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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
So yeah I had lots of ****ing amazing food today. Most of it being deep fried. Shrimp tempura, where have you been my entire life?

Also they had this deep fried custard desert. Omg, why is Japan so kickass?
sounds good but deep fried = not legit

i gotta count them calories so one day I can give my abs a nickname

anyway how's everything else going? clearly you've found some time to post on smash boards :p


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
clearly its 11pm and i just got back from a 14 hour day jam packed with stuff and awesomeness. Thought I'd drop by and say Hi.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2010
Ohio yeeeee

dubstep: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDf1wFiOnwY
indie: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLOr_FrJJWA

First one's just some Flux Pavilion bull****, but i like it
Second one is literally one of the greatest live performances I've ever heard

LOL JK 19 PAGES LATE HURRRRRRRRRR can anyone ****ing explain to me why smashboards doesn't take you to the most recent page in a thread when you click on that ****ing thread

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I do blame the moderators - would you enforce such unjust laws, merely because someone told you to do so?
Watch "Judgement at Nuremberg", a really great movie on that subject.
I knew people were going to say this/reference the Holocaust, but I feel like a moderator that doesn't do his job will simply be stripped of power and replaced.

The point I'm trying to make is that I would rather change the system itself, as opposed attempting to change all the moderators. Not having a 10char limit at all > using 10char to dodge it and having moderators that let you break the rules.
QFT. I was going to post something similar. Blue Yoshi wasn't a garbage moderator, he dealt with major issues afaik but didn't waste time on infracting smaller, harmless posts just because they went against rules.
What major issues? Blue Yoshi did nothing.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
I knew people were going to say this/reference the Holocaust, but I feel like a moderator that doesn't do his job will simply be stripped of power and replaced.
Well if BY did nothing as you say he did, and still hasn't been stripped of his title than I don't think Moderators who do nothing/are more lenient on minor rules should have any fear about losing their job.
The point I'm trying to make is that I would rather change the system itself, as opposed attempting to change all the moderators. Not having a 10char limit at all > using 10char to dodge it and having moderators that let you break the rules.
I'm fine with that but I think it's a bit too idealistic. It would take a lot of work to get a rule changed and we're certainly going to need co-operation from Brawl/Melee boards and not just us alone.
What major issues? Blue Yoshi did nothing.
My recollection fails me then.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Well if BY did nothing as you say he did, and still hasn't been stripped of his title than I don't think Moderators who do nothing/are more lenient on minor rules should have any fear about losing their job.
Because the administration doesn't care about the 64 boards. I've see mods losing their power in other boards.

I'm fine with that but I think it's a bit too idealistic. It would take a lot of work to get a rule changed and we're certainly going to need co-operation from Brawl/Melee boards and not just us alone.
Maybe a little. But I never see trying to change the mods work, either.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
I suppose I'll start by addressing the fact that we mods do have rules WE have to follow as well. We are also obligated by those who gave us mod in the first place, to try and do a good job in our respective boards.

Blue Yoshi should have told the admins he wouldn't be able to mod during the times when he went away, this way another mod could have come in to help with the work (this ended up happening anyways with my return.) Since he didn't and became inactive i feel he should heave been removed as an inactive mod that no one knew would even come back.

I personally have been trying to avoid the smaller infractions as of recently. I've never done double post infractions unless it was a major case.

And really on the users side...when it comes to the 10 char rules...if you cant post without avoiding it, the secret is to simply...NOT POST.. wow never seen that coming eh? :p


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
i think mods should stop trying to judge sarcasm and intent over the internet, its really stupid and i keep getting infractions for basically nothing


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
no, you keep getting infracted because you feel you have to say specific things in order to get an infraction. when really any kind of trolling or flaming will get you an infraction... not just the specific examples you make up in your head.


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
so im making up stuff in my head now huh, most of things i say arent bad at all and wouldnt get me in trouble in elementary school. i think the defintion of flaming and trolling needs to be changed


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
So the whole world should change because of what you think is right?

If a definition has been accepted by everyone for so long, don't you think you might be wrong and you should adapt? Of course it would be so eaier if the world could adapt to myself everytime I don't agree...


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
Thats the thing about Nova...

he is crazy lol

He likes to do things he did in elementary school and complain about how he cant get away with it now that he is all grown up.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
And really on the users side...when it comes to the 10 char rules...if you cant post without avoiding it, the secret is to simply...NOT POST.. wow never seen that coming eh? :p
Care to address the Yes/No questions example?

