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Soul Calibur Mafia! Game Over! Town Wins!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
lol @ ClownBot FOSing me because I haven't posted in the last 12 or so hours. Excuse me for not idling on SWF all day.
Only a FoS, dude. Not like any of your posts before this one were groundbreaking, and like I said you're one of our best players. For what it's worth you've done more than Zen at this point.

Why aren't you voting yet, though?

The discussion about BSL's "whining" is stupid and it's not doing much for anyone.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

i was waiting on you to explain what reasonings were invalid, so that i could use whatever BS answer you never came up with as another point towards your scumminess.

and i said that one point wasnt really scummy by itself, but coupled with what you did afterward, makes it scummy.

1) i did
2) i wasnt mad at the game, i was mad at you.

accidentally stole your post color.
Lol. It's ok, colour thief. :3

Right, why did you misquote me?

Here's your point about my point being invalid:

BSL Statement:
"oh, btw, im gonna vote braig now." you go against what you just said about votes. what happened to the power of votes?"

But then, you misquote me, omitting the reasoning for that vote.

My Statement:
"Right. I voted Braig since he wasn't in the discussion yet. I just didn't want to use it for the purpose of mechanics. Plus, Braig had no votes at the time, it was pretty safe to vote him.

Also you know what my reasoning was. You said "Oh I voted you because you are scummy"

And my second sentence refers to that. You seemed to 'forget' what I said though. It was "How am I scummy?" and then, now you say what I did isn't really scummy."

Misquoted content in Deep Sky Blue. Deep Sky Blue point is related to Dark Ochird Point.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
J: You town? Good. Who here can you read? Will you hold my hand to LyLo regardless of my actions?
You scum? No? How sad, always wanted to take part in lynching a scum Swiss. I am confident in my personal reading of Zen and he knows that if he is scum I'll find out soon enough.


Hiya J. You have gotten over your grudge from DnD, I have forgiven you, all is well. Let us rejoice and celebrate by eating those tasty sammichs I know you love making. Also, for what its worth, dont poison me :D
Been over it. I don't like talking about DnD. Forgiven me for what? Also there is a chick on this hydra sooooo idk about the sammich making. Cooked Goose is better then Boiled....mmm.

X1: I'd rather not lynch Swiss on policy unless no one appears scummy. A last resort lynch. But I'm not opposed to it.
Weird comment is weird. I mean this is horrid reasoning to lynch someone. Hopefully this is RVS.

But, for the sake of discussion (and since you say we are still in RVS):

Vote: Braig

Braig reminds me of BLARRGGGHHh which reminds me of Dinosaurs from Super Mario World. :3
Braig is gonna be kicking some *** if our name is used incorrectly again. But Mario man is cool sooooo you cool for now.

im a little worried about Braig. Braig has two heads, which means twice the potential activity. J has more posts in this thread than Braig does. both of their posts were about confirming role PMs. if i understand correctly, J is generally less active than most, but what about the other head (leapfrogsomething, i think)? i would think that J would be trying to teach his friend how to play.
Pffft (both heads) this is hilarious. Did you consider this? J and LFN are very close friends and we end up doing alot of stuff together so today both heads went to hangout with a group of friends we have not really seen over Christmas break. J has more posts than Braig does.....and that is a reason? Also me(J) being generally less active than most. This is where you are wrong. Ask Zen/FF/Swiss/X1/th3kuzi(Boiled Goose) about my activity. If any of them come back saying I am not super active they are trolling you. Leapfrogninja (LFN) has been busy today with me hence why both heads could not post. Cute you are trying to throw dirt on us. *tsk* I am trying to teach her how to play better....? What does that even have to do with anything?

Luxor probably won't post until J does, or until he speaks to J, so we are essentially waiting for J to get back and I know he isn't on AIM right now and I haven't seen him posting anywhere else either.
Wrong hydra buddy, right about the AIM thing. The correct hydra buddy is LFN/J. Also she is a girl. =p

@Braig: Where art thou?
Hanging out with my friends.

Vote Braig

FoS Frozenflame

The game's just started but we do need to hear more from these guys. Braig's only post so far has been his confirmation and Frozen's posted hardly any content; you're probably the most experienced player here, so contribution would be greatly appreciated.
At the time of this post why did you not also call on Zen? He was also as shall we call it "inactive" which is laughable in itself since the game just started today. Also BSL already posted on me, why bring it up again and is the reason you voted for us instead of FF was due to the fact you think he is the better player? Interesting. I wonder if schmoozing will work on FF.

