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Soul Calibur Mafia! Game Over! Town Wins!


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
you dont think zen is a smart guy? cause he doesnt seem to think thats what you were doing.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Zen thinks I genuinely swapped my stances from Ranscum to BSLscum?

I know he has a reputation for being 'mind numbingly slow' but this is a step too far.

I'll do a re-read later but just....don't listen to Zen.

@ X1 I remember you quoting something that made BSL town. IIRC I saw it as straight null.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
It pains me to see such stupid players.

Unless this is a pressure wagon, I respond well to pressure.

This is really making me panic, allowing my true thoughts to be expressed. I'll be making my panic post sometime in the next 7 hours.

Watch this space.


Dec 27, 2010
Not reading much?

X1 quote the damn rule for you in like the first post of the game. Then I talked about it some more and said it was important. How in the world did you miss this? You clearly did, because you don't need to ask for something that is IN THE RULES to be modconfirmed, since being in the rules, by virtue of being THE RULES, mod confirms it already.
Let me give you the run down of events that happened.

I was in my non-hydra account and ran in here to post something dumb before switching over to the hydra to check for my role pm. By that time, yes, x1 has posted that rule. However, it was the first post in a bunch that I assumed would be confirming/content-less stuff. Yeah, I missed it.

Played the game fine until I saw the first vote-count where I saw the line about Zen being lynched. I had never seen a Mafia Game yet in dGames that used plurality instead of NL, so it caught me slightly off guard. Instead of just hunting back through the rules, I just asked the mod in thread. Yeah, I got lazy. No harm no foul.

As for the comment you're bound to make about not reading the rules carefully, Zen full out started posting in Lime towards the beginning of the game, despite it being the Mod's colour.


@ BoiledGoose: You're attacking Ranmaru as if he was clearly opposed to discerning how exactly ties were resolved with regard to the plurality rule. Can you point me to where exactly Ran's language was indicative of a desire to undermine attempts to acquire this information, or would you agree he simply seemed genuinely confused by you asking him to vote for you, and simply was overcautious because he didn't recognize the purpose of your request?

Bearing this in mind, the above linked post seems like a huge overreaction and an attempt to make a confused individual look like he was intending to do something that he wasn't.
I whole heatedly agree with the bold. The aggressive parts of my post was directed towards the part in Ran's post in parenthesis. He is specifically referencing one game of vengeful townie that happened a day before this game started. I was pulling a scum gambit where I was self voting to bait hammers, and Ran, a townie, got successfully baited into trying to quick hammer me. Of course, we lynched him promptly after. Since it was vengeful, he just shot me and we were done with it.

I was trying to tell him not to import those quick hammer tendencies from aimmaf into forum mafia, if you are town of course. I was a little too aggressive on a whole, however I already explained why I took such a stance about his refusal.


Dec 27, 2010
FF, since you called me and swiss out for doing the same thing, what made you choose to place your vote on me instead of Swisssai?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
It pains me to see such stupid players.

Unless this is a pressure wagon, I respond well to pressure.

This is really making me panic, allowing my true thoughts to be expressed. I'll be making my panic post sometime in the next 7 hours.

Watch this space.

Also explain who is scum. And don't say BSL

btw gaiz its party time in a couple of hours so this will be one of my last posts for a day or so atleast


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ran, do you think you'd have different thoughts on BSL if you weren't the one he found scummy?

Also, keep in mind that we don't have much to go off of at this point.

Don't think I've forgotten your question towards me; I've already looked over most peoples' posts individually and here's what I can say so far:

Zen, BoiledGoose, and X1 are all leaning town.

FF is null, but some of his posts are weird like his bizarre and trivial argument with BSL over whether what he said qualified as whining. Braig is a little too null for my liking. It's a shame they can't post today.

Still have to look at Swiss, BSL, and you, Ran. I think I need to go back and reread a little, particularly the stuff between you and BSL.
I wouldn't find him scummy at all if it wasn't for that. His post was the same as Goose's, questioning my refusal to vote. That, is logical. He later says it isn't really scummy, but remember he said this earlier:

"the new problem that we are now discussing is your refusal to help the rest
of us solve the problem. i assume goose is concerned for the same reason as i am, though i cant say for sure.

its a big deal for that reason. you refused to help us figure out mechanics. i find it very strange."

