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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

I just still have yet to see what Elite Smash even looks like. My :ultzelda: is 1.8mil and nothing. My :ultlucina::ultcorrin::ultrobin::ultyounglink::ulttoonlink::ultzss: are all above 1mil. I just want to know what I should be shooting for because the lack of anything happening is irritating.
The cutoff was around 2.4mil a week ago but it has been rising ever since. Think my Shulk was at 2.58mil before I got kicked out
But that doesn't make them fire. Holy water that sets a zombie on fire when it touches it doesn't doesn't ignite a torch when you throw it on it. That's because "Holy" and "Fire" are two separate elements in Castlevania. Holy burns evil. Fire burns everything. In most Castlevania games that have elemental types and holy water, holy water deals Holy damage, not Fire damage(though in a couple games it deals both).

Because of the graphical limitations of the early NES games and the need to still have noticeable hitsparks? Or do you think fireballs in the Mario universe cause enemies to literally flip upside down and fall through floors?
So you're telling me flame effects aren't fire? And even though monsters still die up in flames in SotN, it was just "hardware limitations"? Kay then, it's clear you just wanna sound like a smartass.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Why does the game match me with a 2.5 mil GSP Isabelle player when i'm at 900K as Captain Falcon who I've only played twice online?
That's my biggest problem with online outside of the dumb default costume glitch.

Why are you pitting me against low GSP lads when I have a higher one, and then put me against a high GSP lad when I'm lower? The **** is the deal, man? The only way to get it balanced is to stay in Elite Smash, which from personal experience, I'd say you have to win at least 3 - 5 matches so you aren't ****ed to go back to Solo Play just from losing one fight, because for some reason I only lose like 1k GSP now when I lose.

Deleted member

I know some people. I've argued with said people, but people can like what they like.

Go Awakening, put it on casual mode, enjoy the story and general gameplay for the first time without stressing out over permadeath. That's the easiest way for people without tactics game experience to get into the franchise. It's how I did.

Awakening, on the whole though, is possibly the single easiest game in the series. So once you move on from that one, realize that you're going to be going up against a totally different sort of challenge, depending on which game you choose.
I just hope that the harder difficulties are challenging enough.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Is Fire Emblem Echoes a good introduction to Fire Emblem?
If you ask me, Echoes is way more traditional of an actual FE game, probably because it's a remake of FE2. I recommend Awakening as an introduction, but you'll be getting your lore way out of order since it's like the third(?) game that revolves around MarthMarth's Bizarre Adventure except he's been dead for like, centuries by then.
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Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
I haven’t decided for sure who I’m using for the end of WoL, but I’ve mostly used my Mii Swordfighter of myself so far, maybe I’ll use all 3 Mii types since, like, who does that? :p (+ it’d make it very personalized.)

Otherwise maybe I could include some of my other favorites like :ultkirby::ultrob:.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
I think Spirits is way more addicting then it has any right to be. Once you start building teams around primaries, in particular primaries of characters you like, you'd be surprised how addicting it could be. Making teams with specific supports to make the character feel like the character is a lot of fun and again, surprisingly addicting.

Me personally, I'm trying to collect all the Legend Spirits and do have quite a bunch of them:

Attack Primaries: Akira, Akuma, The Legendary Birds, Beast Ganon, Black Knight, Calamity Ganon, Cutie J, Dark Matter, Fierce Deity Link, Geno, Giga Mac (I hated getting him...), Kaptain K. Rool, Medusa (Uprising), Metal Face, Omega Ridley, Raiden, Super Shadow, Wario-Man, Xander & Zero (Z-Saber)

Defense Primaries: Alucard, Black Shadow, Caeda, Dark Emperor, Dry Bowser, Guile, Hades (Final Form), James McCloud, Keldeo (Resolute), Light Suit, Mother Brain (2nd Form), Paula, Prince of Sable, Trevor Belmont

Grabbing Primaries: Andross (True Form), Big Boss, Deoxys, Donkey Kong & Lady, Dr. Eggman, Full Armor X, Isaac (Dark Dawn), Liquid Snake, M. Bison, Marx (True Form), Mega Man.EXE, Ninten, Queen Metroid, Shaymin (Sky Forme), Sukapon, Super Macho Man, Super Sonic, The Boss (pain to get), Wolf Link & Midna

Neutral Primaries: Arceus, Baby Bowser (brutal), Claus, Dharkon, Galeem, Giratina (Origin Forme), Krystal, Link (Zelda 1), Master Core, Mecha Fiora, Soma Cruz, Tabuu.

