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[SPOILER ALERT] - The Sevens Squares. - A Square-Enix general support threads.

Who do you think is the most likely possible Square-Enix Newcomer? (Two Choices possibles)

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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I'm feeling the same way lol. Everyone seems to think they're almost certainly in, and it does make sense, but I just dont want to get my hopes up. I think them being TOGETHER though would signify they would be alts for each other which sounds plausible enough.
I was gonna encourage you to get your hopes up.
Then I remembered how even the most likely of things turned out wrong.

I remember back during the Smash Ballot days prominent leakers stated the winner and DLC fighter would be Shovel Knight.

It's good to be hesitant. Even if I feel Erdrick is quite likely.

Deleted member

I was gonna encourage you to get your hopes up.
Then I remembered how even the most likely of things turned out wrong.

I remember back during the Smash Ballot days prominent leakers stated the winner and DLC fighter would be Shovel Knight.

It's good to be hesitant. Even if I feel Erdrick is quite likely.
And just like how everyone thought Rex and Spring Man were locks. may they rest in peace.
Aug 3, 2018
Does someone still have a screencap of the leak?

I'd like to take a new look at it now that we have some new pieces of the puzzle (tiny pieces but still...).

Btw, I see there's a few different interpretations and opinions about the leak here and everything is discussed with respect, that's nice....

Sooooo are you guys Team Real or Team Fake? :troll:

(i'm kidding, by the Grinch, please don't answer this cursed question)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I just think that overall, standing up for what's right is more important than getting my favorite character into a video gamer, but that's just me personally.
Sorry I'm late here. Just started reading through the thread.

So, can we please stop pretending like the composer having dumb opinions is is some sort moral outrage? You'd think buying a DQ game was tantamount to funneling money into Auschwitz the way some of you folks are talking about it. I mean, the man has profoundly ugly views about things that are beyond his perview. That's not a crime; it's an invitation for others to convince him he his wrong, ignore him, or hell even listen to him. It's not immoral to support his work AS A MUSIC COMPOSER.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
"Jack Frost appears on screen with a skill"
"Slime appears on screen with a skill"
This seems to imply that these two characters appear specifically on screen as part of a moveset, and I can't help but think that if they simply meant a moveset and not a video, they'd have said "Jack Frost appears in their moveset" and not have specifically stated on screen.
It's a part of their moveset. PushDustin confirmed it on Twitter.
The phrase "on screen" is a poor translation, and simply refers to them being used for one of their attacks. If true, this is likely from planning documents, similar to how Gematsu is believed to have been.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
Sorry I'm late here. Just started reading through the thread.

So, can we please stop pretending like the composer having dumb opinions is is some sort moral outrage? You'd think buying a DQ game was tantamount to funneling money into Auschwitz the way some of you folks are talking about it. I mean, the man has profoundly ugly views about things that are beyond his perview. That's not a crime; it's an invitation for others to convince him he his wrong, ignore him, or hell even listen to him. It's not immoral to support his work AS A MUSIC COMPOSER.
Please don't respond to a post from page 7 in a thread that's already gone over 100 pages. It's not wise to bring up stuff from way back when.

Deleted member

The Erdrick leak is basically dead tbh but I still think it might actually just be Erdrick due to how many of the insiders are pushing for him.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Please don't respond to a post from page 7 in a thread that's already gone over 100 pages. It's not wise to bring up stuff from way back when.
Especially since we just wrapped it up less than 10 pages ago...
Look guys I won't take it personally if no one feels like talking about it or wants to talk about it. No one is obliged to. Then ignore my post. But asking someone not to talk about something simply because it happened X pages ago or X amount of time ago rubs me the wrong way. If you think I've violated a rule then contact a mod. Whether or not something has been "wrapped up" isn't up to anyone to decide. These posts come off as trying play gate-keeper or control the content of the thread to your preferences.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Look guys I won't take it personally if no one feels like talking about it or wants to talk about it. No one is obliged to. Then ignore my post. But asking someone not to talk about something simply because it happened X pages ago or X amount of time ago rubs me the wrong way. If you think I've violated a rule then contact a mod. Whether or not something has been "wrapped up" isn't up to anyone to decide. These posts come off as trying play gate-keeper or control the content of the thread to your preferences.
I think the issue here is less that they don't want to talk about it any more and more that they feel everything has already been said on that topic, hence it being wrapped up. So you bringing up a opinion that many people here were very vocal against and then saying how against it you are doesn't feel like anything more than trying to stir the pot. If you wanted to talk about that issue you could do so without trying to bring that guy back into it.

