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Smashboards Creates: The Super Smash Bros of Another Universe!

Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 161:
Leviathan Axe (God of War)

Leviathan Axe is a weapon from God of war series. It's an Axe, which you can throw at enemies.

When spawned, you can do light throws or Heavy throws. Light throws are activated with normal attacks, while being weaker and faster. Heavy throws are activated by Special buttons and they're slower, but stronger. Also it has blue marks when you throw it stronger.

I nominate the Item, because it would be first item from God of War series and it could be fun item to have in the Game. Also, this item is first item that is Melee weapon, but you can throw at opponent with brutal or light damage,

Deleted member


Herbs (Resident Evil)

A species of Herbs found in the Arkley Mountains. They are used for healing. They come in green, red and blue. When collected, the Herbs will appear in a mini menu underneath your character's icon. They can be used immediately or the various kinds can be combined together to make stronger healing combinations.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Resubmitting this idea
I will submit Bad Bomber from Bomberman


Once players get in, they can fly around the screen and throw one bomb at a time which explodes in the shape of bombermans explosions when it hits the ground. After a certain amount of time the cart will start to fade away and then disappear, putting anyone inside into freefall meaning you want to be careful not to be too far from the stage when using this item.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Here are the results of the Job #161 voting:
Leviathan Axe 14
Herbs 10
Pyukumuku 5
Chimera Wing 9
Bad Bomber 10

And so Leviathan Axe, Herbs and Bad Bomber will be selected as items! Now onto the next job:

Job #162: Submit A Moveset For Kratos or Ratchet & Clank
Please submit a moveset for either Kratos, Ratchet & Clank or both. All you need to submit are the specials but if you want you can submit more.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
job 162:
Kratos Moveset:

Kratos would be Heavyweight character, who has ability to wall jump. He could be Rushdown character, who coulf rush down at enemies with his deadly God weapons. His gimmicks are Spartan Rage (Which get rage effect similar to Kazuya, but he's stronger) and Super Moves (Whic he has two Final Smashes activated by charging bar: first when he has level 1 and he performs smaller final Smash, but if he has level 2, he has different and bigger Final Smash. When he grabs smash ball when he has 1 Level on Super Bar, he preforms it, but if he has level 2, he has Level 2 Final smash after grabbing smash ball, so it depends on Bar Level when you grab Smash Ball).
Now to his moveset:

AAA – Kratos swings his axe with one hand horizontally left, horizontally right, grabs it with both hands into a downward diagonal left swing, downward diagonal right swing, and finishes off with a spin attack into an upward arc swing that deals upward knockback.

A Left/Right- Executioner’s Cleave- Kratos lifts the axe with both hands and brutally swings it downward. If it makes contact with an opponent it will stun the opponent allowing for a follow up attack!

A Dash- Returning Whirlwind- Kratos grips his axe with both hands and performs a 720-degree spin attack forward.

A Up- Kratos grips the axe and performs an upward arc swing.

A Down- Kratos grips his axe with both hands and performs a spin attack into a downward ground slamming axe attack.

Smash Left/Right- Njord’s Tempest- Kratos grips the leviathan axe with both hands, the longer charged the more ice magic it accumulates. Once releasing the attack, Kratos performs a quadrupole spin attack with the axe. As he spins the axe emits ice energy which can deal impressive sideways ice knockback and freeze opponents.

Smash Up- Strike of the Utgard- Kratos grips the leviathan axe with both hands, the longer charged the more ice magic is accumulated. Once released, Kratos swings his axe overhead in an arc three times back and forth, with the last swing dealing the most DMG. The last swing also freezes opponents.

Smash Down- Ivaldi’s Anvil- Kratos grips the leviathan axe with one hand while holding it inverted. Once the charge is released, Kratos leaps in the air and brings the axe slamming into the ground. As he stabs it in the ground spikes of ice (size depending on how long it was charged) sprout up all around Kratos!

Aerial Neutral- Whirlwind- Kratos tosses his axe as it whirlwinds around his body once before he catches the axe again.

Aerial Forward- Evasive Swing- Kratos spins and tosses his leviathan axe forward as it travels forward then boomerangs back to him. This also pushes Kratos a decent distance in the opposite direction which can be used for additional recovery.

Aerial Backward- Kratos grips the leviathan axe and performs two spin slashes.

Aerial Down- Returning Storm- Kratos lifts his axe high with both hands and comes crashing straight downward with it to the ground while the axe is engulfed in ice magic. Once he hits the ground a small explosion of ice will be created in front of the axe which can freeze nearby opponents.

