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Spider-Manfia: (Game Over! Roles Posted)

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey-Lovers:

junglefever (1): Handorin

Eor (2): Tom, Nicholas1024

Handorin (2): MexicanBJ, Sharpevil

Nicholas1024 (1): KevinM

Yaya (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Kirby King (1): Eor

With 17, it takes 9 to lynch!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I'm curious... what's your reasoning on that? Still, as he has come back, I think I'll


as well.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
Reading gaems.

I've got plans in about 30 minutes, but I've read through a decent bit so far; I should be all caught up by tomorrow at the latest; maybe late tonight if I'm up for it after returning.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
ok, sorry for being temporarily inactive for the weekend (i had a busy one)

so i read through all the posts and have first, decided to unvote Handorin. im not really gonna go too much into my reasoning into this; my suspicion has faded.

my suspicion has, however, shifted to a new candidtae: Rockin

i have absolutely no idea why this guy has no votes. i think Tom's analysis of Rockin's position on the Nick vs. Handorin debate makes a lot of sense and i dont find Rockin's responses adequate. i also believe him answering question directed at other people is an attempt to be more active since answering already made questions is clearly the easiest way to be involved (since it takes less creativity and thinking than coming up with questions yourself). i do understand the onces that were directed toward everyone but the ones that weren't make me suspicious.

so, Vote: Rockin

separately, i dont find Marshy or KK that suspicious at this point.

i think Marshy's explainations for being a little inactive at first make sense and are pretty honest. i think a lot of people (including myself at times) can sympathize with his attitude at the beginning (although i also know that this is a negative attitude for the town so please, nobody give me crap for this)

as for KK, i agree with Eor that KK's topic of Nick's day kill being real is in my opinion a little bit irrelevant since i can't see the real value that will be gained with the answers. despite this, i think that his intentions are good and that he isn't really just throwing it out there to be active

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey-Lovers:

junglefever (1): Handorin

Handorin (1): Sharpevil

Nicholas1024 (1): KevinM

Yaya Ignatius (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Kirby King (1): Eor

Rockin (1): MexicanBJ

With 17, it takes 9 to lynch!

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Macman: I'd like an answer to the follow up questions I asked. Your initial response was close enough to a "yes" to count.

Rockin: although you were remarkably eager to answer questions no one had asked you, you skipped over the most recent question that I directed at everyone. Just wondering if there was a reason for that.

Mediocre: I've already mentioned this twice, so might as well put the question to you directly: why did you insist on explaining your reasoning in such depth when I asked for a yes or no answer?

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I was saying it would depend on the way he explained himself/his thought process behind his action.

He would be a top candidate for lynch because I do not see a townie opting to use a power role like that this early. However I also wouldn't expect scum to do that either.... But he would be a considerable candidate for lynch to me because what he would have done and may continue to do wouldn't seem to benefit town, and the possibility of him being scum using his noobiness as an escuse for his actions would continually bother me.

But as i said before, it really isn't that simple.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
Wrong. This game is about winning, so yes, this game is all about town--unless, well, you're not town. You're advocating being suspicious just to prolong your own life. That's not a pro-town mentality, it's pro-Handorin.
To be honest I heard indy bells more than I heard scum bells. If Hando's scum he has no reason to garner so much suspicion from town--that's a self-preservation instinct against scum so he doesn't get nightkilled. If he just wanted to not get lynched (like if he's scum) he could easily have just talked a lot less and drawn less attention to himself.
These two posts, and moreso Handorins stance on the issue which I apparently didn't quote has really stuck out to me. Hando has been saying that he's been playing to try to be hard to read; then with a bit of scrutiny, still fairly early into the day, he made a post trying to suggest he had a PR. Which seems to be pretty much in contrast to what he's said he has wanted to do this game.


