So, I think my calling is in entertainment. As in, the kind entertainment where everyone just can't help but laugh with glee at watching me fail and squirm.
No seriously, I just took a film exam. 20% of my total grade. I glanced over my notes and stuff the hour before the exam, and I remember my prof saying that if we showed up to class and did everything we were supposed to, we'd most likely end up with an A. Of course, that kind of plan isn't idiotproof, hence me no doubt failing that exam.
I did okay-ish on the multiple choice (76 points of 100), my terrible memory failed on me some but I took my chances with my best educated guesses. Then came the essay (24 of 100). Now, I'm terrible on pacing, so I'm sitting at the essay with about 30 minutes left. I pick the only one I feel I can comfortably talk about (contrasting and comparing Citizen Kane and Do the Right Thing, if anyone cares), and... I completely forget the names of all the characters. No, really. Aside from Kane (whose first name escaped me) and a few others, I forgot EVERYONE's names.
So yeah... and this isn't the first time this has happened either. Actually, ever since I started college my performance in classes has been going down the drain. Is procrastination a part of it? Of course. But there's also the factor that I don't really understand what I'm being taught. Even in my computer science courses (yes, I'm a fraud as a CS major as well... it'll be loltastic if anyone hires me out of college; if I'm not fired the first day I imagine my idiotic acts'll burn everything to the ground), I don't really understand everything.
Lately... it just seems that I get more... success/happiness/whatever out of being a video game playing bum (yeah, the procrastination source right there) than I get out of doing something right on homework or whatever.
And my friends and family aren't all that great motivators. My friends don't seem to care too much ("good luck" or "that sucks" or random pointless comments along those lines), nor do my parents ("As long as you're trying your best").
I dunno. I can't quit or drop classes now, so I guess I might as well just grab some popcorn like everyone else and see where I drop the ball next. Speaking of which... I got my second exam today in graphics in about 3 hours. Oh joy.