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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Corrin? I honestly don't like any of their alts.

Robin did the whole "Same hair color and clothes" better, but those are also loads better this round now that they're not like that (Especially the Blue/Green dudes. Except Red Robin was better before). Corrin...I don't even know what he's wearing, and then all of the alts look like pastel washed out trash in the first place. He's the one character I really would have liked a character color customizer for.

I guess I pretty much stick to the dude since he's default, but not for any other reason. I still think Azura would 100% have been the better Fates rep though, and I'd toss him in a heartbeat for her.

xD And I have to admit, when I heard her utterly cheery laugh she does in one of her taunts...I d'awwed. It's rather adorable, specially comparing it to the silent wave OoT and TP Zelda had.
...Oof, I hate that taunt. I always hated it before since it was so awkward, but now it's super bubbly and awkward.

However, it's great that Zelda finally got some good winposes. True, I prefer the cold version, but the one where the camera just spun around her while she looked off into space was not impressive. These are much better. Now just give her her TP or BotW gowns and give her back her scowl, and I'd be set.


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Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
bro they are literal jet boots (or jet heels I guess) how are they NOT cool as ****
Because they're the same pair of shoes Chastity wears at my local strip club and I don't like them.

Deleted member

Lol got into Elite Smash with Shulk by accident.
...and then got immediatelly kicked out of it immediatelly because the game paired me with some player who had Smash Balls on, this online is fun! :-)

Deleted member

I don't even like the character, I just like how she plays in Smash :drshrug:
And Dragons. I like Dragons.

I liked Fates, but it was certainly not for it's main characters.

*Has flashbacks of Nohr Corrin*

Yeah, no thanks.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
I guess I pretty much stick to the dude since he's default, but not for any other reason. I still think Azura would 100% have been the better Fates rep though, and I'd toss him in a heartbeat for her.
While I don't necessarily think Fates needs a rep, I'd agree with putting in Azura over Corrin, even though I very much enjoy Corrin's kit.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
:ultdarksamus:, :ultridley:, and :ultrob: were my crew that I took down the final boss in WoL with. R.O.B.'s been my Smash main for a whole 10 years, and Dark Samus and Ridley are finally the Metroid love I've been missing out on for so long. I've wanted Dark Samus for at least 11 years, ever since Prime 2 and 3, but would've been happy with just Ridley, especially since he's so perfectly represented in Ultimate. But R.O.B. never abandoned me, so I'll never abandon him. I enjoy playing all of them a lot.

But I also enjoy :ultkingdedede:, :ultmegaman:, :ultrichter:, :ultjigglypuff:, :ulttoonlink:, :ultsnake:,:ultganondorf:, :ultincineroar:, :ultkirby:, :ultpeach:/:ultdaisy:, and :ultpichu:. Dedede was my secondary in Smash 4, and I love some of the changes they've made in Ultimate. Mega Man was my fourth (Samus was third, but now I have Dark Samus) and a bit different now, so I haven't fully adjusted to him. Richter's cool because I love Symphony of the Night, but I haven't figured out how to play him very well yet. I started playing Jigglypuff once I finally figured out how Rest worked after 14 years of playing Smash. Toon Link was my initial main in Brawl, before I came to love R.O.B. Started playing Snake very recently, as I hadn't become a Metal Gear fan until 2013, so I only played him occasionally when I went back to Brawl, but have played him here and there in Ultimate, though like Richter, I haven't become proficient yet. Ganondorf was always a challenging yet satisfying pick in Smash 4, but I don't like him as much in Ultimate, as I preferred his old Smash attacks, even if his new ones finally have a sword.

The rest I play less seriously, but just occasionally play to mix things up.

Don't like King K. Rool as much as I thought I might. He's just not my cup of tea. Though I know he's a very strong character, and am glad to see that he's pretty good.

Might also pick up Yoshi more. I played him a few times not very seriously, since Zinith Zinith has made me like Yoshi more just through osmosis, and found that he's actually really powerful in this game. I wasn't even trying my hardest, and I got a score of almost 2 million in Classic with him, which is my highest overall, and I've also mopped the floor with people in Smash matches. His cool felt alt costume only makes me like him more.

