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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

what in the world are you even talking about Gwen, lmao it doesn't even sound like you're talking about the same character
shhhh I'm having a INTELLECTUAL, FACTUAL and LOGICAL DEBATE with googoo, don't join in. Although, here's a secret only you are allowed to know
Breh this is me you expect me to see someone smacktalk others with their trash opinions without me smacktalking them back?
The Spirit has it’s own special battle and bonus when equipped. I’ll be much more peeved if this gets cut out than the 2 frames of animation it had on G&W.
What if the Spirit is only changed to not show the feather?
Subtitles? Really?
Yeah, Spyro Remake doesn't have subtitles for some reason and Activision went "Well, ACKSHUALI there are no industry standards for that" when asked about it, cause it's alienating


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If something considered insulting to a certain culture, people have a right to want in changed. (Although I don't know much about that specific culture, so I'm not aware how a feather is insulting. I believe it's a reference to indians?)
It can be considered insulting towards Native Americans. It would be more considerate if they change it, I guess.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
I feel the context he used the word in was nicer. He was just more so questioning if people found that instresting. (Also, it said typical earlier? did you just edit it?) And yeah, your titled to your own opinions, just calling out other people probably isn't the best way to do it. Also, not gonna bash Goemon cuz I know nothing about his franchise.
Man he had to polite, I put it out bluntly. No he wasn't question, at least that's how I see it.
No, I did not edit anything from your quote! I said typical, like Sakurai did. Not sure if your reply included that.
I didn't specify a charcater but a series, and whatever the clone is, sometimes it's not that interesting.

Deleted member

Ouch, what a shame. Sakurai did a lot more than most people in his position have ever done. Lets take a look at everything:

-He gave us a new story mode
-All characters are back and we even got new ones that cater to both hardcore and casual fanbases. Even some unlikely characters managed to get in with the Echo Fighter mechanic (which I still dont understand the complain about.).
-All characters have received notorious buffs.
-Game has been made faster
-There are new features for both the competitive audiences (short jump attacks, run canceling attacks, perfect shield) and the casual fandom (smash bar, stage morph, new combinations like stamine+stock)
-New game modes like Smashdown and complete changes to past modes like Classic Mode.
-An amazing soundtrack
-Over a hundred stages.
-Once again, we can play with the gamecube controller.
-Online features.
-A huge amount of representation for a variety of franchises. (We got Shovel Knight, Shantae, Monster Hunter, Castlevania and more)
-5 dlc characters are coming. (6 if you count :ultpiranha:)

Funny that we come here and complain about the acheivements of this game.
-I want my character.
-Why is my char an echo?
-I want more modes.
-I hate this new game mode.
-My char is an asisst trophy. WHY!?
-I hate this char, why did they have to add it to the game?
-Where is character representation? My franchise deserves more characters. I dont care about the ítems, assist tropies and stages they got.
-This franchise has enough content! SAKUBIAS!

I feel kinda ashamed of myself even if I am part of the "want MOAR" side of smash players rather than the "I didnt get this" side of the smash community.
Here's a way to go about it.

It's fine to want more.
It's less fine to expect more and take it personally when you don't get it.

I am so sick and tired of people attributing it to Sakurai's character whether or not we get certain content in a game. A decision is made, and he's either regarded as a hero or a cynical, lazy, and petty waste of filth.

Can we like, stop idolizing/antagonizing him as if every single statement he makes is something political that will change the very foundation of our reality?
Smash content is ever-expanding, but I feel that's the main reason why this fanbase is so incredibly greedy and spiteful for no good reason.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
It can be considered insulting towards Native Americans. It would be more considerate if they change it, I guess.
Oh yeah, I agree it would be more considerate, (and I'm glad they did change it.) and I know it can be considered insulting, but I'm not sure why. I don't know much about Native American culture, and I always thought that feather was just a reference to indians. Am I wrong?


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
yeah, that and the hype and the **** sony factor lol
Tbf, Kingdom hearts has never been a Sony only franchise. It's second game (CoM) was a game boy advance game. Other than that, 2 and BBS were Sony exclusive at the time, while 358 days, Coded, and DDD were Nintendo exclusives. The HD rereleases are also now on Xbox lol. 3 will be on ps4 and Xbox, and I feel like the whole collection will come to switch eventually.