Vote's gonna chill on Zen for now 'till we hear more from him. J being absent is kinda cool since I'm afraid having to deal with his playstyle again but I also want more opinions on stuff so I'm kinda caught between a rock and a hard place. =P
Haha, silly FF. So you want opinions (apparantly from me) but you would rather not have to deal with the way I play? Is it weird I have no qualms with your play but you have a bit of animosity towards mine?

Tired after hanging out all day and really don't feel like doing much but thought I should say something at the moment.

But from what I've read:

Vote: Clownbot

Also just a bit of notice but we both will be gone all day tomorrow and presumeably all day Friday. *We don't know about Friday but we will be reading*


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Votecount 1.3

Zen: X1-12, frozenflame751 (2)
BSL: Swiss, BoiledGoose (2)
Swiss: Ranmaru, Zen (2)
Ranmaru: BSL (1)
Braig: Clownbot (1)
Clownbot: Braig (1)
BoiledGoose: (0)
X1-12: (0)
frozenflame751: (0)

With 9 alive, it take 5 to lynch! If deadline were to hit right now, Zen would be the lynch.
Deadline is set for January 8, 2011, at 11:00 AM EST!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
The reason I didn't vote for FF is because he actually posted after the confirmation stage.

I actually forgot about Zen at the time of that post, lol.Maybe I should have corrected myself when I remembered that he existed.

I can understand people finding my vote and FoS questionable since, as I stated myself, the game just started. Perhaps I should have thought it through a bit more, but legitimate discussion was going on. Maybe I was getting a bit anxious since it's my first game of Mafia in a while. Call it AtE if you want, but it's the best reason I can find.

So is that post your only reason for voting me Braig?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
qualify why you are voting clownbot plz. Also explain why its ok to be scummy in rvs and why you said 'hopefully its rvs' as if you want him to not be scummy


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
BSL Statement:
"oh, btw, im gonna vote braig now." you go against what you just said about votes. what happened to the power of votes?"

But then, you misquote me, omitting the reasoning for that vote.

My Statement:
"Right. I voted Braig since he wasn't in the discussion yet. I just didn't want to use it for the purpose of mechanics. Plus, Braig had no votes at the time, it was pretty safe to vote him.
woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. stop.
my purple came before the blue. not sure how i could misquote your blue when i:
1) wasnt talking about that post
2) that post didnt exist yet.

in regards to 1, i was talking about your Post #56, where you voted "for the sake of discussion (and since [goose says] we are still in RVS)"

the first time you gave a reasoning for voting braig was in what you colored blue here, which was after my purplepost.

Also you know what my reasoning was. You said "Oh I voted you because you are scummy"

And my second sentence refers to that. You seemed to 'forget' what I said though. It was "How am I scummy?" and then, now you say what I did isn't really scummy."
in regards to this part, im unsure of which post youre referring to now, care to quote it so i can construct a proper response?

Misquoted content in Deep Sky Blue. Deep Sky Blue point is related to Dark Ochird Point.
So in summary, didnt misquote your deep sky blue, and i dont understand your dark orchird.

Weird comment is weird. I mean this is horrid reasoning to lynch someone. Hopefully this is RVS.
first, the comment was answering one of X1's questions. it wasnt just me coming out of nowhere saying "hey, lets lynch swiss if we have no other option!", although that was what i was saying.

just to be clear, were the posts you quoted the reason you gave me the FoS, or my general play so far this game?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ahh finally all caught up. FF is playing pretty townie. There goes my wanting to start things off on him. It would be a waste. Looking at what's gone on so far, scum is probably either Swiss-Kuz or X1-bsl... Clownbot is mighty scummy as well.

*After a long read through on his lovely wii, Zen finished up his thoughts on his note pad and was finally ready to make a real post*

"Very well mod.. The one time I want to post in lime, it's banned. It would have went so well with my character too. Guess I'll just use this ugly yellow. btw I don't think the roles were really randomly chosen. It was DESTINY that I got my favorite character.

Anyways on to biz.

@BSL&Goose: What do you think about policy lynching Swiss D1?

BSL answer first
Why did you ask this towards bsl and goose specifically? And What did you gain from their answers? This was a really odd opening question to me. So spontaneous.
guys should all note this:

Vote: Zen for buddying me
I've never buddied you in my life, and I've yet to speak to you this game so what o.0?

Goose: Can you rewrite your #31 from the point of view you are town please?

Also someone asked this, but I don't think you ever answered. Why would it be bad for me to read you?

To answer your #70, I didn't think it was a big deal. And I have a town read on Ran.

@Swiss#26: Are you saying and "MVP pusher" does not play the game properly? I'm not sure what you mean by this. I always play properly and am in to win. And yes I think I will have you as town or scum by the end of the day. As for who I'd protect, whoever I had the strongest town read on, myself, or whoever I thought scum might target. There's no one here I would really protect on policy." I think the only people I'd policy protect in a game that I know is like Cello and maybe Chuckie ~.^.. *Zen thinks to himself*

"Swiss#95: Why are you defending Kuz from a cop investigation? You said you would support anyone bsl chooses and then you back down when he chooses Kuz. Why is Kuz town again? And why isn't his investigation as worthy as any other investigation?

@Frozen: I have meta reasons which you would shrug off, but mainly because of the above. Goose's "rvs shenanigans" about him and Swiss being scumbuddies I really don't like. Swiss' defense of of Kuz/Goose in that post makes me think they really are scumbuddies and now Swiss is trying to rid of bsl for being onto Goose. He's using his "master plan" to catch bsl as scum as a cover up for ridding someone who was on to them.

@BSL: Why were you mad at Ran specifically? Explain. With all your heart.

Also just out of curiousity why did you make your #138 purple?

Ran same question to you about your #156. Why did you highlight the last part of your post with blue/green(?) and red? I'm just curious?"


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
"I'm completely lost as to what the heck bsl and Ranmaru are going back and forth about.

bsl: Ranmaru is town. It would be best if you just assumed so for the day imo. I don't get why you were going after him in the first place. Kinda seems to me like you were just trying to go along with Swiss and the reason you got angry was because you fell for his trap."


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
hang on, im in the middle of the post explaining it.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
@BSL: Why were you mad at Ran specifically? Explain. With all your heart.

Also just out of curiousity why did you make your #138 purple?
he repeatedly shrugged off my points based on the way i worded things, to the point that i assumed he was deliberately ignoring what i was trying to say. then once i finally had reworded it to his liking, he forgot exactly what i was talking about, so i had to go back and find everything. his post 129 is a big rage inducer. i dont know why.

Funny, you don't even quote the post you are referring to. : ]

You don't see how? Did you not read Swiss's post at all? Skimmin brah?

Yes, your reasoning was invalid. Ok, I'll give you a hint. The answer, if the second sentence in that post, which states that you have no valid reasoning.

And yet again, instead of repeating why you insist on me being scummy, you direct to reasoning I seem to lack. But I don't even know which post you are referring to. So I think you are lying. I won't believe you until you quote what you mean.

But you would quote Swiss in your defense, though.


Also, I won't be able to post until tommorow now. Sis is going to use the comp.
the smiley face and the "skimmin brah?" gave me the "lawl, i troll u so hard" vibe.

i was already kind of annoyed with him from before because he was twisting some things i had done into scummy things. and then some of the things in my purplepost also got me kind of peeved.

i made my purplepost purple because i had other things in my post, and i didnt want it lost among my liberal use of the enterkey. and if i remember correctly, i was going to say more at the end. or i shortened what i was going to say. or something like that.

and if you were wondering why i chose purple specifically, i just clicked a color.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
i quoted it before. youre starting to annoy me.

And yet again, instead of repeating why you insist on me being scummy
look. right. here.

here, let me go back and get the reasons for why i voted you.
im going back. right now. to get reasons.
i was mad here. if you couldnt tell.

not only did he skim, but he poked at me for stuff that he missed because he skimmed. or deliberately ignored. one of the two.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
i dont quite understand X1's clearing me. although i do like that he can see that ran is being somewhat illogical.

for swiss, i just want him to explain how he has proof that i am scum, then ill reassess. all he said was that i "did everything i could to avoid the cop target" which isnt true.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Zen, why do you think X1-BSL scum is possible? The only time you mentioned a relationship between them was in response to X's question for BSL and Goose, and even then all you mentioned was that it was "odd" and "spontaneous." Is it in part due to X's clearing of BSL? How much does that come into play? What do you find more likely between the two scum teams you noted as possibilites? I hoped you were going somewhere with your accusation of me as being scummy, but you didn't expound on that.

Also, do you have an explanation for my last post?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Nah X1. You are scummy, and by trying to clear BSL as town, it may mean BSL may not be scum, and you may be just buddying him. I'd rather have you lynched first. Nah it's low risk. There is a reason for what you are doing. Plus, I'm not forcing anything. Answering another person's question ain't so bad. You make such a big deal out of it. : ]
Its low-risk for scum to completely stick their neck out to defend another player? Its low risk for scum to completely put themselves in the firing line? Why do you assume clearing BSL as town is only something scum would do? How is clearing a town member in any way anti-town? Answering another persons question is anti-town in that it is 'covering for them' and making them not have to answer anymore, but it also makes you look super scummy as if you are trying to find any excuse to be seen to contribute, not something that town should be worrying about.

I admit I was a bit confused, but I still am wondering about Swiss. I mean, if BSL were town, then he'd have used me to somehow say that BSL didn't want a cop investigation. He said he wanted me copped. I was fine with both. X1 is trying to clear BSl as town, so if BSL flipped as town, X1 would be cleared.
Explain how you know this to be true, how do you know my intentions? Perhaps it was because clearing townies helps find out who the scum is by reducing the possible lynch pool

X1 said "I'll state why in 30 min" probably as an opening for Swiss to accuse him of not giving one immediately? Could this be a potential bus?
If Swiss was ever going to bus me it almost certainly wouldn't be on D1, even in a 9 man game. And also if he did bus me there's absolutely no way you'd realise it.

Ran: There is something fundamental you need to know about how to play this game. If you go into the game with already the preconceptions that someone is scum, you can successfully twist almost anything they say to fit your theory. That's not how the game should go. You're meant to read the posts, think, evaluate then come to a reasoned conclusion, with every new post you repeat this process and by the end of the day you should have a good idea of who is scum. You're not being objective enough in this game and you're tunnelling me, with a hint of OMGUS too


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Why did you ask this towards bsl and goose specifically? And What did you gain from their answers? This was a really odd opening question to me. So spontaneous.
I asked the question because seeing how people interact with Swiss can come in really if one of them flips scum. Having swiss's alignment known for sure is very useful. I ask those two specificly because from the list of 9 they are the ones who kinda know Swiss a little but not that much. Also if they were scum they'd be the ones most likely to show it in answering that question.

@Zen: Do you always try to pin the scumteam as a whole like that? As opposed to just lynching someone then if they flip scum look at connections?


Dec 27, 2010
I wish I could get in this, but I have no idea how to play...
Dont post in here again, please.

Would just like to point something out.

First you post this.

Ran said:
Nah X1. You are scummy, and by trying to clear BSL as town, it may mean BSL may not be scum, and you may be just buddying him.
And then post this.

Ran said:
X1 is trying to clear BSl as town, so if BSL flipped as town, X1 would be cleared.
You literally had a change of heart in the exact same post.

First you say, x1 is scummy therefore his buddying of BSL makes him town.

Then you say if BSL flips town, x1 is cleared.

IDK if you are just drawing at straws or are generally confused, but you are not making coherent arguments. This looks like your noobtown play, to be honest, but step it up please.

Ran said:
Plus, I'm not forcing anything. Answering another person's question ain't so bad. You make such a big deal out of it.
Coming from the person who would not vote and then unvote me to find out game mechanics while making a case that he did not want me being quick hammered.


Dec 27, 2010
Also, now that you have had time to reflect on some connections, what you be your reads on other players if x1 were to flip town vs scum.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
@The Good Doctor: Hello, I am the moderator of this game. The rule in this forum is that you don't post in a game unless you are in that game. If you would like to get into a game, please sign up for a game in the sign-up thread. I hear a beginner's game is getting ready to accept sign-ups, so you can check there. I'm glad you want to get started with Mafia, but another post in this thread will get you reported to the DGames mods. Thanks for understanding.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. stop.
my purple came before the blue. not sure how i could misquote your blue when i:
1) wasnt talking about that post
2) that post didnt exist yet.

in regards to 1, i was talking about your Post #56, where you voted "for the sake of discussion (and since [goose says] we are still in RVS)"

the first time you gave a reasoning for voting braig was in what you colored blue here, which was after my purplepost.

in regards to this part, im unsure of which post youre referring to now, care to quote it so i can construct a proper response?

So in summary, didnt misquote your deep sky blue, and i dont understand your dark orchird.

