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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Me and Imadh fight it out for 1st and 2nd. Or we can tie for 1st. If we want to base this all on the ditto I'm gonna start dancing now.
Then we have Ambrose, Ryan fighting it out for 3-4
Then for 5th, iunno. Bernard you'd be in the running for that. Grmo, Julian (if he came out -.-) and a few others.

More importantly though, bees are awesome.
Edit: Agreed with David's notion, we have a severe lack of Marths.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
lol I beat Ambrose in Sheik dittos these days but that doesn't mean I'm a better Sheik it justs means I CG without ****ing up too hard.

Also don't worry Mike I'll learn Marth then everything will be better I'll have a straight character to play when Sheik bores me.


Wtf am I saying. I'll have a sexy man-prince to play when Sheik's scary bondage is too much for me.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The ditto doesn't mean everything. But me and Imadh fair best vs. all the match ups, we do about equally as well in most of them imo. I just like the Marth ditto, IMO it's a Marth's 2nd hardest match up behind Sheik.
Ryan has an incredible mental game, and this helps him greatly with Marth. Ambrose's brain and 1337 technical skill help.
The other people I thought of were for various reasons I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
I said this to david earlier and I think that ultimately it's too much effort but meh.

If you really wanted to seriously rate two people, and refuse to do it based on statistical tournament performance (meaning no 'hard bracket' johns), just have them each face off against each of the best or something like that, and whoever does better, is better. Both people get the same matches with the same people, the better record should prove the better person, no? Or just have a ditto and call it a day, who the hell cares.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I've played both of them. Not extensively, but enough to make a reasonably good judgement.

Ken gives me more trouble than D.B does. Unfortunetly, he hasn't been around lately. I think that due to his absences, D.B wins by default. A Falcon ditto really would settle things. Its one of the few dittos in the game that requires some thinking, and less CGing.

i.e.: Tech-chasing, DD mindgamzze.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
sry if i'm a bit late. I was busy last couple days, but now I have some time to do shout outs.


Thank you for hosting once again! and Congrats on 2nd place, I was amazed lol, when adnan told me about it. I am glad you did such a good job. I think that your sheik is amazing. You can handle spacies so well. I never use sheik against spacies if I know its coming. Its always falco/marth. I do need to work on my tech chasing with sheik ...haha.

Nice games in pools. I was suprised about your Mute city counter pick lol. I was thinking you would go peach or something...And nice 0 -> death in our first match of pools. Your marth is good against sheiks, after all that practice u get from david haha.

I didnt get to face you...but I know your falco is getting better and better. I hope we can do some friendlies agaiin some time soon.

Hey, how did you like your first tourney lol. Its good experience, come out more and practice with us and soon you will get better. Nice friendly matches, you are good about DIing jiggs u-throw -> rest now, which is vital lol. And for falcon vs marth match up...you really need to get those knee combos in, and really think about it before approaching the marth.

I got one friendly match with u at the beginning. GG. Pfff...brinstar...you are getting really good at the marth ditto. haha. gj on making it out of pools this time!


Too bad i never got to face you...your peach is getting better and so is my sheik haha. Everytime I feel that you have new tricks with your peach, like things you would usually not do. Nice job in pools and brackets, i heard you got a lot of stitch faces and bombs haha. Luck was on your side.

No comment....you owned me in jungle japes. tbh, my sole purpose for choosing japes was to camp you to death (ONCE I GOT THE LEAD)....but i never got that lead...after the first hit my percentage was always above yours, so i had no choice but to approach... which I did in a stupid way and didnt turn out well lol. Your marth is fast and pressures me a lot, which is good. I know wat to do next time, though. lol. And I dont get it, wats wrong with my grin? >.>

I never got to face you...AGAIN. lol, I hope i get a chance to face you next time.

I never got to face you either...but thank you for your support before I faced jake. You told me that I could do it if I believed i could do it. I actually thought about it for a second, and it helped me mentally in the match. Your luigi is still amazing, keep it up.

I never got to face you!! We are old....old smashers arent we...ahhah. Im suprised were actually still around. I remember I used to always have to face u in loser's brackets...which sucks. Next time I hope to get some matches in with you!


