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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
The most I want to know as soon as possible are all the character unlock methods. It's been a little frustrating that we haven't got any info on that other then of course World of Light being the scenic route/slower method and us being pretty sure that Vs. Match unlocks will return (Which if it has the same 10 matches per character rate. Will take over 650 matches to get everybody. So that method would still about 6x longer then it took for Smash 4)

We did hear that unlocking them all should only take at most a couple of hours. But we don't know what exactly those methods are. I hope we get information on that soon.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2018
Well, away from leaks and a bit to my own speculation. I've basically come to terms with Rex and Spring Man not being in, because frankly the Mii Fighter costume on Spring Man looks like a solid compromise.

Like, I feel as though if Spring Man and Rex were eligible they would be in the game. Assuming ARMS survives long enough as a series for a future Smash game, I feel like Spring Man could definitely be playable. Rex, well, I'm not so sure about. By that point, I fully expect Xenoblade 3 or X2 will be out.

I've mentioned it to a few other people but I simply feel that Sora is probably the biggest non-playable, not currently appearing character in Smash. With Kingdom Hearts 3 coming, and having personally just played through pretty much the entire series except for the Fragmentary Passage, I can see why people love it so much. I used to be the type of person who didn't play it because, "Keep Disney away from muh vidya" but I'm quite glad I've played through it.

Sora could absolutely work without Donald or Goofy, especially because, well, Dream Drop Distance is literally only playing as Sora and Riku on their own. It may seem weird to not have any references to Disney if he were in, but it's entirely possible.

I'm not really sure how likely Sora is to be a Downloadable character for Smash Ultimate, but I would say he's probably "the whale" of the bunch. If Nintendo and Sakurai can strike a deal with Disney and Nomura, then I really do believe that seals the deal of not only Playstation All-Stars being completely BTFO, but similar to Infinity War, I simply don't think there will ever be something this big ever again.

I mean, at this point I think Sora is the best choice for a supplementary Square Enix character (even if the series is owned by Disney), but that doesn't mean that I think he's the most likely. I really am not sure what to think about it, because Sora requires quite a bit of work to get the licensing for. It's not just Square Enix, but Disney. With the music, the music is comprised of Disney remixes and then original tracks that are probably expensive to use.

I can't see why Nintendo and Sakurai wouldn't at least broach the subject, because if you are able to work out that deal then the value of the "guests" despite already being absolutely insane, would still be ramped up even more.

Plus, just the fact that you could have Cloud vs. Sora, the Master Sword, Buster Sword, Monado, Keyblade, and various other swords in the same game would just be crazy.

Just a few years ago I was very much against Sora. Now? I would totally love to see him.
This right here pretty much sums up how I feel about Sora's chances.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
Hey guys.
I just wrote up this essay that provides evidence for the possibility of my most wanted character (Reimu from Touhou) for Smash. Give it a read if you have the time :)
Seeing in Reimu in Ultimate would be amazing. She honestly deserves to be in. I'm still baffled that she's become popular enough to gain notoriety amongst some groups in our fandom (Smash's). That's commendable, honestly.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I want to know the quickest way to get to my boi in WoL. It doesn't really matter for unlocking reasons because he's a starter, but for the story mode I want to be able to use him as much as possible.

I don't want to take the Marth path and find out that Yoshi was in the Villager path and I have to wait longer for example...


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2018
I know you're reading this. Vote 2B.

Could you not leak something for FIVE MINTUES!!!!

Fixed it for-
Guys I just got the news: ProfiasaGaming got the early copy.
R U N.

God has forsaken us.

Profasia, why must you be like this?
This isn't good... Not good.. He's not good.
EDIT: I fixed it again.
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Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Shadow and Isaac :smirk:
Speaking of Shadow since I haven't acknowledged his existence since his deconfirmation, I'm impressed with the detail on Shad's AT this time around. Shadow, uh...looks good this time.

  • The nice green vortex effect.
  • He doesn't just float in place the entire time.
  • He changes positions and facial expressions.
  • He actually uses his trademark green Chaos Emerald like in the games like so:

Compare that to this rigid pile of emotionless ****:

TyrantLizardKing TyrantLizardKing Just wanted to say that at least he looks more like Shadow this time around. He's straight out of Heroes' Team Blast or the SA2 cutscene. and *barfs* 06.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I want to know the quickest way to get to my boi in WoL. It doesn't really matter for unlocking reasons because he's a starter, but for the story mode I want to be able to use him as much as possible.

I don't want to take the Marth path and find out that Yoshi was in the Villager path and I have to wait longer for example...
I think you'll be able to get to him either way. You need this for unlocking, they wouldn't just keep you from unlocking fighters if you don't pick a certain route.

I get it though, the faster I get to Woomy and Nico the better.

Yup, that's going in the blessed images folder.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Here's another way to block spoilers for when the time comes (works for Chrome only though):
There's also a chrome extension that lets you completely block certain channels from appearing.

If anyone's interested, it's literally called "Video Blocker". You just right click on the channel in question and click on block.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
I kinda doubt it, but how would you guys feel about Ryu Hayabusa? I figure they'd pull mostly from the NES Ninja Gaiden games.
Well, you have one of his disciples right here, so I'd be excited at least. I want three ninjas for a a themed Squad Strike team.

I'd also imagine some of his move could come from DoA, and perhaps alts for both of his looks could work. The music, though...


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I'm sorry to hear that...
Thanks. It was just one thing after another, I'd get better after this week. So, um, Smash.

Well, you have one of his disciples right here, so I'd be excited at least. I want three ninjas for a a themed Squad Strike team.

I'd also imagine some of his move could come from DoA, and perhaps alts for both of his looks could work. The music, though...
Finish the trio: :ultgreninja::ultsheik:


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
Guys I just got the news: ProfiasaGaming got the early copy.
R U N.
I hate that guy.
I dunno who that is
He is the biggest douchebag on YouTube. If there is a way to spoil fans of a game. He will make sure to put it in a thumbnail. And he does this on purpose. He doesnt care who gets spoiled and has no respect for people that want to wait to get the game for themselves.

There is a secret boss or final boss in your game? He will spoil it.
Want to discover the game yourself? He will make sure to put as more info on the game as he can.
Care about the story and want to experience it with the game? Too bad, ProsafiaTime!
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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Thanks. It was just one thing after another, I'd get better after this week. So, um, Smash.

Finish the trio: :ultgreninja::ultsheik:
Seriously though, I really want to say everyone got :ultgreninja:'d with the next reveal.

I'm uncomfortable with just two ninjas (BOTW Link doesn't count; you know what I mean), honestly.
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