I KNOW that. That is why I said it was related to the dark orchid, and that it wasn't a response to your dark orchid. If I said it was a response I'd be lying. But now you acknowledge reading my Deep Sky Blue so I'm sure you understand now or are you still confused?
Ran same question to you about your #156. Why did you highlight the last part of your post with blue/green(?) and red? I'm just curious?"

I like to colour my posts so that some posts can stand out.

Also Zen, I don't think Swiss started accusing me of scum, and with BSL following.

I think he went along with GOOSE who wanted me to vote for him and unvote. It seems Goose doesn't understand I'm trying to keep a solid vote stance, instead of being "wishy-washy" like in my other game. The only exception to this is RVS voting. Even so, my refusal did create discussion.

Swiss then just stated I was Scumran, as if he already knew. It felt odd because I didn't ever see any reasoning from him, only that he agreed with BSL and GOOSE.

he repeatedly shrugged off my points based on the way i worded things, to the point that i assumed he was deliberately ignoring what i was trying to say. then once i finally had reworded it to his liking, he forgot exactly what i was talking about, so i had to go back and find everything. his post 129 is a big rage inducer. i dont know why.

the smiley face and the "skimmin brah?" gave me the "lawl, i troll u so hard" vibe.

i was already kind of annoyed with him from before because he was twisting some things i had done into scummy things. and then some of the things in my purplepost also got me kind of peeved.
I like to use smiley faces all the time. I do that to show a non-aggressive nature. : ] I never tried to twist your posts, it seemed more like you were trying to twist mine.


"Swiss said:
"BSL, we won't cop Ran, we'll lynch him toDay.
You get to tell the cop who to investigate, I endorse it. No matter who it is, but you can't change your mind after you say who."
BSL said:
ill go ahead and stick my vote on ran now then.

can we wait until later toDay to choose a cop target? if not, Goose.

Also, why did you want to wait until later toDAY?

Ranmaru said:
@Bsl: Why do you want me copped? : ] Who else do you think besides me may be being scummy?
BSL said:
i think youre scummy. Goose, along with you, seems to be a tad bit scummy.

vote: Ran

Ok, you see my question in YellowGreen? I asked, and you gave me "you are scummy, that is why I'm going to vote you" your answer is in red. I then said that the statement in red was invalid. Do you understand now? I then asked "Why am I scummy?"

Its low-risk for scum to completely stick their neck out to defend another player? Its low risk for scum to completely put themselves in the firing line? Why do you assume clearing BSL as town is only something scum would do? How is clearing a town member in any way anti-town? Answering another persons question is anti-town in that it is 'covering for them' and making them not have to answer anymore, but it also makes you look super scummy as if you are trying to find any excuse to be seen to contribute, not something that town should be worrying about.

Explain how you know this to be true, how do you know my intentions? Perhaps it was because clearing townies helps find out who the scum is by reducing the possible lynch pool

If Swiss was ever going to bus me it almost certainly wouldn't be on D1, even in a 9 man game. And also if he did bus me there's absolutely no way you'd realise it.

Ran: There is something fundamental you need to know about how to play this game. If you go into the game with already the preconceptions that someone is scum, you can successfully twist almost anything they say to fit your theory. That's not how the game should go. You're meant to read the posts, think, evaluate then come to a reasoned conclusion, with every new post you repeat this process and by the end of the day you should have a good idea of who is scum. You're not being objective enough in this game and you're tunnelling me, with a hint of OMGUS too
You are right, I guess. I'm still getting adjusted. No, no OMGUS whatsoever.

I don't know when Scum usually bus. I am for clearing town, never did I say that one shouldn't. I was just trying to make a connection.

I'm still experimenting. You say I post alot of fluff, but I just post alot because I think alot.

Also I never said I knew, I am just making connections. Also, it is hard to get a read from other people when not everyone is posting.

Like I am telling Goose, I didn't mean to word it like that. I meant that you might have made it seem like you were town, but I'm not sure of your alignment yet, though. That, just seemed scummy.

I never went into this game with believing you were scum already. I wouldn't use Meta. I'll try to spread out my accusations more.

Also, I have no trouble contributing, so that isn't the problem. I never answered it with intentions of covering for someone. I didn't see it in that way.

Would just like to point something out.

First you post this.

And then post this.

You literally had a change of heart in the exact same post.

First you say, x1 is scummy therefore his buddying of BSL makes him town.