Yaya, you are very, very quiet. And if I've learned any solid lesson from the mafia experiences I've had, it is that quiet players are ****ing scary. Surely by now you have an opinion on something other than a mafia executioner and posting restrictions. Have you reacted negatively to Eor's D1 posts the way Tom has? If not, did Tom's assessment of Eor sway you? What are your general feelings on Handorin and the way he's been playing?
I'll go ahead and respond to this since I've been swapped in. I've played in a few games with Eor, and I've always had a bit of a hard time reading him. In Assassins for the longest time I thought hew as one of the priests, and was going to target him for one of my kills until the town let Alt kill off the other priest. I think it may have something to do with the brevity, and infrequency of his posts.

That said, I haven't really gotten any strong vibes from eor as being scummy. But, I do agree with Tom on one point, that I do think Eor may have meant something with his "Freudian slip" comment, rather than it being merely in jest.

Question for everyone: if Kevin ended up dying after Nick's daykill (i.e. it wasn't a fake daykill), would you have voted to lynch Nick? Just a yes or no for now please.


Follow up for those who said they would vote for Nick: what would be your reasoning? Would it be because you'd think he was mafia? independent? Would it be punishment for using his daykill poorly? Some other reason?
It's somewhat of a tricky situation, but presuming that Kevin flipped town I'd probably want to vote for Nic. Not so much because Id think he'd necessarily be mafia, in fact it'd probably be a town role, but because I think that he'd have displayed that he's a threat to the town with the usage of his daykills.

That said, I'm also looking at Marshy at the moment as well, he has been coasting by quite a bit. But in his last post he claims that he intends to be more active now, so we'll see if he actually comes through with that.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
On my question about Nick's daykill: the main reason I wanted to know whether people would have wanted to lynch Nick or not was because this situation could have been remarkably similar to something that happened in BSG Mafia in the BRoom. I was daykilled during D1 by someone who claimed to be an investigator/vigilante combo, and he got lynched that Day. No surprise that Tom said he wouldn't have voted to lynch Nick, because he was mafia in that game and helped spearhead that lynch. Needless to say, this was a very bad thing for town and it really could have (should have) been avoided.

The simple observation one makes is this: how often is it that a daykiller isn't town-aligned? It's certainly a rarity and I've never seen it documented in a compendium of roles (nor do I think I've ever come across it in practice). So with that much noted I'm interested in anyone who says they'd lynch the (pseudo-)confirmed daykiller.

I was saying it would depend on the way he explained himself/his thought process behind his action.

He would be a top candidate for lynch because I do not see a townie opting to use a power role like that this early. However I also wouldn't expect scum to do that either.... But he would be a considerable candidate for lynch to me because what he would have done and may continue to do wouldn't seem to benefit town, and the possibility of him being scum using his noobiness as an escuse for his actions would continually bother me.

But as i said before, it really isn't that simple.
I think this is a reasonable justification. You worry that he could potentially be scum hiding behind his newness. Again, I would say the odds that scum has a public daykill to use is pretty low, but I understand your reasoning and actually appreciate your qualifications. Nick's explanation of his actions and his thought process would be valuable input, especially if you're already thinking you'd want to lynch him.

It's somewhat of a tricky situation, but presuming that Kevin flipped town I'd probably want to vote for Nic. Not so much because Id think he'd necessarily be mafia, in fact it'd probably be a town role, but because I think that he'd have displayed that he's a threat to the town with the usage of his daykills.
I don't like this answer. You'd think that Nick was a town-aligned vigilante and you'd still want him dead? If anyone reading that doesn't immediately object to that proposition, turn yourself in now, scum.

I'll grant that daykilling Kevin would suggest a lack of judgment, but why is the solution to lynch Nick? Doesn't that just compound the original mistake? Why couldn't you, say, have the town vote on how his daykills should be used going forward (assuming he has them--if he doesn't, well, he doesn't even pose a threat to town anymore, so lynching him isn't even useful for the reasons you cited)? Use his daykill as a second lynch during the Day, and if he doesn't comply with the vote, then you'd have reason to want him dead (or doubt his alignment). Remember that it was a public daykill, so everyone already knows he's a vig. You're not revealing anything new at all. Lynching him when you still think he's a townie and throwing away the enormous power of a second lynch per Day is absolutely the wrong thing to do and I don't like that you've suggested it one bit.

