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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
Well, I think we all know that Sakurai really likes Fire Emblem, so that's my guess why he went with FE instead of Golden Sun. Maybe he's not a fan of Golden Sun and brought back his assist because he thought it'd please the fans?
Sakurai really is that innocent that he would probably think that'd be enough to please the fans of certain characters by having them as Assists. Salt of the Earth that man, too good for this world. Not even being a sarcastic **** about it Smash Bros. is a labor of love at this point.

Deleted member

A user and a mod. Considering people are whining witch hunts despite me forcing myself not to mention any names in an attempt to not be criticized for "WELL MAYBE JUST BLOCK THEM DON'T WITCHHUNT THEM!", I don't see the need to intentionally cause a ****storm by outing ****heads as ****heads.
Alright screw them too, but so far you haven’t done much to show your better than they are.
I saw some discussion on FE villains that I missed so I just want to throw out my two cents: Zephiel sucks. Zephiel ****ing sucks.
His whole motivation is "my dad hated me so **** humanity", he literally has no other reason to be such a Misanthrope Supreme. And it sucks because I like this trope quite a bit, but the reason it works at all is because the characters who hate humanity are those that suffered REAL bad abuse and come from hopeless backgrounds.
Zephiel is the literal primce of a country, he had a sister he loved and a mother whose relationship he mended after FE7, the only bad thing in his life was his ******* of a father who, admitedly, was an *******. But this whole "humanity sucks" from him makes no sense, literally no one else ever harmed the guy. Him starting a continental war to commit genocide and replace humans with dragons is the equivalent of a rich white boy shouting "SJWS ARE RUINING MY CHILDREN'S CARTOON!" on twitter.
The other side isn’t much better either.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
In terms of sales, yes it was revived and brought to the west partially due to Smash, and if not for the miracle that was Awakening, it would have gone the way of Advance Wars. So maybe the revival is owed more to the push behind Awakening, since it still flagged horribly even after Melee. But Smash definitely helped, especially in bringing light to the series in the western market.

I was saying that Marth was unknown outside of Japan, not Pit. And if FE getting brought over to the west is owed more to Advance Wars than Smash, then Advance Wars probably deserves a place too.

Really I won’t argue any more about this because it’s pointless arguing sales figures when that’s obviously not what Sakurai cares about. I just wish the roster actually did have more variety than it does now, I am grateful for the retro picks but that doesn’t mean there aren’t blind spots.
I mean, last game tried putting more variety to franchises and we all know how that turned out.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
There's no such thing as a good FE antagonist, only ****ty ones and not as ****ty ones
Quite a few of the antagonists in FE4 are all incredibly deep, interesting, and have complex motives and personalities (Alvis/Arvis, Ishtar, Trabant). Even the "bwahaha I am evil and I love it" (see Manfroy) types in FE4 are a cut above the rest of those types of villains.
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Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
I mean, last game tried putting more variety to franchises and we all know how that turned out.
I actually liked how it gave us good characters like Villager, Little Mac, Shulk, and Duck Hunt Dog (who I actually wanted). People complain about WFT, or the roster in general, but it wasn’t that bad except for the cuts and I guess Dark Pit, who probably didn’t take up very much development time or resources anyway.

But I’m a weirdo who actually wants characters like Ayumi Tachibana, Bub and Bob, Frogger, and Taizo Hori from Dig-Dug.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Alright screw them too, but so far you haven’t done much to show your better than they are.

The other side isn’t much better either.
So, I've yet to prove I'm better than people who *check notes* believes people of a different skin colour are inherently inferior, people with different orientations than mine are mentally ill and think they should just die and the world would be better? Like, y'all know the ****** had an avatar of Stefan "Black people are conspiring to eradicate white people. Feminism is killing pasta, Man of Steel is bad because Henry Cavill can't fly" Molyneaux right?


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, same. I remember the reactions to the Direct were basically "lol suck it Shovel Knight fans" while SK fans were like "it's him! he got in smash!"
I think it's due to how this community perceives "worthness" in that, for example, Isaac fans got less than they "deserved".
To be frank, Isaac and Shovel Knight are two different stories for why fans feel very different.

The reason why it was an honor for Shovel Knight, their devs, and fans, is because Shovel Knight was very new at the time of the ballot and was also apart of the Indie genre. The fact that Shovel Knight's went from these humble begins, to getting noticed by Sakurai and get a mobile model in one of videogame's biggest crossover is astonishing and a milestone for alot of people and the industry, probably alot more than most people realize.

Isaac however, had a big support base that goes much farther back spanning since pre-Brawl with some people supporting Isaac for more than a decade, already has been an assist trophy, and had a heavy hitter title that created two sequels on what was meant to be the beginning of a new series (since there was a cliffhanger and some loose ends, there was probably supposed to be a 4th game). When Smash 4 came around and Isaac was no longer an assist, many people saw this as Isaac's chance to be playable. This increased during the Ballot, where Isaac's presence became as a dominant as ever and it finally be the time to show how many people would be fine with Isaac being a newcomer. This essentially "worsened" when there was also a big leak and some insiders claiming that Isaac was playable. "Could this be the time Isaac can finally be playable?" but Isaac was shown as an AT at the wrong time, and thus it spawned the largest amount of frusturations.

