edit: I didn't close this, idk who did
no, just WA/OR to PA
they are probably about the same but better at different matchups
like i think t0mmy is probably better at MK, D3, and wario and chibo is better vs ICs or something
I can't remember the last time I was at a PA only tourney... 7 months ago? And it was like a mini local, granted I only got 4th. Every tournament I go to is infested with top NJ and NY players, or top MDVA players.
Does he take 1/2/3rd within his state?
On one coin, you've got NY/NJ/PA which is probably better than PNW as a whole
on the same flipside of the same argument, it sounds like he doesn't get past his state (which is kinda meh) let alone his region
but on the other hand, you have the guy who's actually beaten the guy who took 3rd @ MLG, sooo by that logic...
seriously though, seeing videos from both, I'm going to have to say t0mmy's better. Like the way t0mmy plays is very poke and space oriented, he'll hover super patiently just to get a chip-in, chibo has some good proficiency with his aerials, but he hasn't flattened out some of his habits.
I do a lot better and get more accomplishments OOS. Everyone in PA itself has a lot of ROB practice (both the main crews have a ROB to practice on). We also have Vex, who is more or less a bracket stop for me, and I'm confident he would embarrass Tommy... to put it lightly. The further I am geographically from Philadelphia = the better I do lol.
Look at the playstyles in the following videos:
t0mmy v. Eggz
Stopped watching 2.5 minutes in. Eggz REALLY doesn't know the matchup at all. He hardly kept pressure on Tommy, constantly used the *wait* to Nado combo, and didn't follow ROB off stage. Me vs RAIN showcased a lot more skill from me on this end.
Also yes I did lose to Xzax in that $5 apartment round robin. Not to say I wasn't trying (cause I always do), but I just don't hit the zone most of the time. Not to mention Xzax knows how to fight ROB very very well, as we have been playing each other since the day the game came out, as we were even in the same crew back in the Melee days. Also you didn't show me beating Smurf at that same event, who is better than Xzax lol. It's a shame my latest top MK win wasn't recorded, when I beat Tearbear at MLG.
Who cares who looks flashier?
Going by placings, t0mmy can be better because he wins in an easier region.
Going by accomplishments? t0mmy has Jem, Felix... err... is that it? Chibo has players like Brood, RAIN, Candy, Takeover, Tearbear, and LOTS of others that I don't feel like looking up atm

And then there's stingers.
I wouldn't write off Stingers like that, but I appreciate the support. I do believe the three of us are however the top ROBs easily, and don't matter about the order too much. However everything Stingers has done I more or less have as well, plus more. When he came up to PA for the weekend and we went to Xanadu I beat Omni in bracket and he lost to him. At MLG he beat Tearbear and then I got salty and MM'd him and won lol.
true true, snake is also a good one imo (gotta play a bit differently though, lots of jump lobs lol)
although I still want to see how ICs even this MU out.
I agree with Vex, stick to Lucario and don't try to use ICs or Snake in this matchup.
rob has 0 safe options against ICs.
Dash grab to f/bthrow is lol. Only reason I don't do it too much is because I've tripped doing that 3 times into ICs grabbing me then infiniting me.
I wish I recorded and uploaded every friendly I won -_-
mk is worseeeeeee and i beat him with wolf
^Leaves out the fact that I beat his wolf in a MM even more recent. Good stuff posting videos from 2009. Stop showboating man, and you wonder why I don't like you a lot of times.
I cant believe people really use that (ono). This is why people think Chibo's better.
...err, wait, I mean Chibo for best in the US!
Also it says something that Tommy can consistently do well in his own region while Chibo generally relies on one time big out of state wins. What good players does he do well against consistently? At best you can maybe say Chibo is the better player, while T0mmy is the better ROB. Anyways, both are good.
While I know what your saying, I do have more wins than just Brood -_-
If you force a ROB to the edge of the stage they're either going to roll, grab the ledge, or jump.
oh yeah, and ROB's planking is completely useless and beatable. Most ROB's plank with Gyro and Laser. If you get to close though they jump off of the ledge and instantly f-air you since the hitbox is huge and it's their only option. Since his hurtbox is inside of the hitbox though you can just bait the forward air and then hit or grab his hands. If the ROB player continues the plank even though you're all up in his grill, run off of the stage and punish him.
This is all more or less false.
Beating jet-lagged Japanese players who are half asleep in pools ain't gonna cut it.
I was hoping you would make a respectable post that I could reply to with *brofist* or something, but no you john for Brood which angers me quite a lot when people do it on the boards. Since because I beat him, something had to have been wrong, right?
Wait what?
Ok so your saying your the highest placing rob at nationals chibo didn't go?
He outplaced me by one place at Genesis and MLG Columbus. However national seeding never gets perfect. MLG is lol random and T0mmy's bracket was easier despite fighting Allied who I lost to at Raleigh (because of rules) and at Genesis I got the pleasure of fighting Larry first round in bracket
O rite I furgot dey iz bad
*References ADHD placings at tourneys where he doesn't get DQ'd*