M2K - you are the best player ever
Chu - im glad i finally got to play you. fun matches in pools.
Teh Spammerer - thank you for letting everyone watch the gayest and most boring match i have ever seen. i wish i had that 7 minutes of my life back. also good **** on ****** like everyone.
Wife - good to see you again dude. sucks about the drive though.
Swift - didnt get to play you this time but good stuff vs. eggm, i saw that match
Plank - fun matches when you first got there.
Shizuma - jesus christ pick a fawken name already. you ***** people too. ***
Jiano - fun teams matches. good to meet you.
Eggm - freakin eggm. i wanna see your crews match vs. pakman again, LOL.
Hat - your laugh is funny.
Juke - fun matches dude. your fox is real good. i had a lot of fun playin you even though i didnt know who you were at first, lol
XYT - fawken sheik is so gay. actually, sheik is fine, your sheik is gay.
Sliq - fun set dude in losers. i hate jiggs, then again i think thats what everyone says until they find a way to win, haha
Pakman - thanks for driving up broseph. shukkkamuuppp!
Taki - fawken taki. i dont think we played any singles friendlies, lol. thats a mistake. or wait, no we did, one stock vs. your luigi with the best ending ever, hahahah
D20 - same, no friendlies. BOO
Mogwai - too good every single time bro. thanks for the housing. i wish we all could have hung out more but we all got in too late. w/e, that one clip of south park was all we needed that night, haha
Scar - fawk you, you peice of ****. you fawken peice of ****. you fawken peice of fawken ****. SHUKKAAAMUUPPP!! teach me how to scar jump ***
4% APR - your mean for going falco, lol. i wanna friendly you sometime. if there is a next time
Soap - close pool set. your sheik is good. has a style that im def. not used to. good stuff
TheLake - haha. same as last time. amazing. your zelda is really good man. no joke. also...scars fox is ********, but it beats me as well, lmao
Nakamaru - no matches this time
did you record a lot of stuff for the montage video?
AttacusBebop - good stuff in pools dude. your marth has potential without a doubt
The Dark Hand - your ganon is nice. his uair is so gay
Chibo Sempai - fawk you you peice of ****, lol. good stuff in brawl, singles and teams, despite the spammer reenactment, what a gay game, LOL
Atlantic Lizard RSG - im pretty sure i played one of you atlantic lizards peple in losers. good stuff.
Atlantic Lizard 9Volt