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Smashbound Presents: STARFURRY2007. Thanks to all who came out!


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
nate's falco might toke more than he does but can he see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
Is it the sprinkles!!? :laugh:

On the topic of the tourny though, what does everyone say about starting crews and doubles at the same time first off? Kinda like transcan?


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
gee, I wonder who that is? It certainly can't be Ganondorf. (lol)



Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2007
But you love us anyways. :ohwell:

consult adnan's sig for wisdom.

i honestly don't know if you're trolling or just really stupid. i don't. i've been mindgamed.

also kjdjy (Steve) is not serious. CoS is basically him (ICs), Alpha (Ganon), GK (Peach/Sheik), Chaotic (Falcon), Pointman Rob (Jiggs/Ganon) and this guy with a space animal. Our scene has no Sheik mains except basically me and Divine Punishment (Jason). We have a bunch of Marths, some random crap like Jiggs, Falcon and ICs and then mostly spacies, Peaches and Marths.

nate's falco might toke more than he does but can he see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

oh lol i didnt know seeing as how i havent met any of them yet =3 ...thought that he was serious XP

and the reason kids love teh cereal is cuz the milk in it gets all sweet n stuff if the cereals in there too long =3


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2007
zey are my minions -cackles evily-

lol ugh are there a lot of ness maining people around here?...i hope not..
that evil lil ******..


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
GK can play ness

And yeah we only have one real Marth main (smash rob) and GK plays Shiek as a counterpick but there really is so many marth players in the GTA scene. There are other characters dammit.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Yes, like Roy.

Roy falls fast so he must be good. lol the only person that should be complaining about this late trend is Jiggs players Nate.

soo I was practicing shffling my bairs, fairs and dairs last night. And I am NOT talking about smash.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada

before someone *****es when I wobble them.

Also, we don't actually have that many Marths. I exaggerate because I play in scarborough, which is Marth land (Julian, Mike, Eric and Ambrose all play or have Marths in some form or another). Nobody on NNR plays Marth at a competent enough level to actually win with him and CoS has a lone Marth player. Iunno what Sauga looks like these days, but last I checked their good Marths were basically... Imadh. And Grmo knows a ridiculous amount about a few of Marth's matchups (namely ICs) so he does well at that one but really he'd more likely gay you with Samus or counterpick an ICs to Pokefloats and be Fox and that totally isn't a **** counterpick.

Marth's still probably the most populous character in our scene lol but I attest that to the fact that we have no Sheiks. We have maybe four at most. After Marth I think it's possibly Peach or Fox and from there it's a tie between basically everyone else.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
Yeah don't forget to add yourself (you said you were training marth, right) and bernard to the list

Thats an insane amount of marths compared to anything else and you know it.

I agree with bernard, theres no space animal players at all when compared to the marth whores. We have two fox mains in CoS but they rarely turn out to tournaments. Also, one of them happens to supplement his fox with...you guessed it. Marth.

Come to think of it, you would expect we have more shiek players to counter all the marth gayness.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Marth is fun. Leave us alone, almost all of us play other characters. I play Pikachu. Also David, what are you talking about? Unless there's a sarcastic undertone here that I'm missing, I'm confused; I don't know anything about Marth vs ICs...


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Dragon_Hawk said:
Nobody on NNR plays Marth at a competent enough level to actually win with him
You reeeeally need to play me.

Seriously. The lack of spacies is probably due to the lack of overall tech. skill. Its not that people can't step up, its that the way they feel about smash, at least for those who play Sheik/Marth, goes something like this:

I don't need to practice. Tech skill? Whats that? I can WD, thats tech skill. Omfg, I can win this way.

Then we have people like NNR, David and the scarbz groupies, and me, who practice ALOT and try to win matches that way. Mad props to other characters too, it takes a certain finesse not to gravitate your gloved player hand towards the faces of Marth or Zelda.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2007
You reeeeally need to play me.

Seriously. The lack of spacies is probably due to the lack of overall tech. skill. Its not that people can't step up, its that the way they feel about smash, at least for those who play Sheik/Marth, goes something like this:

I don't need to practice. Tech skill? Whats that? I can WD, thats tech skill. Omfg, I can win this way.

Then we have people like NNR, David and the scarbz groupies, and me, who practice ALOT and try to win matches that way. Mad props to other characters too, it takes a certain finesse not to gravitate your gloved player hand towards the faces of Marth or Zelda.
oi im kinda insulted by that sheik comment...i dont really wd much at all..and im not gonna say i got amazing teching but honestly that made it sound like people playing sheik have no skill :urg: ...if u play sheik long enough or one of the other stereotyped 'easy' chars to play eventually that all changes...i mean i practice at least like 8 hours like...a DAY lol [yes i know thats over doing it probably] i really wanna make a good impression @ the tourny and TRY to bring something knew to the way people look at sheik...although it probably wont happen but i really wanna kill the sheik [ and others] stereo type =[ ( man im gonna get an *** woopin at this tourny lol...looking forward to it =D)


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
The metagame will do it's work. It's like that episode of simpsons when they have that pigeon problem and let those reptiles do their killing.

The pigeons being Marth. The scum of earth and the pinacle of homosexuality.

And the reptile being Sheik (which also happens the have a gender mystery behind it's tail) comes in and eats up them dirty pigeons.

Once there are too many Sheik, we get Foxes. Once the Foxes become a problem, we get Falcos. But one problem remains, Peaches. To be honest, I think I'm surprised beyond belief that a Falcon player has not won a tournament yet, but that could be for the lack of a REALLY good Falcon.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
You reeeeally need to play me.