But Dark Samus is the character I'll never put down and am going to start trying to get very good with. My goal is to at least get to Elite Smash with her, which I feel I can do in time. Got an ethernet adapter to make sure I have minimal connection issues on my end, but I haven't tested it out much yet, since I've been away from my setup for most of the winter break.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Lol got into Elite Smash with Shulk by accident.
...and then got immediatelly kicked out of it immediatelly because the game paired me with some player who had Smash Balls on, this online is fun! :-)
I didn't know you could be dropped back out of elite smash.

That's an unnecessary amount of pressure.

Deleted member

:ultdarksamus:, :ultridley:, and :ultrob: were my crew that I took down the final boss in WoL with. R.O.B.'s been my Smash main for a whole 10 years, and Dark Samus and Ridley are finally the Metroid love I've been missing out on for so long. I've wanted Dark Samus for at least 11 years, ever since Prime 2 and 3, but would've been happy with just Ridley, especially since he's so perfectly represented in Ultimate. But R.O.B. never abandoned me, so I'll never abandon him. I enjoy playing all of them a lot.

But I also enjoy :ultkingdedede:, :ultmegaman:, :ultrichter:, :ultjigglypuff:, :ulttoonlink:, :ultsnake:,:ultganondorf:, :ultincineroar:, :ultkirby:, :ultpeach:/:ultdaisy:, and :ultpichu:. Dedede was my secondary in Smash 4, and I love some of the changes they've made in Ultimate. Mega Man was my fourth (Samus was third, but now I have Dark Samus) and a bit different now, so I haven't fully adjusted to him. Richter's cool because I love Symphony of the Night, but I haven't figured out how to play him very well yet. I started playing Jigglypuff once I finally figured out how Rest worked after 14 years of playing Smash. Toon Link was my initial main in Brawl, before I came to love R.O.B. Started playing Snake very recently, as I hadn't become a Metal Gear fan until 2013, so I only played him occasionally when I went back to Brawl, but have played him here and there in Ultimate, though like Richter, I haven't become proficient yet. Ganondorf was always a challenging yet satisfying pick in Smash 4, but I don't like him as much in Ultimate, as I preferred his old Smash attacks, even if his new ones finally have a sword.

The rest I play less seriously, but just occasionally play to mix things up.

Don't like King K. Rool as much as I thought I might. He's just not my cup of tea. Though I know he's a very strong character, and am glad to see that he's pretty good.

Might also pick up Yoshi more. I played him a few times not very seriously, since Zinith Zinith has made me like Yoshi more just through osmosis, and found that he's actually really powerful in this game. I wasn't even trying my hardest, and I got a score of almost 2 million in Classic with him, which is my highest overall, and I've also mopped the floor with people in Smash matches. His cool felt alt costume only makes me like him more.

But Dark Samus is the character I'll never put down and am going to start trying to get very good with. My goal is to at least get to Elite Smash with her, which I feel I can do in time. Got an ethernet adapter to make sure I have minimal connection issues on my end, but I haven't tested it out much yet, since I've been away from my setup for most of the winter break.
As a Metroid fan, i was glad to see Dark Samus in the roster and not as a skin.

My practice on Smash 4 with Samus has helped me a lot, since i play great both as her and the Phazon entity.
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Characters I had relatively fun with were besides my boi :ultinkling::ultlittlemac::ultrobin::ultshulk::ultsimon:

Also had the pleasure in playing as:ultlucario:again as well.

Out of all of them I found Inkling to be the funnest.
Last edited:

Deleted member

I didn't know you could be dropped back out of elite smash.

That's an unnecessary amount of pressure.
IIRC it's because since Elite Smash is based off GSP, anyone with a better winrate can kick you out, since Elite is it's own little club. My Robin got kicked out without me even playing a single match in Elite with him. I got him in, and two days later he was out.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I've now dropped Corrin from my secondaries.

And replaced her with anyone with shoes. Doesn't matter who. The shoes are what's important.
Some people were hoping Dark Samus would get her Metroid Prime 2 design, or even just as an alt costume, since it's pretty unique:

But I'm very glad that didn't come to pass, because if it did, she'd get the same attention that Corrin receives.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Corrin? I honestly don't like any of their alts.