You're calling him a noob for contradiction when it's actually your mistake for not interpeting what he's actually saying. He's saying that X1's intentions would be to clear himself as town, not that he actually would be cleared as town.
I did make a mistake. I can't pin someone for misinterpreting when I was the
one who mistyped. You are correct, that was my meaning, but my meaning
couldn't be known because of my wording. "I say what I mean and I mean what I say" doesn't apply here.

Be honest Zen. From his original post, you were able to interpret that Ran meant "x1's intentions would be to clear himself as town" from "
X1 is trying to clear BSl as town, so if BSL flipped as town, X1 would be cleared"?

Or was it his follow up post, explaining his mistake, that tipped you off?

Regardless, it was my mistake. I apologize Ran. Lets not dwell on a technical error.

Must have missed the question. Coming right up, sah. While I am at it tho

and why?

Yes, it's ok. It is my fault for mistyping, I wouldn't want anyone to misread
me, due to my fault. Also, because I had no other questions, and I wanted to ask everyone a question.

swiss told me i wouldnt be able to change my choice afterward. it was still early in the Day and we still had over a week before the deadline. a lot of my reads are going to change by then. so the person i choose might turn out to be super-brownie-townie, and copping them should be a waste.

alright. i understand. i thought you were talking about my reasoning for calling you scummy, not the reasoning for voting you. but i have now given you the reasons, and you refuse to acknowledge them.

ROFL WHAT. scummy only for your refusal to vote and unvote Goose?! If you had read the post where i told you why i thought you were scummy, that specific action, when by itself, is strange, not scummy. there is a whole list, and you claim that the one thing on the list that i said wasnt that scummy is the thing im voting you for?! i mean... i dont even know what to do now.

@mod: request votecount
Yes, you now say that it "wasn't scummy" but it doesn't seem this way here:

"the new problem that we are now discussing is your refusal to help the rest
of us solve the problem. i assume goose is concerned for the same reason as i am, though i cant say for sure.

its a big deal for that reason. you refused to help us figure out mechanics.
i find it very strange."

I'm sorry, I didn't want for you to misunderstand. I thought you were trying
to trick me or something, and I thought you were ignoring what I was saying. Now I have said, your first post regarding my not voting, seemed fine and logical. Everyone should question it a little, but then this quote goes a little farther.

"I knew that's what he was saying when I first read it.

I stated who I think is town already. Both you and Ran are skimming. And this is your third time Goose.

Scum: Swiss, X1, Goose (All 3 of you aren't scum, but you're my top 3 suspects)

Town: Ranmaru

ikgisfg: Clownbot, bsl"
I wasn't skimming. You say I'm skimming because I asked you (and others) to list who you thought was scummy/townie. I just wanted a general question to ask everyone else, because I had nothing else to ask you guys. (I wanted to spread out my questions to everyone)

scumpicks in #188 Swiss-null and X1-town. But back in #156 X1 is scum and Swiss is 'probably' his scumbuddy. In #129 you also imply that Swiss is scum with BSL. In #120 and #123 you accuse me of stalling - interpreted as scummy. Swiss scum in #101 votes Swiss here.

What makes Clownbot different from Zen/Swiss/Braig He is green, they are yellow, yet the comments next too each other are essentially the same?

What do you mean 'safe to vote for him' Why does what you do have to be safe?

If I was town, what would that imply of you two, and same question if I was scum.
Swiss is null to me because of the cop direct. Because of that, I'd think he
were scum, but I'm not sure if he would do that regardless of alignment.
The X1/Swiss pairing was a what if scenario I threw out, because I just noted
a possible chance of bussing. I like to think of scenarios. But then you say
one wouldn't bus this early.

Why wouldn't scum bus on D1?

Yes, when Swiss was accusing me of Scum (without stating reason, just as if
he knew) BSL follewed accordingly. That is also why I still find BSL a bit
scummy. Why would BSL, as town, rather lynch me instead of cop and/or track me? Isn't it better for town to confirm a townie then possibly lynch a townie?

Yes, I accused you of stalling. I don't understand why you would post a single "no" instead of waiting to post later to post information.

Yes, I find Swiss more scummy then null, but I can't trust my read on him, I
need more from him. Now, would town prefer to use a possible townie as a pawn to find out if another was scum or just town?