Deleted member

I hope the whole site dies and gets forgotten. Not the people, the site itself. It's one of the most toxic, stupidest, and disgraceful things on the internet, and I consider it worse than 4chan in literally every way.
Polygon I’d argue is worse, but yeah.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
I really hope Geno gets in, not because I like the character or anything (because I'm honestly not a fan of him) but because one of my best friends wants Geno in more than any other character, so I hope his number one character (Geno) gets in just so it'll make him happy (even though my most wanted didn't get in, but I'm not upset about that)
To me, even if I personally am not a big fan of a character, I feel as if any and all newcomers are great, because I know at least someone out there, is ecstatic about their inclusion. :)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
I hope the whole site dies and gets forgotten. Not the people, the site itself. It's one of the most toxic, stupidest, and disgraceful things on the internet, and I consider it worse than 4chan in literally every way.
At least 4chan don't act morally superior to anyone, they know theyre garbage!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
If you think promotional titles are something good, then wait till you hear the irony of Long John's name for his ah..... soosig

That's accurate to how useful Draug has ever been tbh
Draug is actually a great unit in New Mystery...if you reclass him. He joins in the first non-prologue chapter so you can actually make use of his weirdly-fantastic speed growth.

I mean he's no Palla or Kris, but he's still one of the better units in FE12 after changing to a pirate or cavalier early on.

Meanwhile I'm just thrilled he's a spirit lol.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
It can be considered insulting towards Native Americans. It would be more considerate if they change it, I guess.
and I ask this again, where is Nintendo asking the actuall people who are supposed to be the main ones offended?

anyway, I wonder why Katamari reroll comes out on the same day as Smash. I hope the game still sells tho
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Man he had to polite, I put it out bluntly. No he wasn't question, at least that's how I see it.
No, I did not edit anything from your quote! I said typical, like Sakurai did. Not sure if your reply included that.
I didn't specify a charcater but a series, and whatever the clone is, sometimes it's not that interesting.
To each their own :p


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Oh yeah, I agree it would be more considerate, (and I'm glad they did change it.) and I know it can be considered insulting, but I'm not sure why. I don't know much about Native American culture, and I always thought that feather was just a reference to indians. Am I wrong?
The offense comes from the game that's being referenced by game and watch, which at the time, was clearly a racial depiction of Native Americans being savages, setting fire to things because they were generalized of doing so.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Oh yeah, I agree it would be more considerate, (and I'm glad they did change it.) and I know it can be considered insulting, but I'm not sure why. I don't know much about Native American culture, and I always thought that feather was just a reference to indians. Am I wrong?
Yeah, it's an old stereotype and original game doesn't portray natives in a positive light.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
shhhh I'm having a INTELLECTUAL, FACTUAL and LOGICAL DEBATE with googoo, don't join in. Although, here's a secret only you are allowed to know
Breh this is me you expect me to see someone smacktalk others with their trash opinions without me smacktalking them back?
fair enough
carry on

Yeah, Spyro Remake doesn't have subtitles for some reason and Activision went "Well, ACKSHUALI there are no industry standards for that" when asked about it, cause it's alienating
that's a ****ty reason

not even "oh well we didn't have the resources at the time" or something like that, just straight up "haha nah"
they coulda at least sounded like they cared at all lol


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
If you think promotional titles are something good, then wait till you hear the irony of Long John's name for his ah..... soosig
Ha, still covering your ignorance. Ok honey, once you learn how to spell People's name right, I might concider a reply. ciao