Robin did the whole "Same hair color and clothes" better, but those are also loads better this round now that they're not like that (Especially the Blue/Green dudes. Except Red Robin was better before). Corrin...I don't even know what he's wearing, and then all of the alts look like pastel washed out trash in the first place. He's the one character I really would have liked a character color customizer for.

I guess I pretty much stick to the dude since he's default, but not for any other reason. I still think Azura would 100% have been the better Fates rep though, and I'd toss him in a heartbeat for her.
Azura? She'd die consistantly before 40%. We don't travel such a road in Smash Bros. my dude.

Seriously though, Corrin is the only logical Fates character. Azura would make a nice second character yes, but even Corrin represents the "lances" weapons of Fire Emblem, even if it's only a few moves and Corrin never actually fought with a lance in canon (still possible through reclass and stuff). That's why I like Corrin, and that's why it's good they stay.

Also, female Corrin is best Corrin. :4corrinf: Pretty much everyone knows that. Makes more sense for the character as well. Much like male Robin.

Deleted member

Because they're the same pair of shoes Chastity wears at my local strip club and I don't like them.
I promise you that Samus never wears those boots and can transform her gun into a whip in any of the Metroid games.

I am a Metroid fan, so i know a lot about the franchise when i talk about it, trust me.

Deleted member

Some people were hoping Dark Samus would get her Metroid Prime 2 design, or even just as an alt costume, since it's pretty unique:

But I'm very glad that didn't come to pass, because if it did, she'd get the same attention that Corrin receives.
tbh I would never wanna lick those since I would end up with holes in my tongue those do not look lick-friendly


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
But I'm very glad that didn't come to pass, because if it did, she'd get the same attention that Corrin receives.
Nothing a little radiation poisoning can't fix

Deleted member

Genuine question here: Does anyone actually have Fates as their favorite Fire Emblem game?


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
IIRC it's because since Elite Smash is based off GSP, anyone with a better winrate can kick you out, since Elite is it's own little club. My Robin got kicked out without me even playing a single match in Elite with him. I got him in, and two days later he was out.
I just still have yet to see what Elite Smash even looks like. My :ultzelda: is 1.8mil and nothing. My :ultlucina::ultcorrin::ultrobin::ultyounglink::ulttoonlink::ultzss: are all above 1mil. I just want to know what I should be shooting for because the lack of anything happening is irritating.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
:ultdarksamus:, :ultridley:, and :ultrob: were my crew that I took down the final boss in WoL with.
Ooh, I forgot about the WoL ending. Mine was :ultganondorf::ultzelda::ultlink:. Ganon to get that achievement (It definitely felt weird to get a "play character X" achievement that was based around a character I'm good at), and the other two since I can power both of them through almost anything.

I'm a huge series loyalist...I really only play characters I like, so I get better with them, whereas other characters I'm terrible at since I never really cared about the character enough to get good with them. Oddly, I've tended to be very inverse tier-list: The smaller, faster characters were the ones I'm clueless about, while I can have loads of fun with the mighty glaciers.

I've been going through century Smash with the full roster, and I've gotta say that the ones I'm most clueless about are :ultolimar::ultgnw::ultmetaknight::ultjigglypuff:. I can't play lightweights except :ultsquirtle: to save my life. I'm noticing there are at least two missing icons...

:ultganondorf::ultzelda: got a huge boost in this game, though. Especially the Dorf feels like a total beast in game, and I'm loving it. All he needs now is his HW mane


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I really don't know how to explain to you that "holy" weapons have always burned "unholy" things in Castlevania.
But that doesn't make them fire. Holy water that sets a zombie on fire when it touches it doesn't doesn't ignite a torch when you throw it on it. That's because "Holy" and "Fire" are two separate elements in Castlevania. Holy burns evil. Fire burns everything. In most Castlevania games that have elemental types and holy water, holy water deals Holy damage, not Fire damage(though in a couple games it deals both).

Why do you think every hit lets out a spark and the enemies burst up in flames?
Because of the graphical limitations of the early NES games and the need to still have noticeable hitsparks? Or do you think fire in the Mario universe causes enemies to literally flip upside down and fall through floors?
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
I promise you that Samus never wears those boots and can transform her gun into a whip in any of the Metroid games.

I am a Metroid fan, so i know a lot about the franchise when i talk about it, trust me.
Lol. Thanks dude, I know. I've played every Metroid to completion but Samus Returns.

My distaste for the heels and the changes in ZSS's Smash For kit are well documented in the ZSS forums. I'm just having fun here.

Deleted member

Tbh, I stopped caring about GSP and getting into Elite Smash after a while when I realized it only made mes stressed out during matches and was the main cause of me losing. I was also playing like **** because of it, just spamming smashes and hoping something hits.
Now I just try to ignore rankings and not only have I had a lot of fun this way but I have actually gotten better. Going for meme kills like tech chases after hitting Skewer with Ridley or stage spiking with Side B. ****, I've actually learned how to play the new Shulk and I was almost considering dropping him.

Still can't figure out Richter, I just can't seem to get him to a comfortable enough level and part of that I blame on his weird recovery as years of Smash have taught me to not touch the A button when trying to recover but Richter asks me the exact opposite. I also can't space for whatever reason, I'm always in the face of my opponents.
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
My intended crew for when I get to the end of World of Light/World of Dark will be :ultbowser::ultkrool::ultridley:. King K. Rool I know I must get in World of Dark. Not too sure about Bowser and Ridley though.

Deleted member

Ooh, I forgot about the WoL ending. Mine was :ultganondorf::ultzelda::ultlink:. Ganon to get that achievement (It definitely felt weird to get a "play character X" achievement that was based around a character I'm good at), and the other two since I can power both of them through almost anything.

I'm a huge series loyalist...I really only play characters I like, so I get better with them, whereas other characters I'm terrible at since I never really cared about the character enough to get good with them. Oddly, I've tended to be very inverse tier-list: The smaller, faster characters were the ones I'm clueless about, while I can have loads of fun with the mighty glaciers.

I've been going through century Smash with the full roster, and I've gotta say that the ones I'm most clueless about are :ultolimar::ultgnw::ultmetaknight::ultjigglypuff:. I can't play lightweights except :ultsquirtle: to save my life. I'm noticing there are at least two missing icons...

:ultganondorf::ultzelda: got a huge boost in this game, though. Especially the Dorf feels like a total beast in game, and I'm loving it. All he needs now is his HW mane
I did it with Samus, Snake and Pac-Man.

This post is the new eighth deadly sin.

Awakening if you really want to, since it's for EZ casual babbies.
Then i will go for Echoes, thanks.
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Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Why does the game match me with a 2.5 mil GSP Isabelle player when i'm at 900K as Captain Falcon who I've only played twice online?

Deleted member

I just still have yet to see what Elite Smash even looks like. My :ultzelda: is 1.8mil and nothing. My :ultlucina::ultcorrin::ultrobin::ultyounglink::ulttoonlink::ultzss: are all above 1mil. I just want to know what I should be shooting for because the lack of anything happening is irritating.
From what I can tell popular characters are harder to get into Elite since more people are getting to higher GSP with them AND there are more people to compete with. My Shulk got in at 1.3 mil while my Chrom is at 2 mil and nothing. Not to mention the inconsistency (my friend got to 1.8 mil with Chrom and got in,though he does have a more consistent winrate) alongside getting matched with people with different rulesets (**** omega stages and Smash balls tbh) and it's a bit of a mess


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Genuine question here: Does anyone actually have Fates as their favorite Fire Emblem game?
I know some people. I've argued with said people, but people can like what they like.

I haven’t tried a FE game besides Heroes yet.

I may try to get Awakening or Echoes.
Go Awakening, put it on casual mode, enjoy the story and general gameplay for the first time without stressing out over permadeath. That's the easiest way for people without tactics game experience to get into the franchise. It's how I did.

Awakening, on the whole though, is possibly the single easiest game in the series. So once you move on from that one, realize that you're going to be going up against a totally different sort of challenge, depending on which game you choose.
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