You are right, Clown bot is closer to null then town, but he HAS posted more
than the others in null at that time. He's quite quiet, and isn't really
being aggresive or anything, just evaluating and noticing things, like my
post about tracking me.

It was safer to vote Braig then Goose, because Braig had NO votes. 1 vote,
seems safe to me. Why? I wouldn't want an accidental Lynch to ever happen. It had happened to me before in Lylo (In Mario Mafia) I made a mistake, so I'm just don't want that to happen to someone who might be town. (Or just null, in Braig's case)I'm sure it'd imply that me and Swiss might be scumbuddies. But, I don't think two scumbuddies would attack one person simatuosly. That seems risky.

If you were scum, Maybe one of us would know that you were scum somehow.

Goose didnt really have anything to do with my 137, his name was just there.

if you were town, we'd have to look at ClownBot and Swiss.

Swiss for obvious reasons with his connections to you.
ClownBot because he is on your town list, while Zen is on your null-list. you gave the same reasons for them.
Ah ok.

OK missed lots from Zen:

Saying I would be a 'major concern' I count as buddying as its essentially calling me a good player At that point in the game you were the best place for my vote to be. I think you are also twisting it slightly when you say I was so quick to accept FFs friendship when what I said was "I'm down so long as its not legally binding". I also basically gained nothing from BSL or Goose having asked that question.

Why am I caught up on Ranmaru? His play seems so inconsistent, one minute he'd be tunnelling on me hard, next minute he's acting all chilled. It seems like half his posts are his and half of them have been influenced by someone else. Some of what he says also seems unnatural and forced.

I cba to quote the questions but all the answers are there I think.
Well I wouldn't want to keep pushing an argument that I might have been wrong on. You had a valid point about me asking the question.

I still find your apparent stalling an issue, so don't think I'll forget

No, all my posts are mine. I have no influence whatsoever, I have a mind of
my own.

What seems unnatural to you?

No but since then I've spoken to him on several occasions about how to play this game. For example I told him he shouldn't wagon hop and in this game he's making a point to not been seen wagon hopping.
See here in this quote "There. Also, I was trying to be less wishy-washy then
my last game, which is why I kept my vote for so long."

Where in that quote, does it say I didn't want to be seen wagon hopping?
Either way, a vote would always be seen.

I would want to KEEP a solid stance. I tried keeping one with Swiss, but I
couldn't because his cop directing confused me.

This would be a lot more sensible if in the situation he provided Ranmaru flipped scum. He doesn't know my alignment or Zen's if he's Town. Furthermore what Ranmaru said about me isn't really the same as what he said about Zen.

Read over BSL vs Ranmaru. Really weird stuff. Both of them are somewhere between null and scum, but they probably aren't both scum. That's a given, though. There was obviously confusion on both sides and it seems like the confusion is continuing with Ranmaru's reasoning for making BSL a scum pick and BSL's response to that. If I had to pick someone who was "more right" than the other I'd go with BSL. He's shown more reasoning for finding Ranmaru suspicious, however little.

Rereading the cop/tracker discussion also, Ranmaru's #82 caught my eye. It's possibly a stretch, but the "tracking will do no good, investigate me instead" line gave me an odd feeling. He halfheartedly changed his stance in his #87 where he said tracking him was okay "if you'd like," but asked for Swiss to explain why it was important.

No, I haven't forgotten that I still need to look at Swiss.
Hmmm, how so? I'll admit my reasoning may be wrong, but please explain how he is more right?

Yes, I said that. Tracker tracks a a person visiting someone. I would never
have a target. That is why I said it would be pointless. (I said it, regardless of anyone believeing me) if he'd like, he could still track me. If he found me saying that it would do me no good, why then I'm sure the better it would be to track me. Is there a way Tracking could fail? Can a tracker be able to confirm something %100?

i did read his post. which is why i mentioned i was ninja'd.

ClownBot, thanks for pointing that out. i answered the question as if ran flipped scum not town.


lets try this again. if you flipped town, then we'd have to look at me, and then maybe X1 and Goose
Ok, thank you. I agree with you, and I think Swiss should be in there too,

So you're saying that the benefit of investigating you is that it would remove you as a distraction? You're also saying that you don't want to be investigated, but are ok with it?
Yes. Is there some way that copping and/or tracking wouldn't confirm an
invidual 100%? Yes, I'm willing to submit myself, I just stated I never asked
for it in the first place. I don't know if PR directing should be done this
early or not.

swiss had a huge elaborate scheme to uncover scum. i think thats a pretty townie thing to do.
How do you know that he is town?