Then you say if BSL flips town, x1 is cleared.

IDK if you are just drawing at straws or are generally confused, but you are not making coherent arguments. This looks like your noobtown play, to be honest, but step it up please.

Coming from the person who would not vote and then unvote me to find out game mechanics while making a case that he did not want me being quick hammered.

The second thing you said was what I thought would be his purpose. I said if BSL flipped, then X1 would seem to be town. But, maybe my logic isn't accurate, and I'll step it up as you say. :p

So, I didn't have a change of heart, it was a constant flow. I said x1 would want to seem to be town from that... Although, it was my fault, due to my wording.

If x1 flipped as town, I and Swiss would probably be connected to him.

That was different. You told me to vote you and unvote you, and I simply refused. I didn't see answering a question that didn't seem to involve anyone in anyway to be dangerous.

@BSL, when referring to your #137, what do you think of Goose? If I was lynched, and flipped town, what would you think of others?

@X1, why did you post saying "no" to Swiss when he asked you to explain why I was scummy? Couldn't you have not replied and post with or without the answer later?

@Goose, why did you want me to vote you and unvote you in the start? Why not yourself. You weren't voting yourself. If you were, then it would be different.

@Braig/FF/Zen/Clownbot/Swiss: Who do you think is Town? Who do you think is Scum?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@X1, why did you post saying "no" to Swiss when he asked you to explain why I was scummy? Couldn't you have not replied and post with or without the answer later?
iirc I only said "no" to him when he asked me to explain how I could find out if BSL was town or not.

@Ran: Why have your stances changed so suddenly? Its no good leaving your vote in one place if what you're saying doesn't match up to it. Give me a run down of your top 2 or 3 scum picks with reasoning why.


Dec 27, 2010
Ran, please respond to the 182 when u get a chance.

Ran said:
@Goose, why did you want me to vote you and unvote you in the start? Why not yourself. You weren't voting yourself. If you were, then it would be different.

I just wanted to stimulate some conversation towards the beginning of the game + draw out some reactions to your response. BSL's defense of my request was quite interesting
considering that you had a valid point in asking why I would ask you a favor instead of doing it myself.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
How have my stances changed? Please post what you refer to as a stance change.

Scum picks:

Zen - Zen hasn't posted enough for me to get a read on him. It takes him a long time to post, and then he goes offline, I also noticed this along with Clown Bot.
BSL - I believe BSL is a scum pick because he has tried to label me as scummy only for my refusal to vote and unvote Goose. He even followed Goose with the vote thing, and Swiss with my possible lynching.
Swiss - Swiss, I can't read until he posts further. He directs me and BSL, telling him he'd lynch me. BSL goes along with this. Now, he used me in order to get a good read on BSL. I'm not sure if he would do this regardless of alignment. Although I'll also keep my eye on you... I don't mean to tunnel you.
Braig - I do not see much posts from Braig, but Braig says he won't be able to post today.
Clownbot - Clownbot seems fine. But, I would want to see him post more.
BoiledGoose - Goose is ok. He asked me to vote him and unvote him, and then questioned my refusal. I wondered why he asked, but he says it was for the sake of discussion, which I find ok. Really, he could have done this himself, though.
X1-12 - I would have put you in red, but you might have been right about me answering a question. I never saw a reason not to, but that may be why you were pointing towards me as scummy. I do want to keep my eye on you. But then again, I want to see the others that aren't posting to post more, it isn't totally my fault for tunneling you. My bad for that. I only put you in green for your valid point.
frozenflame751 - Like Swiss, I can't get a read unless he posts further. He just posted a PbyP analysis, but I sure hope he posts more.

Yellow is Null. Green is Town. Red is Scum. Now, I find it is not easy for me to make scumpicks. I need to work on finding town reads too. I only have one Scum pick for now. I want to say a few others might be, but I now realize that if I do say that then I might be biased because I haven't seen the others post as much.

The only person that stands out the most (for now) is BSL.
Vote: BSL

There. Also, I was trying to be less wishy-washy then my last game, which is why I kept my vote for so long.

@Goose: I did reply to your 182. As I went to preview my post, I noticed your new reply. It's at the bottom. But I'll post it again for your convenience:

"If x1 flipped as town, I and Swiss would probably be connected to him."


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well I'd be accused of tunneling him.

You'd be accused of telling him he didn't explain why I was scummy. Also you said you didn't know much about X1.

