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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

"wow you're being totally off subject/unhinged" has been totally off subject for the last page or so fellas
Which is why I recommend dropping it.

So, nearly two weeks out... Gosh, it's been such a blur. That said, though, I am so ready for this game. While I wait, though, I plan on playing every Smash game during these last two weeks. It's gonna be weird playing Smash 64 again, but at least I can play it with my new GC controller, so that's cool. :p


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Sakurai really is that innocent that he would probably think that'd be enough to please the fans of certain characters by having them as Assists. Salt of the Earth that man, too good for this world. Not even being a sarcastic **** about it Smash Bros. is a labor of love at this point.
But another argument could be that he doesn't want to put in too many fan-favorite characters, because he wants to try and please both the hardcore audience (who are asking for fan-favorite characters) and the casual audience (who just want to see popular characters)

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
If someone were to make a fake Layton Spirit, I hope they put him on Villager because Id love to vision Villager as an Archaeologist and a Professor
What about Tuxedo Mario, since he has the top hat and all?
I hope the Mii Fighters still have the top hat and business suit outfits so that I can still at least have Layton somewhat in the game, especially if he isn't one of the five DLC characters.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Not that I don't agree with you but a lot of people here right now aren't even aware of the guy you're talking about.
Yeah cause if I tagged them I'd just be accused of not liking them, being unfair, harassment, etc. Not to mention this site has history with abusive mods (tbf last I saw this was idk 2015) and considering one of the people I'm talking about is a mod who stuck up for his buddy, hmmmmmmm...
isnt goemon like... a thief though? with very kabuki influences....
Oh lmao you took that seriously? I was taking the piss out of the guy I quoted cause he decided to give people **** based on a misinterpretation of what Sakurai said.
Also I'm well aware of Goemon being a Japanese folklore tale/historical figure
Gee I dunno, maybe if ResetEra wasn’t a bunch of sleazy hypocritical ****bois, maybe they would get called out as much.

“This place is toxic” is nowhere near the same as saying “Some people don’t deserving to live because they’re diffrent.” Seriously, chill out. You still have t mentioned who you’re talking about by the way.
So... you saying ERA is toxic invalidates my claims of this site being equally toxic as ERA?
You said I haven't been able to prove I'm different from neonazis and now the two situations are nowhere near the same? Gee, almost like I'm very different than, y'know, nazis

Deleted member

Guys, it might be better to just drop the discussion. I don’t want either of you to get into trouble.
Hey man, I’m all good. I’m not the one screaming their head off lol.
Goemon is more of a Ninja than anyone in Naruto.. And I barely got any exposure to Goemon at all to know this.
Naruto Shinobi were far more like mercenaries than anything resembling ninja.
Wait, Naruto has ninjas? /s


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Sakurai really is that innocent that he would probably think that'd be enough to please the fans of certain characters by having them as Assists. Salt of the Earth that man, too good for this world. Not even being a sarcastic **** about it Smash Bros. is a labor of love at this point.
No, Sakurai's not that stupid as to believe assist trophies are remotely on the same level as even an echo.

Just comparing the treatment of those two makes it pretty obvious to see that characters >>>>>>>>>>> trophies, even to Sakurai


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
I know the world doesn’t revolve around America, but I wish Ultimate came out before Thanksgiving so that I could play with all of my cousins. This is going to be the substantial couch multiplayer game for me since MK8 is a bit stale/basic at this point and I’ve never been much of a Mario Party guy. It’ll take a long time for this game to get “old”.
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Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
Not trying to backseat mod or anything because I like the salt. (ResetEra sucks but smashboards can be bad too) but go elsewhere to talk about this please. This is a smash discussion not a politics one. Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
I know the world doesn’t revolve around America, but I wish Ultimate came out before Thanksgiving so that I could play with all of my cousins. This is going to be the substantial couch multiplayer game for me since MK8 is a bit stale/basic at this point and I’ve never been much of a Mario Party guy. It’ll take a long time for this game to get “old”.
Yeah but at least it comes out before Christmas wont you be visiting or having family visit then?

Deleted member

Yeah cause if I tagged them I'd just be accused of not liking them, being unfair, harassment, etc. Not to mention this site has history with abusive mods (tbf last I saw this was idk 2015) and considering one of the people I'm talking about is a mod who stuck up for his buddy, hmmmmmmm...