Now, I have asked Swiss many times, and he has only responded to a few. He only responds when I say "I and Swiss are connected to joe shmoe."

I do realize that BSL still seems a bit off due to this ""the new problem that we are now discussing is your refusal to help the rest
of us solve the problem. i assume goose is concerned for the same reason as i am, though i cant say for sure.

its a big deal for that reason. you refused to help us figure out mechanics.
i find it very strange."

(I know it's the third time I posted it)

But, what concerns me is Swiss calling us stupid for voting him. Now, I would find it stupid if we didn't question him sitting it out while we bicker to ourselves. Easier for someone besides him to get lynched.

And why hasn't he even voted?

Unvote: BSL
Vote: Swiss

Now talk. I want to hear more from you, Swiss. You used me as a pawn, regardless of your alignment. This is a two way street here.

Sorry guys, I know most of my posts are BADLY formatted... I copy paste from Note pad, and I try to make paragraphs again... I just don't get it. I'm sorry, but you'll have to deal with the random line breaks ;-;


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
It pains me to see such stupid players.

Unless this is a pressure wagon, I respond well to pressure.

This is really making me panic, allowing my true thoughts to be expressed. I'll be making my panic post sometime in the next 7 hours.

Watch this space.
~45 minutes left bro


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
J side speaking

Anyone who hammers I am PERSONALLY gonna kill.

Do it. I dare ya.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
that should be three votes on Swiss.

Ranmaru said:
I wouldn't find him scummy at all if it wasn't for that. His post was the same as Goose's, questioning my refusal to vote. That, is logical. He later says it isn't really scummy, but remember he said this earlier:

"the new problem that we are now discussing is your refusal to help the rest
of us solve the problem. i assume goose is concerned for the same reason as i am, though i cant say for sure.

its a big deal for that reason. you refused to help us figure out mechanics. i find it very strange."
why say "but remember"? what i said then is still in line with what i say now. i found it strange then, and i found it strange now.

why am i "a bit off" for saying that?

How do you know that he is town?
i dont know, i just got townie vibes from it. i believed he actually did it in an attempt to find scum at the time.

Yes, when Swiss was accusing me of Scum (without stating reason, just as if
he knew) BSL follewed accordingly. That is also why I still find BSL a bit
scummy. Why would BSL, as town, rather lynch me instead of cop and/or track me? Isn't it better for town to confirm a townie then possibly lynch a townie?
i know this was directed at X1, but it concerns me.

first off, i didnt "follow accordingly", i actually made a case on you.
and i would rather lynch you instead of track you because i thought you were scum, and it wouldve been better to lynch scum than to just confirm scum. plus if we copped you, there is the chance that you are godfather or miller, so cop results arent 100%, unless mod confirmed sanity.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
I just said to not hammer him which implies he is at L-1 range *facepalm*


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I was responding to BSL bro, and i was ninjad by his second post

and why no facedesk? only facepalm this time?


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
Actually someone Unvote now.

We have 8 DAYS before we need to lynch and I'm not having a self-hammer/mishammer over some dumb ****.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
that should be three votes on Swiss.

why say "but remember"? what i said then is still in line with what i say now. i found it strange then, and i found it strange now.

why am i "a bit off" for saying that?

i dont know, i just got townie vibes from it. i believed he actually did it in an attempt to find scum at the time.

i know this was directed at X1, but it concerns me.

first off, i didnt "follow accordingly", i actually made a case on you.
and i would rather lynch you instead of track you because i thought you were scum, and it wouldve been better to lynch scum than to just confirm scum. plus if we copped you, there is the chance that you are godfather or miller, so cop results arent 100%, unless mod confirmed sanity.
Understood, but you say it was a big deal, but then say It wasn't really scummy. So not being really scummy is a big deal?

Hmmm, what does miller do? I am a bit familiar with the godfather role, but not miller.

Ok that's fine, I understand that if you thought I was scum, then it would be better to lynch. Although I am always for copping/tracking or anything that can confirm someone, instead of just a flip. Because that is the only way we can actually get really info/evidence.

