players not on ur level?
fix that
make them on ur level by TEACHING them, not ****** them. that's the mistake i used to make.
when i got back from, i think it was pound4, i started to teach players, and all of a sudden, they started taking one out of three matches from me consistantly, making the other two matches i win a struggle and close.
players i feel i've taught and made a difference with since pound:
master raven
i started giving them pointers of what i do to other peoples habits, what i look for, how i punish, and how they could be better punishing me, then i proceed to yell at them everytime i got away with something i shouldn't have, or when they're not covering enough of my options often enough.
for example
playing nickriddle friday, everytime he backthrew me off the stage he would forward b, i would just jump over his head every time, dair space, nado recover ect.
every time
his logic was he's controlling my space, and making sure i recover a certain way
what he should have been doing, punishing the fact that i initially jumped after his backthrow, that i did every time, make it a bad habit so then when i don't do it , i actually start positioning myself to possibly get hit by those forward b's he loves throwing out so much
/end rant