In regards to why I would vote for Nic, it would because I have seen day kill SKs before. So after some questions and such, it would be the likely result.
This answer is just absurd and I have a hard time taking it seriously. I think you just pulled this out of your ***. You've seen a daykilling SK before--what, once or twice? where?--and so you want Nick dead? You wouldn't think it's more likely that he's just a town-aligned vigilante? Is "public daykilling serial killer" really the first instinct you had? What kind of serial killer has to kill in public?

I also don't really like how you try to qualify your answer. Unlike mentos you're not explaining very much of your thought process at all. I don't have any idea what kinds of questions "and such" you'd be asking, even though you seem to think it's implied from your answer. And I don't know how those questions would affect your judgment at all, since you just say lynching him would be the "likely result"--what would make it less likely? more likely?


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
I don't like this answer. You'd think that Nick was a town-aligned vigilante and you'd still want him dead? If anyone reading that doesn't immediately object to that proposition, turn yourself in now, scum.

I'll grant that daykilling Kevin would suggest a lack of judgment, but why is the solution to lynch Nick? Doesn't that just compound the original mistake? Why couldn't you, say, have the town vote on how his daykills should be used going forward (assuming he has them--if he doesn't, well, he doesn't even pose a threat to town anymore, so lynching him isn't even useful for the reasons you cited)? Use his daykill as a second lynch during the Day, and if he doesn't comply with the vote, then you'd have reason to want him dead (or doubt his alignment). Remember that it was a public daykill, so everyone already knows he's a vig. You're not revealing anything new at all. Lynching him when you still think he's a townie and throwing away the enormous power of a second lynch per Day is absolutely the wrong thing to do and I don't like that you've suggested it one bit.
It can just compound a potential mistake, but from all of the posts that I've read of Nic's I'm not sure that I'd still trust him to not just take another shot the next day regardless of what has been said to him the day before. Though, I think that may have been a thought process making too many assumptions.

I would be for using a vig's shot as another daykill, but that scenario also falls along with Nic actually being competent; and as someone that has very recently read through the days events thusfar, I see nothing to suggest that.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
If you really think he's that incompetent, why don't you vote for him now? Surely if you don't trust him to listen when the whole town says "don't shoot" you don't trust him to scumhunt.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
While it is early into the day, and I don't think he's that great of a player; I don't think that makes him scummy in any way. The only play he's made that has been bad was a fake daykill. It's not good play, but that's also not a reason I'd personally choose to vote for someone.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
While it is early into the day, and I don't think he's that great of a player; I don't think that makes him scummy in any way. The only play he's made that has been bad was a fake daykill. It's not good play, but that's also not a reason I'd personally choose to vote for someone.
i have a couple of things to say against this.

1. i completely disagree that nick is incompetent or a bad player. he simply made a mistake in trying out the fake daykill which he saw was used with success in another game. his explanation seems generally logical to me. i think most of his other posts are pretty rational and his analysis on the damage done to the town, in my opinion, makes sense

2. you saying "I don't think that makes him scummy in any way" is a little contradictory to your previous post where you say that him being mafia isn't what would warrant a vote from you, but rather him being incompetent. so why are you bringing being "scummy" into the discussion. clearly, you care more about competence.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
@MexicanBJ: Is it that he cares more about competence, or is it that he was asked a question that was about competence?

@Everyone: Why was the Nick fake daykill a mistake? WAS it a mistake? Are you sure?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Finally, one question for everyone. Do you think that Rockin's vote on me should raise suspicion, and if so, would it be enough to merit a vote, or just an FOS?
i thought this was a good question. quoting in hopes of it being answered

i like mbj's post about rockin being suspicious.

nick i don't think you fake daykilling was a bad move at all so ignore the haters. it's brought good discussion like you wanted.

i think iggy is suspicious. see mbj's post above. also i'm surprised to see that he'd still vote a confirmed townie (pretty much). obviously confirmed townies are a huge hindrance to mafia and finding a way to justify their lynch seems like an angle they'd want to play.

vote tmw why yes i am voting for an inactive while coasting.