Seriously. The lack of spacies is probably due to the lack of overall tech. skill. Its not that people can't step up, its that the way they feel about smash, at least for those who play Sheik/Marth, goes something like this:

I don't need to practice. Tech skill? Whats that? I can WD, thats tech skill. Omfg, I can win this way.

Then we have people like NNR, David and the scarbz groupies, and me, who practice ALOT and try to win matches that way. Mad props to other characters too, it takes a certain finesse not to gravitate your gloved player hand towards the faces of Marth or Zelda.
This is why marth is an issue with me. I play, practice and train all the time but I just get stopped short by someone who doesn't give a crap but plays marth and has a rudimentary understanding of tech skill.

This isn't to say all people who play marth don't deserve regocnition for being good, IB is very good. It's just frustrating how anyone who plays Marth has a fighting chance to beat me regardless of how much they practice or know.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Then maybe you need to work on your vs Marth matchup :mad:

Hey Bernard. So liek, the rest of us don't practice or something? Let me remind you of a very simple rule of Smash:

Tech skill alone does not define skillful playing.

Actually, I think Jake's wording was better:

Skill is not how fast you can press buttons

Seriously, Bernard. Have you forgotten that already?


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ugh... I can't believe I'm dragging myself into this.
At a very low level of play, yes Marth and Sheik, are quite easy to play. It's easy to spam and just win at that level. So if you're losing to a Marth or a Sheik (I mention Sheik because she takes a lot of crap as well in this regard) who is at that level of skill then you might want to re-evaluate yourself before you ***** about it. *cough* Steve *cough*

At the mid-level or higher however, this ceases to be the case. This is where Marth is probably one of the harder characters to play. Granted the ICs are hard to play but Marth is far from easy as well. (Sheik too)


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
You reeeeally need to play me.

Seriously. The lack of spacies is probably due to the lack of overall tech. skill. Its not that people can't step up, its that the way they feel about smash, at least for those who play Sheik/Marth, goes something like this:

I don't need to practice. Tech skill? Whats that? I can WD, thats tech skill. Omfg, I can win this way.

Then we have people like NNR, David and the scarbz groupies, and me, who practice ALOT and try to win matches that way. Mad props to other characters too, it takes a certain finesse not to gravitate your gloved player hand towards the faces of Marth or Zelda.
You bring up some good points and my wording was off so let me rephrase that. Nobody on NNR who has a Marth would ever play their Marth because it's either not good enough or they have a main that's so grossly better than their Marth that playing it is absolutely redundant in virtually all their matchups unless it's an absolute **** counterpick like Marth/Jiggs instead of Falco/Jiggs or something (I've seen Noah do that against Nate). That latter situation is more applicable to you. Unless you dropped your Fox for like two months and went on a strange Marth training expedition.

I practice Sheik because Fox, ICs and Falco are hard and I would like to know more about what works on them. I've learned a few tricks but still nothing major. If or when I figure something good out, I'll likely stop but until then I would like to know my hardest matchups inside and out.

Steve, my Marth blows and now I just offhandedly observe him for ideas. I don't play him. I tried but me and Marth work about as well as me and women.

Furthermore, Marth is hard for the ICs. It's an acquired taste. Most of the game is spent punishing his lag. Which is difficult if the Marth is smart and doesn't give you lag to work with (*cough*EUROPHORIA*cough*). He's also very good at punishing Nana for existing.

Finally, Marth doesn't need tech skill to fight ICs. He needs a brain more than anything. The fast aggressive technical Marths tend to be easier than the campy, patient, passive-aggressive ones but maybe that's just me. I mean, god, it's not like I've beaten every Marth in the city (although I'll admit that I did go Sheik vs Mike and may need to against Bernard but I do that anyways).


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
^ Love you dear.
I forget to mention this. Huge props to Ryan for being the first Fox player I've ever seen to come out and say that Marth wasn't easy to use. (Zomg you mean there's more to this game then pushing buttons quickly?!) I'll teach you more secrets of the Pokemon universe for doing so =D


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System

Just because I think spammy Marth/Sheik n00bs suck, doesn't mean I think all of them do.

IBs Marth is good, so is Mike's. I know it takes a knowledge of match-ups, ability to space...and obviously some tech skill to play him. I respect that. Just not the n00b mindset. "Oh I win with Marth automatically".

Grmo: You should see me post in the fox thread talking about SW. I know tech skill doesn't equal best in the world. Tech skill means nothing to alot of pro-smashers. I never said it was absolutely necessary.

You can miss lcancels or not shdl and still win matches.

When it comes to Sheik: Really good Sheiks do have alot of skill, and I'll respect that. I'll also respect you if you're a Sheik that ACTUALLY PRACTICES (DESH).

Needle-camping, non-practicing, tilt-spammy ones though; thats a different story.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
When it comes to Sheik: Really good Sheiks do have alot of skill, and I'll respect that. I'll also respect you if you're a Sheik that ACTUALLY PRACTICES (DESH).

Needle-camping, non-practicing, tilt-spammy ones though; thats a different story.
**** it bernard i do both of those. i practice but i also tilt spam and go hardcore needle camping.


also why are we all referring to marth as "he"? is there something i'm not informed about?


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
Mississauga, ON, Canada
u dont hear me complaining about marth, so stfu everyone I have it worse then any of u. Ugh, but there ARE alot of marth mains...... just learn to outplay ur opponent.And marth does takes a while to train at higher levels, just not as much as other characters do.
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