Also I forgot to mention double posting - seriously it's not hard to distinguish between legitimate double posting and actual spam


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
Thats the thing about Nova...

he is crazy lol

He likes to do things he did in elementary school and complain about how he cant get away with it now that he is all grown up.
thanks for putting words in my mouth, wat i mean is some of the so called "insults" i say arent even worthy of punishment in elementary let alone on a forum with mostly adults. ppl are too sensitive.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
some people take forums (and themselves) way too seriously.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Wow you're even bypassing the 10char rule! You're such a gangsta Oo.

Best mnemonic ever: "Some Say Money Matters, But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter Most."

You have everything concerning cranial nerves: S is sensitive, M is motor and B is both. Common nouns and adjectives mean the nerves is controlled by parasympathetic nervous system. =)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
So yeah I had lots of ****ing amazing food today. Most of it being deep fried. Shrimp tempura, where have you been my entire life?

Also they had this deep fried custard desert. Omg, why is Japan so kickass?
Asian food in general kicks western food to the curb. I thought shrimp tempura was everywhere - it is in Australia, anyway. If you ever eat okonomiyaki, go easy on the sauce.

Also, I would eat a desert made of custard.

The 10char limit is a dumb rule that merely forces further typing. Personally I don't like seeing a line of <10char posts, but the rule itself is pretty useless on the whole.


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
The 10char rule is used to stop and make posts like these punishable.

This kind of posting is obviously not constructive in anyway. Thank you Nova for giving me a perfect example as to why we need such foolish rules.
thank u for being on my case 24/7 on this forum


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
LOL any moderator that enforces these dumb rules are stupid. Yes, as always, a moderator only enforces the current rules but only if the moderator BELIEVES in those rules or maybe they don't but they like that "moderator" title. I don't like any of these ****ty rules and if I were offered modship, I would deny because I don't believe in those rules enough to enforce them. This entire forum is a ****ing nanny site ever since they started allowing kids at the age of 13.

Almost every ****ing moderator/super moderator/administrator/senator (lol wtf) has not played smash in YEARS. I can firmly say that more than half of these kids haven't even attended a tournament. They don't know **** that goes on in the community. Don't get me wrong though. there are well known players that ARE moderators such as Dr. PeePee but that's like a tiny gem in a pile of ****.

I saw somebody mention that it's gonna take a lot to change the character limit. Changing the character limit is simply changing a number on the vbulletin CP iirc.

blue yoshi is laughing at all of you at a BRAWL smashfest lol. blue yoshi should have lost his modship a while ago but for some reason still has it.

surri-sama is playing by the man's rules so he's OK even if he doesn't entirely believe on the rules lol

i remember the disappearance of surri and then he's like "oh hai guise, im back! can i have my mod back plz?"

good stuff


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
And really on the users side...when it comes to the 10 char rules...if you cant post without avoiding it, the secret is to simply...NOT POST.. wow never seen that coming eh? :p
Care to address the Yes/No questions example?
I'd like to re-raise this, since you completely ignored it. What are we meant to do, not post the answer and leave people with questions without knowledge, the complete opposite of what an online forum is all about?


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
Thanks near for making my leave noted.

I told JV before i left that i would no longer be able to mod due to some real life things coming up (the biggest being the loss of internet) and they removed me from the position as i should have been.

Now, once i was able to return and commit my self back to modding (which i think i have) I simply asked if i could come back to the staff and they had no problem with it.

About changing the char limit thing. It's not about simply changing the rule it self. the 10char rule can be used, and infracted upon if the mod treats it correctly, thus there is no need to remove the rule.

I'd like to re-raise this, since you completely ignored it. What are we meant to do, not post the answer and leave people with questions without knowledge, the complete opposite of what an online forum is all about?
I didn't ignore... i said it's not hard to add a few words even to a question like that.

EDIT: turns out i did ignore it, sorry i meant to reply but apparently didn't...either way "yes you can do that if timed correctly" would answer a yes/ no question fine without breaking the 10char rule.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
Thanks near for making my leave noted.

I told JV before i left that i would no longer be able to mod due to some real life things coming up (the biggest being the loss of internet) and they removed me from the position as i should have been.

Now, once i was able to return and commit my self back to modding (which i think i have) I simply asked if i could come back to the staff and they had no problem with it.

About changing the char limit thing. It's not about simply changing the rule it self. the 10char rule can be used, and infracted upon if the mod treats it correctly, thus there is no need to remove the rule.

I didn't ignore... i said it's not hard to add a few words even to a question like that.

