nah dude, there's a big difference
fly will tell you what he is doing, and wouldn't say dumb **** like "pac west is full of trolls"
there's a difference in the understanding of the community, for one
and i know that if someone had a complaint with fly he wouldn't go get another moderator (jungle, chibo) to handle his business for him. like i asked him, "why don't you just give me a second infraction?"
i was clearly calling him out/being an ******* to him. there's very little point in trying to keep appearances at this point, and i won't believe that jungle just happened to stumble upon my second infraction an hour later on, from whatever forum he's actually from. (this happened on two separate occasions)
the difference between a good moderator and a bad one, in my opinion, is transparency. teczero is a great moderator, because he'll say stuff like "cut it out," "i can't let this happen," etc. when someone's breaking the rules, a good moderator will try to diffuse the situation.
a bad moderator will rely on the smash hierarchy that's been set up, appeal to the utility of authority on the forum instead of handling his own situations, and pass up opportunities to connect with the community, or disregard people's emotions/motives for breaking the rules.
think about the title "moderator," even. i think that moderators should do some actual moderation--really any activity that implies dealing with PEOPLE--instead of just hitting the "infract" button like a robot every time someone has the most minuscule censor dodge/alt account with one post/whatever.
Metal Reflect Slime, if you actually respond to this post, my respect for you will increase greatly and I'll be more than willing to talk about my position on whatever topic.