Deleted member

Look guys I won't take it personally if no one feels like talking about it or wants to talk about it. No one is obliged to. Then ignore my post. But asking someone not to talk about something simply because it happened X pages ago or X amount of time ago rubs me the wrong way. If you think I've violated a rule then contact a mod. Whether or not something has been "wrapped up" isn't up to anyone to decide. These posts come off as trying play gate-keeper or control the content of the thread to your preferences.
You're the one trying to bring back a discussion that has already ended by making an incredibly flaming post. You're not innocent, buddy.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I think the issue here is less that they don't want to talk about it any more and more that they feel everything has already been said on that topic, hence it being wrapped up. So you bringing up a opinion that many people here were very vocal against and then saying how against it you are doesn't feel like anything more than trying to stir the pot. If you wanted to talk about that issue you could do so without trying to bring that guy back into it.
Alright this is the last I'll say on this meta-conversation. It's not up to you to determine that something has been "wrapped up". If you feel that it has been then feel free to ignore my one paragraph in this 107 page thread and post what you would prefer to talk about. Actively telling someone that they can't share an opinion on something that everyone else was allowed to X days ago or pages ago is not something I'm accepting of.

You're the one trying to bring back a discussion that has already ended by making an incredibly flaming post. You're not innocent, buddy.
Look I can see why someone would interpret my analogy and wording as being a bit impassioned, but my intention wasn't to flame anyone and I stand by it. I didn't personally attack or direct an insult at anyone and was using an anology in service of a point.

So that's all I'm saying on that (though of course, I personally invite anyone still interested in the actual topic itself to continue if they want to).


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Alright this is the last I'll say on this meta-conversation. It's not up to you to determine that something has been "wrapped up". If you feel that it has been then feel free to ignore my one paragraph in this 107 page thread and post what you would prefer to talk about. Actively telling someone that they can't share an opinion on something that everyone else was allowed to X days ago or pages ago is not something I'm accepting of.
Did you even read what I said? "If you wanted to talk about that issue you could do so without trying to bring that guy back into it." I never said you couldn't bring it up just that the way you did it seemed like you were looking to start a fight. On top of that you didn't even add anything new to the conversation, just saying the same things other people had already said. If you agree with them, like their post.
Look I can see why someone would interpret my analogy and wording as being a bit impassioned, but my intention wasn't to flame anyone and I stand by it. I didn't personally attack or direct an insult at anyone and was using an anology in service of a point.
You literally quoted the dude, if you didn't want to attack anyone you could have made your comment without bringing that guy from several pages ago back into it.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I’ve taken the viewpoint of skepticism towards any DLC leaks from the very beginning, including when it comes to Vergeben.

But when I see Joker leaks pop up only AFTER he’s revealed and essentially every leaker admits they had NO idea, my skepticism meter goes up.

When leaks start to claim that another character is being worked on at the same time, even though:

- Joker is confirmed to be the 1st character
- The “2nd character” already has female alts and such when the 1st isn’t even in a playable state

That’s when I start drawing the line.

We essentially only have names to go off of at this point, since the evidence that may prove a leak may not even exist yet

That’s when I seriously start to question why I should believe a “credible” leak over any 4chan text leak, even if said leakers have base roster credibility

Edit: Look, I’m not trying to lump Vergeben in with these other fakers, but as more info comes to light regarding other “leaks”, you have to take a step back and reevaluate EVERYTHING, even if it’s on a credible leaker.
All of this are reasons, as to why I'm officially on the "No one REALLY knows the DLC" train, whoelse wants aboard! Choo-choo!
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Smash Master
Jul 7, 2006
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
Looking at the list of options I wonder if Lara Croft is being underrated as a possibility.
In her peak she was the most popular videogame character behind Mario and Sonic in the 90s, and Eidos is now officially known as Square Enix EU.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
The Erdrick leak is basically dead tbh but I still think it might actually just be Erdrick due to how many of the insiders are pushing for him.
Do you think insiders could just be using him as a cover up? KronoXIV basically got a **** ton of people fired at Square due to leaking Vergeben's DMs that included the 7 mentioned characters. One theory is it was due to his bitterness over Sora being the one confirmed ded


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Do you think insiders could just be using him as a cover up? KronoXIV basically got a **** ton of people fired at Square due to leaking Vergeben's DMs that included the 7 mentioned characters. One theory is it was due to his bitterness over Sora being the one confirmed ded
I don't think it'd be insiders covering them up if Erdrick ends up being leakbait, but Square themselves planting Erdrick further as a means of damage control. I still have my money on it being Erdrick, though. I just don't think the insiders, especially people like Polar, would want to intentionally mislead us. If Erdrick isn't our fighter, then it isn't on them for 'covering up the real fighter'. It'd likely be because Square's trying to pull some strings.