a few people have solely targeted me for being inactive/coasting even though you haven't posted much either. all of your posts are talking about a potential executioner or attacking hando. i think you have more to say than that by now when it comes to suspicions

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey-Lovers:

junglefever (1): Handorin

Handorin (1): Sharpevil

Nicholas1024 (1): KevinM

Yaya Ignatius (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Kirby King (1): Eor

Rockin (1): MexicanBJ

tmw_redcell (1): Marshy

With 17, it takes 9 to lynch!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Indeed. The fake daykill brought FAR more discussion than I hoped for. Also, I agree that Ignatius seems to be suspicious. I really don't understand just how he gets the impression that I'm incompetent. I mean, when Tom was asked what advice he had for me, (part of the 10 question thing he was asked to answer), he said to keep playing exactly the way I was. Also... if I HAD daykilled KevinM, then I'd almost certainly be a vigilante... but Ignatius said that he'd vote to lynch me. Even AFTER Kirby king points out the flaws in that idea, Ignatius implied he'd still be for lynching me, on the grounds that I'm incompetent. (Which, as I hope I've clearly shown, is complete nonsense.) So...

Why do you think I am not competent? What post have I made to give you that impression?

Ignatius seems to have given some scum-tells... but does anyone think its too obvious? I'm wondering if he might be a jester. Your opinion?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
@MexicanBJ: Is it that he cares more about competence, or is it that he was asked a question that was about competence?

@Everyone: Why was the Nick fake daykill a mistake? WAS it a mistake? Are you sure?
um....yea im pretty sure he cares more about competence since he first brings up that it isn't worth killing Nick under the assumption that he's competent, and then when KK asks a follow up question on this, Iggy continues to say that he doesn't think Nick is a great player. so im pretty sure it's not that he was asked a question that was about competence which made him respond the way he did (although he was asked such a question). i still think it's clear that his main point is that since he believe Nick is incompetent, he would lynch him if the day kill would have succeeded (i think other people would agree with me as shown by their posts)

at your second question, now that you bring it up, im hesitant to automatically say it was a mistake. it has indeed brought good discussion (again, i never really bashed Nick for this in the first place and thought his reasons for the fake kill were quite rational)

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
@Everyone: Why was the Nick fake daykill a mistake? WAS it a mistake? Are you sure?
It wasn't/no/not yet? As far as I'm concerned ends justifies the means, and we've at least generated some promising leads. I'm only not sure because it depends on whether we hit scum or just chase our tails. It's purely a pragmatic viewpoint.

Finally, one question for everyone. Do you think that Rockin's vote on me should raise suspicion, and if so, would it be enough to merit a vote, or just an FOS?
I think Rockin's vote is somewhat suspicious. He claims that the daykill wasn't really enough justification for a lynch, but the timing suggests otherwise. He was the second vote on Nick--I think he wanted his vote on there early in case a bandwagon developed, in the hopes that we'd all focus on whoever voted later. I am interested in seeing how he responds to the question I've asked him.

Ignatius seems to have given some scum-tells... but does anyone think its too obvious? I'm wondering if he might be a jester. Your opinion?
I doubt there's a jester in the game only because the jester role seems to be out of favor on SWF. Besides that I don't really care if Iggy's a jester because it's entirely counterproductive to second-guess a lynch on the basis of "well, he could be acting scummy on purpose". I'd rather just lynch the distraction.

a few people have solely targeted me for being inactive/coasting even though you haven't posted much either. all of your posts are talking about a potential executioner or attacking hando. i think you have more to say than that by now when it comes to suspicions
I'm just curious who exactly you have in mind here. I can guess (not like you made it difficult), but unless you have a specific reason to not name names, I'd rather you just say who you're talking about. I think this whole "I suspect some group of people to possibly be named later" thing just inhibits discussion.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
The thing is Nic, Iggy's response(and all responses to KK's question), rely on a hypothetical situation. If you look at it from the standpoint the question is asked, despite my disagreement, I can see where he's coming from. If you look at it as the kill has gone through, you would have daykilled someone who was NOT the one who you were actively pressuring and feeling scum-tells from. That fact WOULD make you look "incompetent" so to speak, and if you had just shot someone who wasn't your most suspected target, I would see you as a possible danger to town as well. Would I lynch you for it? Depends on your response. But either way, in the situation being talked about, you killing Kev would have thrown up danger signs about your use of your power.