EDIT: turns out i did ignore it, sorry i meant to reply but apparently didn't...either way "yes you can do that if timed correctly" would answer a yes/ no question fine without breaking the 10char rule.
you should have notified teh COMMUNITY so that people don't jump to conclusions bro. at least blue yoshi tells people he's gonna be gone due to playing brawl at smashfests instead

also, what don't you understand that the 10 character limit is STUPID to begin with. it's not about if the moderators can treat that rule correctly. it's dumb to begin with and it shouldn't be here.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
Most people seem fine with my leave and return... I dont think I've done anything wrong in that regards.

what you dont seem to understand is that things like "10 character limit is STUPID to begin with" is useless when i give you a perfect example as to how the rule serves a purpose.

the only good posts that come under 10chars can easily be made over 10 chars.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
Most people seem fine with my leave and return... I dont think I've done anything wrong in that regards.

what you dont seem to understand is that things like "10 character limit is STUPID to begin with" is useless when i give you a perfect example as to how the rule serves a purpose.

the only good posts that come under 10chars can easily be made over 10 chars.
Are you ****ing stupid?

About changing the char limit thing. It's not about simply changing the rule it self. the 10char rule can be used, and infracted upon if the mod treats it correctly, thus there is no need to remove the rule.
How is that a "good example"? It doesn't explain why there is the need of that dumb rule. That crap you wrote basically says that the rule is in good terms if a moderator treats it correctly and infracts accordingly. Well no ****ing ****. treating a rule "correctly" is infracting the person for breaking a rule. what i'm saying is the RULE is stupid. not how "well" a moderator treats that rule.

I propose a rule to ban all canadians. This rule is fair and just if the moderators treat it correctly and infract correctly. There is use of this rule because of that. Whether or not it's in fair terms is moot.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
I still think saying that all the "good" under 10 char post can be made over 10 chars is generalizing.

stupid posts can be punished on the account of being minor spam , but punishing them just because they bypass the limit is assuming that all the post under 10 char are spam

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Asian food in general kicks western food to the curb.
Disagree 100%, Western food is far superior. And I'm a white/asian mix, so I'm less likely to be biased than you :)

Meh, Near makes the cause against the 10char limit that I'm a part of look really immature and disrespectful, and only hurts it :(


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
@Everyone, Stop crying about it in here and take it to forum support if your panties are really bunched up.
what a cool guy... you'd make a great mod. instead of rebutting the facts, you simply say "take it to forum support where if you're lucky, the upper heads will MAYBE answer your thread"



Don't be a square Kuzzy

Alright guys, yes this is the social forum, and yes it is the "spam" section of this board, but stop arguing. Just because this is the spam section doesn't mean infractions can't still be given out.
Why don't you disappear and head to the next brawl smashfest again because nobody here is spamming. last i checked, arguing is not spamming.

Meh, Near makes the cause against the 10char limit that I'm a part of look really immature and disrespectful, and only hurts it :(
Why don't you stop being an egotistical ****** and stop looking out for your image.

I love you all

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Yeah I definitely care a ton about my image. That's why I disagree with the majority of the community so often.

Trust me, it's genuine. I don't like your posts.

Love you too.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Jesus guys, the infractions expire in like a day and a half or something. Unless you're making a >10char post every day, there's no reason it should be a problem. Post what you want and then start playing it cool once you're close to a ban, then wait until your infractions expire and do it all over again, if you're really dead set against the 10char rule.

Bottom line, it really doesn't matter.

Also RE Near: Why u mad bro?
Yeah I definitely care a ton about my image. That's why I disagree with the majority of the community so often.
Mmm, but you do it in order to preserve your image- that of the dashing forum gunfighter, the dark-clad iconoclast, the brilliant smash prodigy who doesn't care what any of us thinks, and has knife-edged opinions on every subject imaginable.

I'm getting a little perspective shock right now; I myself spend literally hours almost every day on an internet forum about Super Smash Bros. This is unpleasant. I should probably go play smash to make it stop.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
Yeah I definitely care a ton about my image. That's why I disagree with the majority of the community so often.

Trust me, it's genuine. I don't like your posts.

Love you too.

Jesus guys, the infractions expire in like a day and a half or something. Unless you're making a >10char post every day, there's no reason it should be a problem. Post what you want and then start playing it cool once you're close to a ban, then wait until your infractions expire and do it all over again, if you're really dead set against the 10char rule.

Bottom line, it really doesn't matter.

Also RE Near: Why u mad bro?
permanent points are back iirc so it's easier to get banned because they stay there

and i'm not talking about just the 10 character limit. i'm talking about a lot of the nonsensical rules this forum has.
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