Aerial Up- Gripping the axe with both hands, Kratos performs a slow but powerful front flip axe swing attack.
(Credits to Hyrule64)

Grab: Kratos Grabs opponent with one hand.
Pummel: Kratos pummels the opponent with his blades, stabbing it into stomach.
F. Throw: Kratos throws opponent forwards.
Back Throw: Kratos turns back and uses his blades and slashes so hard that the opponent gets launched backwards.
Up Throw: Kratos stabs enemy with chain blade and throws it upwards.
Down Throw: Kratos slams opponent down and hits his axe into Opponent's Head.

B- Leviathan Frost- Kratos tosses his leviathan axe forward a good distance (about as far as Link’s side special) as the axe soars forward like a buzzsaw. If you hold B for a few moments before releasing, the axe will be engulfed in ice energy and will not only deal significant DMG but also freeze opponents as they are hit with the axe. This is a strong projectile attack, but like most of his attacks can leave him wide open for attacks while he uses the special so watch out.

Side B- Blades of Chaos- Kratos takes out his legendary weapons, the blade of chaos, and lashes them out forward! The blades of chaos have very impressive range, almost the reach of two of Simon’s whips, and deal impressive DMG along with fire DMG. The Blades of Chaos have multiple uses depending on the command input used after the special makes contact. If the blades make contact with an opponent they will momentarily stab into the opponent, similar to Corrin’s side special. Pressing B again once an opponent is latched onto will allow Kratos to retract the blades and pull the stunned opponent in close for a devastating spin attack with the blades of chaos. Pressing A after latching onto an opponent will cause Kratos to whip snap the blades of chaos, causing flames to travel through the chains and into the stunned opponent to deal less knockback but impressive fire DMG.

Up B- Cyclone of Chaos- Taking out the legendary Blades of Chaos, Kratos performs multiple spin attacks with the extendable blades which elevate him into the air. This recovery doesn’t gain much air unfortunately, however the blades deal fire DMG and have impressive reach) about as far as Simon’s whip) when used. The recovery also has a slight gravitational pull to it so nearby opponents may be pulled into the deadly strike!

Down B- Guardian Parry- Kratos takes out his shield gauntlet and enters a defensive stance as he takes cover with it. If an opponent makes contact with Kratos while he is in the defense stance/has the shield out he will parry the attack with the shield and quickly stun the opponent. After the parry attack, Kratos performs a mighty slamming axe attack against the opponent to deal impressive DMG and knockback depending on the strength of the attack parried.

Final Smash Level 1- Raging Rip - Kratos rushes at 2 opponents and slashes the opponent with his every blades and uses his charged axe to make a huge blow that doesnt KO, but it gives huge damage (Similar to Triforce Slash).

Final Smash Level 2- Father and his Son- Kratos shouts “Now, boy!” as his son Atreus appears and fires a powerful mystical arrow forward similar to the start of Link’s final smash. If Atreus makes contact with an opponent they will immediately be stunned in midair as Kratos lets out a war cry. After this, Kratos will bombard the opponent(s) with a flurry of powerful leviathan axe attacks imbued with the rage of a spartan! As Kratos delivers these attacks, Atreus will also continue an onslaught of arrow attacks to deal additional DMG. Kratos finishes off the final smash with a sideways axe swing to deliver the final sideways DMG and knockback. After the opponents are sent flying, Atreus disappears and Kratos gets back into the fight.

(Credits to Hyrule64 for Specials and Final Smash #2)
(I need to be honest that the moveset is so big here)
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Deleted member

Just gonna do Ratchet's Specials
  • Gimmick: Weapon Upgrade: Upgrading weapons is a huge part of the Ratchet and Clank series. Ratchet will have an orange meter below his character icon with the weapon he currently has active. This meter will fill. Allowing the weapon to be upgraded into a more powerful form.
  • Normal Special: Quick Select: Like in his home series, Ratchet has a variety of weapons to choose from. These weapons will run out of ammo.
These weapons include:
  • Combuster (Upgrades to Magma Combuster
  • Fusion Grenade (Upgrades to Fusion Bomb)
  • Proton Drum (Upgrades to Protonclast)
  • Lava Gun (Upgrades to Liquid Nitrogen Gun)
  • Buzz Blades (Upgrades to Doom Blades)
  • Pixelizer (Upgrades to Pixelizer HD)
  • Devastator (Upgrades to Gold Devastator)
  • Sheepinator (Upgrades to Goatinator)

  • Side Special: OmniRang: Ratchet throws his OmniWrench like a boomerang. It can be aimed.
  • Up Special: Thuster-Pack: Clank jumps onto Ratchet's back and transforms into a jet pack, shooting them upwards in a straight line. Opponents below them will receive fire damage.
  • Down Special: Mr. Zurkon: Summons Mr. Zurkon who will follow the duo around. Cracking one liners and attacking opponents.
  • Final Smash: RYNO: Ratchet blasts the player with a devasting cluster of blasts from his most powerful weapon while Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture plays.
Credit to this Fantendo page and to this DeviantArt page for moveset inspiration.

