Yeah, I think you're stupid too. :] If you own OoT on other consoles, don't buy it on this. It's not a joke because the game is still phenomenal. I paid full price for it and I have loved every second of it. The game still does everything right, and I almost wish I've never played this game before so I could feel that mind-boggling sense of adventure like I did as a child.
Sure, I really wish that Nintendo made a brand new Zelda instead of remaking OoT. I think that would be a sick way to promote the 3DS, but this game is still absolutely amazing and deserves to be sold at 39.99.
I never said the game was bad for its gameplay, but it is bad for what the overall package is. 40 dollars IMO is not worth a game that has been re-released onto VC and Gamecube, only to have updated graphics.
The reason you paid full price, among many others was a simple reason, and that's nostalgia. OoT is my favorite Zelda game of all time, and probably number 2 in general, but I know when a price or item is justified for its worth. I'd personally put it at 30 bucks as that seems more reasonable for a "remastering" of the game.
When I say I wanted some more story elements, there are a lot of characters that were there for one second, and then became important the other. The two main ones that stick out in my mind were Nabooru and Rauru. Nabooru you run into as a kid and she's like "oh hi kid, get me gloves" and then you don't see her again until after you rescue her and now she's a sage?!
Rauru: "Hey Link, good job pulling sword, don't mind the fact I was chillin with you all these 7 years, here is a medallion. Oh btw, you won't see me again until you get the other sages. Kthxbye."
Link: "K" -Gets light medallion-
I mean, at least they went far with characters like Saria, Rutoro, Darunia...but those two other characters, and the spirit temple's background in general was simply lacking. I was hoping that would be one of the things they went into more detail, but Nintendo passed on it.
Among that, I think it would have been neat to have an extra optional dungeon, maybe a new additional item, and naturally some additional dialogue, side quests, etc. etc.
I just don't think overall, that just because OoT is considered a great game, doesn't mean it can be justified with a full price tag if all you do is essentially update the graphics.