I'm sorry but the box theory isn't fact, you are basing everything on a placeholder image on amazon. Judging by how secretive Smash Ultimate has been this time around I highly doubt that the artist who created the box would know the entire roster or even the base roster size. Heck, even the announcer for ultimate has gone on record saying that he had to say tons of false names so he wouldn't know who was in the roster. The whole appearance of the box could have come about because of an artistic reason like it could be because the artist simply didn't want 3 empty spaces on one side. Also Vergeben has missed characters before (Richter, Dark Samus, Chrom, and King K Rool) and I'm sure he's going to miss characters again, specifically, echo fighters. We also shouldn't assume the Square Enix representative is DLC simply because we don't know its identity. Hitagi and Vergeben both stated that Square Enix is extremely anti-leak and it makes it extremely hard to pinpoint the identity of the character.
Vergeben's statement on SE leaks:
View attachment 166500Cloud never leaked in smash 4, and I would consider it lucky we know there's a square rep at all.
There's absolutely no denying Ken and Incineroar are coming to smash ultimate, however, I highly doubt they will be the last reveals, heck, Ken and Incineroar could even be put in a single trailer in October. Bottom line, we don't know the base roster or even the base roster size so we really shouldn't act like we do.