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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
I'm glad people are only making fake Spirits now as had the concept of Spirits been revealed earlier, we could have been dealing with 'haha ur favurite is a sticker' **** for months. And the worst part is it's much easier to fake than a playable fighter. But now we're so close to release, fakers have a really limited time to act before the game releases and we know all the Spirits.

Deleted member

So...uh, how about that there Smash Bros, eh?

I heard Mario's gonna be in it.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2018
Y'all shunning other sites for being toxic when this site had someone use a literal altright conspiracy theorist as an avatar. Not as in "SJW GOT TRIGGERED COMPILATION 29769271 BECAUSE BEING OFFENSIVE IS COOL" but as in "WHITE PEOPLE ARE UNDER ATTACK AND GETTING OPPRESSED BY THE FILTHY NONWHITES! HOLLYWOOD IS CONSPIRING TO TELL CHILDREN THAT MEN ARE OBSOLETE! FROZEN IN LEFTIST PROPAGANDA! BLACK PANTHER ACTUALLY PROMOTES ANTI IMMIGRATION! FEMINISTS ARE RUINING CHILDREN PASTA CANS BECAUSE I GOT ICKY FFFFFEEEEEMAAAAAALES ON MY KIDDY PASTA CANS INSTEAD OF THE ONE WITH BATMAN" The guy had that as an avatar for well over a month, hasn't seen any consequences as far as I could tell and one of the mods here KNOWS the guy in question is a neonazi and knew who the guy in his avatar was

Deleted member

I saw some discussion on FE villains that I missed so I just want to throw out my two cents: Zephiel sucks. Zephiel ****ing sucks.
His whole motivation is "my dad hated me so **** humanity", he literally has no other reason to be such a Misanthrope Supreme. And it sucks because I like this trope quite a bit, but the reason it works at all is because the characters who hate humanity are those that suffered REAL bad abuse and come from hopeless backgrounds.
Zephiel is the literal primce of a country, he had a sister he loved and a mother whose relationship he mended after FE7, the only bad thing in his life was his asshole of a father who, admitedly, was an asshole. But this whole "humanity sucks" from him makes no sense, literally no one else ever harmed the guy. Him starting a continental war to commit genocide and replace humans with dragons is the equivalent of a rich white boy shouting "SJWS ARE RUINING MY CHILDREN'S CARTOON!" on twitter.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Yeah, wasn't he confirmed a few days ago? So hyped!
I think :ultkirby::ultfalcon::ultsheik::ultmarth::ultvillager: were confirmed too, but not sure about the rest. Some people were talking about :ultrob: but everyone hated him, there's no way he returns in this game.

Deleted member


Where did you learned this from?
My super secret source, Mr. Veggie Tales himself.

He also told me that cool guy Zelda and that robot Metroid guy are in, but TBH I kinda doubt that one.

EDIT: Images are still broken :c
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I don’t think she’s talking about the user specifically, I think she’s saying the site is garbage for not punishing them.

which it kinda is
And I'm calling out hypocrisy on people here
Ok, I get that you wanted to vent but this isn’t the right place to do that. You can always just ignore or write your thoughts down on a piece of paper then rip it up and throw it away.
Thanks, I'll keep that next time in mind if I see some horse****. How about everyone here do that? If people say "I don't like the accidental racist implications of Game and Watch as this is very clearly an accident", then they should follow your advice too!
Who the hell is she talking about though?
A user and a mod. Considering people are whining witch hunts despite me forcing myself not to mention any names in an attempt to not be criticized for "WELL MAYBE JUST BLOCK THEM DON'T WITCHHUNT THEM!", I don't see the need to intentionally cause a ****storm by outing ****heads as ****heads.

Deleted member

Came from hybernation what did I miss?
I know as much as you.

But i know that in two days ny account won’t be pranked anymore!


Deleted member

People in this thread: "ugh i hate when people go off topic, i wanna talk about smash!"
Also those same people: *reply to an off-topic post with a single word*
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I saw some discussion on FE villains that I missed so I just want to throw out my two cents: Zephiel sucks. Zephiel ****ing sucks.
His whole motivation is "my dad hated me so **** humanity", he literally has no other reason to be such a Misanthrope Supreme. And it sucks because I like this trope quite a bit, but the reason it works at all is because the characters who hate humanity are those that suffered REAL bad abuse and come from hopeless backgrounds.
Zephiel is the literal primce of a country, he had a sister he loved and a mother whose relationship he mended after FE7, the only bad thing in his life was his ******* of a father who, admitedly, was an *******. But this whole "humanity sucks" from him makes no sense, literally no one else ever harmed the guy. Him starting a continental war to commit genocide and replace humans with dragons is the equivalent of a rich white boy shouting "SJWS ARE RUINING MY CHILDREN'S CARTOON!" on twitter.
I'm convinced Zephiel is just a dragon weeb.


Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
"Revive?" Fire Emblem had more games than Metroid when Melee was out.
In terms of sales, yes it was revived and brought to the west partially due to Smash, and if not for the miracle that was Awakening, it would have gone the way of Advance Wars. So maybe the revival is owed more to the push behind Awakening, since it still flagged horribly even after Melee. But Smash definitely helped, especially in bringing light to the series in the western market.

...the second Kid Icarus game was released exclusively in Western territories on the Gameboy and never made it into Japan. Pit was a gigantic unknown in Japan, moreso than in the West.

And the success of the first Advanced Wars game had more to do with FE coming over than Smash-- heck, Marth and Roy were initially slated to be removed from the international releases of Melee.
I was saying that Marth was unknown outside of Japan, not Pit. And if FE getting brought over to the west is owed more to Advance Wars than Smash, then Advance Wars probably deserves a place too.

Really I won’t argue any more about this because it’s pointless arguing sales figures when that’s obviously not what Sakurai cares about. I just wish the roster actually did have more variety than it does now, I am grateful for the retro picks but that doesn’t mean there aren’t blind spots.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
His series still technically sold less up to that point, than the first two Golden Sun games did (yes that’s actually true), and he was totally unknown outside of Japan, unlike Isaac.

If anything, Marth and Pit are proof that Sakurai can single-handedly revive series on a whim, so there’s really no reason for him to being relevancy arguments into it. Maybe the context of this game is different from previous games tho, it sounds like there were less development resources for whatever reason, which I would understand.
Well, I think we all know that Sakurai really likes Fire Emblem, so that's my guess why he went with FE instead of Golden Sun. Maybe he's not a fan of Golden Sun and brought back his assist because he thought it'd please the fans?

Deleted member

People in this thread: "ugh i hate when people go off topic, i wanna talk about smash!"
Also those same people: *reply to an off-topic post with a single word*
JDCabrera: comes back to this thread because the off-topic threat hates him, or at least they want to run from JDC.
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