Now, Marshy still interests me. In HP mafia he did much the same as he's been doing so far here(coasting along, when being accusatory leaving things somewhat vague). Not something I would be ready to vote him over, but it is interesting and I plan to keep an eye on it.

To Tom, I don't think it was a mistake. Most importantly, it has finally gotten town to look around and not just throw things at Handorin and not pay much attention to others. Besides the initial confusion, it has in general seemed to give us a lot to work with, and hence has been an overall positive thing, despite being a bad play.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Vote: Marshy

You are admitting to coasting and then voting for another coaster?

Also @ Yedi I didn't get ***** AS hard by mango this weekend


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Rockin: although you were remarkably eager to answer questions no one had asked you, you skipped over the most recent question that I directed at everyone. Just wondering if there was a reason for that.
Actually forgot about that question. I'll answer it right now (hopefully, this is the right question you was asking about. Please let me know if it isn't)

Follow up for those who said they would vote for Nick: what would be your reasoning? Would it be because you'd think he was mafia? independent? Would it be punishment for using his daykill poorly? Some other reason?
To tell you the truth, I don't have a concrete reason to vote for him. Why? Cause he hasn't done anything scummy IMO. However, he did manage to irritate me in terms of doing a scare daykill, which was then I voted. I told others time and time again that it wasn't a 'real vote' but more of a smack to the back of his head for that stunt. As also said, I would soon take off the vote, and I did.

my suspicion has, however, shifted to a new candidtae: Rockin

i have absolutely no idea why this guy has no votes. i think Tom's analysis of Rockin's position on the Nick vs. Handorin debate makes a lot of sense and i dont find Rockin's responses adequate. i also believe him answering question directed at other people is an attempt to be more active since answering already made questions is clearly the easiest way to be involved (since it takes less creativity and thinking than coming up with questions yourself). i do understand the onces that were directed toward everyone but the ones that weren't make me suspicious.

so, Vote: Rockin
The reason why I answered those questions cause that's just my habbit. I like to help answer said questions, especially if they've havn't been answered yet. I thought it'd be good, but seeing as how ya don't like it, I won't say it (which is understandable, as I don't want to give Mafias any reasons to slip by).

I don't do this for activity sake. If I want to get into the discussion, I will. However, when it comes to these said discussions, either I don't understand the arguement too well, or I just plain have nothing to add. Like in terms of Handorin. This is the first time I'm on a game with him, so I dunno how he plays, how he responds, or anything like that. So my arguements in terms of that is just gonna mean ****, especially since he claims to change everytime. Even though it may sound scummy, it could be just his nature. So yeah, I have nothing to add to that.

When I don't know what to add in the said discussion, I stay quiet. Unfortunatly, even that has cost me before (In dino mafia. Day 3 or something, everyone was looking at me and pressured me till I said 'town cop'). I want to be in the discussion as much as possible, but if I can't, I just simply can't.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
kiki i had iggy kevin and medi in mind because they've all commented on me coasting/being inactive. i didn't think it was too suspicious but i'm kind of astounded that someone whose posts have all been dedicated to talking about a role probably not even in the game and attacking someone who was already getting a lot of scrutiny is getting away with coasting while people complain about me doing it. we have almost nothing to work with when it comes to tmw

mentos is there anything i've been vague about that you'd like to me elaborate on?

and yes kevin i am. however i plan to avoid coasting and would rather not have people do the same thing


