approved. A gaf account is very valuable and no one's gonna start lying about being tipped off if they weren't. Especially on a long standing account.

Also you may not realize this but Gaf has the most industry insiders I've seen on any site. Cliffy B posts there often. Frank O'Connor (Bungie), even major nelson. And to tell you how serious gaf is they perma banned famous dev dennis dyack and most recently David Jaffe. So yes. When people leak stuff on gaf I listen.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Gaf doesn't take too kindly to liars. If he said that he was leaked that information then I'm inclined to believe him. You don't have people on Gaf lying about things like you do here on SmashBoards or Gamefaqs. Mods will perma ban you really quick for that crap. Not to mention he has been a member for a long time, and you need to have a paid email address to even register and you still might not get approved. A gaf account is very valuable and no one's gonna start lying about being tipped off if they weren't. Especially on a long standing account.

Also you may not realize this but Gaf has the most industry insiders I've seen on any site. Cliffy B posts there often. Frank O'Connor (Bungie), even major nelson. And to tell you how serious gaf is they perma banned famous dev dennis dyack and most recently David Jaffe. So yes. When people leak stuff on gaf I listen.
*Implying it just wasn't just a good liar*


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Well as you can clearly see, E3 has passed, and I don't see Mii, Little Mac or Pacman, unless the leaker, for some reason, meant 2014 E3
Wasn't the DKC:TF suppose to be revealed at E3 2012?
Remember the Retro game that was scrapped off the conference last minute?
I think it indicates that not everything will be revealed in E3.

Miles Pierre

Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2005
Well as you can clearly see, E3 has passed, and I don't see Mii, Little Mac or Pacman, unless the leaker, for some reason, meant 2014 E3
oh geez ...
There are plenty of articles about the Big 3 doing last minute changes to their presentations. For instance, Microsofts presentation and Sony's presentation last year. It's completely conceivable that Nintendo decided to hold back on the other three and save them for next years event.
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