That's it. It isn't a big connection, but if he were to flip town that is probably what people would think.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Ran, do you think you'd have different thoughts on BSL if you weren't the one he found scummy?

Also, keep in mind that we don't have much to go off of at this point.

Don't think I've forgotten your question towards me; I've already looked over most peoples' posts individually and here's what I can say so far:

Zen, BoiledGoose, and X1 are all leaning town.

FF is null, but some of his posts are weird like his bizarre and trivial argument with BSL over whether what he said qualified as whining. Braig is a little too null for my liking. It's a shame they can't post today.

Still have to look at Swiss, BSL, and you, Ran. I think I need to go back and reread a little, particularly the stuff between you and BSL.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Zen, why do you think X1-BSL scum is possible? The only time you mentioned a relationship between them was in response to X's question for BSL and Goose, and even then all you mentioned was that it was "odd" and "spontaneous." Is it in part due to X's clearing of BSL? How much does that come into play? What do you find more likely between the two scum teams you noted as possibilites? I hoped you were going somewhere with your accusation of me as being scummy, but you didn't expound on that.

Also, do you have an explanation for my last post?
It's more of his defense of his defending/clearing bsl. His WIFOMing about how high risk it would be to clear him doesn't sit well with me and it's not something I'd expect from town X1.

As for why it said I was offline I have no idea, I never wen't offline. I did bounce back and forth between this and another game during reading, but I never went offline. Why does that matter to you anyway seeing that I poster right after you said that.
@zen: You buddied me in the last para of #31
Saying you screw up town as both town and scum is buddying to you? I thought you would be more insulted than anything. I also called you a tunneler in that same post, so no I wasn't buddying you. btw, why did you so easily accept FFs friendship, yet call me out for buddying? He hadn't even said anything really other than agree with you voting me and agree with you that there was so much scum. This enough for you?
I asked the question because seeing how people interact with Swiss can come in really if one of them flips scum. Having swiss's alignment known for sure is very useful. I ask those two specificly because from the list of 9 they are the ones who kinda know Swiss a little but not that much. Also if they were scum they'd be the ones most likely to show it in answering that question.

@Zen: Do you always try to pin the scumteam as a whole like that? As opposed to just lynching someone then if they flip scum look at connections?
What did you get from their answers?

@your question: I'm not in 9-person games that often so no, not in the beginning. It's not as easy to group people from d1 connections in large games. However I still try to do so.
Dont post in here again, please.

Would just like to point something out.

First you post this.

And then post this.

You literally had a change of heart in the exact same post.

First you say, x1 is scummy therefore his buddying of BSL makes him town.

Then you say if BSL flips town, x1 is cleared.

IDK if you are just drawing at straws or are generally confused, but you are not making coherent arguments. This looks like your noobtown play, to be honest, but step it up please.

Coming from the person who would not vote and then unvote me to find out game mechanics while making a case that he did not want me being quick hammered.
You're calling him a noob for contradiction when it's actually your mistake for not interpeting what he's actually saying. He's saying that X1's intentions would be to clear himself as town, not that he actually would be cleared as town.

Goose why are you ignoring me?? You've yet to rewrite your #31 from the point of view you are town.

Also why are you not voting Swiss yet?

Swiss why have you not responded to me either? Do you guys think that if you just don't say anything to me, I'll forget about you?"


Dec 27, 2010
Zen said:
You're calling him a noob for contradiction when it's actually your mistake for not interpeting what he's actually saying. He's saying that X1's intentions would be to clear himself as town, not that he actually would be cleared as town.

Be honest Zen. From his original post, you were able to interpret that Ran meant "x1's intentions would be to clear himself as town" from "
X1 is trying to clear BSl as town, so if BSL flipped as town, X1 would be cleared"?

Or was it his follow up post, explaining his mistake, that tipped you off?

Regardless, it was my mistake. I apologize Ran. Lets not dwell on a technical error.

Zen said:
Goose why are you ignoring me?? You've yet to rewrite your #31 from the point of view you are town.

Must have missed the question. Coming right up, sah. While I am at it tho

Ran said:
@Braig/FF/Zen/Clownbot/Swiss: Who do you think is Town? Who do you think is Scum?

and why?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Also, why did you want to wait until later toDAY?
swiss told me i wouldnt be able to change my choice afterward. it was still early in the Day and we still had over a week before the deadline. a lot of my reads are going to change by then. so the person i choose might turn out to be super-brownie-townie, and copping them should be a waste.

