For me personally this has been a hype day all around. Had some close family visit, there are cool Smash rumors with cred to get behind, and I just found out the Shield Hero anime is not just getting 2nd Season, but a 3rd Season as well.
Admittedly the 1st Season changed a lot of things for the worst and had **** pacing, but hopefully that now they know it can make it's money back there won't be the weird crunch time or focus on turning it into a more run-of-the-mill isekai.
Would assume that since they announced both at the same time, they won't be 25 episode seasons like before. I guess they could divide the Spirit Tortoise arc and Kyo arc into two separate Seasons, but that would only cover <3.5 volumes/Vol 9 out of 22. Either way I'm loving this new artwork:
Admittedly the 1st Season changed a lot of things for the worst and had **** pacing, but hopefully that now they know it can make it's money back there won't be the weird crunch time or focus on turning it into a more run-of-the-mill isekai.
Would assume that since they announced both at the same time, they won't be 25 episode seasons like before. I guess they could divide the Spirit Tortoise arc and Kyo arc into two separate Seasons, but that would only cover <3.5 volumes/Vol 9 out of 22. Either way I'm loving this new artwork: