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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Guess that means you guys would rather it become Super Pokemon Bros. then huh?
Funnily enough I once had a dream long ago that included a Smash Bros.-like game except all the fighters were Pokemon; all I remember was that it had Pikachu (maybe, could've been Pichu or Raichu, though I feel it was Pikachu), Meowth, and maybe Jigglypuff. I think it may have also had a Smash 64-like character select, the game was made with N64-ish models, and there was some stage with a light-gray roof and black floor that may have included a jet or something.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I still wonder how the Inklings talks to anyone.
Sometimes they get a bilingual character to translate, but mostly everyone pretends to understand them. Or just projects what they wanna hear.

I am the sexiest man alive, aren't I?
:ultinkling:(dude, I just wanted the salt...)
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Funnily enough I once had a dream long ago that included a Smash Bros.-like game except all the fighters were Pokemon; all I remember was that it had Pikachu (maybe, could've been Pichu or Raichu), Meowth, and maybe Jigglypuff. I think it may have also had a Smash 64-like character select, the game was made with N64-ish models, and there was some stage with a light-gray roof and black floor that may have included a jet or something.
That was me back when I was a kid. I only ever played as Pokemon characters back then. It was also completely unrealistic in that I knew diddly squat about game development and wanted every single Pokemon to be playable. Part of that dream was also that it would be a DS game because I didn't own a Wii and only ever got to play Smash Bros at a weekly library event.

These days I'm satisfied with just Pokken. I really should play that game more.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
the hammer for Isabelle is another reason why I like Villager more
She also uses it in Amiibo Festival. It feels pretty good on her, as it shows off her more adorable side. Villager has a less cutesy style too, and his battle style feels more violent compared to her treating everything like a game. It works well, imo.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
I have been waiting YEARS for it. To go full circle by transferring my Torterra of ten years back to his old region will be probably the most beautiful moment in gaming for me.

Pls give Torterra better stats in the remake

stealing that image by the way
I feel terrible, I hacked my copy of Diamond too much with Action Replays and I lost my original save and by extension, my Torterra. His spirit will live on though, I'll never forget.

Let's Go fans and Gen 8 fans, you're just beta-testing for the real Pokemon games for Switch.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Gen 8 fans, you're just beta-testing for the real Pokemon games for Switch.
Who's to say I can't be excited for both Gen 8 and Gen 4 remakes?

A brand new adventure with new creatures to encounter, and a return to one of my most treasured gaming experiences? Sounds amazing.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Castlevania is also different in that aspect. Persona is different in that aspect to an extent.
Simon and Joker were still our picks.

I'm going off of these patterns because there is literally no reason we can offer as to why this specific one would break.
Let me warn you about patterns.

I was proclaiming that we'd get Isaac, Geno, and whatever other big requests remained after Daisy, Ridley, King K. Rool, and Simon. Geno especially would've fit the pattern the best as one of the characters who has been requested for over a decade, but would finally get his chance alongside so many others.

Then we got Isabelle, Ken, and Incineroar. Anything can happen now.

The only thing we can have faith in is that DLC characters need to be big and popular enough to sell on their own, as well as be suitable for a complete package with a stage and music. Isabelle/Ken/Incineroar wouldn't sell as DLC characters, but can be sold in the bundle with the other newcomers that brought more hype. At least Joker put to death the idiotic idea that all these DLC characters would be corporate promotions meant to advertise other games primarily. So you're right in saying that there's less reason that this pattern would break.

However, it's still entirely possible we can get someone that doesn't fit that mold and everyone goes "Really?" Corrin being one of the last DLC characters is another example. You had a pattern of Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta, but then Corrin's in there, too.

Deleted member

If we're talking about Pokemon, gimme Mightyena. That thing carried my Alpha Sapphire Nuzlocke: It survived a blow that would have killed it, it took down major threats, it survived the Elite 4 when my starter was lost on Victory Road...

I named him Doggoo. He was a good boy.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
She also uses it in Amiibo Festival. It feels pretty good on her, as it shows off her more adorable side. Villager has a less cutesy style too, and his battle style feels more violent compared to her treating everything like a game. It works well, imo.
I love the hammer for its comedic value and how it fits perfectly for Isabelle’s personality, I just wish it had more combat utility.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Let me warn you about patterns.

I was proclaiming that we'd get Isaac, Geno, and whatever other big requests remained after Daisy, Ridley, King K. Rool, and Simon. Geno especially would've fit the pattern the best as one of the characters who has been requested for over a decade, but would finally get his chance alongside so many others.

Then we got Isabelle, Ken, and Incineroar. Anything can happen now.

The only thing we can have faith in is that DLC characters need to be big and popular enough to sell on their own, as well as be suitable for a complete package with a stage and music. Isabelle/Ken/Incineroar wouldn't sell as DLC characters, but can be sold in the bundle with the other newcomers that brought more hype. At least Joker put to death the idiotic idea that all these DLC characters would be corporate promotions meant to advertise other games primarily. So you're right in saying that there's less reason that this pattern would break.

However, it's still entirely possible we can get someone that doesn't fit that mold and everyone goes "Really?" Corrin being one of the last DLC characters is another example. You had a pattern of Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta, but then Corrin's in there, too.
We're considering entirely different patterns is the thing.
One was wishful fan thinking.
One is just...logical, not really debated nor wishful thinking. Just...kinda obvious.

But I totally get what you're saying.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
If any Undertale characters gets my blessing, it's the one that loves Yoshi the most...

Pfft, like that would ever happen :yoshi:
That'd be Asriel..well..Deltarune alternate universe Asriel at least..your/his mother references Smash Bros. and says he liked 'the green lizard or dinosaur (I forget which she said)' and even had a party themed around it with green spotted eggs, crying when his dad used em for breakfast.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
I want some sort of Squirtle echo but if being attached to PT's gimmick isn't already an obstacle, the fact that you switch between PT mons and original/echo fighters on the CSS with Y will be.
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
...How is this my fault? You didn't even reply to my own post...I'm replying when you go to others about Poochy.
Also I don't really...see where you imply he isn't likely, you seem decently confident in him, but I won't shove words in your mouth.

Sorry if I came off as rude-rough night. But for the record, I really do love the dog; heck I made him a moveset back in the day.
Don't stop believing.

BTW, what I was saying was that he's a secondary character starring in his own series.
Okay, I'm sorry for dragging this out. I was just trying to get my thoughts across but it's failing as I'm trying to rush things for flying out in the morning. I'll just make these last points as best I can:

I am more confident in Poochy's chances right now than I was before (where I thought he'd be an Assist Trophy). That doesn't mean I think he's likely or that it's even a 1/3 chance. He's certainly more likely than my most wanted, Boshi, at the very least where you'll never see me seriously argue he's "likely" lol...

I have no reason to disbelieve that he's one of your most wanted and I understand that you want to seem reasonable in his chances. It's just that disregarding him due to circumstances that could be interpreted different ways seems unnecessary to me.

And about that Yoshi being a secondary character who has his own series, both can be true. He can be a secondary character in one series AND a main character in another, and one shouldn't affect the other.

Okay, I'm done now. Again, sorry for dragging this out...

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Okay, I'm sorry for dragging this out. I was just trying to get my thoughts across but it's failing as I'm trying to rush things for flying out in the morning. I'll just make these last points as best I can:

I am more confident in Poochy's chances right now than I was before (where I thought he'd be an Assist Trophy). That doesn't mean I think he's likely or that it's even a 1/3 chance. He's certainly more likely than my most wanted, Boshi, at the very least where you'll never see me seriously argue he's "likely" lol...

I have no reason to disbelieve that he's one of your most wanted and I understand that you want to seem reasonable in his chances. It's just that disregarding him due to circumstances that could be interpreted different ways seems unnecessary to me.

And about that Yoshi being a secondary character who has his own series, both can be true. He can be a secondary character in one series AND a main character in another, and one shouldn't affect the other.

