Gonna throw my hat in the ring for something in regards to the "blog theory".
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16
Notably, The main pattern is three per week.
We've had two normal weeks where we've had an extra fourth fighter, but two weeks later with only two almost as if to compensate.
Week 13 is an outlier since that was the initial week we were supposed to get Isabelle before everything got shifted around due to the earthquake.
And instead of getting Isabelle's update the same day she was revealed, it was pushed
forward to the following week. Which is odd as having four that week would even out the two from the previous week as well as when she was SUPPOSED to be updated.
So what does this mean? First let's account for who's left in character number order by groups of three (or two for rest of Week 16, hypothetically.
Week 16

Weel 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

So this means assuming no newcomers are revealed beforehand, all veteran fighters will have been featured on the Blog on the week of 11/18-11/22. Leaving two whole weeks before release. So hypothetically 7 newcomers left IF those weeks also have the standard three characters (plus one for Week 24)
Add in the idea that one week will likely have four fighters instead of three to "counterbalance" the two from Week 13 (and it can't be Week 16 because Sunday's update was already not a character), and that would imply 8 newcomers instead if, again, the three character per week is still visited until release.
Although under the same pretense, Ken and Incineroar really being the last two would have them fit nicely in the "pre-earthquake" schedule and the "one week post-earthquake gets an extra fourth fighter" schedule if we assume the last two weeks go without characters at all.
And for all we know, the last week could have no characters either.
So it could be just 2, 5, or 8.
Personally, 8 plus the 9 we have so far PLUS the 7 returning playable fighters from Melee/Brawl seems a bit too much to be realistic.
58 + 24?
Even 5 more seems to be pushing it a bit, but might be more reasonable in comparison.
My personal bets?