Correct, but when we're discussing how to actually beat stuff, don't hesitate to bring them up lol.
I know that bringing it up won't change the matchup numbers, but I've been trying to sneak in some of that in recent matchup discussions by bringing up 'punishability' of moves. Because opponents WILL miss. Sure, we can discard it, but it doesn't help us if we never discuss it! lol
like MK shuttle loop - shield the rise, then jump an aerial into it.
or MK high F-air - run under and jump/double jump into it with an aerial: attack it from below (it has good horizontal but poor vertical range)
or something like MK tornado - shield it, release shield AS SOON as MK pulls away, then chase / grab (if he's doing a SH height tornado) or dash attack, if you screwed up the timing too much to grab or if he's too low.