Ok, you see my question in YellowGreen? I asked, and you gave me "you are scummy, that is why I'm going to vote you" your answer is in red. I then said that the statement in red was invalid. Do you understand now? I then asked "Why am I scummy?"
alright. i understand. i thought you were talking about my reasoning for calling you scummy, not the reasoning for voting you. but i have now given you the reasons, and you refuse to acknowledge them.

@BSL, when referring to your #137, what do you think of Goose? If I was lynched, and flipped town, what would you think of others?
BSL - I believe BSL is a scum pick because he has tried to label me as scummy only for my refusal to vote and unvote Goose. He even followed Goose with the vote thing, and Swiss with my possible lynching.

The only person that stands out the most (for now) is BSL.
Vote: BSL
ROFL WHAT. scummy only for your refusal to vote and unvote Goose?! If you had read the post where i told you why i thought you were scummy, that specific action, when by itself, is strange, not scummy. there is a whole list, and you claim that the one thing on the list that i said wasnt that scummy is the thing im voting you for?! i mean... i dont even know what to do now.

@mod: request votecount


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
"I knew that's what he was saying when I first read it.

I stated who I think is town already. Both you and Ran are skimming. And this is your third time Goose.

Scum: Swiss, X1, Goose (All 3 of you aren't scum, but you're my top 3 suspects)

Town: Ranmaru

ikgisfg: Clownbot, bsl"


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
How have my stances changed? Please post what you refer to as a stance change.
scumpicks in #188 Swiss-null and X1-town. But back in #156 X1 is scum and Swiss is 'probably' his scumbuddy. In #129 you also imply that Swiss is scum with BSL. In #120 and #123 you accuse me of stalling - interpreted as scummy. Swiss scum in #101 votes Swiss here.

Zen - Zen hasn't posted enough for me to get a read on him. It takes him a long time to post, and then he goes offline, I also noticed this along with Clown Bot.
BSL - I believe BSL is a scum pick because he has tried to label me as scummy only for my refusal to vote and unvote Goose. He even followed Goose with the vote thing, and Swiss with my possible lynching.
Swiss - Swiss, I can't read until he posts further. He directs me and BSL, telling him he'd lynch me. BSL goes along with this. Now, he used me in order to get a good read on BSL. I'm not sure if he would do this regardless of alignment. Although I'll also keep my eye on you... I don't mean to tunnel you.
Braig - I do not see much posts from Braig, but Braig says he won't be able to post today.
Clownbot - Clownbot seems fine. But, I would want to see him post more.
BoiledGoose - Goose is ok. He asked me to vote him and unvote him, and then questioned my refusal. I wondered why he asked, but he says it was for the sake of discussion, which I find ok. Really, he could have done this himself, though.
X1-12 - I would have put you in red, but you might have been right about me answering a question. I never saw a reason not to, but that may be why you were pointing towards me as scummy. I do want to keep my eye on you. But then again, I want to see the others that aren't posting to post more, it isn't totally my fault for tunneling you. My bad for that. I only put you in green for your valid point.
frozenflame751 - Like Swiss, I can't get a read unless he posts further. He just posted a PbyP analysis, but I sure hope he posts more.

Yellow is Null. Green is Town. Red is Scum. Now, I find it is not easy for me to make scumpicks. I need to work on finding town reads too. I only have one Scum pick for now. I want to say a few others might be, but I now realize that if I do say that then I might be biased because I haven't seen the others post as much.
What makes Clownbot different from Zen/Swiss/Braig He is green, they are yellow, yet the comments next too each other are essentially the same?

Ran #156 said:
Right. I voted Braig since he wasn't in the discussion yet. I just didn't want to use it for the purpose of mechanics. Plus, Braig had no votes at the time, it was pretty safe to vote him.
What do you mean 'safe to vote for him' Why does what you do have to be safe?

"If x1 flipped as town, I and Swiss would probably be connected to him."
If I was town, what would that imply of you two, and same question if I was scum.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
@BSL, when referring to your #137, what do you think of Goose? If I was lynched, and flipped town, what would you think of others?
Goose didnt really have anything to do with my 137, his name was just there.

if you were town, we'd have to look at ClownBot and Swiss.

Swiss for obvious reasons with his connections to you.
ClownBot because he is on your town list, while Zen is on your null-list. you gave the same reasons for them.
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