Please don't TL;DR this:
For all of you Falcondorf haters, I actually like clonedorf, and clones in general. Because some characters don't benefit from or constitute being unique, when their resources could be used to provide an alternate playstyle to another character. Like a fan favorite, Roy, for example: Making him unique doesn't say anything about the character, all it does is sever the synergy between the cast, when Roy could be fire Marth, not only giving Marth fans an alternate way to play their character for backup's sake, but Roy fans also have an alternate Roy to play, which is Marth. They go hand in hand, with the good part being that both are still unique enough to have certain groups of people devoted to them, but not unique enough to make your character "lonely".
Also, going back to the Ganondorf/Falco/Synergy example, if Ganondorf was never a clone of Falcon then you would probably never have any Falcon vs Ganon battles, because most of them are friendly "battle of the clones" fights anyways. By making Ganon unique, you are completely annihilating such a wonderful thing in the smash community (the connection amongst you all), just to have a character, who, in all actually, may not be any better than Zelda, that's not counting how Falcon vs Ganons would turn from being the equivalent to Mario vs. Dr.Mario (or even Luigi) matches, to Wii Fit Trainer vs. Robin matches (a WTF battle).
Next time you people, and the smash community as a whole, mindlessly bash clones for not being unique, think about what unique means, if anything in smash, and if being unique would really help the game, that, and some say that clones ruin smash, but they might be the very thing holding it together.