Gonna do the unthinkable and actually share some personal life stuff here for once, though I have a reason. Last year around late summer/early autumn I had noticed my eye sight getting worse again (I've been having to wear glasses since grade 10 which was like...9-10 years ago now) so I got my eyes checked and was diagnosed with a disease known as Keratoconus. Short and simple explanation is that my cornea isn't a bowl shape like it's meant to be but rather a cone shape and it keeps going more and more cone-like. Makes it so things far away are blurry for me and glasses can't help since my vision keeps changing. Was told about a surgery that could be done that wouldn't improve my eyes but would stop them from getting worse (this disease can keep affecting ones eyes supposedly until ones 40s) but the surgery isn't covered by OHIP. I was signing up for as much overtime as possible after my fiancee was done visiting and I finally had enough money to book the date for the surgery today. The hospital that's gonna do the surgery ended up getting funding for the surgery so I don't even have to pay for it. Surgery date is August 28th and I gotta spend as little time as possible looking at screens for a week after it's done which brings up the main reason I'm even bringing this up.
if my AMA comes up through the random selection around late August to early September, I won't be able to participate due to my surgery. Any other time is fine and I don't really care when it happens but figured I'd inform you and I guess be a bit more open around here since I never am.
Anyway, as for Smash speculation, I'm still back on posts from Sunday and I gotta say, I'm rather surprised there's been no mention of the Dragonborn from Skyrim. Incredibly popular game, easy enough to come up with a moveset, third party if that matters at all. A stage would be easy to come up with due to the huge world Skyrim has, not sure about spirits since I'm not sure how much official artwork Skyrim has for characters. Music might be difficult without a lot of remixes. And then there's the issue of Bethesda being a Western company without strong ties to Nintendo like those that made

. Plus I can see people going 'ugh, another humanoid swordsman' despite the access to maces, axes, 2 handed weapons, archery, magic and shouts. I'm sure the idea would be brought up more if CaptainAmerica still posted here.