Oh lmao you took that seriously? I was taking the piss out of the guy I quoted cause he decided to give people **** based on a misinterpretation of what Sakurai said.
Also I'm well aware of Goemon being a Japanese folklore tale/historical figure

So... you saying ERA is toxic invalidates my claims of this site being equally toxic as ERA?
You said I haven't been able to prove I'm different from neonazis and now the two situations are nowhere near the same? Gee, almost like I'm very different than, y'know, nazis
You’re the one claiming this board has neonazis because ResetEra got called out here. So is everyone who calls ResetEra a neonazi to you? Because I gotta tell you, if you think the majority of people here are like the people you’re talking about (which you still haven’t mentioned by the way), that’s a very stupid line of thinking.
I think we should ban conversations on :ultgnw:‘s F-Smash...

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
You’re the one claiming this board has neonazis because ResetEra got called out here. So is everyone who calls ResetEra a neonazi to you? Because I gotta tell you, if you think the majority of people here are like the people you’re talking about (which you still haven’t mentioned by the way), that’s a very stupid line of thinking.

No..... I'm claiming this site has neonazis because there are users here I've seen their posts on certain matters. Like holy **** dude I even said ERA was equally toxic . Are you deliberately ignoring what you don't like? And I already said why I didn't directly name them. Read what I replied to Osby about
Don't quote me on this, but I think my local Best Buy has the demo. What do you all wanna see?
See if the claims that Ridley's down B ignore shields are right


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Oh damn, Goemon got the death penalty?
Rest in peace.
Isn't it how Goemon was executed?
yeah dude was ****in boiled

which is also a way you can lore-die in Way of the Samurai 4 (I think it's 4, it's been a while)

lmao tell me, does Goemon do anything like that in his games? Or be on the receiving end of that?
jeeze I don't think so, his series is way too funny/light-hearted/cheesy for something like that haha
Though I've only played the two ported n64 games, not many of his games have really been localized

Though now thinking on it since I've been learning japanese it wouldn't hurt to play the other games in his franchise. Pachinko, anyone?



Banned via Warnings
Jun 13, 2018
Magical Citadel of Endymion
You’re the one claiming this board has neonazis because ResetEra got called out here. So is everyone who calls ResetEra a neonazi to you? Because I gotta tell you, if you think the majority of people here are like the people you’re talking about (which you still haven’t mentioned by the way), that’s a very stupid line of thinking.
She isn’t referring to everybody who calls ResetEra a neonazi, she’s calling a few specific people neonazis. Did you even read her posts, for Christ’s sake?

Did you get-a the buff?
And-a what did it cost?
*flashback to all nerfs* Everything.
Yeah, that’s not something I’m going to be looking forward to playing against.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
yeah dude was ****in boiled

which is also a way you can lore-die in Way of the Samurai 4 (I think it's 4, it's been a while)

jeeze I don't think so, his series is way too funny/light-hearted/cheesy for something like that haha
Though I've only played the two ported n64 games, not many of his games have really been localized

Though now thinking on it since I've been learning japanese it wouldn't hurt to play the other games in his franchise. Pachinko, anyone?

Hey, Konami's going full redemption arc right?
Also off topic but Kamen Rider Ghost's Goemon form had like the only good fight scene of that show lol


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
You’re the one claiming this board has neonazis because ResetEra got called out here. So is everyone who calls ResetEra a neonazi to you? Because I gotta tell you, if you think the majority of people here are like the people you’re talking about (which you still haven’t mentioned by the way), that’s a very stupid line of thinking.
why are you so hell bent in she revealing who this one was? i really get the feel taht you are trying to stir drama on purpose.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Highlights from the full interview with Sakurai from Game Informer:

Because this entry delivers so much history in one title, does it carry special significance for you and your team?

For myself, Smash is always special, and I always put my all into it. So the series is definitely special to me, but it’s not that this specific title is more special than the rest.
A lot of stupid arguments I heard from people saying that SSE 2 or "X" character is confirmed, or complaints about X thing being missing, boiled down to "But this is Ultimate, so it should be there!" Can't fully blame them, since the marketing, even up to the recent video with Xander Mobus, used the subtitle to hype up the game. But the subtitle is "Special" in Japan, and way back in June, Sakurai said "Smash is special," referring to the whole franchise, so the subtitle has no bearing on how Sakurai or the team view the game. Ultimate isn't any more special than any other Smash game in their eyes.

