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Smashboards Creates Sonic: The Champions! (Action Figure submissions!)


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
YoshiandToad's Whisper moveset wins by default! Additionally, we'll be adding Piston Pit from the Sonic The Hedgehog film to our stage roster! I'll go ahead and start three jobs since I've kept you guys waiting for so long. If you need more time just let me know, though I'll probably close these up in a couple days.

Submit a new multiplayer mode

Basically, just design a new mode for up to four or up to eight players that can be played like a normal Smash, just with different rules, conditions, etc. It can take inspiration from the Sonic series, but doesn't have to.

Submit Sonic or Sega replacements for Smash series items!

Basically, we're making Sonic or Sega themed cosmetic changes to iconic Smash items. Try to keep it to items that would be instantly recognizable as coming from Smash, even if they didn't necessarily originate there (like the Bunny Hood or Baseball Bat). You may submit as many as you'd like.

Submit alternate colors for Blaze, Silver & Whisper!

You can submit 8 or 16 alternate costumes for each character. Please include a very brief description of the colors/costumes, or use images to convey your ideas.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

Ring (Paramount) over Pokeball.

Was originally going to do the capsule over the Pokeball, but creating a portal that lets any character come out of it? That seems less limiting than just the animal buddies.

Works like the Pokeball. Can be thrown and deal damage when pinging off of someone's face. When hitting solid ground it'll open up releasing a character from somewhere else in the world to aid the thrower.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Since we didn't get too many submissions for any of the jobs, I'll close up the multiplayer job to bring it back another day, and I'll also wait to do Silver alts at another time. If there still isn't any interest then, I'll add my own.
Nevertheless, we got some great item submissions, all of which are eligible!
Cucky over Cuccoo

Power Sneakers over Bunny Hood

Also, I updated the job posting, you may now submit as many replacements for items as you'd like.
Bobbin over Bumper
View attachment 348832

Ring (Paramount) over Pokeball.

Was originally going to do the capsule over the Pokeball, but creating a portal that lets any character come out of it? That seems less limiting than just the animal buddies.

Works like the Pokeball. Can be thrown and deal damage when pinging off of someone's face. When hitting solid ground it'll open up releasing a character from somewhere else in the world to aid the thrower.
1-Up over Special Flag

the 1-Up works like the Special Flag, but the player can destroy instead catch it
YoshiandToad YoshiandToad submission is particularly interesting, as it gives us a way to replace Pokeball and Assist Trophy content in one! So, without further ado...

JOB: Submit any 2 Ring Assist characters
Rings will work identically to Pokeballs, with the major difference being that they are Sonic characters. Please submit one or two characters from the Sonic universe to appear (you may submit duo characters that count as one). Note that Ring Assists will disconfirm for now. All Sonic media is allowed for this job.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Sonic is insanely fast. Heck, everyone in this universe is pretty fast. Tails, Knuckles, Amy? All of them can keep up with Sonic. Even Dr. Eggman outruns Sonic at various points to escape from him.

Now imagine that super speed...on caffeine.

Yes, it's time for the greatest human OC of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie franchise to make his game debut:

Ring Assist submission #1: Agent Stone

Agent Stone.png

An Assistant to Dr. Robotnik(of which Eggman has had many and I seem to be submitting a lot of...hmm), it seems appropriate that opening a portal to him will net you the ability to pick up some of Agent Stone's famous delicious lattes with steamed austrian goat milk. He's currently working at Karen's Coffee which he's...apparently taken over.

When summoned, Agent Stone will appear with takeaway coffees to go. Running past him will give that player a speed burst and act like a refuellable Power Sneakers for as long as Stone is available. After handing out three coffees to go, Stone's ring portal will close with Stone returning to his barista station leaving the disappointed fighters coffee-less.

Unlike many assists, Agent Stone will happily stockpile whoever runs past him with his delicious coffee, although he will show slightly more favourtism for Dr. Eggman in a much nicer coffee cup than Sonic and the gang. Likewise if Dr. Eggman and another character run past Stone at the same time, Eggman will get preferential treatment regardless of who summoned him!


Tikal Sonic Runners render.png

Ring assist character #2: Tikal

Tikal is canonically a sweethearted pacifist, and as such she's not the type to want to physically do others harm.
Whilst she's one of my absolute favourite Sonic characters ever I feel making her a fighter may be a mistep due to her peaceful nature.

She does, however, have the power to harness the Master Emerald's power and it's ability to either nullify or amplify Chaos energies.

As such, summoning Tikal will allow her to recite her prayer and use the Master Emerald to amplify the energy of her summoner whilst weakening the energy of her summoners foes. Summoners will gain a boost in attack, speed and defensive power during Tikal's summoning whilst opponents will become weaker(although not slower. Got to balance this somehow!).

If attacked during her prayer, Tikal will revert to her energy form and relocate to continue the prayer somewhere safer. If she is forced to relocate constantly within a ten second summoning period, Tikal will not be able to recite her prayer and instead vanish once more.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Ring Assist #1: Classic Sonic

As much as I like Classic Sonic, I don't think folks would exactly be keen on him taking up a roster slot. As such, a Ring Assist will serve him nicely. Upon being summoned, Classic Sonic will run around the stage and attempt to Spin Jump into opponents, dealing damage to them upon contact. He will vanish on his own after some time, but can be KO'd.

Ring Assist #2: Coconuts (AoSTH)

Upon being summoned, Coconuts would throw (get this) coconuts at nearby opponents. The problem is that these coconuts are explosive and pack quite a punch. Fortunately, Coconuts can be KO'd pretty easy.

Why the AoSTH design, you ask? Well, simple; Coconuts is usually the buttmonkey of the main three Robotnik bots in AoSTH, and if Scratch and Grounder were to join the roster sometime in the future, this would continue that trend.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Thanks Champ of Hyrule, I was debating whether or not to keep this thread going but clearly there's demand for it so...
Ring Assist: Badnik Sonic (Fleetway Comics)

I feel this is the one Sonic robot I can comfortably submit without people worrying about their favorite bot being disconfirmed. This freak of anything but nature would run around like crazy, trying to catch any character he can with the metal tentacles in his chest cavity. When he does catch someone, they get to control a really powerful Sonic clone for a bit!...at the cost of likely dying in the explosion when time's up.

Other Ring Assist: Emerl (Sonic Battle)

Emerl (pronounced like "emerald" without the 'd'), when summoned, will mimick the attacks of your character, referencing the nature of his robotic species, the Gizoids. He'll have about the same CPU level as a Ditto assist in Ultimate. Also, Emerl cannot be attacked. This is a reference to how, if you wish to lay harm to Emerl, you are a terrible human being!
I'll leave this job up for about another hour or so in case my submissions draw others to the thread.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Old Movie Sonic

Maybe it's just that I love ugly characters, but I kinda like this guy. He runs around and performs two attacks: a knee attack and a spin dash. He slowly transforms into the final design, powering up his spin dash and weakening his knee attack. He also gains Movie Sonic's distinct blue energy as he is redesigned.

I don't intend for this to disconfirm final movie Sonic, but I don't mind too much if it does - Longclaw would be a better Sonic movie rep, heh.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Submissions are closed! Vote for your favorite, with ranked voting in effect:
Stone YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
Tikal YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
Classic Sonic FazDude FazDude
Coconuts FazDude FazDude
Mean Bean Machine Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule
Badnik Sonic (Me)
Emerl (Me)
Old Movie Sonic Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario

Keep in mind that this will disconfirm characters for base game (that includes nonspecific Coconuts badniks and redesigned Movie Sonic (due to the nature of Triple Wario's submission), however Gemerl and non-Classic forms of Sonic will still be allowed should either of those win). We'll be adding two Ring Assists total for this round.

While we're voting, short discussion period: Should we have jobs while doing other jobs/voting periods, or should I keep this thread at a "one job at a time" pace?
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Tbh unless you're updating daily, I think you can get away with doing a couple of jobs at a time.

That said, I don't even follow this rule in my own thread so it really should be down to the thread creator's discretion.

1. Emerl
2. Coconuts
3. Mean Beans


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Voting has concluded! Here are the results:

Mean Beans 10
Coconuts 6
Stone 7
Emerl 3
Tikal 7
Old Movie Sonic 2
Badnik Sonic 1
Classic Sonic

We'll be adding Mean Beans and Agent Stone/Tikal! I'd rather not go back on my word about only having 2, so here's the tiebreaker for our second Ring Assist.
I will be removing my own self-vote in the case of a second tiebreaker, so for future reference, I vote for Stone.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Submit a "Dark Ages" Character

Sonic 'eras' can be constantly debated about among fans, but one thing most can agree on is that, from the release of Shadow The Hedgehog up until Sonic 4 Episode I, the blur blue wasn't viewed in the brightest light. However, we got a lot of really cool characters during this era, many that would feel right at home in Sonic Smash Bros! Please submit a character who debuted from 2006-2009 (they are also allowed to be from Shadow The Hedgehog). Include an image if possible and a brief description of the character/why they should be in. Just games for this job, by the way.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Mephiles The Dark

Mephiles debuted in Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) as the game's main antagonist. His cunning plans and sleek design left quite an impression, even when compared to the other planet ending, eldritch demon-level Sonic villains, of which there are many. Mephiles would be very much of a trickster in Sonic Smash, like Forsburn or Lucy Loud. You think you know what to expect, then BAM-you've got a yellow energy beam straight through your heart.
I might open up another job today, depends on the thread's activity.
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Dark Ages Character: Werehog (Sonic Unleashed)

The Werehog is the form Sonic takes during the night sections of Unleashed, trading his speed for raw strength (as well as inexplicibly stretchy arms). We don't have a true grappler on the roster yet, and the Werehog would remedy that.
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Deleted member


King Arthur
I was stuck between this guy and the villain from Secret Rings but big sword man won out. He would be heavy who fights with his huge sword and summons a horse.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
I was considering submitting Middle Aged Man as a meta-joke sorta character who would use Sonic 06 glitches, but I feel he shouldn't be there without Mephiles also present for the earnest 06 fans.
Fair enough. It is a cool submission though, would love to see it pop up in the future of the thread.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Merlina (Sonic and the Black Knight)

Merlina is a major character in Sonic and the Black Knight, She is the grand daughter of merlin and as such could have access to a bunch of spells

but also

She could transform into the Dark Queen

and use the abilities she gains in her final boss form
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Dark Ages character: Chip the Light Gaia


Sonic's sidekick in Sonic Unleashed, whether you like or hate Chip, he's extremely memorable. Has some unique and nifty abilities all of his own what with being the Light Gaia and the incarnation of light, day and rebirth


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Submissions are now closed!
Mephiles The Dark

Mephiles debuted in Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) as the game's main antagonist. His cunning plans and sleek design left quite an impression, even when compared to the other planet ending, eldritch demon-level Sonic villains, of which there are many. Mephiles would be very much of a trickster in Sonic Smash, like Forsburn or Lucy Loud. You think you know what to expect, then BAM-you've got a yellow energy beam straight through your heart.
I might open up another job today, depends on the thread's activity.
Dark Ages Character: Werehog (Sonic Unleashed)

The Werehog is the form Sonic takes during the night sections of Unleashed, trading his speed for raw strength (as well as inexplicibly stretchy arms). We don't have a true grappler on the roster yet, and the Werehog would remedy that.
Jet the Hawk
View attachment 349589

Jet debuted in the racing game Sonic Riders, and as such his moveset would center around using his hoverboard

King Arthur
I was stuck between this guy and the villain from Secret Rings but big sword man won out. He would be heavy who fights with his huge sword and summons a horse.
Merlina (Sonic and the Black Knight)

Merlina is a major character in Sonic and the Black Knight, She is the grand daughter of merlin and as such could have access to a bunch of spells

but also

She could transform into the Dark Queen

and use the abilities she gains in her final boss form
Dark Ages character: Chip the Light Gaia

View attachment 349647

Sonic's sidekick in Sonic Unleashed, whether you like or hate Chip, he's extremely memorable. Has some unique and nifty abilities all of his own what with being the Light Gaia and the incarnation of light, day and rebirth
Mephiles The Dark (Me)
Sonic The Werehog FazDude FazDude
Jet The Hawk Otoad64 Otoad64
Black Knight @Darkonedagger
Merlina cashregister9 cashregister9
Chip YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
Shade The Echidna Pupp135 Pupp135

Vote on-thread for your favorite! Ranked voting for two, your own in any place.
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