I distinctly remember that we tried this before.
And failed.
Do not care. I will live. At this point on time here is the status of your board:
- Knowledgeable members are present.
- Plenty of data is present and currently being worked on.
- There are still write-ups that are either incomplete or still in the early phases as Brawl's metagame will change down the road. (As much as you would love to point out Brawl is a shallow game, there are simply things that will change and need to be re-written and developed further.)
- Knowledgeable members have become frustrated and resorted to general spam and idle chit-chat in addition to Sonic discussion.
- Other boards show an inability to listen to the Sonic boards. (This is a non-issue.)
- New players are scared and turned away quickly instead of being integrated. (This is an issue.)
- Data is quickly overshadowed by the spam users have resorted to and constant bashing of their own character. People simply won't waste the time looking at the data presented when they feel even the Sonic community thinks their character is a joke.
I am not going on a mission to prove to the SBR/Other Character Boards/Pros that Sonic deserves a certain spot on the tier list. That is not the goal, however it would be nice if it happened somewhere along the way. The goal is to have the Sonic boards become clean with accurate data available and not overshadowed by a sardonic/pessimistic tone from the knowledgable players. New players need to be able to glance at these boards and get a feel like they have the information available to them to begin learning and understanding Sonic. At this point, if I was new to smashboards, I would find it hard to become integrated into the Sonic community and give up hope in learning and turn to a board that is clean such as the Marth boards.
I don't have any say on this, except that I'm going to start calling KID Goggles now. It's just much more awesome.
It's hard for me to not call him Kyle. I first learned of him as Kyle and I have a hard time calling him KID or Goggles. Even though he requests that.
Action plan:
Limit spamming and chit-chat to a single, casual thread. We do not need steak jokes in every post of every thread. We do not need to be making multiple joke threads and chat threads or bringing these topics to other threads. You guys already have threads for this, pick one and stick with it.
Remove the negative feelings the board displays. This is what needs to happen for new players to actually be able to begin picking up Sonic, I can't stress how important this is.
Deal with it. I don't care if all of Smashboards is against Sonic and hates him and wants to see him at the very bottom of the tier list in SBR V2.0. I don't care if no one outside of the Sonic forums listens to what Sonic players have to say. That's not the point. The point is accurate information of the character.
Defining Sonic. This means, preparing neat, organized threads that specifically lay out the following:
Sonic's Moveset, down to every specific detail about the frame data.
Introduction to Brawl's physics and how Sonic fits in with this. (Not only techniques that apply to Sonic, but those that don't. Explaining how Sonic's weight, fall speed, horizontal air mobility, the use of autocanceling, etc... all affect this character and their importance in Brawl in general. This is making everything n00b friendly. In a few years, if Brawl is still competivly active, new players will not be heading to the tactical boards first to learn about stutter-stepping and such. They will be coming to this board first out of their interest. They need to be introduced to Brawl and subsequently, Sonic in brawl.)
Sonic theory. How Sonic
should work at top level play, and how to practice such that you learn exactly what needs to be done to read this level. (Proper ability to zone, space, avoid camping, etc...)
What makes Sonic special? Why should you bother learning Sonic?
Tools. What does Sonic have? What doesn't Sonic have? Why does it matter?
Displaying information. Providing and updating links to top level Sonic play as well as tutorial videos. Providing accurate and easy to read and access match-up explainations for those who wish to read the information.
Other characters. It simply cannot be expected for people to read a match-up explaination without knowledge of the other character. Providing easy-access links/explainations of how other characters work before explaining how they work against Sonic specifically. Simply saying "Ganondorf is bad against Sonic. Do this to win." won't cut it. Detailing the
why Ganondorf is considered a bad character and
why Sonic can take advantage of Ganondorf's weaknesses with his strengths and
why Ganondorf is unable to use his strengths against Sonic's weaknesses.
Why is Meta Knight amazing and amazing against Sonic and
why Sonic's tools can be effective against Ganondorf but ineffective against Meta Knight.
Stage selection and etc...Let's cover all bases here. We're not going to be satisfied until we outdo CunningKitsune's Melee Fox Complete Guide.
DEAL WITH IT. No more bashing your own character in an attempt to patronize those who refuse to listen in a sardonic manner. If we find Sonic is the worst character in the game, too bad, we're still detailing how he can win and also why he shouldn't win. If we find Sonic is the best character in the game, awesome, we're still detailing why he should win and how he could potentially lose. If no one else agrees with us, we'll look at why they don't agree. If they don't agree because they refuse to educate themselves, then we can do nothing but DEAL WITH IT and ignore them. If they disagree with reasoning, the it will be accounted for.
I do think that at some point in time, be it a month or a year or ten, those who matter will educate themselves more about Sonic. However it will not happen if these boards become the Roy boards. It will only happen if everything is clean and well-presented. It may not happen, but it has a better chance of happening if we go by this.
se are my goals.
They should b
e your's too if you c
are. I
know you do.