It's liked comparing apples to oranges. On one hand, for Shovel Knight's first time in the spotlight, his support did really well for him to be an AT, and it was milestone for Yacht Club. On the other, this was Isaac's third attempt to be playable with many people who've been supporting Isaac for years, only for that support to be crushing back down at the last/worst moment to being back in the same role from Brawl...

you decide how well that would've went.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I actually liked how it gave us good characters like Villager, Little Mac, Shulk, and Duck Hunt Dog (who I actually wanted). People complain about WFT, or the roster in general, but it wasn’t that bad except for the cuts and I guess Dark Pit, who probably didn’t take up very much development time or resources anyway.

But I’m a weirdo who actually wants characters like Ayumi Tachibana, Bub and Bob, Frogger, and Taizo Hori from Dig-Dug.
Sorry, if you don't like Dark Pit, we can't be friends.

Deleted member

Why can't Pikachu be in the game? Because he's forgettable?
Pikachu's just such a random choice for Pokemon. A mascot like Gothitelle or Dunsparce would make much more sense, especially when LG: Gothitelle and LG: Dunsparce came out recently.

Deleted member

So, I've yet to prove I'm better than people who *check notes* believes people of a different skin colour are inherently inferior, people with different orientations than mine are mentally ill and think they should just die and the world would be better? Like, y'all know the ****** had an avatar of Stefan "Black people are conspiring to eradicate white people. Feminism is killing pasta, Man of Steel is bad because Henry Cavill can't fly" Molyneaux right?
So far no. You’re acting unhinged. Really unhinged. Take a break, walk outside, seek help, whatever. This is really not a good look for you lol.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Hey, uh, Gwen...

Maybe take a break from this for a bit. Just step down and breath.

There are outlets for this kind of stuff. Last I checked, we were here to talk about Smash, not our personal beef with each other, so I would wager this place isn't the best for it.
Why aren't you suggesting any outlets for people who just whine about ERA being toxic though? Cause that has nothing to do with Smash either right? I'm just incredibly confused why I'm the one not keeping it to Smash discussions yet "Lol ERA is toxic" posts galore with no mention of Smash yet that's fine?

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Pikachu's just such a random choice for Pokemon. A mascot like Gothitelle or Dunsparce would make much more sense, especially when LG: Gothitelle and LG: Dunsparce came out recently.
Where is my LG: Furret and LG: Quagsire? /s


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I actually liked how it gave us good characters like Villager, Little Mac, Shulk, and Duck Hunt Dog (who I actually wanted). People complain about WFT, or the roster in general, but it wasn’t that bad except for the cuts and I guess Dark Pit, who probably didn’t take up very much development time or resources anyway.

But I’m a weirdo who actually wants characters like Ayumi Tachibana, Bub and Bob, Frogger, and Taizo Hori from Dig-Dug.
For some reason I always think Taizo’s name is Doug

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
So far no. You’re acting unhinged. Really unhinged. Take a break, walk outside, seek help, whatever. This is really not a good look for you lol.
"These people are different and don't deserve to live"
"Hey, you guys say that place is toxic but this place is just as toxic too, and I'm not going to directly mention my biggest examples to prevent harassment or whatever"
wow these are literally the same kind of people

Deleted member

Why aren't you suggesting any outlets for people who just whine about ERA being toxic though? Cause that has nothing to do with Smash either right? I'm just incredibly confused why I'm the one not keeping it to Smash discussions yet "Lol ERA is toxic" posts galore with no mention of Smash yet that's fine?
Those shouldn't be here either, TBH. But my post had nothing to do with those, I was merely suggesting you take this to a place better suited for it.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
"wow you're being totally off subject/unhinged" has been totally off subject for the last page or so fellas

Deleted member

Bye everyone! See you tomorrow when the thread's managed to get over ****storm Mountain. :p


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
"These people are different and don't deserve to live"
"Hey, you guys say that place is toxic but this place is just as toxic too, and I'm not going to directly mention my biggest examples to prevent harassment or whatever"
wow these are literally the same kind of people
Not that I don't agree with you but a lot of people here right now aren't even aware of the guy you're talking about.
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
He's a hero who just so happens to be one of the most used fighter archetypes used in Japanese media. Not very interesting, don't you think? Especially with the **** like Naruto making anime looking ninjas more popular than ever
isnt goemon like... a thief though? with very kabuki influences....

Deleted member

Why aren't you suggesting any outlets for people who just whine about ERA being toxic though? Cause that has nothing to do with Smash either right? I'm just incredibly confused why I'm the one not keeping it to Smash discussions yet "Lol ERA is toxic" posts galore with no mention of Smash yet that's fine?
Gee I dunno, maybe if ResetEra wasn’t a bunch of sleazy hypocritical ****bois, maybe they would get called out as much.
"These people are different and don't deserve to live"
"Hey, you guys say that place is toxic but this place is just as toxic too, and I'm not going to directly mention my biggest examples to prevent harassment or whatever"
wow these are literally the same kind of people
“This place is toxic” is nowhere near the same as saying “Some people don’t deserving to live because they’re diffrent.” Seriously, chill out. You still have t mentioned who you’re talking about by the way.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
isnt goemon like... a thief though? with very kabuki influences....
Goemon is more of a Ninja than anyone in Naruto.. And I barely got any exposure to Goemon at all to know this.
Naruto Shinobi were far more like mercenaries than anything resembling ninja.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Gee I dunno, maybe if ResetEra wasn’t a bunch of sleazy hypocritical ****bois, maybe they would get called out as much.

“This place is toxic” is nowhere near the same as saying “Some people don’t deserving to live because they’re diffrent.” Seriously, chill out. You still have t mentioned who you’re talking about by the way.
Guys, it might be better to just drop the discussion. I don’t want either of you to get into trouble.
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