Just because people say he's low tier, it doesn't mean he sucks.
I play Samus and most call her "bottom tier" and I don't care.
I rather play a character thats called bottom tier that I like a playing as playing a top tier character just because people say the characters "top".
To be honest, I only play her because of the ultra smash, because I want ZSS.
And because Samus is better in SD´s and in making damage by air combos.
But I still like her and can kick some as with her.
But if I play against someone here thats my smash level, I play with no Item and with ZSS from the start, because with samus I mostly lose(like against cba^'s zelda) but with ZSS I can deal with his zelda.
My point is that you shouldn't care about the stuff people say always.
If you like Sonic, stick with him.
And if someone says again that he sucks, ask for a match and how him what sonic's got in him.