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SoCal Melee Community


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
another quick thing in Windows that saved me HUGE amounts of time is making a new folder

usually people will go to File and find it there or Right Click but I do this


Just another way to increase efficiency in those random times =]


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
everyone just sets firefox to delete everything everytime its closed and not a single **** is given


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
since mango is banned, i'm very happy to know that the absolute final thread title is Dunk is the homie IRVINE SUCKS


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
***** I know it

no scroll wheel, no deal

middle click cookies, get those *****es in new tabs

middle click the search bar at the top right to search ****

middle click everything

Adam M!

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2009
so i tried to buy an ipod from jun

and now he's refusing to give me a refund LOL

i'm sure he'll be stupid enough to reply to this post, making a big scene and giving me an audience for explaining the specifics, but cliffnotes are probably what you knew already:

jun's a [insult insult cuz you know he's self-conscious enough to report it to the mods]

and a staunch lesson that you can't EVER do business with [insert insult]

which says nothing for how badly i'm going to alpha male him every time i see him in person


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
I knew you were gonna end up making a big deal out of waiting an extra week getting your iPod -___-

I'm usually not one to blow personal business out of proportion but since you insist I'm gonna make you look like a ridiculous tool.

Here I go (if anyone cares to read zzzz):

First off, here are my past experiences when I ship/sell/buy things online

EBAY - http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=junkimchi&ftab=AllFeedback&seeallfeedback=See%20All%20Feedback&myworld=true
BEMANISTYLE - http://www.bemanistyle.com/forum/f49/feedback-junkimchi-40123/
8thCivic - http://www.8thcivic.com/forums/itrader.php?u=12476

Nothing too crazy but just a background on my previous actions so that I can rightfully defend myself in this ridiculously isolated and P-signature incident.

Second, brief background of the situation

I have a mint 80gb iPod 5th Gen and car dock that I don't use so I decided to post on a facebook status 7/10/2010 @ 7:25PM (feel free to check if you're my facebook friend and THAT interested in this situation). Price I posted was $100 and Adam Madison (durr) showed interested. He says he'll pay around $5 for shipping... (Paypal).

Another friend I have that resides in San Diego (where I live), Brian Kim, says he'll take it which would be cash (posted July 10 at 8:00pm). Common sense leads one to sell merchandise to a local with cash instead of shipping it and geting paid through Paypal since Paypal has fees and a things can go wrong in the shipping process. At this point I'm selling it to Brian instead.

Adam Madison/NeighborhoodP/Durr realizes this, still is interested in my product, and contacts me on AIM with the following on 7/10/2010:

(8:24:09 PM) Neighborhood P: aye
(8:24:23 PM) Neighborhood P: if u take brian's money first
(8:24:31 PM) Neighborhood P: i'll go up to 150 incl shipping
(8:24:43 PM) *Jun: so 150 shipped?
(8:24:45 PM) Neighborhood P: ya
(8:25:00 PM) Neighborhood P: i'm just waiting for direct deposit
(8:25:07 PM) *Jun: on a paycheck or something
(8:25:13 PM) Neighborhood P: i'm 90% sure it'll be here by mon [7/12], 100% by tue or i'ma be cussing someone out

So I decide to wait at the most three more days to gain a little more money. Keep in mind I could have just sold it to my friend who was in San Diego, with cash, while I was waiting. *Note that the extra money paid is clearly so that I don't prematurely sell the product to another buyer and not for any additional items or any specific services ex: additional accessories, faster shipping, warranties etc.

Third, wrongdoings of the opposing party: Adam Madison/Neighborhood P/durr

The entire idea of posting a product on Facebook was to keep the transaction fast and simple. If I wanted to maximize profit on this sale I would have posted on Ebay or maybe even Craigslist but my goal was just to get around $100 ASAP. As previously noted durr promises that he will recieve and transfer the money by Mon (7/12) or Tues (7/13) at the latest which was one of the main reasons I ok'ed this through Paypal and shipping because I thought it would be relatively soon. I expect him to keep his word and wait till Monday 7/12.

Monday 7/12 - I decide to check up on Adam since it was the day he told me and also because I had another potential and more guaranteed buyer waiting.

(9:36:57 PM) *Jun: paycheck not in yet huh
*Midnight passes now Tuesday 7/13
(12:46:10 AM) Neighborhood P: nope
(12:46:26 AM) *Jun: projected date?
(12:46:34 AM) Neighborhood P: you'll know when i know
(12:46:39 AM) *Jun: cool cool
(12:46:51 AM) *Jun: no later than this week though?
(12:46:53 AM) *Jun: just so i can
(12:46:58 AM) *Jun: plan ahead lol
(12:46:58 AM) Neighborhood P: yes *****
(12:47:06 AM) *Jun: lol my bad

durr's payment of $150 which was actually reduced by Paypal fees to be $145.35 eventually comes in 7/17/2010 15:32:20 PDT.