Close game... oh that evil cloud...haha. I need to work on my fox on pokefloats..its either mute city or pokefloats, those are such deadly counter-picks against sheik...

Congrats on 1st...wow, you did it man, you did it. Cant wait to see your matches vs david when they get posted, adnan told me they were very close and intense, lol.

I dont know wat happened later at night, cause i wasnt there...but aside from that, ggs. I had to leave after our match either win or loss. But you play really well on brinstar now lol.

Omg, teams. lol. Nice teaming with you. I dont know if you expected me to do better or wat...but after julian quit, I kinda lost my touch in teams. I feel a lot more competent after I've teamed with someone for a longer amount of time, since the chemistry would be better. I bet we would of done a lot better against jake/nate and bernard/ryan if we practiced more together, if you stil want to team with me that is lol.

gg in brackets. It was unlucky for u with FoD as the first stage lol. FoD -> the 2nd Yoshi's story hahah, its true... lol @ when i got gimped by the falliing block in green greens.

the "new guy" in my pool:
sorry for wobbling you, but after that first rest..i just had to do it lol. And wobbling/infinite grab isnt banned in tournaments, so you have to watch out for that. Try to kill nana fast, and then popo will be pretty easy to take care of.

I hope everyone enjoyed their wendy's .....it was a big hassle making like 15 orders at a time and delivering it to everyone, lol. But i felt like i wanted to do something helpful for the bi-weekly...so yea. Thx to ryan, nate, jake and noah for helping.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Wait? Ambrose can talk? XDD I kid man lol.

One of the Scarbrough Sheiks + Andy

IMO, Ambrose now that you're available you should look for a partner lol. Pick Andy! :0

Aswell, as much as I love reppin' Sauga I think currently Ken > Dzenan by a small margin. But Dzenan is rampaging like a Raptor Boost tech-chase against a Roy. You should know what follows after that, right Falcons? ;]

I <3 the communities current character rivalries.

The Marth rivalry between Imadh, Mike and others not far behind.
The Falcon rivalry between Dzenan, Ken and Imadh.
The Peach rivalry between Me, Jake, GK and DK (I didn't forget you, bud)

This'll make us all better. :00

Deleted member

I think it's more like, all of you are aspiring to be as awesome as me :cool:


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Im speaking to my father who lives in the GTA to see if he can supply a ride for me and 3 of our crew members to come out to this. I heard the GTA smashers are quite good at what they do and were gunna bring our best to see how we compare!

Niagara Phails SC!


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Whoa whoa whoa gentlemen, how did you forget my Peach?

But its true though, Jakes Peach > all............. only Peach that has matched it was Daniel's.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
lol I love how all the Marths are like "Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... must become best Marth..."

and then all the Falcons are like "I'm liek better than u biznitch" and then the other's liek "lol no ur not nubcake" and then they're like "Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... and become best Falcon..."

and then all the Peaches are like "Must... become... gayest player in city... must surpass David..."

and then me and Ambrose (the Sheiks) are like, "lol internet."



Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Im speaking to my father who lives in the GTA to see if he can supply a ride for me and 3 of our crew members to come out to this. I heard the GTA smashers are quite good at what they do and were gunna bring our best to see how we compare!

Niagara Phails SC!
yay more people ^___^


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2005
lol I love how all the Marths are like "Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... must become best Marth..."

and then all the Falcons are like "I'm liek better than u biznitch" and then the other's liek "lol no ur not nubcake" and then they're like "Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... and become best Falcon..."

and then all the Peaches are like "Must... become... gayest player in city... must surpass David..."

and then me and Ambrose (the Sheiks) are like, "lol internet."

Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... must become best Ike...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2006
lol I love how all the Marths are like "Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... must become best Marth..."

and then all the Falcons are like "I'm liek better than u biznitch" and then the other's liek "lol no ur not nubcake" and then they're like "Must defeat Sheik... must train harder to beat David's gay Sheik... and become best Falcon..."

and then all the Peaches are like "Must... become... gayest player in city... must surpass David..."

and then me and Ambrose (the Sheiks) are like, "lol internet."


I'm sorry, I love Lol Internet way to much to let that slide :(!
so I guess I'm not sorry, but more, pleasured
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