I took a nap, so I couldn't do this at midnight exactly. But this is how I thought I'd celebrate these five years of activity... by going back to the first avatar I used on this site. It feels like home going back to it, actually. The last time I showed off my own character on a Smash graphic designers Discord server (which I regret joining in), the reaction was very polarizing. I think it's because of the stigma associated with original characters, mostly thanks to Sonic recolors, which I frown upon.
Since 2010, when the 3DS was first unveiled to the public, I was really into the idea of a portable Smash Bros. game, and it was only after having a change of heart in the summer of 2014 that I signed up because I thought there was something to appreciate in this community-- not the competitive kind! I was supposed to just discuss my thoughts on the 3DS version, but things escalated pretty quickly and I ended up becoming very active thanks to numerous social threads. I really enjoyed that first year I had. I think things took a darker turn afterwards for a myriad of reasons, but without this site anyways I wouldn't have been able to interact with you guys at all (and having set three non-regulars to ignore shows how much I value your company despite my inactivity). Cheers!