Fourth, wrongdoings on my part and present events

I did not ship the products right away mainly so that I can find Adam a wall charger for the iPod that my former roomate was borrowing. Just trying to get him everything I didn't need anymore. It was also hard to get to Post Office or any stores such as even the UPS store when my job requires me to close at 8:00PM no johns =[. I obtained the charger over the weekend Saturday 7/24 and also delayed a bit longer due to this week being Summer Session finals week with review sessions and continued work hours. Still my mistake.

However all throughout this time I did not avoid or ignore durr/Adam at all. He knows my aim, knows me on this site, and we more or less stayed in contact. I informed him that I was actually finding him the charger and that shipping won't take much longer. Still my mistake on delaying.

Fifth, the confrontation

Even when he was informed of the situation, Adam IM's me earlier today:

(2:12:24 AM) Neighborhood P: lemme get a refund
(2:12:35 AM) *Jun: u sure?
(2:12:43 AM) Neighborhood P: 100%
(2:12:50 AM) *Jun: dude
(2:12:58 AM) *Jun: i just had to find you a charger
(2:13:08 AM) *Jun: i was gonna ship it tomorrow
(2:13:51 AM) *Jun: but if you really want a refund
(2:13:53 AM) *Jun: i guess
(2:14:08 AM) Neighborhood P: i gave you fifty extra dollars for what was really no reason
(2:14:12 AM) Neighborhood P: and you still provided ****ty customer service
(2:14:25 AM) Neighborhood P: i just don't feel comfortable paying you for that kind of service imo
(2:15:14 AM) *Jun: well in all honesty
(2:15:22 AM) *Jun: you gave me 50 extra so brian wouldn't buy it
(2:15:29 AM) Neighborhood P: okay, i'm not interested in a debate
(2:15:32 AM) Neighborhood P: just lemme know when u wired the money to me
(2:15:40 AM) *Jun: i'll let you know
(2:15:41 AM) *Jun: when i ship it
(2:15:45 AM) *Jun: which will be tomorrow
(2:16:00 AM) Neighborhood P: well if that's your decision
(2:16:14 AM) Neighborhood P: then i'll reluctantly agree only because in the grand scheme of things i **** out $150
(2:16:23 AM) Neighborhood P: if $50 is worth having an awful reputation
(2:16:33 AM) Neighborhood P: and making sure i never talk to you again
(2:16:38 AM) Neighborhood P: then that's your price
(2:16:43 AM) Neighborhood P: and i'll be glad to accept learnign a life lesson for $50
(2:16:45 AM) Neighborhood P: so do what you have to do
(2:16:52 AM) *Jun: don't try to guilt trip me
(2:16:57 AM) *Jun: at the very worst
(2:16:57 AM) Neighborhood P: bye
(2:17:07 AM) Unable to send message: Not logged in

The Facts how I reasonably see it

- Adam/durr did not pay me the $50 extra dollars (which was actually $45) for any special service. It was merely so that my friend doesn't buy my product before him with cash and for shipping
- I did not engage in any shady/suspicious behavior as I was just trying to find him additional accessories since I was too busy to ship anyways.
- durr's claims of me REFUSING a refund is obviously false

If I'm wrong somewhere please tell me. :ohwell:

Adam M!

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2009
LOL jun really takes himself too seriously

oh yay another name to add to the ignore list

Adam M!

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2009
god he got ***** so badly in "the confrontation"

i tell everyone real life is just like smash


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
i tell everyone real life is just like smash
Does anyone listen?

You'll get your refund. Don't wanna ship anything to you and have you put in a dispute.

Oh I should AIM you since I'm on your ignore list.

Oh you blocked me on AIM like a girl

Someone tell him he's gonna get his refund lol

Adam M!

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2009
i blocked you because you wouldn't shut up. you're one of those smart ***** who wants to debate every single belief he has and get the last word to boot. in actuality you end up missing out on everything that really matters.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Wait why did Adam want his refund again? Just cause it took too long? I think Jun seems reasonable here, if he was really going to send everything like today or tomorrow or whatever then I don't see what the problem is. Both parties lagged on their ends of the deal but if it went though then it should be fine. I doubt Jun would actually just take $150 bucks out of the blue.

Deleted member

unless theres some dumass binding contract people should get instant refunds

failure to do so = you are a ***


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Well think of it this way. On eBay after you've already won the bid, do you expect to get a refund before he has shipped the product?


