Professional Nice Guy
Ok so based on the interest generated by having an ultra pot, I'm starting to look another way.
Pretty much, which tournament do you think could attract more overseas attendance? Having say 1k-1.5k 1st prize for both melee and brawl, or would it be safer to inject that money into some overseas attendants to make sure we get who we want?
I'm sure we would get some more interested in reloaded if it wasnt on the same weekend as genesis 2, and seeing as bam doesnt conflict with anything major, maybe its an idea to boost bam pot to that level too?
Also are people willing to donate to make a pot bigger? I know people are willing to donate to get their favourite players over, but are people willing to donate to a prize pool?
Questions questions, now answer them please (8
Pretty much, which tournament do you think could attract more overseas attendance? Having say 1k-1.5k 1st prize for both melee and brawl, or would it be safer to inject that money into some overseas attendants to make sure we get who we want?
I'm sure we would get some more interested in reloaded if it wasnt on the same weekend as genesis 2, and seeing as bam doesnt conflict with anything major, maybe its an idea to boost bam pot to that level too?
Also are people willing to donate to make a pot bigger? I know people are willing to donate to get their favourite players over, but are people willing to donate to a prize pool?
Questions questions, now answer them please (8