In the end, we really just don't know.

Deleted member

For all we know the seven on this list could be leakbait that Square used to hide their true rep
Rayjack from King's Knight
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
For all we know the seven on this list could be leakbait that Square used to hide their true rep
Rayjack from King's Knight
Oh come on, you know this is the real Square rep and you can't argue this fact. Don't spread all this misinfo; we know who it really is.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Do you think insiders could just be using him as a cover up? KronoXIV basically got a **** ton of people fired at Square due to leaking Vergeben's DMs that included the 7 mentioned characters. One theory is it was due to his bitterness over Sora being the one confirmed ded
It's because Square being Square and Nintendo actually seem to be pretty good when it comes to keeping the DLC a secret (see Joker) that I question Erdick right now. The only evidence that I find could go into Erdicks benefit is if the Joker stuff with Jack Frost is current and the stage is like the person claim. I'm not saying that Polar and Xeno is lying. But that doesn't mean that they are given false information.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
It's because Square being Square and Nintendo actually seem to be pretty good when it comes to keeping the DLC a secret (see Joker) that I question Erdick right now. The only evidence that I find could go into Erdicks benefit is if the Joker stuff with Jack Frost is current and the stage is like the person claim. I'm not saying that Polar and Xeno is lying. But that doesn't mean that they are given false information.
I just wonder why they are all coming out claiming 'yeah, this is for sure the most likely' when leaning onto a character in the past isn't always a for sure 'this is happening' kind of deal. They really jumped onto the 90% sure this is happening.

I don't think either of them are misleading us but it does seem kind of strange the 5ch leak kind of made everyone jump into that direction. For all we know, I don't think any of the remaining six characters are out of the question.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
It's a part of their moveset. PushDustin confirmed it on Twitter.
The phrase "on screen" is a poor translation, and simply refers to them being used for one of their attacks. If true, this is likely from planning documents, similar to how Gematsu is believed to have been.
Lots of conflicting translations for this. This would make sense, though.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Lots of conflicting translations for this. This would make sense, though.
The Persona Central "translation" is pretty much just Google Translate. I just did the copy and pasting myself:
Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 1.36.06 PM.png

I trust PushDustin, a legitimate translator with plenty of experience translating Japanese, much more than I trust PersonaCentral, who aren't as proven.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
The Persona Central "translation" is pretty much just Google Translate. I just did the copy and pasting myself:
View attachment 184652

I trust PushDustin, a legitimate translator with plenty of experience translating Japanese, much more than I trust PersonaCentral, who aren't as proven.
And it makes sense that you do.
It being simply part of a moveset makes a lot more sense.

But at the same time, it's a little funny to me how this leak came out only after Joker's reveal.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
And it makes sense that you do.
It being simply part of a moveset makes a lot more sense.

But at the same time, it's a little funny to me how this leak came out only after Joker's reveal.
That's completely fair. There's reason to doubt this leak, and I'll be the first one to admit it. That being said, I think it's worth keeping tabs on simply because the Persona side of it, which came after the Erdrick side, is backed up by insiders.

Deleted member

Do you think insiders could just be using him as a cover up? KronoXIV basically got a **** ton of people fired at Square due to leaking Vergeben's DMs that included the 7 mentioned characters. One theory is it was due to his bitterness over Sora being the one confirmed ded
People have been spreading these conspiracy theories that insiders have anything to gain from lying ever since the Grinch leak so no.
If these people are gonna come out to share protected info, they're not going to lie and ruin their credibility.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I just wonder why they are all coming out claiming 'yeah, this is for sure the most likely' when leaning onto a character in the past isn't always a for sure 'this is happening' kind of deal. They really jumped onto the 90% sure this is happening.

I don't think either of them are misleading us but it does seem kind of strange the 5ch leak kind of made everyone jump into that direction. For all we know, I don't think any of the remaining six characters are out of the question.
I'm still skeptic towards Dragon Quest, to be honest. Sure it's not impossible but with every part that is needed and the saying of Akira being a "my creation takes front and center person" I cannot be anything but a skeptic.