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
this is getting kinda old, and i know people don't mean anything by it, hell sometimes even i let things slip, but on the real, constantly seeing things like what johnny just posted make me :(

i doubt many of you will read all of this post, but at the least read the bolded stuff and watch the youtube clip, it's all of like 30 seconds

i mean i normally don't care, but when i see people saying it like that over and over its really stupid and really is degrading on many levels

this is probably how everyone feels

I don't mean any disrespect or hate when I say things that could be offensive :( I am sorry and I will try to have more tact next time.
but still, no harm intended doesn't mean it's ok

so please take a second and read

b) I know we are in the South, but it is extremely offensive for every other word out of smasher's mouths to be 'gay' '***' or 'homo.' While Fox running away and platform camping is not fun to play against and boring to watch (CHAD lololol), it has nothing to do with sexuality, and when you use the term gay when you mean something is negative it codifies the idea that being gay itself is bad or wrong. Language is a powerful thing and to hear an immutable characteristic about yourself being used as a derogatory slur on a constant basis is really disheartening. I really had blocked it out mentally until Ambix caught himself at this tournament and I was reminded that people need to be reminded to think before they speak.

Thanks for proving my point? They get their rights articulated and further protected while we have people trying to amend the constitution to deny the protections of the 14th Amendment; DOMA is still federal law and DADT is still in effect. The systemic harms towards LGBT Americans is are in no way comparable to the discrimination that disabled Americans face other than they are both immutable characteristics. No one campaigns for being able to fire people for who they are unless that person is LGBT.

It doesn't matter if the term has to explicitly reference sexuality, at the point in which it is derived from and perpetually endorses the idea that being gay is wrong or bad, that type of discourse should not be tolerated as it spreads seeds of hatred and discord.


If you think there's negligible impacts to this type of discourse you're sorely mistaken. 86% of LGBT students report being verbally harassed just in their own schools. GLSEN studies have shown that there are severe social, mental and emotional impacts to the bullying and harassment that affects LGBT students today. Cyberbullying means that this harassment doesn't stop at school, leading to a sharp increase in youth suicides.

My point about subjectivity is that there isn't even a coherent standard as to which tactics are deemed 'gay' and which ones are 'legit' and cause mad styling. People *****ed out Amsah for camping Jman at pound, but if Jman camps a Peach player he is playing 'safe' and 'smart,' because Fox is a "real" character and Peach (like Sheik, Climbers, and Puff) is a "gay" character; I never said that the phrase "that's so gay" means nothing, but I've been arguing quite the opposite, that the phrase and its context (even if the intent is innocuous and not meant to be offensive) has several problematic impacts and consequences for our culture, not only as gamers, but as decent human beings.

Adam M!

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2009
the customer is always right

and he can always get a refund for an unopened, UNSHIPPED package

so stfu dave

not to mention at amazon for example u must ship out w/i 2 days and you must confirm it...


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
No. Especially on Ebay that doesn't make sense. s2j is right.

First off there is no rule on Ebay regarding refunds. Refunds are solely up to the seller's discretion and Paypal/Ebay will only protect buyers if the product is not as described, defective, not correct model and sometimes damaged in shipping.

Second it makes NO SENSE why the buyer should be entitled to a full refund on an unshipped package. The Seller PAID MONEY to post the listing and you're basically saying they need to PAY MORE MONEY to put up another listing just because you decide you don't even want the product before its shipped? A buyer regulation on Ebay even states that winning an auction or buying a product on Ebay is an agreement to pay.

Source: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/buyer-rules-overview.html

As a buyer, one's job is to look at the posted information and make a judgement on whether they want to buy/pay for it or not. The refund/return aspect is only applicable once again when the product isn't as described or defective. You're not really a customer. Ebay sellers are not Walmart. They often are other individuals and if anything THEY too are the customer since THEY PAID EBAY to put up the posting at the cost of money and neglecting other forms of sale. On Ebay since both parties are "customers," the regulation and rules are made fair in a fashion so that its fair for both sides.

Personal tranctions/Ebay and large scale corporations like Amazon are completely different.

Adam M!

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2009
havent bothered to look at what you said but why are you even responding? the deal is done. you're either going to give me my refund or you're not. personally that's up to you and your morals; i couldn't care less. i've already made my decision: you're dead to me. sucks for you cuz i know for a fact you'll need me before i'll need you.

one day maybe you'll grow up and realize fighting to the death for your idiotic moral battles doesn't mean anything. perception is reality, and quite frankly your perception is douche. my perception of you is crappy seller and know-it-all whom i would never want to associate with.
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