I do have some of the spirits to enhance some of them into their Legend form (Ocarina and Wind Waker Zelda, Camus, Dr. Kawashima, Zygarde), but I don't have the spirit points to level them up quick enough and in the case of Galacta Knight, I need another Shovel Knight to use because I am not using my Level 99 one. XD
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
From what I can tell popular characters are harder to get into Elite since more people are getting to higher GSP with them AND there are more people to compete with. My Shulk got in at 1.3 mil while my Chrom is at 2 mil and nothing. Not to mention the inconsistency (my friend got to 1.8 mil with Chrom and got in,though he does have a more consistent winrate) alongside getting matched with people with different rulesets (**** omega stages and Smash balls tbh) and it's a bit of a mess
I do wonder if total win rate or individual win rate is used, because my win percentage last I checked was like .480 due to all the matches I played with new characters and Daisy. I haven't seen anywhere in the vault where I can see my win/loss with individual characters, but I really wish I could.


Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Is Fire Emblem Echoes a good introduction to Fire Emblem?
Both Awakening and Echoes make for excellent introductions to the series (ignoring FEHeroes of course, since that’s the appetizer of the series)

Deleted member

Anyone else get better results with characters other then their main? Like even though I play Shulk more I get more wins and overall do better with Chrom lol. I just perform better with him, though I have more fun with Shulk so I enjoy playing him more even if I lose more.

Deleted member

:ultdarksamus:, :ultridley:, and :ultrob: were my crew that I took down the final boss in WoL with. R.O.B.'s been my Smash main for a whole 10 years, and Dark Samus and Ridley are finally the Metroid love I've been missing out on for so long. I've wanted Dark Samus for at least 11 years, ever since Prime 2 and 3, but would've been happy with just Ridley, especially since he's so perfectly represented in Ultimate. But R.O.B. never abandoned me, so I'll never abandon him. I enjoy playing all of them a lot.

But I also enjoy :ultkingdedede:, :ultmegaman:, :ultrichter:, :ultjigglypuff:, :ulttoonlink:, :ultsnake:,:ultganondorf:, :ultincineroar:, :ultkirby:, :ultpeach:/:ultdaisy:, and :ultpichu:. Dedede was my secondary in Smash 4, and I love some of the changes they've made in Ultimate. Mega Man was my fourth (Samus was third, but now I have Dark Samus) and a bit different now, so I haven't fully adjusted to him. Richter's cool because I love Symphony of the Night, but I haven't figured out how to play him very well yet. I started playing Jigglypuff once I finally figured out how Rest worked after 14 years of playing Smash. Toon Link was my initial main in Brawl, before I came to love R.O.B. Started playing Snake very recently, as I hadn't become a Metal Gear fan until 2013, so I only played him occasionally when I went back to Brawl, but have played him here and there in Ultimate, though like Richter, I haven't become proficient yet. Ganondorf was always a challenging yet satisfying pick in Smash 4, but I don't like him as much in Ultimate, as I preferred his old Smash attacks, even if his new ones finally have a sword.

The rest I play less seriously, but just occasionally play to mix things up.

Don't like King K. Rool as much as I thought I might. He's just not my cup of tea. Though I know he's a very strong character, and am glad to see that he's pretty good.

Might also pick up Yoshi more. I played him a few times not very seriously, since @Zinith has made me like Yoshi more just through osmosis, and found that he's actually really powerful in this game. I wasn't even trying my hardest, and I got a score of almost 2 million in Classic with him, which is my highest overall, and I've also mopped the floor with people in Smash matches. His cool felt alt costume only makes me like him more.

But Dark Samus is the character I'll never put down and am going to start trying to get very good with. My goal is to at least get to Elite Smash with her, which I feel I can do in time. Got an ethernet adapter to make sure I have minimal connection issues on my end, but I haven't tested it out much yet, since I've been away from my setup for most of the winter break.
Haven't finished WoL yet (been playing through it very slowly, but will probably try to pick up the pace a bit), but so far I've been doing most of it with :ultinkling: and have been enjoying it quite a bit! My main 3 in this game so far are definitely :ultinkling:, :ultkrool:, and :ultisabelle:. Isabelle will more than likely get replaced by Joker once he comes out, but I could see myself dropping K. Rool if I end up playing a better Isabelle down the road. I could see myself replacing K. Rool or Isabelle with :ultpiranha: too depending on how much I enjoy him. Very few characters could replace Inklings for me, though. Inklings are by far my most favorite Smash character ever, and who I'm determined to improve with. Unless Octolings ever come, Inkling will remain my most played character.

Luigi was always my number #1 until Brawl gave me Wario. After that, It was pretty much 10 years of those two until Ultimate gave me newcomers that I enjoy even more. Besides my main 3 in Ultimate, I also love playing as :ultdarksamus:, :ultyoshi:, :ultluigi:, :ultwario:, :ultkingdedede:, :ultganondorf:, :ultpichu:, :ultridley:, :ultmewtwo:, :ultzelda:, :ultlucina:, and :ulttoonlink:. TBH the biggest surprises for me here are Pichu, Yoshi, Zelda, and Ridley; I did not expect that I would love them as much as I now do in this game. Their kits just really click with me, TBH.
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Deleted member

Is Fire Emblem Echoes a good introduction to Fire Emblem?
Really not, it deviates so much from usual FE formula it's more of a game for fans who want something different.

Awakening is the best entry point from the 3DS games.
FE7 and FE8 are also good if you can either buy the VC releases on the Wii U or get a totally-legal-copy to play.
Awakening. Echoes is one of the worst games in the series.
Your opinion has been taken into consideration and discarded before being reported to the OCD. The Opinion Crimes Department has evaluated this opinion and deemed it wrong and of "****taste". All future expressions of your opinion will be invalidated.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
From what I can tell popular characters are harder to get into Elite since more people are getting to higher GSP with them AND there are more people to compete with. My Shulk got in at 1.3 mil while my Chrom is at 2 mil and nothing. Not to mention the inconsistency (my friend got to 1.8 mil with Chrom and got in,though he does have a more consistent winrate) alongside getting matched with people with different rulesets (**** omega stages and Smash balls tbh) and it's a bit of a mess
In the early weeks, you had to have less than 2 mil points to get into Elite. Now it’s about 2,6. My highest was around 2.9 but I keep losing to the same characters basically.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
I've rarely seen anyone who has it as their favorite, since Fates is practically the Dark Souls 2 of Fire Emblem.
It's just a matter of groupthink versus individuals.

The game I always bring up is Dragon Age II. Universally "hated", but I and a surprisingly large portion of the community actually love it and consider it to be the high point of the series. The thing is, we aren't necessarily vocal about it, while the people that just want something to **** on do so at a very regular pace.

I don't like Fates. At all. But I understand the perspective of "just because 'everyone' hates it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to like it". Gamers and the internet in general gang up on things they collectively deem bad far too regularly.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
It's been a few days since I've atually played online because I haven't been finding any matches.

But hey, at least my GSP still goes up 100 000 every day.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Awakening. Echoes is one of the worst games in the series.
All 3DS Fire Emblem games are flawled honestly. Awakening has broken mechanics and unbalanced characters, skills and what not, and you’ll need prior knowledge to know what you are actually doing with regard to children characters, supports and such.

Fates has a terrible story and is very anime like. The fact you’ll need to play 3 routes is also discouraging for newcomers. And no newcomer would want to play Conquest because it’ll eat them alive.

Honestly, Echoes might be the most approachable game. It’s very well presented and all it really lacks is the weapon triangle system. Then again, it’s a bit too different to just jump into.

I would recommend starting with Fire Emblem 7, commonly named just Fire Emblem in the west, or The Blazing Blade. It’s the game we all started with. And it’s very basic and easy to get into.

By all means play the Tellius games, Ike’s story. In my humble opinion, Radiant Dawn was the peak of Fire Emblem. No other game was nearly as ambitious as it, and you feel that during the game.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Is Fates really that bad? Never played it.
The gameplay is fine, but the story?

oh boy
oh lord
oh mama mia

FE to me is half story, half game. Fates (Conquest specifically) is just half game. there's arigarmy's certified tl;dr

Deleted member

Is Fates really that bad? Never played it.
Only bad parts about it IMO are Revelation's poor map designs and the writing across the 3 paths. Otherwise, both Conquest and Birthright are very fun SRPGs IMO, with some likable characters in the supporting cast. Conquest is probably my current favorite FE.
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Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Neither but if I had to choose, it would be Male Corrin. The dragon thing is nice but he/she only goes full dragon for a couple throws and during their counter but luckily I had ‘Zard in Smash 4 even though it’s technically not a dragon or dragon type exactly.

Now I have Ridley as my dragon fighter and I love everything about him and his xenomorph aesthetics add to the perfection.

Deleted member

Seeing all the suggestions, i will actually start with Awakening and play the story on an easy difficulty first before playing on the harder ones.

I’ll tell the board when i purchase the game, which i hope to do so this year.


Ignore the user in front of you
May 28, 2018
Switch FC
Anyone else get better results with characters other then their main? Like even though I play Shulk more I get more wins and overall do better with Chrom lol. I just perform better with him, though I have more fun with Shulk so I enjoy playing him more even if I lose more.
I pretty much changed my mains because of this, lol. I had never intended to play Ridley or Yoshi, but they have the highest GSP of all my characters. Yoshi is my new main because he's so fun to use, and Ridley kicks ass. Also Shulk is fun too. I never use Monado arts though. :estatic:


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Ooh, I forgot about the WoL ending. Mine was :ultganondorf::ultzelda::ultlink:. Ganon to get that achievement (It definitely felt weird to get a "play character X" achievement that was based around a character I'm good at), and the other two since I can power both of them through almost anything.

I'm a huge series loyalist...I really only play characters I like, so I get better with them, whereas other characters I'm terrible at since I never really cared about the character enough to get good with them. Oddly, I've tended to be very inverse tier-list: The smaller, faster characters were the ones I'm clueless about, while I can have loads of fun with the mighty glaciers.

I've been going through century Smash with the full roster, and I've gotta say that the ones I'm most clueless about are :ultolimar::ultgnw::ultmetaknight::ultjigglypuff:. I can't play lightweights except :ultsquirtle: to save my life. I'm noticing there are at least two missing icons...

:ultganondorf::ultzelda: got a huge boost in this game, though. Especially the Dorf feels like a total beast in game, and I'm loving it. All he needs now is his HW mane
That challenge with Ganondorf wasn't too bad. It's the "beat that whole segment without being KO'd" challenge that's been a pain in the butt. I haven't attempted it in a while (again, been away from my setup for break), but I got so effing close on one attempt that it was painful. The worst part is that I've been wanting to do New Game+ badly, but I want to finish that challenge before I do.

I'm a series loyalist, too, which is probably why I like playing so many characters. Metroid is my favorite, but Legend of Zelda is about on par. Problem is, I never quite enjoyed playing Link for reasons I can't understand. But I did love Toon Link in Brawl, and still enjoy him now, though not as much, since I'm not a fan of some of his changes from game to game. If they added some other Zelda characters, like Midna or Skull Kid, I'd definitely play them a lot.

Though I understand Ganondorf is overall better in this game, I just miss his Smash attacks. I like the sword and that it has insane reach and power, but his insane punt and elbow smashes were much more fun for me.

That's my biggest problem with online outside of the dumb default costume glitch.

Why are you pitting me against low GSP lads when I have a higher one, and then put me against a high GSP lad when I'm lower? The **** is the deal, man? The only way to get it balanced is to stay in Elite Smash, which from personal experience, I'd say you have to win at least 3 - 5 matches so you aren't ****ed to go back to Solo Play just from losing one fight, because for some reason I only lose like 1k GSP now when I lose.
Because GSP is only one factor out of three that are being considered in matchmaking. Connection/proximity and ruleset are the other two. I believe connection might have been most prioritized at launch, but I think they gave more prioritization to ruleset after people complained about searching for competitive matches and winding up in games on crazy stages with items.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Anyone else get better results with characters other then their main? Like even though I play Shulk more I get more wins and overall do better with Chrom lol. I just perform better with him, though I have more fun with Shulk so I enjoy playing him more even if I lose more.
yeah like I definitely have a better understanding of Lucina, but for some reason I get a significant portion of my wins with DK


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Neither but if I had to choose, it would be Male Corrin. The dragon thing is nice but he/she only goes full dragon for a couple throws and during their counter but luckily I had ‘Zard in Smash 4 even though it’s technically not a dragon or dragon type exactly.