Also it would be cool if half of the alts made them into Rivet and Kit.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Okay so the kratos and ratchet & clank movesets will be chosen. Now onto the next job which is actually gonna be final job of the base game after like six months!

Job #163: Submit An Assist Trophy
Please submit an assist trophy idea. Submit a character, say what series theyre from, and how they would work. Two will be chosen.

(also just a reminder that this is your last chance to submit music and profiles you want in the game. Also reminder that the DLC will follow the same format as Smash Ultimate’s did but probably without the preorder bonus character)
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 163:
Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone)


Opa-Opa is main character of SEGA series called Fantasy zone and he is small sentient Spacecraft, who attacks the evil of Fantasy Zone Universe from conquering it. He is SEGA's first mascot, who debuted before Alex Kidd and Iconic Sonic. He is also SEGA's now less known character with great popularity dated in 80's.

When summoned via Assist Trophy, he flies around the stage and shoots at opponents with his lasers from cannon and he sometimes shoots wide beam that could KO opponent. He ocassionally swoops down to attack the opponent with force.
He can be KOed. When KOed, he explodes into blue drops.

I nominate Opa-Opa, because he could fun assist and he could be first SEGA arcade Assist Trophy. He could fit in Assist role due to shooting and flying in Air, attacking the Opponents with his far range bullets from his cannon.
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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Job 163: The Prince (Katamari Damacy)

The Prince is pretty small, and he rolls around a ball (the Katamari) that’s about twice his size. However, as he travels around and keeps rolling his ball around, it will pick up more and more stuff, increasing in size. Other items, destructible terrain, projectiles, even other players and assists! Be careful when this guy comes your way, especially if you’re caught in a Katamari while he’s falling or knocked off stage. You can also avoid this by being too big for his current Katamari, but it bumping into you will still knock you back a bit.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Okay so the kratos and ratchet & clank movesets will be chosen. Now onto the next job which is actually gonna be final job of the base game after like six months!

Job #163: Submit An Assist Trophy
Please submit an assist trophy idea. Submit a character, say what series theyre from, and how they would work. Two will be chosen.

(also just a reminder that this is your last chance to submit music and profiles you want in the game. Also reminder that the DLC will follow the same format as Smash Ultimate’s did but probably without the preorder bonus character)
Dude, I tried to submit Sony profiles, but you ignored those.
Better find my Submittions of Sony profiles like Kat, Aloy or Polygon Man.
I posted them before Kratos moveset job and during last item job.
Find them.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 163

The Storm King (Fortnite)

The Storm King would spawn way in the background and the background would soon become covered in a purple storm. The Storm incoming notification would appear on screen with the sound as well as an area where you will be immune to the incoming storm will be marked out. The storm will then start to close in on that marked out area and the storm king will start to send lightning bolts down onto the stage. If you are caught in the storm you take a bunch of damage over time. Once the storm surrounds the marked out area those caught in the storm will be instantly KO'd if they are over 100% and the Storm and the Storm King will leave

Here are some quick music submissions (Apologies If I break any rules here)

Under The Weight (Final Fantasy XIV)
Footfalls (Final Fantasy XIV)

Nemesis Quest (Rollercoaster Tycoon 3)

OG (Fortnite)
Battle Royale (Fortnite)
Save The World (Fortnite)
Storm King (Fortnite)
The Device (Fortnite)
The End (Fortnite)
After Zero (Fortnite)
Wild (Fortnite)
Rise Of the Devourer (Fortnite)
Best Buds (Fortnite)
Orbital Overload (Fortnite)
Battle Breakers (Fortnite)
Stand And Fight (Fortnite)
Wiggle Wild (Fortnite)
Sweet Dreams (Fortnite)
Banger (Fortnite)
Spies! (Fortnite)
Dungeons (Fortnite)
Sunny's Song (Fortnite)
Detonation (Fortnite)
Mellow Days (Fortnite)
Butter Barn Hoedown (Fortnite)
Sky Fire (Fortnite)
Space Chimp (Fortnite)
Unreal Chill (Fortnite)

