simply saying this statement, shows that your riding mangos ****
mango is on his way to blueballs cuz of u
LOL dam looks like someone needs some sex ed, its cool though cuz back when i was 12 and still a virgin, i didnt learn sex ed in the 6th grade either, they were saving that for 8th grade.
Anyways, lets start with some definitions...
**** Riding (v) : 1. To mount a c0ck in a cowgirl like fashion and then proceed to ride it like a horse/bull.
2. To worship, praise, or brag about someone else. To be on their nuts.
Dam, stop dik riding aero so hard, before i put you out on the corner to make me some money!
Blue Balls (adj) : The result of a girl (or a guy for all you fudgepackers out there) teasing, arousing, and leading you on, but ending in your **** never being touched, OR worse being touched just enough for you not to nut. So it just builds up inside you instead, and hurts. As for the color, its only happened to me at night so im not sure if your nuts actually turn blue. lol i doubt it.
So the correct statement would have been: "simply saying this statement, shows that your riding mangos ****
mango is on his way to jizzin all on himself cuz of u"
Wow, can you get any cockier? Beat everyone and then talk. Otherwise, please just keep playing Melee and ignore the threads that talk about the game that you say you hate.
honestly mango isnt NEARLY as cocky as he should be.