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
The thing is Nic, Iggy's response(and all responses to KK's question), rely on a hypothetical situation. If you look at it from the standpoint the question is asked, despite my disagreement, I can see where he's coming from. If you look at it as the kill has gone through, you would have daykilled someone who was NOT the one who you were actively pressuring and feeling scum-tells from. That fact WOULD make you look "incompetent" so to speak, and if you had just shot someone who wasn't your most suspected target, I would see you as a possible danger to town as well. Would I lynch you for it? Depends on your response. But either way, in the situation being talked about, you killing Kev would have thrown up danger signs about your use of your power.
Actually, if you look at my post before the fake daykill, you would see that at the time, my suspicion was equally divided between Handorin and KevinM. However, I see your point. Still though, the logic in his answer didn't seem entirely correct, and that's what had raised my suspicion.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
This answer is just absurd and I have a hard time taking it seriously. I think you just pulled this out of your ***. You've seen a daykilling SK before--what, once or twice? where?--and so you want Nick dead? You wouldn't think it's more likely that he's just a town-aligned vigilante? Is "public daykilling serial killer" really the first instinct you had? What kind of serial killer has to kill in public?

I also don't really like how you try to qualify your answer. Unlike mentos you're not explaining very much of your thought process at all. I don't have any idea what kinds of questions "and such" you'd be asking, even though you seem to think it's implied from your answer. And I don't know how those questions would affect your judgment at all, since you just say lynching him would be the "likely result"--what would make it less likely? more likely?
@Everyone: Why was the Nick fake daykill a mistake? WAS it a mistake? Are you sure?
While it has simulated discussion, I think it was in bad taste. It drew unneeded attention on him. I think somewhere he said he didn't get quite the reactions he wanted or expected, but if I'm wrong I will know later because I will get crucified for it.

Ignatius seems to have given some scum-tells... but does anyone think its too obvious? I'm wondering if he might be a jester. Your opinion?
Possibility, but seems unlikely from what I read.

@U: Do you feel Yaya has given these scum (indy)-tells?

Vote: Marshy

You are admitting to coasting and then voting for another coaster?

Also @ Yedi I didn't get ***** AS hard by mango this weekend
I got double shined to forward smashed by mango's fox vs my falco. Can you top that? >_>

Like in terms of Handorin. This is the first time I'm on a game with him, so I dunno how he plays, how he responds, or anything like that.
You modded a game with me in it. I believe we talked quite a lot about it too during the game.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
In regards to why I would vote for Nic, it would because I have seen day kill SKs before. So after some questions and such, it would be the likely result.
Why yes, I do think it's the only thing on your mind, because it's the only thing you say is on your mind.

I ask you again: what kind of daykilling serial killer (or assassin, if you insist) has to kill in public? Is an independent/mafia daykiller really your first instinct?

I never said that a daykiller is always town-aligned. I said I thought it was unlikely that a public daykill would come from anyone who wasn't town aligned. That's not a reason to auto-clear them (as you seem to think I believe), but it is reason to object to them being presumptively lynched on Day 1.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Yeah, if I got to L-2 votes, I would most definitely role-claim. Sure, you might paint a target on your back for the mafia night-kill, but worst-case scenario it saves the town a useless lynch.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
It's somewhat of a tricky situation, but presuming that Kevin flipped town I'd probably want to vote for Nic. Not so much because Id think he'd necessarily be mafia, in fact it'd probably be a town role, but because I think that he'd have displayed that he's a threat to the town with the usage of his daykills.
This stuck out to me about as much as it probably did anyone else. Not only because you admit to being comfortable with lynching (what you would at least consider to be) a probable townie, but also because of your assessment of Nic's competency with daykills.

If Nic is town and if he actually had the ability to daykill more than once, I think that after accidentally hitting a townie with his first try, he would be much more receptive to town consensus on what to do with his ability from then on. Now, I haven't marathon'd through the thread recently the way you had to, but based on what I noticed from Nic, he seems to consider the actions of others when committing to actions himself. And I think shooting a townie with his first daykill would have put the fear in him if it wasn't there already.

2. A name claim might be in order
Hmm, does everyone agree that if you are about to get lynched [maybe at L-1/2] that you should role claim?
Hey now, don't go misrepresenting anybody here.

I think that a name claim would probably be good in the situation you posed and maybe a role claim afterward if the name isn't enough. However, given the nature of this game, I don't know how much either claim could really do for a person who's that close to being lynched.

