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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
frills though i believe toast has already explained why he wants this to be melee only before
i never heard it tell me toasty

Herb turned out pretty good because it was brawl and melee

if it were just melee then it wouldnt have been half the people there

I mean you get to keep the venue money, you get to rent rooms for free don't you?

why not make more money by adding brawl
As memory serves me. He explained it the last huge Melee tourney we had in January? And there was a good handful of people there who plays Brawl but still supported the cause. I think Tri-Monthly (or even Quad-Monthly) Melee only events are good for the community. Also running 2 kinds of tourneys at the same time WILL become chaotic. Even the TO's of H.E.R.B said that having the tourneys run on the same day would be crazy and hard to maintain. Not to mention it would take even longer to do everything because of how many people would have been there and for the people joining every event.

Plus it's not like you'll be left out if you do come. I'm pretty sure he'll let anyone set up whatever they want anyway (as long as they provide for them selves and don't interfer with the tourney).

Well brawl or no brawl, consider me staff again.
Don is a beast. <3


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Quad-Monthly isn't every 4 months? :confused: If not then that's what I ment. Big tourney every 3-4 months.

Hosting about every month would be nice, but that's all depended on who really wants to host that frequently. In NoVA they use to have tourneys like every 2-3 weeks. While down here they just happen. If we can get a standard pace going and gradually improve from there then that would be great in my opinion. And hosting tourneys cannot be done with just one or two people hosting. There needs to be more participation in the community. Which is why S.T.A.R.S is trying to get together a plan so we can help host frequently and take away some of the stress from the main tourney organizers around here.

Basically we gotta take baby steps before we can sprint.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
First of all, you're wrong.

Quarter-monthly = 4 times a month. [I looked it up]
Quad-monthly = every 4 months.

explanation --- quarter = 1/4 just like semi as a prefix = 1/2; therefore quarter-monthly would means you're dividing the month into 4 parts.

Quad = 4...Quadruple for example, just like Bi = 2...Bicentennials, for instance, are every 2 centuries. Semi-annual is every HALF year.

*gives Rhan a gold star*

everyone who defied him: get *****.

April 25th it is, esp because April 18th is SPOC and I want TR and some others going to SPOC to be able to make it to my Melee event.

Kadaj I'm too lazy to find my old post about why I want to make it Melee ONLY [which doesn't just mean no Brawl, it means no "ANYTHING else"]. Besides, it's going to be pitched as the second SoVa Melee Revival event.

Seriously, if you want a Brawl event, spend the time that I KNOW you have to talk to venues [like High Score] or whatever game stores might be near you. I've said time and time again that being a good TO is very hard work and takes a persistent effort to make sure an event is successful.

I simply don't have the time to do all of this anymore. I will hardly have time to make sure this next Melee event works out.

[before I forget, <3 D0N!!!]

Caboose: I have work saturday morning.

OH also: I have a second job [I'm co-managing a store with my aunt and uncle so my days off of work from the law office will be spent at this store...it's not open yet, but we open next week I think] so Thursday I'm not free really :(

gahhh I gotta get going.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
word, i need that melee practice then, im way out of it lately....

kadaj... i got tio and a laptop
just sayin..

oh and toasty, lemme get the info so i can make some advertisements. i feel like getting the scene going!


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
believe me ive talked to gamestores and me and they dont have the ROOM
plus everywhere that i know of that does have room is only really worried about melee

matter of fact would any1 be interested in a brawl tourny april 25th or may 1st?

caboose would you be able to reserve the room for one of those dates?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2005
Vienna, VA
biannually means twice a year not every 2 years
thus we can conclude that we should stick with the definitions given to us and not make up new ones


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
how about we all agree that english blows the big one?

also kadaj...do you mean april 18th? i guess i could but id rather not since id have to be down there most if not all the time and i hate brawl. it def wouldnt be as long as the other ones (noon to 7 maybe)


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
biweekly = every 2 weeks.

the suffix "bi" is used incorrectly in many places that I've looked

I was wrong to assume that everyone uses biannually to mean "every two years", apparently the word "biennial" [with the same root word as centennial] is the word used for that instead. My bad for assuming that people aren't ******** :(


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
I'll be in Nova for almost two weeks and i'll be getting back that week..
I don't think i'll have enough time to plan a good tourny that weekend

O and I meant May 2nd not the first lol

Boose do you absolutly have to be in the room the whole time?