Okay, I'm done now. Again, sorry for dragging this out...
All valid points. No apologies needed, thanks Zin.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
That'd be Asriel..well..Deltarune alternate universe Asriel at least..your/his mother references Smash Bros. and says he liked 'the green lizard or dinosaur (I forget which she said)' and even had a party themed around it with green spotted eggs, crying when his dad used em for breakfast.
Lol I know...


Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
So on an unrelated note... does anyone actually use the echo-stacking feature? 'Cause I feel like they introduced it to be safe in case people were butthurt about echoes, but I can't see anyone actually wanting to do it. Personally, I don't really see the point or value in it; I'm just curious to know if anyone's actually been using it.

Just a random thought I had.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
Yes. Persona 5 is huge, especially in Nintendo's home turf. Persona Q2 (exclusive to the 3DS) was sitting on Famitsu's most wanted list at the top for months.
yeah this is some ridley style revisionism here, joker was only considered by a handful of people and the reason why joker was so exciting as a reveal was because nobody expected it to ever happen. a surprise isn't logical, that's the exact opposite of a surprise

Deleted member

So on an unrelated note... does anyone actually use the echo-stacking feature? 'Cause I feel like they introduced it to be safe in case people were butthurt about echoes, but I can't see anyone actually wanting to do it. Personally, I don't really see the point or value in it; I'm just curious to know if anyone's actually been using it.

Just a random thought I had.
I don't. All it does is add extra menuing when trying to pick a character. It's way more convenient to let them sit next to who they're based off of.


Sep 26, 2013
If it wasn't Joker, I was expecting something from Atlus at the very least.

They're one of the longest running 3rd parties that have supported Nintendo since the Famicon era that still hasn't gotten anything in Smash.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
So on an unrelated note... does anyone actually use the echo-stacking feature? 'Cause I feel like they introduced it to be safe in case people were butthurt about echoes, but I can't see anyone actually wanting to do it. Personally, I don't really see the point or value in it; I'm just curious to know if anyone's actually been using it.

Just a random thought I had.
I'd only think it's useful if they add more echoes in the future and unstacked echoes make the CSS an eyesore.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
So on an unrelated note... does anyone actually use the echo-stacking feature? 'Cause I feel like they introduced it to be safe in case people were butthurt about echoes, but I can't see anyone actually wanting to do it. Personally, I don't really see the point or value in it; I'm just curious to know if anyone's actually been using it.

Just a random thought I had.
I don't even know how I'd do it even if I wanted to :yoshi:


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes

If you're going to want characters that will sell well from a popular series then Joker's absolutely a logical character to come to.
Yeah, he was the protagonist of one of the most popular and renowned games of 2017 in both Japan and the west. Of course he makes sense.

But a month ago people were saying that obscure characters from Japanese mobile games were going to be DLC. Because that's somehow more logical.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
So on an unrelated note... does anyone actually use the echo-stacking feature? 'Cause I feel like they introduced it to be safe in case people were butthurt about echoes, but I can't see anyone actually wanting to do it. Personally, I don't really see the point or value in it; I'm just curious to know if anyone's actually been using it.

Just a random thought I had.
I don’t cause I think the concept is dumb, I forgot it was a thing until now and I don’t even know how to.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Yeah, he was the protagonist of one of the most popular and renowned games of 2017 in both Japan and the west. Of course he makes sense.

But a month ago people were saying that obscure characters from Japanese mobile games were going to be DLC. Because that's somehow more logical.
I wanna clarify what I was saying

My "logical pattern" was that the third party reps would all be protags


Sep 26, 2013
Yeah, he was the protagonist of one of the most popular and renowned games of 2017 in both Japan and the west. Of course he makes sense.

But a month ago people were saying that obscure characters from Japanese mobile games were going to be DLC. Because that's somehow more logical.
Even though we know said leak had nothing to do with Smash, it still wouldn't surprise me if this came to pass.

Cygames is ****ing huge in Japan now, and they have the connection with Nintendo through Dragalia Lost, and Nintendo owning stock in the company.
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