Even though you think Swiss is town, I think he should explain himself a bit further.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Votecount 1.5

Swiss: Zen, X1-12, Ranmaru (3)
BSL: Swiss, BoiledGoose (2)
Ranmaru: BSL (1)
Braig: Clownbot (1)
BoiledGoose: frozenflame751 (1)
Clownbot: (0)
Zen: (0)
X1-12: (0)
frozenflame751: (0)

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch! If deadline were to hit now, Swiss would be lynched.
Deadline is set for January 8, 2011, at 11:00 AM EST!


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
No get your votes off, instead to keep it as a placeholder anyone who takes their vote off Swiss, put it on me.

Yea that's right take your votes off him and put them on me until then. Then if we collectively decide then we can put the votes back.

X1 be quiet. Your wrong.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
ahahaha ninja'd by the mod, alright we are not @ L-1

No more votes are needed on him and anyone who does they get some gnarly shots pulled on them.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
There's absolutely no harm in having Swiss at L-1. If someone quickhammers, they are scum.

Swiss, I point blank refuse to listen to you, post some content.

@Kuz: Put your vote back on Swiss please, properly.

No-one else vote him or u scum. L-1 is where he should be.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
No, BoiledGoose do not put your vote back on.

X1-12 that logic has fallicies in it.

Anyone who votes Swiss next is scum.

See I can apply that logic to this.

X1, when you realize you are reading Swiss wrong and I am reading him right will you admit to listening to him? Swiss = Town. I will stake my life on that.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
X1 why do you tell me to post content when I've already said content would be coming when I've finished reading?

Honestly, you're trying to look good by stating things that have already been said as if they're your orders. Jesus, this ain't your town kiddo. And when I've actually read up I really, really want to have a scum read on you. More for your benefit of not being a terrible player.

Seriously, X1, you don't know how to play like Cello and it's painful to watch. You have the aggression but never make any of the right inferences.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Understood, but you say it was a big deal, but then say It wasn't really scummy. So not being really scummy is a big deal?
its very strange, and we shouldve looked into it more. which i did.

Hmmm, what does miller do? I am a bit familiar with the godfather role, but not miller.
miller is the opposite of a godfather. returns a guilty result when he is actually town. they are generally uninformed, so they dont know that they are miller until they flip.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
X1 why do you tell me to post content when I've already said content would be coming when I've finished reading?
Sorry, I want to comment on this.

Does this imply he may be trying to hasten your lynch? (Because if he tells you to post content, but you already said you will be posting content after you read, maybe he is ignoring the fact that you may need to read and wants to refute your defense quickly?)

@Braig: How are you reading Swiss right? Can you explain to us please? :3


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
@Ran: I'm reading Swiss right because Braig is always right and Swiss = Town. That is how I'm reading him right but gah he is 100% correct on this town being stupid -_-" I'm in the middle of trying to re-read and I am kindof like wow at what everyone has been doing.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
There's absolutely no harm in having Swiss at L-1. If someone quickhammers, they are scum.

Swiss, I point blank refuse to listen to you, post some content.

@Kuz: Put your vote back on Swiss please, properly.

No-one else vote him or u scum. L-1 is where he should be.
No, BoiledGoose do not put your vote back on.

X1-12 that logic has fallicies in it.

Anyone who votes Swiss next is scum.

See I can apply that logic to this.

X1, when you realize you are reading Swiss wrong and I am reading him right will you admit to listening to him? Swiss = Town. I will stake my life on that.
Read what I said, then read what you said, then read what I said, then back to yours, then mine, then yours. I'm saying its fine to put another vote on, thats all.

X1, for once, shut the **** up.
X1 why do you tell me to post content when I've already said content would be coming when I've finished reading?

Honestly, you're trying to look good by stating things that have already been said as if they're your orders. Jesus, this ain't your town kiddo. And when I've actually read up I really, really want to have a scum read on you. More for your benefit of not being a terrible player.

Seriously, X1, you don't know how to play like Cello and it's painful to watch. You have the aggression but never make any of the right inferences.
What the **** is your problem, I'm blatantly pressure wagoning you and you are calling me out for trying to play like cello? what utter bull**** we both know that's not how cello plays. Seriously what is that? And what are you actually getting at with. And how can you say there at the end that I'm not making the right inferences in the same paragraph you are accusing me of trying to play like cello. Stating stuff again as if its my orders, where am I doing that? its utter crap.

/probably out till new years day
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