I think melee vs brawl debates offer good information on what make games fun, what makes them competitive, and on how games can build really strong friendships. At this point though they have become routine.
Situation 1
Vkrm: "I think melee is an all around better game than brawl in like every way."
Random brawl dude: "Agreed! I don't know what they were thinking, lol. Ill keep playing brawl though, that's whats popular In my reigon"
Vkrm: "brawl sucks..."
Random brawl guy: "Yes, yes it does, when you campare it to melee."
Vkrm: "we agree?"
Random brawl guy:" it seems so...."
Random brawl guy: "likewise."
Situation 2
Vkrm:" I think melee takes way more strategic thinking than brawl"
Random brawl guy 2: "whatever troll, brawl vs melee was a thing in 2009 now its not, play the game you like."
Vkrm: "why is it that brawl players don't like to argue about their game? Is the reason they don't allow brawl vs melee debates is because they don't like losing it?"
Rbg2:....(throws wine glass) "But enough talk! Have at you!"
Vkrm: "uhhh... Wait, what? Im sorry i just thought that I could...
Hylian: "you have been given an infraction point."
Random brawl guy2: "gg scrub"