If you do you could have your own melee set-up on one of the T.V.'s the whole time.

also boose would their be any way you could schedule the room back to back?

or have Enver schedule it right after?

just naming possibilities


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
well may 1st is fine i was just making sure you meant 18 and not 25th when melee thing would be

but what do you mean by back to back? if you mean consecutive weekends then yes ive done that before (25th and may 1st?) if you mean two days in a row (dunno how that would work though cz thats two paid events in two diff games [for dual players] with one on a sunday or friday) then im sure they wouldnt mind

and i dont absolutely have to be in room the whole time (im sure theyd at least understand me going to eat) but id rather not risk getting caught again and reaming this whole gig in the face. and yea sure i guess i could set up one tv. keep in mind though that may 2nd is pretty much exam time. so unless you can get a good list of confirmed's people may opt to jus study that day

godd4mn this nigg4 is badass


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
k i'll start asking/planning for may 1st then, it's seems like a good date and then Apex is like a week or so afterwards

by back to back i mean like 12pm to 7pm then like 8pm to 11 or 12pm

Btw if anyone is interested/driving to APEX its a national MELEE and Brawl tourny, and is pretty cheap
only 30 bucks for everything

let me no and we can carpool me and famous = automatic $20 to the gas tank already :)

Mashi ,SK, Pitzr we should all get together and plan for this :) it'd be extremely cheap for gas if we all went and its a two day event.

I already got housing and everything for us :)


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
*gives Rhan a gold star*

everyone who defied him: get *****.
Prince Toasty has spoken.

I can get sigs made for the event. Advertiseing wouldn't be so hard after that. :3

We got a month to hype this shizzzzzz. Let's do this!

Boose do you absolutly have to be in the room the whole time?
Boose took A LOT of heat last tourney because he left and went to his dorm. He has to be there monitoring the room.


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
lol he told me rhan

Btw if anyone is interested/willing to drive to APEX its a national MELEE and Brawl tourny, and is pretty cheap
only 30 bucks for everything

let me no and we can carpool me and famous = automatic $20 to the gas tank already

Mashi ,SK, Pitzr we should all get together and plan for this it'd be extremely cheap for gas if we all went and its a two day event.

I already got housing and everything for us


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
sigs would be tiiiiight!!! <3<3<3

Boose I'm gonna send a message to Jessica [Anime club pres] to see what's up. She's pretty good about replying to messages.

Don't let me forget anything [Read: this a list of stuff I'm gonna ask of her, if you see something missing, let me know.]
-pretty large venue, probably one of the rooms in Webb [like the one we used for Smash4Life back in the day]
-free venue if possible
-if not free, minimal costs [I'd imagine Anime club would like to raise SOME money for their efforts]
-lots of tables and chairs [we maxed out last time for the first time ever in Virginia House]
-lots of outlets
-as many TVs the school will let them rent out
-any TVs club members would be willing to donate for the event [along with cubes/wiis/copies of Melee]
-a couple staff members to help in whatever way necessary [setup, registration, managing chaos and theft, cleanup, etc]

Am I missing anything?

Please keep in mind that if this IS sponsored by the Anime club, then there will probably be club members (n00bs) at the tourney and I won't force them to enter the tournament but they will be allowed to play friendlies and stuff, so be courteous to them and oblige them if they want friendlies XD


You should know this by now. I want 10-15 setups. I think we had 9 or 10 Melee setups last time!!!!! That's amazing! We need those kinds of numbers again.

So far:

2 - toasty

2 - toasty

1 - toasty

Copies of Melee
2 - toasty

Power Strips
3 - toasty

Recording Setup
1/2 - toasty (no laptop right now)

...LMAO @ alllll of that being in Caboose's care right now XD


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
and no i see nothing wrong with that list

and yes, guys treat the anime club dudes fairly. i hate a lot of them but they take a lot of ****


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
I don't know the club very well at all, but I DO know there are females in it. No guarantee that they'll even show up, or if any of them are even attractive XD

EDIT: Cabooooossseeee

if I can't get Anime club to help me, can you reserve [or see if I can reserve] the Virginia House common room? When CNU reserved the York West room it made me think...none of them live there, and I don't live in Virginia House, but I'm an ODU student, so could I technically reserve the room?

there's no way a Melee tourney AND Brawl tourney can be run in those times that you gave for having them in the same day. Which is to say that running them both in one day WELL is VERY unrealistic.

Me talking out of my *** over the period of 30 minutes and not proofreading to see if it even made sense:
Wait until summertime for the Brawl scene to pick back up. A lot of people have Melee experience under their belts and they don't mind brushing off some rust to show for a Melee cause, but a lot of people don't want to spend tourney time trying to learn Brawl if they're unfamiliar with it at a higher level because people are busier now.

But for real, it'll take a while for SoVa to have a Brawl scene. Too many people in the scene are growing out of frequent activity [including fests] with Smash in general and lot of people gave up hope on Brawl because it wasn't their thing. Once more people become a bit better [LOL @ #1 way to get better not happening because people don't think they're good enough......]. One of the main deterrents to progress in the Brawl scene is the fact that the people most interested in getting better do NOT live close to each other [20-25 minutes is not "close by" when most of that is highway driving, not including tunnel traffic btw] or their schedules just don't match up...bah we've seriously talked about this 8,042 times already. I don't know what to tell you.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
If there is a way to have a projecter up somewhere to show the brackets that would be pretty cool. Just a thought. It would get rid of people crowding around a laptop and help control the event, though that has never really been an issue.

It would just look cool.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
kadaj, 1st or 2nd for brawl??

and enver, i got recording equipment ill bring to the melee event and a wii/disc/mem card
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