While every character in Super Smash Bros. history is in this game, several new characters have also been added. What is the process of deciding new characters to add to the roster?

It is a project after all, so we take into consideration things like labor, man-hours, the time in which the title will be sold. We decide on the fighters from the very early planning stage, and from there, we calculate and begin production. We don’t add or remove any characters during the project.

We do things like base our consideration on the results of the Smash ballot, and also balance things out so that there’s a difference in the types of fighters.

By the way, as for Incineroar, during our planning stage we knew that a new Pokémon game was coming, so we intentionally kept one spot open for that, and we decided which character to create once we received more info on the title.
So there are no mid-development cuts or additions, like many people seemed to believe. That's part of why I didn't believe the Grinch hoax; the only corroborating "leak" was the "Chadindorf" leak, which claimed that there were cuts to the game, which didn't align with the smoothness of Smash 4 or Ultimate's development. Some people say that Chrom must have been a late addition, but this seems to be untrue as well.

The Smash ballot does matter, and is probably still being taken into account for DLC. Perhaps even moreso, since Ultimate's roster seems to be mostly ballot characters with some others added in, like Incineroar, Ken, and Piranha Plant.

And apparently Pokemon is the only series that gets a special reservation, because it's Pokemon, the most profitable franchise in the world. That at least makes sense.

The character reveal trailers have all been so creative, were you as involved in the storyboarding of these trailers as you were for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS?

I create all the plot, including that of “World of Light.” I make dense adjustment requests to the CG staff, and I also review things like the audio. I of course take a look at the gameplay portions as well.

Thinking in terms of game development, I should probably entrust this all to someone, but I haven’t really found that someone yet…
Interesting... So it sounds like Sakurai might be looking for a protege. The dude's almost 50, and works like the madman we all know he is, so he can't go on forever. It'll be interesting to see if that happens, who it will be, and how much of Sakurai's philosophy they'll carry forward.

Have you enjoyed the fan reception to each new piece of information released for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

I did plan to create something satisfying for fans, but actual user reactions were a lot more than what I initially expected. Smash Bros. itself is like a big crossover festival, but I’m speechless to see this game being accepted by the fans so much.
So Sakurai is very aware of the positive reactions to the game, which is great. No doubt the huge letter from the K. Rool fans made it his way, so I'm sure he must feel very happy and relieved that, in spite of some negative reactions, this game has also had unprecedented positive reactions.

The Super Smash Bros. series has always spawned much fan speculation for characters that will be included, but with Piranha Plant, you have given players one of the most unpredictable inclusions. How does it feel to be able to still surprise fans even so many years later? What that one of the intents of the inclusion of this character?

I’m actually not paying too much focus on the surprise element when we introduce a new fighter. The surprise element quickly fades once the announcement has been made.

Rather, I believe it’s important to have a good balance as a game. In the past titles in the series, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog were some of the examples we offered outside of people’s typical expectations. However, if we don’t have these types of fighters, and we only had typical “hero/heroine” type fighters in the lineup, there’s not much difference. It’s probably not very interesting. Correct?
This is the best part of the interview, to me.

We've all classified characters like Piranha Plant, Wii Fit, etc. as the "Wacky surprise" that Sakurai loves, but here he says that surprise isn't an element at all. It's more about creating an interesting and diverse cast of characters who are all fun and unique, rather than just having the same stereotypical characters fill up the roster, even if it's at the cost of some popular picks. This is why I've been excited about some of the characters in Smash that I'm not going to play, but I think it's at least cool they've been announced. Isabelle and Incineroar add new personalities to the game that didn't exist before, so even if they weren't hugely popular picks, they bring some more variety to a game that's all about variety.

As opposed to the "anime swordsmen" who are all variations of the same archetype, even if their personalities in their respective games are different. All the Fire Emblem characters in the game have unique stories and personalities in their games, but due to how Smash operates, they're not able to show very much of that personality in the game, where they're generally all stoic-faced and can only say some small lines that aren't always even in English.

What was the initial idea behind Spirits and why did you decide to implement them the way that you did?

We wanted to provide a solid single-player experience, but at the same time, we didn’t have enough development resources especially for creating character models. That’s where the idea came from. We needed to come up with a system that is fun and not a repetitive experience even when you battle against [computer players] repeatedly.

Cons for this system are:
  • Because there are so many fighters, we can’t tell stories for each individual fighter in detail.
  • We can’t support creating exclusive stages/terrains (i.e. side-scroll action game terrain, etc.) for it.
  • We can’t add new rules, etc.
On the other hand, pros are:
  • We can utilize a variety of characters (But not featuring figures anymore)
  • We have a large pool of music, stages and fighters.
With all that in mind as a whole, we concluded that we should create something themed after this large library of characters outside of fighters, and let players enjoy simulating fights using them. Everything else expanded from that base idea.
This is the mark of an excellent project lead. Someone who is able to recognize the limitations at hand, yet work with them in order to still make something that's unique and interesting. Not everyone is able to do this, and that's how some games or other projects enter development hell, go over-schedule and over-budget, etc. But Sakurai's been doing this since he was younger than I am now, so he understands how to manage a game's development and recognize what's possible and what isn't, even when what's possible for him is far more than most other directors.

Also, it seems that he and the team definitely learned from Smash 4's lack of a solid single-player experience, and are aiming to make up for it, despite those limitations. Very good to hear.

You’ve been creating Super Smash Bros. titles for two decades now. As the release of Ultimate looms, how do you look back at your time with the series to this point? Do you have any highlights or favorite memories?

You may not sense that, but it is actually a miracle every time we’re able to create a Smash Bros. game. It’s a bit different from any other game series that regularly comes out with new installments. Unless we get approval from all of the I.P. holders who are involved in this game, we can’t make this game. And every time, we are walking a fine line.

Especially after I left HAL Laboratories, normally, games continued to be developed by the remaining company. But instead, Mr. Iwata created a development team centered on the director who became freelance. That was his call.

Without that decision, I can easily imagine that we could not release this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the best possible shape at this point.
This is really interesting. So it sounds like getting even all the Nintendo characters together is sometimes a hassle. Maybe he's just referring to the third parties, like Capcom and Konami, but those are only 3 or so characters each. It sounds like he's referring to the cast across the board, which is odd. Obviously Pokemon isn't difficult to deal with, given that they get a special reservation, but where is the difficulty?

Also interesting how Smash 3 and beyond could've been developed exclusively by HAL without Sakurai, but it was Iwata who chose to make Sakurai the head even if it meant using a new team/studio. Shows how strong their friendship was and how much faith Iwata had in Sakurai. Of course, they were coworkers at HAL, so that only makes sense.

Sakurai has his flaws--he's not some kind of demigod whose work is divine, and he has made mistakes--but his strengths are what makes him and Smash so special. Compared to if the game were developed more horizontally without his singular direction, where characters would be chosen and made more by committee, the different modes, features, and options would be basic and unimaginative, and the overall quality and polish would be lesser. E.g., the many derivatives of Smash, like PlayStation All-Stars or those Cartoon Network games.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
You’re the one claiming this board has neonazis because ResetEra got called out here. So is everyone who calls ResetEra a neonazi to you? Because I gotta tell you, if you think the majority of people here are like the people you’re talking about (which you still haven’t mentioned by the way), that’s a very stupid line of thinking.

hahaha what's funny is that if you keep pushing it the conversation has a 100% chance of turning on you


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
Umm…. you know that Pokémon probably bring some of the most diverse and gimmicky characters in smash, right? They arent anything like "typical heroes". I dont get where you get that impression.

I know but maybe some of us people (including me) in the "MOAR" community need to stop moving goalposts. That is why I am ashamed. Maybe, I should appreciate what we have a bit more.
Yes I know, I replied about that already. I meant FE as the typical and Pokemon as the more. No denying Pokemons themselves are diverse but there're too many Pokemons already. I'm saying this because even after Incineroar, people started asking for a gen. representer! I mean come on. Are youexpecting to move the 800+ Ps to Smash? Seriously, a space for other franchises. This is not a Pokemon or a Pokken game. One or two from each franch and that should be enough. You know how many pokemons joined the game since the first? including ATs? 212. Yes, over Two Hundred! And they're still asking for more. What do you call that?
You're pretty grossly taking it out of context.

Sakurai's specifically talking about Piranha Plant and other joke characters being done because he'd think it would be boring if the roster was entirely just composed of the protagonists you'd typically expect to get into Smash. It has nothing to do with Pokemon and FE; just his philosophy about Game and watch, ROB, Duck Hunt, and Piranha Plant.
Similarly, you've taken my words out of context.
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