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Oh yeah, I agree it would be more considerate, (and I'm glad they did change it.) and I know it can be considered insulting, but I'm not sure why. I don't know much about Native American culture, and I always thought that feather was just a reference to indians. Am I wrong?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but, it isn’t the feather itself that some consider insulting, but rather, the whole context of Fire Attack, isn’t it? In Fire Attack, there’s a guy taking them on infinity-to-one just by standing on the walls of a fort and smacking them with a mallet.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
User was warned for this post - Off Topic Spam
Y'all shunning other sites for being toxic when this site had someone use a literal altright conspiracy theorist as an avatar. Not as in "SJW GOT TRIGGERED COMPILATION 29769271 BECAUSE BEING OFFENSIVE IS COOL" but as in "WHITE PEOPLE ARE UNDER ATTACK AND GETTING OPPRESSED BY THE FILTHY NONWHITES! HOLLYWOOD IS CONSPIRING TO TELL CHILDREN THAT MEN ARE OBSOLETE! FROZEN IN LEFTIST PROPAGANDA! BLACK PANTHER ACTUALLY PROMOTES ANTI IMMIGRATION! FEMINISTS ARE RUINING CHILDREN PASTA CANS BECAUSE I GOT ICKY FFFFFEEEEEMAAAAAALES ON MY KIDDY PASTA CANS INSTEAD OF THE ONE WITH BATMAN" The guy had that as an avatar for well over a month, hasn't seen any consequences as far as I could tell and one of the mods here KNOWS the guy in question is a neonazi and knew who the guy in his avatar was


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Y'all shunning other sites for being toxic when this site had someone use a literal altright conspiracy theorist as an avatar. Not as in "SJW GOT TRIGGERED COMPILATION 29769271 BECAUSE BEING OFFENSIVE IS COOL" but as in "WHITE PEOPLE ARE UNDER ATTACK AND GETTING OPPRESSED BY THE FILTHY NONWHITES! HOLLYWOOD IS CONSPIRING TO TELL CHILDREN THAT MEN ARE OBSOLETE! FROZEN IN LEFTIST PROPAGANDA! BLACK PANTHER ACTUALLY PROMOTES ANTI IMMIGRATION! FEMINISTS ARE RUINING CHILDREN PASTA CANS BECAUSE I GOT ICKY FFFFFEEEEEMAAAAAALES ON MY KIDDY PASTA CANS INSTEAD OF THE ONE WITH BATMAN" The guy had that as an avatar for well over a month, hasn't seen any consequences as far as I could tell and one of the mods here KNOWS the guy in question is a neonazi and knew who the guy in his avatar was

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Draug is actually a great unit in New Mystery...if you reclass him. He joins in the first non-prologue chapter so you can actually make use of his weirdly-fantastic speed growth.

I mean he's no Palla or Kris, but he's still one of the better units in FE12 after changing to a pirate or cavalier early on.

Meanwhile I'm just thrilled he's a spirit lol.
*New Mystery*
Opopo I buy my Fire Emblem games legally how am I supposed to experience that
pls stop making me look bad as a fellow Goemon supporter ;0;
Nah breh you're good


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
You meant Robin? Robin isn’t a villain.

Did you really expect anything else from them though?
When you
**** a man’s young sister, older sister with amnesia due to almost dying by falling off a huge cliff, two daughters from the future with only one being a baby in the present day, his wife, the woman he’s crushed on by, related to a god, illegally tip scales, **** the bff, and then leave him to die by the hands of a Falcon who’s also a Captain...you’re a villain


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
When you
**** a man’s young sister, older sister with amnesia due to almost dying by falling off a huge cliff, two daughters from the future with only one being a baby in the present day, his wife, the woman he’s crushed on by, related to a god, illegally tip scales, **** the bff, and then leave him to die by the hands of a Falcon who’s also a Captain...you’re a villain
Wait that happened?


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah natives never wore feathers in their hair at all

That's not how it works.

It's the act of burning and pillaging that makes it "wrong", even if historically it had happened before, it's still considered a stereotype when you walk up to a native today an ask how his last pillage was or some ****. I totally disagree with removing the reference, but I can understand why it is removed. If I boycott Smash for not keeping the reference, that's just the opposite of boycotting Smash for having the reference, and both of them are pretty ****ing ridiculous sides.
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Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
Is Isaac literally the most punished character in all of Smash history now? He got dunked on by Sakurai himself, albeit indirectly. When main characters like Marth and Pit were also unknown when they were added, but I guess Sakurai just liked those games more?

I don’t even have many fond memories of Golden Sun or anything, but it’s like, “stop, stop, he’s already dead!”
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