Now I have Ridley as my dragon fighter and I love everything about him and his xenomorph aesthetics add to the perfection.

I feel bad for Zard' really. xD


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Is Fates really that bad? Never played it.
From a story perspective, it's bad. Its themes are all over the place, its characters are fanfiction-y and it gets worse with three full playthroughs to experience the whole thing. Corrin is the worst Mary Sue and the supporting cast is very trope-y and derivative since they have to fill two games with 'em.

From a gameplay perspective, Conquest is actually quite good. And the music in general is fantastic.

From an aesthetic perspective, anyone who doesn't like the "anime-ing" of Fire Emblem hates it because it is the most anime of Fire Emblems. And it puts an even larger emphasis on shipping and pseudo-romance-novel gameplay that it starts to feel like an entirely different game from the rest of the series.

And they tried to force in the kids angle introduced in Awakening, but unlike Awakening, their inclusion makes no ****ing sense and the decision to make none of the royal siblings Corrin's actual siblings for the sake of being allowed to bone them undermines the whole point of the goddamn story.

It's not the worst game you'll ever play by any means. But there are plenty of reasons why it's generally regarded as the worst FE game.

Deleted member

Fates story is the worst in the series. That's not up for debate. But as far as gameplay goes? I liked Birthright's braindead horde killing spree even if it threw some real bull**** from time to time(Camilla's map is just... why?) and Conquest has easily THE best overall maps and gameplay in the entire series. Haven't played Revelation though.

Now, FE6? The only time I felt joy playing that game was when I cheesed it by buying, like, 300 Boots from the Secret Shop and just bumrushed the endgame by outranging literally everyone.
Roy sucks, armors suck, pegasus suck, no one can hit, enemies have more crit than anyone should, asshole reinforcements, fog of war, Siege tomes, status staves, strict turn limits to save villages and asshole reinforcements with siege tomes and status staves in fog of war and strict turn limits to save villages.
Save states are what kept me sane otherwise I'd have died in Sacae's high Spd Nomads and fake thrones.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Is Fates really that bad? Never played it.
Bad story, especially Conquest. Conquest does have the best maps though for series veterans. Very difficult as well. Birthright is a joke compared to it. It’s quite different, but enjoyable. Revelations, the 3rd route is probably my favorite.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
That challenge with Ganondorf wasn't too bad. It's the "beat that whole segment without being KO'd" challenge that's been a pain in the butt. I haven't attempted it in a while (again, been away from my setup for break), but I got so effing close on one attempt that it was painful. The worst part is that I've been wanting to do New Game+ badly, but I want to finish that challenge before I do.
If you're really having trouble, just set the difficulty to easy and pick Ganondorf. HIs attacks eat through the bosses health like its nothing.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Bad story, especially Conquest. Conquest does have the best maps though for series veterans. Very difficult as well. Birthright is a joke compared to it. It’s quite different, but enjoyable. Revelations, the 3rd route is probably my favorite.
Too bad they had to Pokemon shill the games to get where it is.

Deleted member

Is Fates really that bad? Never played it.
I'd say so. Story for all three route is laughable, and I didn't like the characters, espically the main cast.

Gameplay wise, Conquest's first half is solid, but the second half slugs behind. Birthright is Awakening 2.0, and Revelations is Gimmick Hell.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
yeah like I definitely have a better understanding of Lucina, but for some reason I get a significant portion of my wins with DK
I feel like I'm actually better overall with Lucina than Zelda, but I win more with Zelda. Marth clones are used so often that people have adapted their strategies to them; Zelda and DK are far less used, so we gain an advantage we don't have on Lucina: common online players don't know our characters in and out anymore.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Too bad they had to Pokemon shill the games to get where it is.
To be honest, I expected worse. Got all the 3 routes, didn’t regret it. I bought Conquest, but the damn story made me hate myself and purchased Birthright before I even finished it. In fact, I finished Birthright before Conquest.
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