Drunken Pipebomb (Team Fortress 2)
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet (Team Fortress 2)
More gun (Team Fortress 2)
Robots! (Team Fortress 2)
Archimedes (Team Fortress 2)
The Calm (Team Fortress 2)
Dreams Of Cruelty (Team Fortress 2)
The Art Of War (Team Fortress 2)
Mercenary Park (Team Fortress 2)
Dapper Cadaver (Team Fortress 2)
Haunted Fortress 2 (Team Fortress 2)
Rocket Jump Waltz (Team Fortress 2)
Right Behind You (Team Fortress 2)

And Some Profiles

Spiral Slide (Rollercoaster Tycoon)

The Storm King (Fortnite)
Agent Jones (Fortnite)
Dr. Slone (Fortnite)
The Cube Queen (Fortnite)
The Foundation (Fortnite)
The Paragon (Fortnite)
The Scientist (Fortnite)
The Visitor (Fortnite)
Midas (Fortnite)
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Dude, I tried to submit Sony profiles, but you ignored those.
Better find my Submittions of Sony profiles like Kat, Aloy or Polygon Man.
I posted them before Kratos moveset job and during last item job.
Find them.
I saw them, don’t worry. Sometimes I just take a couple of days to add things and I was waiting for a bit more profiles that time because I want to add profiles in “batches.”
Job 163

The Storm King (Fortnite)

The Storm King would spawn way in the background and the background would soon become covered in a purple storm. The Storm incoming notification would appear on screen with the sound as well as an area where you will be immune to the incoming storm will be marked out. The storm will then start to close in on that marked out area and the storm king will start to send lightning bolts down onto the stage. If you are caught in the storm you take a bunch of damage over time. Once the storm surrounds the marked out area those caught in the storm will be instantly KO'd if they are over 100% and the Storm and the Storm King will leave

Here are some quick music submissions (Apologies If I break any rules here)

Rise (Final Fantasy XIV)
Under The Weight (Final Fantasy XIV)
To The Edge (Final Fantasy XIV)
Footfalls (Final Fantasy XIV)
Good King Moggle Mog (Final Fantasy XIV)
Locus (Final Fantasy XIV)
Answers (Final Fantasy XIV)

Nemesis Quest (Rollercoaster Tycoon 3)

OG (Fortnite)
Battle Royale (Fortnite)
Save The World (Fortnite)
Storm King (Fortnite)
The Device (Fortnite)
The End (Fortnite)
After Zero (Fortnite)
Wild (Fortnite)
Rise Of the Devourer (Fortnite)
Best Buds (Fortnite)
Orbital Overload (Fortnite)
Battle Breakers (Fortnite)
Stand And Fight (Fortnite)
Wiggle Wild (Fortnite)
Sweet Dreams (Fortnite)
Banger (Fortnite)
Spies! (Fortnite)
Dungeons (Fortnite)
Sunny's Song (Fortnite)
Detonation (Fortnite)
Mellow Days (Fortnite)
Butter Barn Hoedown (Fortnite)
Sky Fire (Fortnite)
Space Chimp (Fortnite)

Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Title Screen - Jazz Jackrabbit (Jazz Jackrabbit)
The Light In Us All (Planet Coaster)
Valestein Castle (Ys)
Whereabouts Of Light (Trails In The Sky)
Pitch Black (DEATHLOOP)

And Some Profiles

Entertainer (Rollercoaster Tycoon)
Spiral Slide (Rollercoaster Tycoon)

The Storm King (Fortnite)
Agent Jones (Fortnite)
Dr. Slone (Fortnite)
The Cube Queen (Fortnite)
The Foundation (Fortnite)
The Paragon (Fortnite)
The Scientist (Fortnite)
The Visitor (Fortnite)
Midas (Fortnite)
A series can only have up to 60 music tracks. Also if you’re submitting profiles from series that aren’t represented they do have to be from companies we have represented.

Deleted member


Albert Wesker

The arch villian of Resident Evil. When summoned, Wesker will take off his sunglasses, his eyes turning red as he shouts about "complete global saturation!" He then proceeds to dash around the map, preforming attacks similar to his moveset in Marvel vs Capcom 3.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Okay, here are all the results of the Job #163 voting:
Opa-Opa 8
The Prince 11
The Storm King 0
Knuckles 0
Jack Frost 3
Albert Wesker 7
Needles & Sweet Tooth 9

And so The Prince and Needles & Sweet Tooth will be added as characters! And that’s the last job of the base game!

I want to thank everyone for submitting content to this thread. It’s fun making our own ultimate videogame crossover and I hope the DLC can be as well. I will start the first character job of DLC sometime tomorrow so please stay tuned until then.
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