**** all y'all. I love echoes and am heartbroken, HEARTBROKEN, that we're not getting any as DLC.
RIP my Funky Kong echo idea for DK.
As for the current topic, I've been trying to get other people into Dragon Quest for a long time. It's a charming, subtly brilliant series that never truly got it's time to shine in the West, so I always try to recommend some of my favorites when I detect that they may be in the mood for something that Dragon Quest can provide.
However, Sugiyama has always been an obstacle. I genuinely like his music, especially for DQ5 (my current fave), but I also hate his guts. He's a war crime denier, among other sh*tty things. That said, for a while, this unfortunate detail was pretty underground and only people REALLY in the know about the creators knew about it. Most DQ fans in the West hate this and see it as a black mark in what is otherwise a beloved series.
Then, sometime this year, as DQ11 was being promoted as hard as possible by Square Enix, going through all the stops to make sure the West saw what Dragon Quest was and why they might like it, even doing things like adding voice acting, a first person mode, and a pre order bonus of the outfit the DQ8 protagonist wore since most western fans played that game cuz of the Final Fantasy 12 demo disc included with it,
a video started circulating on social media of Sugiyama hosting a talk show brought on an anti-LGBT politician to speak about how LGBT people shouldn't be taught about LGBT things in Japanese schools, and Sugiyama doesn't challenge her and let her speak her vile opinions freely.
People on the West, rightfully, condemned the video and Sugiyama, and logically and understandably many of them swore off the series and the new upcoming game. I 100% don't blame them.
Sugiyama f*cks it all up yet again. Uggggghhhhh
DQ11 seems to be doing okay on Steam and PS4, and who knows how the Switch port will do. All I know is that I can't wait for Sugiyama to retire or die so he can't taint this series I love anymore. At least one of the main party members, Sylvando, more or less stands against everything Sugiyama does and is very likely gay or bi, yet is considered one of the coolest and best characters both in and out of universe. So the rest of DQ seems very much against the unfortunate composer it's currently saddled with.