In regards to Nic's fake daykill and whether or not it was a mistake, to be honest, I never really saw how it was. We did get discussion out of it and from what I can tell, it did nothing to actually harm us. Nic got a little more heat than he probably wanted, but nobody really got hurt. If anything, doing it took some moxie, which mafia (especially less experienced mafia) would be less likely to exhibit on D1.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Why yes, I do think it's the only thing on your mind, because it's the only thing you say is on your mind.

I ask you again: what kind of daykilling serial killer (or assassin, if you insist) has to kill in public? Is an independent/mafia daykiller really your first instinct?

I never said that a daykiller is always town-aligned. I said I thought it was unlikely that a public daykill would come from anyone who wasn't town aligned. That's not a reason to auto-clear them (as you seem to think I believe), but it is reason to object to them being presumptively lynched on Day 1.
You can't always assume that he is town and should assume the worst. What kind would kill in public? A Fing day kill sk. What else could it be? Do you want me to try and mod this game and make flavor for some random spiderman character I don't know about?

You seem to think I want to lynch Nic 150%.

So no, it isn't my first instinct, but my second thought is not town. You have to treat him as such until he "proves" his innocence.

If you refuse to listen to my answers, I just won't answer you anymore.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey-Lovers:

junglefever (1): Handorin

Handorin (1): Sharpevil

Ignatius (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Kirby King (1): Eor

Rockin (1): MexicanBJ

tmw_redcell (1): Marshy

Marshy (1): KevinM

With 17, it takes 9 to lynch!

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
So, you answered the first question. that's all i really got anyway.

You just say give good answers. That doesn't really tell us how you'd be able to tell. No, before you get on it, I don't need you to tell me how the **** game works. But you even said theres the possibility of a safeclaim and an ability to just come up with backstories well. So then what?

And you definitely never answered what the hell "and such" meant.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
It's just something I say. It's like asking why people always say "like" "And he was like, where should we go?"

And there is no way I am going to answer how I would tell because it is all hypothetical at this point. If I answer, people will jump on my case because anything I say is obvious scum, but since I'm not answering, these other people think it's scummy too. Take it as you will.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Mediocre: I've already mentioned this twice, so might as well put the question to you directly: why did you insist on explaining your reasoning in such depth when I asked for a yes or no answer?
I read it, I understood it, I quoted it...

And I just typed up way more than you asked for.

My usual method for responding to people is to go through, and use the quote button to open up every post I plan to respond to in its own tab. Then I'll copy and paste them into a single post.

In this case, I guess my mind moved on to other things, and I didn't reread your question before responding to it.

It wasn't intentional . I'm sorry if I screwed up any plans you had when you asked that question.

@Everyone: Why was the Nick fake daykill a mistake? WAS it a mistake? Are you sure?
I don't think it was a mistake. It hasn't hurt the town at all, as far as I can see. It's prompted a good deal of discussion, some of which may prove valuable.

It's certainly not a play I would have made, or one I'd hope to see again. However, in this particular case, I'd say it's been a good thing.

I really don't understand just how he gets the impression that I'm incompetent.
Me neither.

Ignatius seems to have given some scum-tells... but does anyone think its too obvious? I'm wondering if he might be a jester. Your opinion?
Right now, I don't think he's a Jester. However, now that you mention it I consider it plausible enough that I'll be keeping an eye out for something that I see as a frequent Jester "tell".

kiki i had iggy kevin and medi in mind because they've all commented on me coasting/being inactive.
My problem with the way you were playing was more the lack of any accusations towards anyone than anything to do with activity. The activity certainly didn't help, but it was less important than your unwillingness to go after other players.

If you refuse to listen to my answers, I just won't answer you anymore.
I don't think that will help.

Your answers were unclear.

Also, you keep talking about daykilling SKs, and put the mafia wiki quote up as evidence that they exist. Kirby King pointed out to you (although you seem to have missed it) that the quote you gave makes no mention of any daykilling serial killers.

I'm not saying they don't exist, but the fact that they're not mentioned in the wiki indicates to me that they're rare, which makes it strange that they would be the first thought you had about Nick's likely alignment.
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