And it makes sense that you do.
It being simply part of a moveset makes a lot more sense.

But at the same time, it's a little funny to me how this leak came out only after Joker's reveal.
Which is one of the reasons why I'm a skeptic to the 10th degree about this leak. If you are a leaker and you know a character is in, you reveal stuff like that before it gets out, not after.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Which is one of the reasons why I'm a skeptic to the 10th degree about this leak. If you are a leaker and you know a character is in, you reveal stuff like that before it gets out, not after.
Ehh I could see a scenario where I have information that no one would believe so I don't bother sharing it but once one part of it comes true (the Joker reveal) I drop it because now its relevant. Not saying I believe it, just that it could be a possibility.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Ehh I could see a scenario where I have information that no one would believe so I don't bother sharing it but once one part of it comes true (the Joker reveal) I drop it because now its relevant. Not saying I believe it, just that it could be a possibility.
Nah, I guess it's better to use the old I'toldyah strategy here.
Just leak it out and after it's confirmed you can say "Told you bois" or something


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Nah, I guess it's better to use the old I'toldyah strategy here.
Just leak it out and after it's confirmed you can say "Told you bois" or something
yeah but then you have to deal with the trolls and haters until its confirmed, that's more trouble than I'd put up with lol but then again I'd never want to deal with the hassle of being a leaker to begin with.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
yeah but then you have to deal with the trolls and haters until its confirmed, that's more trouble than I'd put up with lol but then again I'd never want to deal with the hassle of being a leaker to begin with.
But by that logic no one will believe in what you said, if you want to gain their trust then you have to "deal" with those trolls (Even tho you can just ignore and wait, since you know you're right), Anyone could say "Yeah I knew it but I didn't want to spoiler" or something,

For sure, that'd be just me. Maybe I'm being selfish with the issue..


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
But by that logic no one will believe in what you said, if you want to gain their trust then you have to "deal" with those trolls (Even tho you can just ignore and wait, since you know you're right), Anyone could say "Yeah I knew it but I didn't want to spoiler" or something,

For sure, that'd be just me. Maybe I'm being selfish with the issue..
lol like I said I'd make a lousy leaker as I'd have zero interest in dealing with any of it but I agree building credibility sounds like an important part of being a leaker.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Do you think insiders could just be using him as a cover up? KronoXIV basically got a **** ton of people fired at Square due to leaking Vergeben's DMs that included the 7 mentioned characters. One theory is it was due to his bitterness over Sora being the one confirmed ded
Definitely not the insiders or the leakers.

While I’m skeptical of the accuracy/legitimacy of the leaks being put out there, I seriously doubt they’d be the ones lying to us. I may not trust the actual context of the leaks 100%, but I do think they’re being sincere with the info they’re sharing.

If anyone would be putting out leak bait, it would be Square themselves, since they have a pretty decent track record of keeping info from being leaked.

They’re not perfect, but they’re SIGNIFICANTLY better at it than Nintendo is.
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Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
For all we know the seven on this list could be leakbait that Square used to hide their true rep
Rayjack from King's Knight
I mean, it could be. I think i have said it before but, if none knew about joker, everyone hearing one particular character really means nothing in their favor. They could all be genuinely be falling for leakbait 100% and we as well for trusting them (it wouldn't be the first time actually, lol)

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Definitely not the insiders or the leakers.

While I’m skeptical of the accuracy/legitimacy of the leaks being put out there, I seriously doubt they’d be the ones lying to us. I may not trust the actual context of the leaks 100%, but I do think they’re being sincere with the info they’re sharing.

If anyone would be putting out leak bait, it would be Square themselves, since they have a pretty decent track record of keeping info from being leaked.

They’re not perfect, but they’re SIGNIFICANTLY better at it than Nintendo is.
We know for a fact companies put out leakbait. Erdrick could be leakbait.

It doesn't mean the leakers would know it's fake. They have no reason to believe that. Now, leakers claiming to know gameplay either were given fake information or are lying themselves. Different situation from talking to company employees who were told what they were thought is truthful.

Sad part about leakbait is more its purpose. To catch leakers. That said, I can't blame the companies for wanting leaks gone too. I mean, NDA's exist for a reason. They don't want things leaked. It can affect sales.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
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